Have you seen the Club Penguin blog and checked out all the new stuff coming? Cool. Coins for Change, Christmas Party (and free item), Rockhopper, the new play and new furniture catalog!
MIMO Q & A 4!
I haven't had an "Ask Mimo" in awhile. So if you are curious about me and CPG ask way! I'll answer the best questions in another post soon! Over on the right side bar you can read about "Who is Mimo 1, 2 & 3!"
It's almost Christmas for us in Americaland. And we have been having lots of online parties lately. And it's been a blast! We have a Mimo Club Penguin party coming up and if you can figure out the clues I will see you there! But I will be giving a few hints as well. ;-) Anyway, we will be having a few other crazy cool parties coming up. I can't tell you what they are yet.
Wow! Can you read this blog better now? Tell me if you like it better or worse.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

1 – 200 of 211 Newer› Newest»ccol free items! thats awesome and great
Mimo its easier to read!
I dont get the clues! --Otusk(CP name)
Your awsome Mimo
if you want to change the size of the text just press control and + to increase the size and press control and - to decrease to if you don't like it
Woo hoo! Yay for big letters!!
I like them better. That's the first thing I noticed when I looked at this post! I'm like, 'What on earth? What is Mimo up to now?!'
Waddle on!
it is not small anymore :)
Awesome i love the new words and know your secret site ;) rock on mimo and try to get the chat working again i loved it!
Josip52 said, "Mimo its easier to read!" Great comment about it being easy to read! Thanks!
~Duzy1(CPG MOD)
i mimo just wanted to ask how to get the brown belt im on purple right now as u see
anyway thx
PS:if u see my clubpenguin name its Silver silv
plz answer my question
it looks weird to me i don't like it
like the big words mimo
What happened to 9purplyn9 ????
i can read its awsomwe
I like it bigger! U rock mimo!!!
lol americaland
BTW Mimo, The party starts, like while I'm still in school. Did you do that on purpose? So less people would come? Uggg...
Bigger is better!
I don't really like the bigger text, so I made it look smaller (in my browser), and it's much better in my opinion.
Bigger words I like it cant wait till Mimo party and all the other parties and Christmas I am getting EPF for and I cant wait
awesome! i have my green belt and can't get past it! im so close too, i think! :P
it is way easier to read thnx mimo
cant wait!!
and yeah better!! lol it was fine but this is better!!
Have you noticed that since Disney took over CP, there are more things you have to spend money on to do?
Card-jitsu, toys and books with coin codes, membership dues--I can't afford it anymore!!
I think it is better with bigger words.
Sky 14
hmmm bigger letters eah well yep its way eaiser to read now thx mimo!
I like bigger and smaller! Both are fine. What ever you prefer
At your parties mimo you make people your buddy if they ask you an could you marry me?
i like the words!!waaaay easier
The big words are AWESOME MIMO! Oh I cant figure out the clues
Hey Guys,
Since I Got 1,000 Hits I Am Going To Have A Party. I Dont Have A Picture But Here Is The Info . . .
Wha39's Party
Who: Everyone
Why 1,000 Hits
Where: Ice Burg
Server: Icicle
When: December 18th 2008
I Will Play Games,Chat,Take Pic.,Video Tape It Maybe, and The People That Are Nicest To Me Will be Added (Probley About 5 Buddies). The Penguins There The Longest Will Have A Post All About Them and Their Site ( If They Have One) and If They'd Like Added To This Site As A Author.
Hope You Can Come
Waddle On
Mimo I have some bad news :(
I cant come to ur party cuz its my dad b-day i wish i come but i cant sorry Mimo I guess I have to wait till the next
nice font i love it
Wow! I like the bigger words. At first I thought it was my computer, but then I figured it out. I like it a lot better!
dear what ever mod is reading this
i am having issues with clue 1 please help!!!!!
signed 15rjelly
It is easier to read.
I liked the smaller font 2.
This size is so cool
sweet!! but im very sad.. today my
club penguin acount (Rabo4) go banned
Hey Mimo!!
I love the new words!!
I noticed them once I was on your site...
I have a question you might not answer and I'm fine if you dont :
How old are you?
I noticed on your videos that your voice is not what I thought it would be.
I get every single Clue except the 3rd One. ( Neo? Eon? Noe? )
I love the bigger size!
Question: Whats 1 reason that you like club penguin so much?
P.S: I luv the bigger words! So clear [;
~Iwata (Cp name)
Confupenguen and Leggofmyeggo! I'm your numbah 1 fan!
OOHHH!!! I love new items! can't wait for your new party! If you see me in your party, please add me!!
-Pikt (penguin name)
I like the big words. Big day Friday lots of new stuff.
Anonymous said...
I dont get the clues! --Otusk(CP name)
I'm sorry, That you don't get the clues...but if you look down thr blog you might just find something... -Elijahc149
Sweet! The clues are so hard. U ROCK MIMO!!!!
It's easier 4 people 2 read with glasses,but I don't have any,so don't really care.It's cool.;-)
mimo the words are way too big, but like them! And I have a question...Do you HONESTLY really think that CP can be fun without a membership?
Hey Mimo,
I'm officially 'retiring' from being a CPG Mod in training. I think I'll never get to be a Mod because since we are in different time zones, you usually post when it's still very early in the morning for me. When I get the chance to go on the blog, all the questions are usually answered. :(
CP name: Stargal 55
Big words look great mimo! Easy reading!
Your fan,
ps. ipodio29 is my CP name
dang mimo just gotta say dont like the big words im used to small words cause i read books anyhoo im going to go check out the blog right now catch ya later
I don't like the big words. It makes me feel like I'm reading a preschool book.
The words are alot easier to read. I luv it mimo!!!!!!!! You rock!!!!!
I thought something was different. Keep it I like it better
alot better
I like the Big Words there better
Mimo i was logging on here and WOW!'
is it just me or has mimo made the words bigger!
Hey mimo, this is for the Q&A.
Why aren't the first 3 missions posted on the side bar??
Bellabo90210 (CP Name.)
i dont like it!
if u couldn't see the last type you must be blind
Yes it's easier to read
youg3 said...
Mimo i was logging on here and WOW!'
is it just me or has mimo made the words bigger!
Yes, you are correct. The words are a lot bigger lolzzz...
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
youg3 said...
Mimo i was logging on here and WOW!'
is it just me or has mimo made the words bigger!
Yes, he did make them bigger, he said that in a post.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
its almost christmas here in Canadaland too.
-Blue dude776 :{)
buddytoe said...
Confupenguen and Leggofmyeggo! I'm your numbah 1 fan!
Thx dude! We should meet up some time!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
The big words are awesome! i thought it was my computer that was going wrong cause lol i new they werent the same, but i sorta like small ones, what ever goes! YOU ROCK!
Sand Flipper
i dont like it!
if u couldn't see the last type you must be blind
Its alright dont worry, it may not be the best but its just the font size what could it hurt?
Sand Flipper
123iceball said...
BTW Mimo, The party starts, like while I'm still in school. Did you do that on purpose? So less people would come? Uggg...
I don't think he would do that on purpose, but unfortunetly, i am effected also. Sorry mimo but your on mod might only be able to come for ten minutes because of school... everyone who doesn't know the day of the party, just think, out of the days, would i be effected if the party was on Saturday or Sunday? No, cause i dont have school then. so it must be. o nvm lol youll figure it out,
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
i like the big words better
Anonymous said...
At your parties mimo you make people your buddy if they ask you an could you marry me?
Lolzzz, NO!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
buddytoe said...
Confupenguen and Leggofmyeggo! I'm your numbah 1 fan!
Thx dude, lets meet up some time, tell me a place and server, and when and ill see if i can come
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
hey mimo i have a question, Eh Hem
Q: Mimo how long do you think it will take for someone to become a mimo mod?
ITs a good one! i think... but i know you will answer this i just know it!
Sand Flipper
Anonymous said...
Have you noticed that since Disney took over CP, there are more things you have to spend money on to do?
YES! i have notices:( I think it is kinda wierd that all they care about is money now...
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
i mimo just wanted to ask how to get the brown belt im on purple right now as u see
anyway thx
PS:if u see my clubpenguin name its Silver silv
plz answer my question
Well, you just keep playing competition mode and winning until, you eventually get the brown belt.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
123iceball said...
BTW Mimo, The party starts, like while I'm still in school. Did you do that on purpose? So less people would come? Uggg...
I think he might have... BUT i can luckely still come to half of it:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
It is MUCH easier to read! Thanks Mimo! AmericanLand LOL!
i dont like the big words that much
Bn28 said...
What happened to 9purplyn9 ????
Im not really sure who that is, but if she isnt posting anymore, then she probably doesn't play CP:(
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Have you noticed that since Disney took over CP, there are more things you have to spend money on to do?
I guess this is a question. Yes, i have. They do this for more money. You all know disney... lol they always want money. But they need money to run CP, so i guess its okay.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
i mimo just wanted to ask how to get the brown belt im on purple right now as u see
anyway thx
You just keep winin matches in card jitsu, and then eventually, you will become one!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Ox485 said...
Awesome i love the new words and know your secret site ;) rock on mimo and try to get the chat working again i loved it
Idk the secret site... Can someone tell me it? PLZZZ im a mod!!
Anonymous said...
At your parties mimo you make people your buddy if they ask you an could you marry me?
Lol. Mimo will not if you do that, he will probably never add you then because he thinks your weird lol. final answer is NO!:)
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo,
I'm officially 'retiring' from being a CPG Mod in training. I think I'll never get to be a Mod because since we are in different time zones, you usually post when it's still very early in the morning for me. When I get the chance to go on the blog, all the questions are usually answered. :(
CP name: Stargal 55
I'm pretty sure as long as you answer the question in your own special way, (dont copy what other mods say) youll eventually become a mod:)
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
dear what ever mod is reading this
i am having issues with clue 1 please help!!!!!
signed 15rjelly
Well the song is a Jonas brothers song. It is not called 7:05, so dont think that is the clue for the time, because it isn't.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Woah big letters at first i thought it was my eyes but maybe not. lol
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Mimo I cant go to your party because I have school
Anonymous said...
i mimo just wanted to ask how to get the brown belt im on purple right now as u see
anyway thx
PS:if u see my club penguin name its Silver silv
plz answer my question
You play Card-Jitsu and try to win it took me along time to become a brown belt.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
rocker530 why dont you want the wii?do you have one already?still need help on the date,please help. PLEASE.i need help!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
its almost christmas here in Canadaland too.
-Blue dude776 :{)
Yeah its almost Christmas in New Zealandland as well lol, X-mas in the summer
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
I like the big words, Mimo. They're way better. Btw, where did the first 2 party clues go? I can't find them! :(
I like it a lot its easier to read now
Anonymous said...
I dont get the clues! --Otusk(CP name)
Well dont worry ur not the only one, mimo will give out some hints show look out for them!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo,
I'm officially 'retiring' from being a CPG Mod in training. I think I'll never get to be a Mod because since we are in different time zones, you usually post when it's still very early in the morning for me. When I get the chance to go on the blog, all the questions are usually answered. :(
CP name: Stargal 55
No, you should keep trying im in a different time zone but i still try.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
i like the words thx:)
I don't like the big words.
Yesh, its easier 2 read but its annoyinggggg.
Mimoo changee it backkk plzzz
First I like small letters better. Second the party will be when everyone is having school :( THATS NOT FAIR!!
It's much more easier to read!
Mimo when are you joing to make a new cpg mod? I like to party with them.
NO! MIMO! YOU CANT! IM SO SAD NOW! I'LL BE AT SCHOOL! SNFSNFSNF...unless its am...and i cant do that either cuz i have school...snfsnfsnf. y'd u do this to me mimo???
15rjelly said:
dear what ever mod is reading this
i am having issues with clue 1 please help!!!!!
go to the bottom of mimo's'll help u and then google what u find. u'll figure it out! hope that helps!
~bubbagum4444(cpg Mod!)
how do i submit my question to the "ask mimo" section?
oh wow. i just rhymed. lol :P
wow i LOVe the bigger words
i luv the words!
Sand Flipper (Legendary Mod)
youg3 said:
Mimo i was logging on here and WOW!'
is it just me or has mimo made the words bigger!
yeah...mimo has made the words bigger! they are new and improved (and big) mimo posted words. lol! hope i helped!
~bubbagum4444 (cpg Mod)
Pinkgirlhsm said:
mimo the words are way too big, but like them! And I have a question...Do you HONESTLY really think that CP can be fun without a membership?
dear Pinkgirlhsm,
mimo can't answer questions on posts directly. there wouldn't be time in the day. but my opinion is that it can be an extent...because even if u cant buy clothes or more than 2 puffles or igloo stuff...u can still play games and become a ninja. so yeah i say u can. hope that helps! lol!
~bubbagum4444 (cpg Mod)
at first i was like "Im must be going crazy the words are bigger." but then i saw you inlarged them. But then you said '...I made them bigger...' and i was like COOL!!! BIG WORDS!!!
Bellabo90210 said...
Hey mimo, this is for the Q&A.
Why aren't the first 3 missions posted on the side bar??
dear Bellabo90210,
thats a very good question. i don't know y those missions aren't there. maybe because they've been out a very long time. but if u have any questions, just ask them in a comment and the other mods and I will help you as much as we can! hope that helps!
~bubbagum4444 (cpg Mod)
Stargal 55 said:
Hey Mimo,
I'm officially 'retiring' from being a CPG Mod in training. I think I'll never get to be a Mod because since we are in different time zones, you usually post when it's still very early in the morning for me. When I get the chance to go on the blog, all the questions are usually answered. :(
Dear Stargal 55,
don't give up. just because the questions have been answered doesnt mean that you can't add something helpful to it. i know personally that we dont always have all the info (unlike mimo probally lolz) so u cld probally add something helpful! hope that helps!
~bubbagum4444(cpg Mod)
Bigger is Better!
Cany wait till Friday!
I thought Firefox had changed it's text size :P
Silber silv said...
i mimo just wanted to ask how to get the brown belt im on purple right now as u see
anyway thx
PS:if u see my clubpenguin name its Silver silv
plz answer my question
Heyy! Just keep and beating penguin in competition mode! Try to not rush =) Good luck,
Stickers303 - Super Mod!
yea bigger words way better!
yeah there's a lot of things that are going to happen this Friday . wow this Friday im going to be on until probably midnight
ciciaz623 cpg
i dont like it!
if u couldn't see the last type you must be blind
I doubt that people couldnt see it, I just think Mimo wanted a change ;)
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
i dont understand you, Mimo, can you explain more. Sry 4 the inconvenience
i mimo just wanted to ask how to get the brown belt im on purple right now as u see
anyway thx
Just keep trying, try to play black belts/ninjas, and eventually you will get it ;)
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
Ya keep the big writing
Ive finally figured out the last clue! Its the date! Hehe... I wont give anything away, but lets just say weve still got a while to wait :) So all of you penguins trying to rush to figure out the clue, slow it down, you have time. And try checking out Mimos Twitter...
Pengwun Powa
Lol! Big words!! i thought i pressed something and it made it bigger xD You rock Mimo!
Its so much easier to read! Thanks Mimo!
To me it seems a bit odd. I liked the small words better.
Big words are better than small ones because I usually have to look really closely.
Mods Rock and So Does Mimo!
- Lolli0
(I love your ideas, Mimo. I really do!)
its worse it gets kinda confusing. i like it better small because you dont have to keep scrolling down with the smaller
i like the idea but maybe a tad smaller in the text size.
Just cleared my buddy list, so if u were deleted dont be sad. I only kept my best buddies on there, so if you still have me on ur list, feel privelidged!
Pengwun Powa
Ok if u want to meet up with me on CP we can do it from next week onwards becose i finish skool this week so ill be free to meet up with u guys! Post the server and other details on my blog thing and ill be sure to get it or post it on CPG
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Rabo4 said...
sweet!! but im very sad.. today my
club penguin acount (Rabo4) got banned forever
Well thats unfortunate but u need to be more careful about wat u say and do on CP unless it was an accident then u can email CP and see wats going on
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo,
I'm officially 'retiring' from being a CPG Mod in training. I think I'll never get to be a Mod because since we are in different time zones, you usually post when it's still very early in the morning for me. When I get the chance to go on the blog, all the questions are usually answered. :(
CP name: Stargal 55
Hey Stargal dont give up, lots of mods live in different parts of the world like u and we all find a way to work with the time difference. No CPG mod can answer all the Questions there r always lots left unanswered
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
I don't like the big words. It makes me feel like I'm reading a preschool book.
Lol when i think about it kinda does, doesnt it
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Pepa25 said...
Mimo I have some bad news :(
I cant come to ur party cuz its my dad b-day i wish i come but i cant sorry Mimo I guess I have to wait till the next
Oh well there will be alot more parties, maybe we could meet up on CP before the next party?
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
i liked it before wit the smaller words......
Anonymous said...
dear what ever mod is reading this
i am having issues with clue 1 please help!!!!!
signed 15rjelly
Hey look at the bottom of CPG for a big clue
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
im getting akk the clues so far, thanx for making it easier mimo!
I think that the word should not be too big it will take up more space
i hate the bigger words!Oh and i bought a nitendo ds and got nitendo wii=)
I dont like it no offence
you awsom mimo rock on !!!!!!!
Silver Silv asked...
"hi mimo just wanted to ask how to get the brown belt im on purple right now as u see
anyway thx"
"To get the brown belt you must keepbattling penguins in compotion mode. As you move up in belts it get more difficult to earn your next one. Good Luck"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
123iceball said...
"BTW Mimo, The party starts, like while I'm still in school. Did you do that on purpose? So less people would come? Uggg..."
"I dont think Mimo did it on pourpose, dont forget that where you live could have a different time zone than where Mimo lives. Here in Ireland its 1am when the party starts! :/"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Hey Mim !
I've go all of your clue !
Server,Time, and Date !
Anonymous said...
"Have you noticed that since Disney took over CP, there are more things you have to spend money on to do?
Card-jitsu, toys and books with coin codes, membership dues--I can't afford it anymore!!"
"Ya, I noticed that. Also during parties they give members special rooms and stuff so non-members will be gelouse and then they will want to get a membership"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Yeah this is pretty cool!
In response to Anonymous, who said:
i mimo just wanted to ask how to get the brown belt im on purple right now as u see
anyway thx
Hey! Just be patient and keep on battling. Trust me, you will be a brown belter and a ninja in no time!:D
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
Pinkgirlhsm said...
"mimo the words are way too big, but like them! And I have a question...Do you HONESTLY really think that CP can be fun without a membership?"
"I though Club Penguin was great fun and then I got amembership and now I dont know how I could live without one, they are so much fun"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
dear what ever mod is reading this
i am having issues with clue 1 please help!!!!!
signed 15rjelly
Hey! For the first clue, the clue is word which is part of a song performed by an individual member of the Jonas Brothers. Good luck!
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
cool, Mimo! The big words are awesome, and much easier to read!
-----------------------------------Reply to Otusk: Heres a tip to working out clues, mybe the words mean something or maybe there are hidden words... Hope that helped!
Reply to 15rjelly: If you're having trouble working out the first clue, try to read it not just forwards, but other ways too... ;)
these letters are CAPITAL! its much easier to read now! tnx for making The CPG Mimo!
P.S. your parties are just AWESOME!
yay! big letters!!!! they are also big. lol
definately better! (the big words)
wow! cnt wait 4 the party n rockhopper coming! he hasn't been here 4 ages n ages!
mimo777 i did not see any clubpenguin advertisement here in philippines......i wish i lived in america :(
katrinabugme (cpg fans)
omg geezers!!! no school today!! it was cancelled! woohoo!!
Yah you know about now i say yes a lot but i dont like big word it might be nicer for people with glasses then with me
Q for mimo 4
Do you wear glasses?
i liked the small words. :((
Hmm, I would prefer smaller words. Why don't you try a poll for choosing whether big words are good or bad?
Bellabo90210, this is the answer to your Q&A.
The older missions were posted a long time before the others, so there on a diff page.
OHHHHHHH MIMO! I NEED UR HELP! HERES MY QUESTION: ok well, in the newspaper they say the snowglobe is hidden in the better igloos catolog, but i looked and it wasnt there! are they lying or am i just too stupid to find it! please mimo make a vid of u showing me how to find the snowglobe igloo! i really want it for the christmas party! answer me please!
uhhh mimo cp said that if you click all words of snow in the igloo catalog that you would get the snowglobe iglooand i did! but nothing happened help plz!!!
whats mimo's favrite animal
Hi, Silver silv.
Your question was:
i mimo just wanted to ask how to get the brown belt im on purple right now as u see
anyway thx
Well, you just have to keep playing. As Mimo said before, you don't even have to win! Hope this helps
Whitelilly13 (CPG MOD)
better! coins for change and christmas stuff so sweet!
HEY MODS - sand,racer,leggo,confu,kiwi,stickers, & survivor
plz plz plz plz tell me the name of the song and the singer
p.s. hey mods can you plz tell me the servers you go....
$ rock rahul $
in response to silver silv
to get the brown belt(or any belt) just go talk to the sensei and go to challenge mode or you can just stand on the blue mats in the dojo and get points for both but you get most points for challenge get even more points if you beat penguins who have a higher belt.
primal prime (cpg mod)
i love it the free items!!!!I cant wait!!!!
I love reading your hints and tips :o)
've just found the silver surf board which is mentioned in the newspaper
heres my riddle of the day.
im just here to say hey hey.
mimos pretty rad dont you think.
hes a lot better then that fairy tink.
rockhopper is coming tomorrow forsure.
the snow is still oh so pure.
mimos blogs the place to be.
we already know because we always see.
christmas day is coming soon.
maybe there will be a full moon.
my penguins name chelseabawb.
i think she likes corn on the cob.
its the season for presents and joy galore.
we are collecting coins for the sick and poor.
they do their best to make club penguin awesome.
soon it will be time for flowers to blossom.
its chilly and cold.
so why dont you be bold.
and bye some colorful clothes.
before it gets closed.
but it wont become and ugly bag.
there soon will be another mag.
billybob and his team.
smile and gleam.
they do their best.
to welcome us guests.
so tell them thanks.
because it sure doesnt rank!!
chelseabawb.(please post this)
I Know The Clues Its The Chirstmas
server ans it at the pizza parlor
CP Name= 122ninjas said...
if you want to change the size of the text just press control and + to increase the size and press control and - to decrease to if you don't like it
since i came 2 see that many ppl preferred small words n others large, i gess u shud conduct a poll 2 decide what 2 choose...
It's better with small words. P.S. The party clues are relly confusing me!
Omg thanks so much Mimo =D
I have rubbish eyesight and found it a struggle to your posts , now I can see it great =P
And YAY I can't wait until Christmas =)
l.o.l from
Beth / Bluecat555
Anonymous said...
At your parties mimo you make people your buddy if they ask you an could you marry me?
dear anonymous
when ppl ask mimo to be his buddy he wont b there buddies anyway and i dont thikn mimo will marry u lool because hes only 13.:)
saavy (CPG Mod)
I love the bigger font! It's awesome!
Raymond said...
Hey Mimo!!
I love the new words!!
I noticed them once I was on your site...I have a question you might not answer and I'm fine if you dont :
How old are you?
I noticed on your videos that your voice is not what I thought it would be.
I get every single Clue except the 3rd One. ( Neo? Eon? Noe? )
dear Raymond
mimo is 13 years old. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Wow Mimo!
the writing is wayyy better to read now!
when i first saw it i was like WOW! Whats mimo up to LOL!
I like the smaller print a lot better. I made the site look better and more professional.
yo mimo! i dont get the clues! lolz oh do u have any info on when cp are gonna make a new mission for us bored agents?
I like the bigger letters! Keep em the way they are!
i like the smaller text mimo!
i dont like it to much! im to used to small letters! im such a bore i know!!!!!!
Yeah Big words are definatly better!!!
4dpeople said...
since i came 2 see that many ppl preferred small words n others large, i gess u shud conduct a poll 2 decide what 2 choose..."
"Thats actually a really good idea, maybe Mimo will do that."
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
I must admit I didn't notice the letters! Also, is there any point in becoming a mod if you live in a diffo time zone to everyone else...
coz i live in britain...
By the way isn't my cp name sooooo cool - Saladcream. no numbers. no superfluos letters. pure simplicity. lol
were is da party???
It looks good mimo!
Big font!
Better words!!!!! Way eaiser to read!!!!
I like it Mimo, no matter what, I can see your blog. I love it that Christmas is coming up. I want these things:
A Blue Pony
A Pink Pony
A Red Pony
A Purple Pony
A Green Pony.
JUST KIDDING! I want a puppy, and a wii.
Merry Christmas CPG!
I want a Santa Hat that says "Mimo is the best!"
Snopy101 said...
Mimo when are you joing to make a new cpg mod? I like to party with them.
He will make a new one when he decides someone was working hard enough to become one:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
joezapy said...
Yah you know about now i say yes a lot but i dont like big word it might be nicer for people with glasses then with me
Q for mimo 4
Do you wear glasses?
Well i dont know AT ALL but im going to say that he does. To me, when i picture him, is see a kid with glasses on:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Taiga said...
Hmm, I would prefer smaller words. Why don't you try a poll for choosing whether big words are good or bad?
You never no, he probably will:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
were is da party???
Well, go back to the first clue and check, it has something to do with a jonas brothers song.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
programmer1 said...
yo mimo! i dont get the clues! lolz oh do u have any info on when cp are gonna make a new mission for us bored agents?
Yes, they are making a new mission, member the post about the "orange puffle" on the drawing board.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
programmer1 said...
yo mimo! i dont get the clues! lolz oh do u have any info on when cp are gonna make a new mission for us bored agents?
Yea, he said like a week or 2 ago that in a few weeks there will be a new mission:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
were is da party???
Sorryzzz...But i cant just tell you. You can figure it out, dont give up!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
rock rahul1 said...
HEY MODS - sand,racer,leggo,confu,kiwi,stickers, & survivor
plz plz plz plz tell me the name of the song and the singer
p.s. hey mods can you plz tell me the servers you go....
$ rock rahul $
I cant tell you the name of the song, but i will say that it is by Jonas brothers. At least thats what I have.(im pretty sure im right) O, and yeah me and lego pretty much just go to Fjord, dont know about other mods tho.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
i mimo just wanted to ask how to get the brown belt im on purple right now as u see
anyway thx
Well, just keep going to competition mode and winning, and eventually you will become a brown and then black belt.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
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