Rockhopper is back on Club Penguin. I must find him. He brought back the Red Sailor's Cap, but it's not new. Bummer.
Here's how to find the free item cheat and other stuff.
Here is how to find Rockhopper's free item.
Step 1. Click on the Map in the lower left.
Step 2. Click on the Light House.
Step 3. Go on Rockhoppers ship, The Migrator.
Step 4. Go into the lower deck.
Step 5. Click on Rockhoppers map in the lower right.

Make sure you go in Rockhopper's Quarters and play Treasure Hunt. It's Christmasy!

And check out the Coins for Change stations and the Free Bell!

Must find... Mr. Rock Hop Er...
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Awsome Mimo!
this is awsome i have never seen rockhopers ship all christmasy
and i donate 500 coins to all three charitys
Go Mr Rockhopper =)
Awesome rockhopper is here!! ill help you go rockhopping k? my CP name is Dude15111. :)
How do you do it?
Every time I think I see something before CPG, you have already posted it! lol
You guys are good.
cool mimo your first again your always on track. I look up for you. :D
there is a orniment that if you find it you will get an extra 100 coins!
darn!! im not rare anymore!! they brought back the hat :( why do they keep giving out old items?? it makes penguins sad
in the treasure hunt there's an ornament and if you find it you will get 100 coins
Oh man!!I already had the red cap and the bell! Nothing new formeso! :(
Amanda Dlny
I love the decorations on the ship!
where is the ornament??? wow mimo, u get on right when the stuff comes out!!!!
Hey Mimo,
I just donated 500 coins to each coins for change cause!
Have you donated to coins for change yet?
I only got the sailors cap today but I already had the bell :( bummer. At least all those new penguins can get the opportunity to have a bell.
Mimo Rocks!
♡ Bubbles 1705
I never met rockhopper!! :(
im sorry u too dint see him:(
i hope i find him dis time:)
dey brought all old items too.too bad. but i dint hav da red hat.
for the treasure hunt game the emerald in the old game which is now a Christmas decoration in the Christmas version
plz post from
Peny 1010
hey, where's the key??
OK people! Haven't you thought that they bring back old items for the newest members? So what if the items are old. It's donating the coins and playing the games with your friends that matters. I'm new here and just joined about 40 days ago and I was looking forward to RH all week. I'm happy I got the bell and hat and the key icon. Thanks RH!! Thanks guys and have a wonderful holiday vacation!!!
this is so cool
Lab nab cab
bummer :(
Club Penguin Wave said...
Go Mr Rockhopper =)
Lol How about Mrs Rockhopper?
I luv the new catolog sooo much!
AWESOME thanks Mimo! I don't have his free item yet! I must, no I WILLL find Rockhopper!
Sweet! BELLS! As u can see i wasn't here for the last Coins for Change!
Merry Christmas Mimo!
I was up all night trying to find him.
mmmm why coudn't rockhopper get another item TOTALLY BUMMER
Skaterjessie said...
where is the ornament??? wow mimo, u get on right when the stuff comes out!!!!
Its something you can dig up while playing RH's game!:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Skaterjessie said...
where is the ornament??? wow mimo, u get on right when the stuff comes out!!!!
The ornament is in the treasure hunt game, good luck!:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
omg! awesome!
i have donated 500 to all three charities
Ponde22 (CPG Mod)
mimo i want to ask will there be a card if u donated more money???
baloon451 said...
How do you do it?
Every time I think I see something before CPG, you have already posted it! lol
You guys are good.
you are rite!! the whole CPG IS AWESOME they are always the first to post latest things happening on cp
rock rahul1(CPG MOD)
skaterjessie said...
where is the ornament??? wow mimo, u get on right when the stuff comes out!!!!
dear jessie the ornament is in the treasure hunt game in the captain's quater you have to play and find it!
rock rahul1(CPG MOD)
Syakirah the girl said...
hey, where's the key??
dear syakirah the key is in the book the end page of book captain's journal!
rock rahul1(CPG MOD)
sohpie said..
mimo i want to ask will there be a card if u donated more money???
dear sophie NO!
rock rahul1(CPG MOD)
huricanes39 said....
I was up all night trying to find him.
BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!!!!
rock rahul1(CPG MOD)
Yay!! You're in your green glasses!:)
The ninja mask looked a lil weird with the rest of ure stuff.
How do you find Rockhopper??? I been looking for him since I woke up. If you have any advice on how to find Rockhopper, please reply.
haha mr. rock hop er
ive seen rockhopper 8 times! he isnt always on full servers. i once found him on a empty server and only 2 people were crowding him!
must find rockhopper!!
i put 500 coins to each charity 3 times!!
hey luckily months ago i met rockhopper so i got the background n most of the items so i dont need 2 see him again unless i want 2 :D
syakirah the girl asked :
Hey , where's the key??
the key is in rockhopper's journal in the library(climb the stairs in the coffee shop to get there)
primal prime(cpg mod)
if u go to the crows nest, theres a rockhopper snowman there
I wish i knew how do get to be a nija quicker!It is really anoying being an orange belt and not a black belt or nija!Could some1 tell me?
Syakhira said...
"hey, where's the key??"
"Go to the bookroom (above the coffee shop) and read Rockhoppers Journal, its on the very last page"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Anonymous said...
How do you find Rockhopper??? I been looking for him since I woke up. If you have any advice on how to find Rockhopper, please reply.
Look on popular servers. Theres only one rockhopper. I've heard he likes to go on bigfoot alot. I once found him on Yeti.
Anonymous said...
I wish i knew how do get to be a nija quicker!It is really anoying being an orange belt and not a black belt or nija!Could some1 tell me?
You could take the fast path. Purchase a pck of CP cards from toys r us. A code will come with it and then type it in.
Sophie asked...
"mimo i want to ask will there be a card if u donated more money???"
"What like last year...hmm I dunno. Maybe when Coins for Change is over every penguin who donated will recieve a thank you postcard"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Anonymous said...
this is awsome i have never seen rockhopers ship all christmasy
and i donate 500 coins to all three charitys
U must not have been on CP last year when he came.
Anonymous said...
Awesome rockhopper is here!! ill help you go rockhopping k? my CP name is Dude15111. :)
You have to tell wat server your on if ppl want or need help.
Anonymous said...
"I wish i knew how do get to be a nija quicker!It is really anoying being an orange belt and not a black belt or nija!Could some1 tell me?"
"Just keep playing in Compotion mode and you will get there, it may take a while butits worth it :)!"
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
On the first day i've already donated 3000 coins for every cause so far! Anyway YOU'RE THE BEST MIMO! You always post things when I think i've found it out before CPG!
p.p.s.Waddle on penguins!
-Penguin name:OBIDANKENOBI
Sophie said...
"mimo i want to ask will there be a card if u donated more money???"
Well if you weren't on CP for the last coins for change, then there will be one. Just look in your awards section and you will find a coins for change award.
Mimo! You're awsum!
hey mimo! guess what? new music on the stereoes in the igloos!
I found Rockhopper today on Icebound at 3:10 Eastern Time! It rocked!
-Club Willie (CPG Mod in training)
Tessa said...
there is a orniment that if you find it you will get an extra 100 coins!
Dear Tessa,
There is? Thanks for telling us! We look forward to finding an orniment! I could use some coins! I only got 1505 coins!
-Club Willie (CPG Mod in training)
cdrom302 said...
darn!! im not rare anymore!! they brought back the hat :( why do they keep giving out old items?? it makes penguins sad
Dear cdrom32,
Rare isn't anything on Club Penguin. You should just go around and meet friends that are nice not mean rare show-offs.
-Club Willie (CPG Mod in training)
I donated 20000 coins!!!
cdrom302 said...
darn!! im not rare anymore!! they brought back the hat :( why do they keep giving out old items?? it makes penguins sad
Because new penguins might want it. Or maybe someone missed it.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
Syakirah the girl said...
hey, where's the key??
The key is in the book room in the Captain's journal at the end. Now go play treasure hunt.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
How do you find Rockhopper??? I been looking for him since I woke up. If you have any advice on how to find Rockhopper, please reply.
Rockhopper only goes where it is populated or make a search party thats how i found Rockhopper and Gary.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
Dear Mimo777
I already found him at down the Migrator ship.
But the bell we already found at Dec 2007!
Rockhopper is on frosty. in his quarters
what server do u go on
Tessa said...
there is a orniment that if you find it you will get an extra 100 coins!
Do you meen in the treasure hunt game?
nonymous said...
OK people! Haven't you thought that they bring back old items for the newest members? So what if the items are old. It's donating the coins and playing the games with your friends that matters. I'm new here and just joined about 40 days ago and I was looking forward to RH all week. I'm happy I got the bell and hat and the key icon. Thanks RH!! Thanks guys and have a wonderful holiday vacation!!!
I totally agree with you.
I think clubpenguin should bring back old items but still make new ones!
And for all those penguins who want to be rare.
Thats not what clubpenguins about.
Its to chat and make friends....
Remember the name.
stickman223 said...
must find rockhopper!!
i put 500 coins to each charity 3 times!!
Thats the spirt!
I think everyone who goes on this webiste should donate at least 50 coins please.
This Christmas think of those who dont get presents.
Mimo know any new tricks for his ship your great !!!
Hey Mimo. i am new to CP so this is a new free item for me and coins for change. My Mom loves the idea for coins of change so i hope you enjoy it as much as me and her!
PS. I love your site. i check it everyday to check if theres something new. Thanks for helping me!!!!
PSS. my CP name is celticcid11
baloon451 said...
How do you do it?
Every time I think I see something before CPG, you have already posted it! lol
Mimo looks for them, but not by himself, other people look too, and when they see somehting new, the tell him about it.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
The ornament is instead of the blue gem!
there is a card last year the person that answered me
"how do i become a ninja quicker"
heres a few steppes
1. pick snow first it works well
2. try and play against a higher level belt it makes it faster
3. be random, if your stuck let the timer run out it picks randomly
4. never give up
Ok this is for the person that asked where the key was.
1.Go to the book room
2.go to the bookshelf and click on rockhopper's journal.
3. go to the back of the book and click on the key.
lisastacy99 (CPG)
Ok this is for anonymous who asked how to be a nija quikly.
Well, different penguins have different methods. I talk to the sensie and click on 'compition mode' then you battle someone suited to you chosen by the sensie.
lisastacy99 (CPG)
I got my brown belt!! man im sooo happy. i played ans played and played! finally i got it! one more belt to go to become a ninja.
great i love the new game its great and rockhoppers ship looks AWSOME really cool and the hat is WICKED
post it when u find Mr. Rock Hopp Er
-Leiuten N
i saw rockhopper 2 times
OMG!!! I just met rockhopper for the first time!!
P.S. I love your blog
I've donated about 1000 per charity!
the sailors cap is new to me and i've been on club penguin since august 2007 so it must be REALLY old
i saw a question and decided to answer it... i hope you like my answer!
Syakirah the girl said...
hey, where's the key??
Well Syakirah, it's in town, in the coffee shop, upstairs, in the library (the books), and the last page of the journal of captain rockhopper.
well there's your answer!
P.S. hop you liked it mimo, my name is fastaanta192 on clubpenguin
another question... hahaha :p
Anonymous said...
How do you find Rockhopper??? I been looking for him since I woke up. If you have any advice on how to find Rockhopper, please reply.
Well Japaneseqt12, he is usually around somewhere hiding. I've heard he is usually on blizzard though. good luck finding him!
(cpg mod?)- fastaanta192
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo. i am new to CP so this is a new free item for me and coins for change. My Mom loves the idea for coins of change so i hope you enjoy it as much as me and her!
PS. I love your site. i check it everyday to check if theres something new. Thanks for helping me!!!!
PSS. my CP name is celticcid11
I glad to hear that you enjoy coins for change.
If you like getting free items trust me at the christmas party they will gve away free tems.
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo. i am new to CP so this is a new free item for me and coins for change. My Mom loves the idea for coins of change so i hope you enjoy it as much as me and her!
PS. I love your site. i check it everyday to check if theres something new. Thanks for helping me!!!!
PSS. my CP name is celticcid11
Wow. You know this site but didn't know CP. Well have fun with CP. Its a great sitto get to know ppl across the globe. Have Fun
Abominable46 said...
OMG!!! I just met rockhopper for the first time!!
P.S. I love your blog
Thats good. Did you get the free background? I always send him a postcard.
dear mimo777
are you a member?
from Reco2055
also i always come here for cheats
(i found the golden puffle cheat before anyone)
Anonymous said...
dear mimo777
are you a member?
from Reco2055
also i always come here for cheats
(i found the golden puffle cheat before anyone)
Mimo is not a member. Also you couldn't have found it b4 mimo because he as a special connection with CP.
Yeah..awsome. but anyways, what is this eye patch that they're all talking about?? is it free? coz I'm not a member...:(
Anonymous said...
dear mimo777
are you a member?
from Reco2055
also i always come here for cheats
(i found the golden puffle cheat before anyone)
Sorry Mimo is not a member. Congrats on finding the cheat.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
Hi Mimo! Vitacharm is here. Oh yes, last year I got the bell and the coins for change thing. Uh, every year clubpenguin always give the same items huh? -Vitacharm
this si awesome you r a good blogger
please let me be a mod!!!
Your Fan,
hi i really like your site i check it everyday its so cool but i just wawnt to know where i can find u on club penguin i would like to be your friend thanks
you know how there is a parrot? well that got me thinking. I see that mimo has a parrot and he is not a member. Where do you get that parrot. I see ppl everywhere with them non or members. Where do you get it? pls answer.
cp name: Jordanrp
hello mimo yer site is awesome!!!
mimo hey u r the best i love
i lov u mimo
mimo rox my sox!!:-)
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