There's another is a new message in the Club Penguin HQ! It says, "Attention All Agents Be On Alert." So remember, new Mission 10 is coming out on Monday! Thanks, boom11398.
If your not a Secret Agent yet, click here to learn how to do that.

Ok, today I am going to the YMCA! Then shopping to spend some of my Christmas money! I'm thinking we might have to have a Twitter Quickee Party!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

mimo dont go shopping it will be more crowded then black friday
Cool, I cant wait 4 the next mission!
mimo can i give u my email so we can email
Anonymous said...
mimo can i give u my email so we can email
123iceball said...
No, I'm pretty sure that Mimo won't email people on request.
wow i got a d.s for christmas it is rocken i got the clubpenguin elit
hope u have fun at the ymca mimo
wow we are getting closer and closer to the new mission!
mimo have u decided wat the penguins name will be yet?
(p.s. i think it should be named guppy)
~ciciaz623 cpg mod
i just got a d.s and the club penguin elit dont be jelons
im telling ya that candy cane is really big.......
i got 80 dollars to spend on club penguin stuff :)
i got $180$ dollars!
how ndo u become a gent on clowbots
if you are a ninja, you have to see the secret ninja hideout!!!
theres igloo upgrade mimo! When you get to the "Candy Split Level Igloo" and "Candy Igloo", press all the words that say candy and youl get a ginger bread house
hey mimo do you ever think that my blog would be like back to the subject.i am know a ninja. and there isnt a new message when i go on my computer.
I got EPF on Christmas Eve and im over half way done with it! It rocks!
~Icy2598 CPG Mod
hey mimo, what YMCA??? how old are u
ok mimo ill be prepared
I got club penguin game for ds! I deafeated the big robot on number mission 13! I did alll the mssions in 3 days! Im a legend at snowboarding!
Well rookie and the jetpack guy are both EPF angents and Dot but shes not in this mission
wait I got EPF too I already beat it the day I got it.
My parents got me and my sisters a Wii for Christmas!! We only have 2 games (Wii sports and Wii fitness) but we love playing them!! Tenis and baseball are the most fun games there!!
Oh my!!! there is a lot of new messages!!
cool i got a wii and DS games (I BEAT THE ELITE PENGUIN FORCE GAME IT WAS REALLY EASY!)(ad i got tons of other stuff too,including a Beatles bag!!):D
I have a new SUPER AWESOME mp3 player
cool, kind of. also, i got a $50 toys r us gift card.
and for nmantz...
clear your catche!
I already have clubpenguin elite and beat it in 2 days.
Cool I live in Nz and i cant find Cp Toys
Mimo im a black belt at card jitsu but no matter what i do i cant beat the sensei how do i beat the sensei?
I found a cheat! Go to the forest and click on the tree right by rudolph. it changes into different stuff.
About the Christmas party, in the forest, if you clcik the tree beside the 'meet santa' booth, you can change it to a snowman, decorated xmas tree, small tree with pink lights.
I cant wait!
RH's ship is even more further away!
Mimo777 how much does Chobots cost?
they said there would be fireworks today. but theres none!
MIMO! They updated the igloo upgrades!
there is a new igloo catalog and click all the words candy to get the gingerbread igloo.
what is the YMCA???
For my B'Day I got...
£620 and for xmas i got...
I am rich! But I spent some of it on clothes, shoes, a jimmy choo handbag and chanel sunglasses.
So I'm not rich anymore. lol!
Ur Member Penguin Friend
Sweet mimo thanx
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Aiondalia said...
theres igloo upgrade mimo! When you get to the "Candy Split Level Igloo" and "Candy Igloo", press all the words that say candy and youl get a ginger bread house
Really?? Thats so cool ill check it out!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
NiNjA said...
if you are a ninja, you have to see the secret ninja hideout!!!
Hey mimo is a ninja and he has been to the hideout, but thanx anyway! Good spotting
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Y..M..C..A its fun to stay at the YMCA lol
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Wow! the new mission is so close! Hey, by the way the unlock items thing isn't working for cards since 3:30pm
Ha i got Elite Force but how do u unlock the room on the real cp?tht game rox!!except id have wifi
Avery J.(Playa6)
In the new igloos catalog you can press all the words that say candy and you get a swoottastic Gingerbread house.
Your friend,
kool lol
what mimos favrite color?
Did you decide on a name for the the penguin on the closet? Name it Patterson the penguin! Please!
Hey guys, how do you become a
citizen / agent / moderator on chobots?
please help!
I got $220 to spend on video games for my xbox 360
Hey mimo it's Link 7303 and I just wanted to tell you something in case you didn't notice.The Ice Rink is back, but on the Spy Phone it still says Pitch!
coolio cant wait. wat did herbert do now?!?!
Signing Out,
Anonymous said...
mimo can i give u my email so we can email
dear anonymous
mimos e-mail is
but im pritty sure he wont answer u back sorry. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Cant Wait
i got 150 bucks, a few iPhone accersoirs, and a Macbook Pro xD
nmantz said:
and there isnt a new message when i go on my computer.
Hey! Click on your mail icon then scroll through it. When I first got on there wasn't a new message sign, but then I went through my mail and saw the messages!
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Mimo im a black belt at card jitsu but no matter what i do i cant beat the sensei how do i beat the sensei?
In order to beat the sensei... keep playing him and when he makes a mistake then you can crush him because once he goofs up he doesn't cheat anymore. Hope I helped.
Mrpengiewin (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said:Hey mimo it's Link 7303 and I just wanted to tell you something in case you didn't notice.The Ice Rink is back, but on the Spy Phone it still says Pitch!
I comment:Really?Interesting.Maybe it's just a glitch.tell the CP team.They probably forgot.;-)
Eagleboy99 said...
Mimo im a black belt at card jitsu but no matter what i do i cant beat the sensei how do i beat the sensei?
Dear Eagleboy..
You must try and try again. u must beat him about 10 times . and he will start lose. then u can win ! remember ! you must try and try again !
hi guys i am new!
jbnhb said...
hey mimo!,what YMCA??? how old are u
dear jbnhb,
YMCA is a song!i had a concert on 22nd october and the song is YMCA.
mimo is 13 years old
(i am 8 years old)
u taken?;]
Hey Mimo, there must be a new room coming.In the Hq there is a new monitor. My name is Robert
there will be a new misson soon go on cp elite penguin force and click download newsletter = )
to unlock the EPF room you have to enter the code in unlock codes menu. the unlock code is behind all of the packets in the game case. but if you want to use it i would most likly use it on the account you go on most because you can only use it once! i hope i helped. Green Guy 99 (cpg mod)
mimo the mission is so easy
yeah, i still need cp elite force but its kinda a rip-off because youre spending 30 bucks to only get into a little room. but can you get the stuff that is in there?
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