Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Club Penguin Down - New Features Launch TODAY!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats
Club Penguin is planning the launch of the new features later today! You will not be able to login during the launch. I don't know how long it will be down, but it should be pretty cool when it is back up. Remember to look for:
Updated igloo background
New server selection
Penguin Mail (envelope in top left corner)
New Player Card sorting
I can't wait, can you? Keep checking back I will let you know as soon as it is up and running!
If you click on the penguin at: http://play.clubpenguin.com/down/index.html he will change clothes. Thanks, Haein!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
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That is so cool! =D
Omg sooo cool i cant u rock cp
hey i did a comment about that a minute ago
I can't wait!!! =DDD
I keep refreshing cp again and again.
I can't wait!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!
cool cool cool cool!
I CANT WAIT FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!! :D!!
by the way i'll keep checking! ;) - wink -
cool! I hope they are good! :D
- Rocky020799
cool cool cool i stay up till 2 waiting to see if its there but they dont add it itmeditly. omg somemany days of staying up its here!
lol i hav soccer in 2 hours so it might be done by then yay im so goin on wen i get bak yay!
from soccer8kid
how do u know?
yes mimo i was the first to hear about it. in that moment i was playing cp with friends, i lost connection! than i went back and i looked on the address of cp and it was play.clubpenguin.com/DOWN/index.htm!!!
Mimo i just checked. It said they are off for a short time. I hope they hurry up. I need to feed my puffle!!!!
awesome! man I can't wait. lol. and its today!!!!
soccer8kid said...
hey i did a comment about that a minute ago
Some comments get rejected because they either had too much !!!, used bad language, its pointless, or if its too negative, if you have a website. Maybe you had something of that or mimo just didn't get to your other comment yet.
-Sparkforever(CPG mod)
CP is temporary down right now!
I Can't WAIT!
Dear CPG moderators...
It's me again. Asdfghjkl888. Uhmmmm. Thanks for answering my question. Now, Did Mimo's easiest party to find out already happended? Thanks. I really want to go on Club Penguin to check out the cool new stuff their doing.
P.S. Ok, if you want to come to my party, look for my party clues on the DS game comments. Ok! See ya there!
Wow! I just saw this is gonna be awesome!
BOOYA! This is gonna rock like rocks! Just kidding its gonna be awesome!
Hey guys!
It's Pearlwhite27!
I hope it's done before my bff and i go to a concert! I can't wait!
omg i cant wait! yes! its already here! this is so cool!
Cool, Im Drawing To Get Over The Wait! :)
woopee!!! i cant wait!!! i LOVE your site mimo777!!!
sparkling ic
I CAN'T WAIT!!!! YAY!!!!!
cool do u no when it cp is back on
Hey anonymous!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: how do u know?
A: If you try to log onto Club Penguin, a message shows up saying that the website is temporarily down due to important changes. These changes are the new server selection, new igloo background, penguin mail, and new player card sorting. I hope you like it! I hope this helps!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
-Sprouse 97
Anonymous said...
Dear CPG moderators...
It's me again. Asdfghjkl888. Uhmmmm. Thanks for answering my question. Now, Did Mimo's easiest party to find out already happended? Thanks. I really want to go on Club Penguin to check out the cool new stuff their doing.
P.S. Ok, if you want to come to my party, look for my party clues on the DS game comments. Ok! See ya there!
Dear Asdfghjkl888,
No Mimo didn't have his party yet. He still didn't give us all of the clues. So look for more clues. Good luck on solving them =D.
-Sparkforever(CPG mod)
Hey Asdfghjkl888!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: Did Mimo's easiest party to find out already happened?
A: I don't really understand what you mean, but I'll try to answer this! If you mean the Easy Party from a couple months ago, then yes, that already happened. Sorry! But if you mean the "Mimo Met Rockhopper Party," then it's good luck for you! Mimo has posted two out of his four party clues for the rockhopper party. Good luck and I hope this helps!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Anonymous said...
how do u know?
because club penguin is currently down. press play now and it says it
Aiondalia CPG mod
I CANT WAIT EITHER! im so exited now ill be able to get changed faster with the knew player card thing! and im so exited about penguin mail!
That's Awesome!!! Can't wait! =D
Awesome I just went on and it told me!! I can't wait!! I'm going to check CPIP!!
Hey matt!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: cool do u no when it cp is back on
A: The new features launch just started now, so it will take probably a couple hours. Just be patient, they will come! Hope this helps!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
yay finally! we have been waiting for what seamed forever!
dallas28428 aka the cool penguin
Its Down Right now I cant wait
matt said...
cool do u no when it cp is back on
Cp will probably be on in a few hours. Because they have so much new features they have to launch so it will take them sometime.
-Sparkforever(CPG mod)
wow cool
YAY!!! ive been waiting 4 this 4ver! THNX Mimo777. U rock! This iz as great as the DS game. I have a gold legend of Zelda limited edition DS Lite, so im getting that
wow so awesome! YAY!
OMG! i lost track of time with the new features that i forgot about it! but i checked it out could not believe my eyes! Awesum!
:D - :) - Hooray!
OMG! i soooooo cant wait im soooo excited for it to come out from the sneak peaks it looks like it is goin to be amazing and i think that almost all of the penguins will use it like twenty four seven!
hey mimo, when r u gonna post the cpg moderators?
cool! :P
YAY! I going to try to see if I can right now! Thanks Mimo!=D
good that the features r coming :)! bad that u can't play at this moment :(!
I was gonna get my friend a fish pond :(!
Sparkforever said...
That is so cool! =D
July 15, 2008 11:17 AM
Well Winter47 said:
OMG!!! i'm so excited!! U rock CP!!! :)
Hey henrie4d!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: hey mimo, when r u gonna post the cpg moderators?
A: That is a great question! If you look there now, Kimberrlley1, Jessicamary, Blackpearl8 and Floobersnoot are now CPG Moderators! It says "more to come...," so I think he will add more very soon! Remember, keeping up a website and getting all the info on Club Penguin is very hard work! =) Hope this helps!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey guys!
It's Pearlwhite27!
This is so cool that the new features are out today! I really do hope they get here before 5:00! (that's when my best friend and i leave for the concert) Sorry I keep on talking about this concert lol!
im still exited im gonna play games at addictinggames.com
the suspense is killing me i need cp to be open 24-7!
and i also cant wait for MIMO to post new clue! please post me clue please!cant wait for party and cp to be open!
sincerly, i luv swans
*w00t w00t!!* xD
'bout time...o.O
mimo you are so helpful!
you're friend goofy73
ITS 12:58 CPT
This is going to be soooo cool
~ your fan Omar07
...(dots!!!) I have no way of entartening myself. Maybe first of all I can learn how to spell better
Cp is takin like a long time to put this thing in i bet it will be like seriously kool! U rock mimo cp too!!!! :D
Lala world!!! =DDD going crazy.......xD
Bai bai I'm gonna stop commenting now
I have waited long enough!!!!!
awsome1!! hey mimo if you click on the penguin whille the site is down then the penguin will chane outfits!!!!!!
awso me i'll log later
PS MishMash I will try and log on tonight-I'm sooo sorry if I can't make it!
henrie4d said...
hey mimo, when r u gonna post the cpg moderators?
Yeah Ive been waiting for that to haha. i bet they are coming soon because it says more to come
Ive been checking cp every day for the new features finally there launching today!
Finally!!! I can't wait! =)
Awesome Pen7 here,
henrie4d asked ",hey mimo, when r u gonna post the cpg moderaters?"
Well he already posted some. He will add them as he goes along. They are on the right side bar. Check it out!
Your friend,
Awesome Pen7(CPG Moderater)
mimo i bet you worried...better be done soon.;-)
im going on at 1:00am to see if it is done
Ugh! im soo excited i just cant wait but what really stinks is that i have baseball in like 2 hours so i hope that it will be up and running by then! =)
im waaaaiiiting! sooo excited! yay!
still not done
THIS IS SO BORING! I CANT WAIT!!!!!waiting is sooooo boring! but i really think it will be worth it!!!!!
Hey all!
Kimberrlley1 here! Im finally moving to the hills! Sorry i havnet been posting :[! Ive been packing up lol!
Thanks all &+ thanks mimo!'
WOOHOO!!! It's the moment we've all been waiting for!! well, ... still waiting.... is it done yet?=D
AURGH!!! The wait is sooo infuriating!!!!Im so excited though!
hey im was wondering how do you become a moderator???? please tell me :)
Do we have to wait???????????
It better not take long!
im going to try now
I am so tired of waiting...its gonna take forever... X.x
Yo Mimo! I bet your worried and excited.;-) You know what i'm tlking about.wink wink
no its still down i just checked.....im bored
i luv swans here cp is back on mine
Hey everyone! C2 here!
Flower 8999 said...
hey im was wondering how do you become a moderator???? please tell me :)
My Reply...
Well, to become a moderator, just answers people's questions that they post on this blog, like I'm doing with you. And only when you're answering a question you can sign your name like this:
Flower8999 (CPG Moderator)
But to become an "official" moderator, Mimo777 has to chose you. For Mimo777 to chose you, you need to be frequently answering other's questions. :)
Hope this helps!
tick-tock, tick-tock... time seems to be moving slower. i hope they will get done with the features soon. can't wait! =D
Hey flower8999!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: hey im wondering how do you become a moderator????
A: That is one of the questions I love answering! Becoming a CPG Moderator is super easy! Just look for questions in the comments, and answer them! You are not an official member of CPG though. It's just a great way to help Mimo out with all the questions that people ask! Oh, and remember, sign your name like this after you have answered the question:
flower8999(CPG Moderator)
Have fun! I hope this helps!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
ok to see when it acually goes on we should check like every half an hour to see if it is running and if it is POST IT ASAP!!!!!!!!!
10 decades later... Still excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Im becoming hyper!!!
-Hyper Mitz03!
Mimo, I noticed something odd about the background of the main page of the Club Penguin website. For a few weeks, did you notice how, instead of snow-topped mountains in the background, they had fluff-balls? Just big mounts of fluff! Now why would they change that? Or was it a glitch? Or will it be used in the future for who knows what? Today, maybe yesterday, it was changed back to snow-topped mountains. That's so odd!
(please post Mimo, if not, that's okay :)
I live in missouri U.s.a but on the most recent come ment its like two dude mimo where do you live? Its 4:40 here
Hey guys!
It's Pearlwhite27!
I got two words for all of you!
Calm. Down.
Club Penguin will be up in a couple hours! In the meantime, try doing something else that you enjoy, like reading, watching tv, or listening to music! That's usually how I pass my time when my internet is down or when Club Penguin is doing stuff like this. Be patient everyone, it will come!
=[ Still not out yet. How many hours passed?
flower8999 you assked how do you become a moderrator to become one you look threw the comments and anwser peoples questions like i am anwsering yours.
pearl what concert are you going to??
the link is not even clickable .
Omg!Clubpenguin is my life!NOW i temporarily have to life.:-( lol
how long does it take anyway?
quinn this is taking for ever, but i cant what
long live clubpenguingang
Sparkforever you asked:
How many hours has passed?
The answer to that is maybe 1-2 hours.Just be patient and calm down.Clubpenguin should be fished soon.
anonymous said: WOOHOO!!! It's the moment we've all been waiting for!! well, ... still waiting.... is it done yet?=D
no it is not done yet it might be in a couple hours or minutes :( but on the bright said it will be worth it.HOPE THIS HELPS!!
-coolio too (cpg moderator)
i want to play
i am so bored.right now i am watching disney channel and checking clubpenguin like every 5 minutes.
its quinn again
life tamoraily it is taking long because it is hard to install the features
quinn cp moderater
I gota question for ya...
Are you bored like we are? Checking the blog every 2 minutes?Whatever.you probably are.
Ok, it says on the Community Blog thing that are squashing some more bugs right now!!!!!! NO FAIR!!! Squash 'em later and let us on now! AURGH I can't wait!
mimo what happens if it is not done in time wink wink know what mean.
long live mimo
I'm reading Iliad by Homer while waiting...
ok... when will this acually go on becuase with the last time that we had to wait it took like two days! i DO NOT want to wait two day!!! if it comes on POST IT ASAP!!!
Still waiting..........................
oh ya! I forgot! Mimo made a new post
Thanks coolio too for answering my question, "WOOHOO!!!it's the moment we've all been waiting for!! well,...still waiting...is it done yet?=D." I appreciate it.
Waddle On! ~ Surfrpengin =)
peoples?!?!? why wont you post? I'M SOOOOOO BORED!!!!
I just can't wait. This is going to be really cool!!
Let's go CP! Lets go!
still loading.cant wait.
YAHOO! ITS COMING TODAY! YIPEE! i thought it would be thursday but its tuesday! YIPEE! I LOVE CLUB PENGUIN! THANK YOU MIMO!
the green puffles at the ice rink!
i found out sumthing too.when you go on the servers.its not the ones you most go on.its the ones that u went on last.cuz when i went on to check my friends,mammoth wasnt there.cuz i like aslways go on mammoth.weeeeiiird.idk if thats
helpful but.i just found that out.
Mimo! I found out that when you dance with a guitar your penguin doesn't set it down.
Hey Mimo! When you adopt a puffle it gives you one of every puffle for only the price of the one you bought! But the rest are called "undefined" except the one you intended to buy which has the name you gave it
Hey Mimo! When you adopt a puffle it gives you one of every puffle for only the price of the one you bought! But the rest are called "undefined" except the one you intended to buy which has the name you gave it
MIMO!!! for FIND PLAYER they made it a question mark! Was it like that before? Am I a total airhead????
Awesome!!! Hurray!!! :)
woo hoo!
This is to wooty!!!
at last!
Hooray! U rock mimo!
rock on dude!
Mimo, you're a dude! rock on!
mimo777 can you please post some of my messages i feel like you hate me and im really sorry for being mean to you please forgive me:(
hey mimo! did you know that if you click on the bag on the card you get first you get a free item! try it its a blue bag
lemonator2 (cp name)
Something is wrong! Mimo! What do I do?
It says that one of my friends is on two servers and that he is in his house, but he is not! Help me! What do I do? It is confusing!
Shell Bell1
Something is wrong! Mimo! What do I do?
It says that one of my friends is on two servers and that he is in his house, but he is not! Help me! What do I do? It is confusing!
Shell Bell1
Hey clank 5!
It's Pearlwhite27!
Mimo doesn't hate you! Maybe you were using too many "!!!" or using bad language. If the post seemed offensive or rude he might not have posted it. Or it might have just not gotten through. Mimo doesn't hate you, he loves all of his fans!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey pinkgirlhsm!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: for FIND PLAYER they made it a question mark! Was it like that before? Am I a total airhead????
A: Lol, no, you're not a total airhead! I was thinking the same exact thing when I saw the new quesiton mark for "Find Player." It used to be a face with eyes but no mouth...it sounds kinda weird lol! No, it was not there before and it is total new!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
you and zoom in on club penguin its soooo cool
Hay dude the get your stuff thing at your house changed too.
When you go surfing it says: (your penguin name here) is urfing
lol thats a funny glitch
well mimo hasnt given any more clues to his rockhopper party yet, cuz he's probably uber busy! and who can blame him? all these updates, emails, managing his new ebook and album sales, his new website, and lots more!
anyone can be a cpg mod, and you dont need to ask mimo
cp should be back up now, but there are still lots of bugs and glitches to look out for!
and yes, the find player function is now a question mark button =] good obervations!
guys, im so sorry that i havent been able to post a lot lately, cuz ive been gone, my internets been down, and also i have a ton of summer homework =[ sorry again!
lol i found my friends puffles at my igloo and when i went to town then my igloo her puffles were back then i did that again the puffles were at my igloo i know hilarious i think it was because of the new features
Dear Mimo.
I went to an igloo on the map and is saw a green puffle and a black puffle there.
Then I went to my igloo, and guess what?
The green puffle and the black puffle were in my igloo. Id taken them with me!
And one of them was outside my igloo, in the forest, and the other one was on the wall!
And when i clicked on their stat cards, it said their names were 'undefined'.
no, the buddy list isnt unlimited, its up to 300. but WAY better than 100!
"When you go surfing it says: (your penguin name here) is urfing
lol thats a funny glitch"
hey good observation! but its not a glitch, its just something cp added. see, a glitch is something thats not supposed to happen that cp wants to fix, they're just little bugs in the program =]
My puffles were different color when I went into my igloo. I have a blue, red, black and purple puffle and I had a Purple Black Yellow and Pink one today. All their names are undefined and when I click on them everything is low and they are blue.
try surfing with tour puffle. it will surf with you
And I found the green puffle in MY ROOM! I was like I have a green puffle?? LOL
The puffle is actually a different one cuz theres still one in the night club!
hey yube, thats right! good job finding that! but it only works for red puffles =]
hey mimo! i found a new update!!!!! so when u look at the list for the users in the room, its in alphabetical order instead of who was in the room first! please give me credit!
--Dabearsr1 20 (cp name)
mimo the pizza parlour when loading its coming pizzatron 3000
can u please add me as ur freind i i will always come in f jord please
some penguins have brown bags?
where can u get those?
"some penguins have brown bags?
where can u get those?"
well i believe they were sold in the clothing catalog some time back, so they're just for members. sorry!
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