Hey Look what U Fride found! Puffle Fireworks!

Go check out the sweet fireworks at the Iceberg and mountain right now! They will be here until New Years!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, fireworks
Hey the new mission was cool but way too short, i knew rookie would do something wrong!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
awsome mimo
cant wait
~ciciaz623 cpg mod
Werent the firewokrs meant to be here on the 26th?
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Just finished the mission. Easiest one ever!
Yay! Go Mimo777! Woo hoo!
Man I waited til 12 PM CP time last night for the mission and it didnt even come, im tired now
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Mimo I told you about that! Well it's ok though, don't you think the new mission was easy? I do, well kinda. I'm Blade on Chobots, just wanted to let you know (I think Zoezoe told you about me)
Your friend,
WOW!!!! Thats kool and guess what? i already compleated the mission two times!!
i finished mission 10 YAY
that mission was short
wow cool
At the iceberg if you wait for a few minutes, a puffle firework will appear!
HEY I already beat the new mission its short and easy
i finished the mission
Awesome, Mimo! Keep up the good work! :D
This is awesome Mimo! I finished the mission but when I tried to get my medal I couldn't. :( Oh well I'll keep trying!
Mrpengiewin (CPG Mod)
yay cool awesome alright sorry ive been doin that all day and idk y but that iz still cool and i just finished the mission
Wow, fireworks already? You're fast at posting mimo!
i like the fire works
Hey mimo check out the ski attic it's awsome!
i thought the fire works wernt supposte to come out intil the first? Happy729
nice post
wow cool the new mission is so hard im stuck on it plz help me!
Cool mimo777
finish the mission
I could not get the Extra price lol!
HQ is full
Most servers are full, and the ones that aren't, i can't go to HQ because it can't load because off all the ppl!!!!
I was beginning to think they wern't going to do the fireworks this year!!! Anyway this is my first time to post a comment on this awsome site so please post me!!!
i remember these fireworks from last year ... seems like only yesterday
the new mission i tink is really easy ...
:D This is great!
Mimo you should turn yourself purple! That would be awesome. Mimo, do you take the free items when they come out or not. I am asking because you never change your outfit so I was just wondering.
Mrpengiewin (CPG Mod)
they look pretty
Awesome! Next time CP should make the fireworks form shapes of penguins or something.
Your Mission Smart Cheat guides are the best!
Did you see the one shaped like a puffle? It is totally cool!
I like fireworks!
New mission is great!
Yo mimo, is smart cheat guide ready yet? Ive done the mission. What are seeds for?
Mrpengiewin (CPG Mod) said...
Mimo you should turn yourself purple! That would be awesome. Mimo, do you take the free items when they come out or not. I am asking because you never change your outfit so I was just wondering.
Mrpengiewin (CPG Mod)
Yes, he takes the free items in the parties but he never change his outfit because thats how we recognize him in the parties.
Hope this helps
Kiogre 2 (CPG Mod)
P.S. I have completed the new mission right now!
another example of disneys lazyness:
late fireworks
I wish they would have never bought CP cause they made it all lame and stuff.
Ashlee (Fred 6 10)
oi mimo777 remember me on chobots i_luv_khan and i asked u to mension me and u said u were the sister and u cant just add anyone ..... remember?????
well can u email me on i_luv_khan@hotmail.com please
KAKOA or i_luv_khan (mimo 777's #1 fan)
Ashlee (Fred 6 10)said...an other example of disneys lazyness:
late fireworks
I wish they would have never bought CP cause they made it all lame and stuff.
Ashlee (Fred 6 10)
Well if now that Disney bought it we can have more thing because there are more people on the CP team. Also, there wouldnt be toys without Disney. Disney produced the toys and codes so without them we wouldn't have any of thos things. Hope this helps!
~Piinkypiie20 (cpg mod)
Thanks for the info Kiogre 2 (CPG Mod)
Mrpengiewin (CPG Mod)
the puffle fireworks (ouffleworks) are also at the ski hill
Werent the firewokrs meant to be here on the 26th?
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Yes actually, the newspaper did say that the fireworks were supposed to show up on the 26th but if you look in the newspaper CP changed this to hide their mistake because they know that us smart penguins will check. Sorry for the long answer.
Mrpengiewin (CPG Mod)
Mrpengiewin (CPG Mod) said...
Mimo you should turn yourself purple! That would be awesome. Mimo, do you take the free items when they come out or not. I am asking because you never change your outfit so I was just wondering.
Dear Mrpengiewin...
Mimo cant change his/her outfit ! He/She already told us !
Yo mimo, is smart cheat guide ready yet? Ive done the mission. What are seeds for?
The seeds are part of Herberts plan for evil. (Something to do with stealing puffles I think.)They are a way for CP to tell us there will be another mission.
MRpengiewin (CPG Mod)
Mimo cant change his/her outfit ! He/She already told us !
Dear Lensca 23057, thanks for the info and by the way mimo is a boy for sure he has told us several times.
Mrpengiewin (CPG Mod)
hey mimo777 if ur not a member how did u get that parrot on ur shoulder its for members only
Ashlee (Fred 6 10)said...an other example of disneys lazyness:
late fireworks
I wish they would have never bought CP cause they made it all lame and stuff.
Ashlee (Fred 6 10)
Well if now that Disney bought it we can have more thing because there are more people on the CP team. Also, there wouldnt be toys without Disney. Disney produced the toys and codes so without them we wouldn't have any of thos things. Hope this helps!
~Piinkypiie20 (cpg mod)
No this does not help me at all because where i live in Montana there no toys r us or such stores so i dont get that anyway. And ever sence Disney bought cp it has been much lamer so i have good reason to dislike it. This is my part of the argument so i just want to have it out.
Thanks anyway, Fred 6 10 (cpg mod)
to the person who commented or mrpenguins comment: we already know Mimo is a boy (or im not a very good reader)
Fred 6 10 (cpg mod
i know how to get to see the puffle fire work! ok here is what you do first go to the iceberg or the ski mountain then just wait a while. eventually youll see it!
p.s. the mision is awesome
I cant see the puffle one
Pinkylaroooo here!
CHOLAY said:
I reply like this:
CHOLAY, If you need any help with any of the missions, Mimo has kindly put mission guides of the right side that is orange on his website. It's very useful. Believe me, I know. ( He even labeled them! Oooh labels!! )
-Pinkylaroooo (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said:
WOW!!!! Thats kool and guess what? i already compleated the mission two times!!
I say: Congrats Anonymous! That's awesome! Great job completing the mission TWO times. It was fun, even though it was short! Really Kewlio... :)
-Pinkylaroooo (CPG Mod)
the new mission is really coll but it was way too short
Ponde22 (CPG Mod)
The puffle fireworks is soo cute!!!
Ponde22 (CPG Mod)
hey blueflames1 here answering a question
CHOLAY said...
Mimo has a mission guide at the top of his page you just have to click it.
~blueflames1~ (CPG Mod)
hi mimo its saavy
first of all congrats to lensca for becoming a mod. OMG! im a Mod yaaaayy woopyy thank u soo much mimo i really appreciate becoming a CPG MOD. ill now try my hardest to become a Mimo Mod. thank u again. :D :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...
Werent the firewokrs meant to be here on the 26th?
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
dear a kiwi boy
yep they wer met to be on on the 26th but there was a little delay lol. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
wow cool the new mission is so hard im stuck on it plz help me!
dear anonymous
if ur stuck on the new mission then use the mimos smart cheat guide to the mission. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Mrpengiewin (CPG Mod) said...
Mimo you should turn yourself purple! That would be awesome. Mimo, do you take the free items when they come out or not. I am asking because you never change your outfit so I was just wondering.
dea mr pengiewin
mimo does take the free items but he dosent change into them because he wants to look unique and if mimo changes into something else at a party people would hardly recognize him lol. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
hey mimo777 if ur not a member how did u get that parrot on ur shoulder its for members only
Actually Rockhopper has brought two different parrots, one is red which Mimo has and so do I, and one is green which is only for members.
Mrpengiewin (CPG Mod)
Mr Fun 5 said...
Awesome! Next time CP should make the fireworks form shapes of penguins or something.
thats a cool idea Mr Fun 5. Maybe they haven't because penguins aren't round like puffles so you couldn't shoot them out of a firework.
Mrpengiewin (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
i thought the fire works wernt supposte to come out intil the first? Happy729
Hey! The fireworks were supposed to come out Dec.26, but then club penguin didn't have them out because of the christmas party. They are supposed to END on the first. :]
Waddle On,
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Mrpengiewin (CPG Mod) said...
Mimo you should turn yourself purple! That would be awesome. Mimo, do you take the free items when they come out or not. I am asking because you never change your outfit so I was just wondering.
Mrpengiewin (CPG Mod)
Hey! Mimo doesn't like to change his outfit, so he probably isn't going to change his color. Although, Mimo does take the free items from the parties, he just doesn't where them.
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
P.S You shouldn't put (CPG MOD) after your name when you aren't answering a question. :]
Anonymous said...
another example of disneys lazyness:
late fireworks
I wish they would have never bought CP cause they made it all lame and stuff.
Ashlee (Fred 6 10)
Hola! I don't think you should call disney lazy. The team is doing it's best. I was thinking that it would be too hard to have fireworks and snow falling at the same time. Could you do that? I'm guessing not, so plz don't say anything rude about them :]
Have a nice day!
Sophi Jr
Anonymous said...
hey mimo777 if ur not a member how did u get that parrot on ur shoulder its for members only
Hey! The parrot is for non members, it was a free item from Rockhopper. Although, the GREEN parrot is for members. :] Hope I helped
Sophi Jr (CPG MOS)
Easiest mission ever =P
~Sberry Sugar
If u watch whole fireworks show, there is a BIG finale at the end!
trust me, youll know its the finale!
did anyone notic that Christmas Party music is still playing?!?! Go to the lighthouse and check it out!
CleverAqua64(CPG MOD) said...
If u watch whole fireworks show, there is a BIG finale at the end!
trust me, youll know its the finale!
did anyone notic that Christmas Party music is still playing?!?! Go to the lighthouse and check it out!
Dear Cleveraqua64
It happened when fall fair comed too!
I dunno why...
Anonymous said...
hey mimo777 if ur not a member how did u get that parrot on ur shoulder its for members only
dear anonymous...
The parrot is for non-member too ! tht was rockhopper rare item.
Actually, the GREEN parrot is for member !
Well the new mission 10 is pretty easy...but don' have any doughb.
-Xanth50jr (cpg mod)
a kiwi boy asked:
Werent the firewokrs meant to be here on the 26th?
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Blakout12's answer:
Well yeah I just think Cp wanted it to wait till after the christmas party, Hope I helped!
Blakout12 (CPG mod)
Mrpengiewin said:
Mimo you should turn yourself purple! That would be awesome. Mimo, do you take the free items when they come out or not. I am asking because you never change your outfit so I was just wondering.
Mrpengiewin (CPG Mod)
Blakout12 asnswered:
That would be a coll idea and yes he does take the free items at the parties because.... THEY ARE AWESOME!!!! Hope I helped
Blakout12 (CPG mod)
Anonymous said:
hey mimo777 if ur not a member how did u get that parrot on ur shoulder its for members only
Blakout12 answer:
Well once RH gave away the Parrot as a free item but i think that was a long time ago =(
Hope I helped!
Dear Lensca 23057 (CPG MOD),
I do remember the Fall Fair music playing at the lighthouse after it was done!
HMM , I wonder why they do that?
CleverAqua64(CPG MOD)
I am a cpg mod mimo!!!!!
plz let me be one.
My cp name is kiba30!
Happy new year to you all!!!
u fride didnt find puffle fireworks they are snowballs neatly arranged to form a puffle but its still cool
you were not mimo that time you
were U Fride!
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