Here is a drawing of the new Club Penguin Mission coming out. But it's not coming out very soon. Probably in a couple weeks. So, yeah, don't get too excited yet, just sayin'.

I think the Polar Bear will eat an orange for breakfast and G will get mad at him because he thought the orange was a puffle. Yeah, weird, I know. You have any crazy theories? I'm sure no one out there is as warped as me, right?
Oh, yeah, then G draws a picture of the eaten puffle and the Jet Pack Guy and Rookie tell G h is nuts because it was just an orange.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

1 – 200 of 290 Newer› Newest»We might get orange puffles! YAY!
mimo omg i just saw this on cp just like a mintue before u posted it and i was going to tell u! haha im loling really hard.
I'm just sayin'... I saw the sneek peek and the puffle wasn't colored orange it was white like everything else
HI!!! U ROCK MIMO! when does the mission Come out again? Thanks for being awesome
im the first. i think G has found out some evidence that there are orange puffles and he's having a meeting with rookie and jet pack guy about it
about being warped and stuf....
all my friends say that im warped. i won the wierdest person in the school award to.
matoro49(cpg mod)
Hey!!! this looks ausome! i actually emailed CP about orange puffles! Ill post it later:)
This is awsome, I can't wait to do the new mission
remember the name
This is Leggo--ok here i emailed CP and asked about the orange puffles and they said this---
Hello Leggofmyeggo, Those are great questions, I myself have been wondering about a Orange Puffle. Could they exist? We really don\'t know, but you never know what will happen on Club Penguin. Keep on checking back on the Whats New Blog for the any updates on this situation!
I have a crazy idea..
I think that a fried orange ate G, then G came back to life because of his magical powers he invinted, then he drew a picture of an orange puffle to show two penguins what the fried orange looked like so they could help them take revenge, but it turns out that the jet pack penguin is really the fried orange because the orange has special powers to turn into penguins. Then the orange eats G once and for all. :) I know, i'm pretty crazy too, mimo.
C ya!
where do you get such a crazy idea??? You have to be like CRAZY or something
Maybe this is a Golden Puffle Mission, even though the puffle is orange!?!?
Anonymous said...
We might get orange puffles! YAY!
That is a very good theory anonymous! I also realy hope that we get orange puffles too because I recently became a member and I can't wait to get one if possible!
remember the name
Hey mimo! Remember how Herberts plan said it included lots and lots of puffles? That is a big clue if you ask me.
My therey is that G discovered another kind of puffle and now smehow Herbert has stolen it. OR Herber has found a new kind of puffle.
can i be a mod? baseball2684
CleverAqua64 said...
Maybe this is a Golden Puffle Mission, even though the puffle is orange!?!?
Lolzzz maybe but im guessing not..lolz --sorry i say lolz a lot
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Yo penguins!
u never know penguins. We could soon see orange puffles. ptsc3 (cpg mod)
Hey! HEY! Hey!
Oranges are good! What if they came to life and ate all of the bananas? Then what would I eat with all my cereal? LOL ( or LIH as I like to say- laugh in head cuz i dont actually laugh when i go LOL)... lih! You are as crazy as my cat who sleeps with shoes! (NOT KIDDING) :D
I agree with Hewkii it is crazy lolzz!
18 Pups said...
I'm just sayin'... I saw the sneek peek and the puffle wasn't colored orange it was white like everything else
This is interesting... lolz and weird.
Cool! I'm exited
Anonymous said...
HI!!! U ROCK MIMO! when does the mission Come out again? Thanks for being awesome
He said probably in a couple of weeks. lolzz
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
OMG!!!! mimo the real post on CP it isnt an orange puffle u should tell everyone u edited it!!! People go crazy if a new puffle comes out!!!!!!! Thanks
I think it was G s pet and he got mad at him and escaped.Now i think we need to find it.Or maybe the orange puffle is a robber and stealed things to all of them.
Mimo did you color the puffle orange?
i think that an orange puffle is in trouble and the mean polar bear dude wants to eat it because it looks like an orange and gary wants this new puffle to sell and mabey eat it himself!!!! Crazy right??? thx mimo u rock!!!!
Hewkii said...
where do you get such a crazy idea??? You have to be like CRAZY or something
He really isn't crazy. He just likes making us laugh. He says he is weird though. Not in a bad way.
It might be the start a a orange Puffle who knows.
I have a crazy idea..
I think thier is a invisable puffle that works for the polar bear and G saw him on visable and he wants the jet pack man and rooky to get him.
I am crazy to mimo.:)
Awesome i'm exited for the new clothing
catalog mostly
Lol nice one mimo
I think it is about a white puffle.
i thought that that puffle would be a new puffle, and the first color i thought of was ORANGE
even though it was blank on the paper
but i think that that's sooo kewl!
Maybe the puffle is a disguise for Crabby, and thats what G is talking about.
hey i am haveing a patry on cp!!!!
date:Dec.2 7:15(not penguin santerd time)
room: ninja hide out we will be moving to dock next
cp name:Daddey
please come mimo if you can!!!
lol so funny
I think Herbert will take Orange Puffles hostage. Remember when Aunt Artic had the Purple Puffle before it came out? Dats my theroy.
i think herbert was hunting for puffles and he found an orange puffle then G went to the forest and he thaught it was an orang but it was an orange puffle.
-Jin Yong
maybe herbert P bear is disguised as G and he steals all the igloos and leaves the puffles in the middle of no where to survive on snow but then Herbert flees club penguin and forgets the igloos
p.s. No I'm serious
It wasnt orange. Seriously.
kewl!blackpearl is on again.havnt heard from her in a while.welcome bac!
Maybe the polar bear will drink the juice out of the Kool-Aid man.
LOL, Mimo your theory made me crack up laughing so much, my siblings thought i went mental. I laugh easily, and am immused easily. =] But anywaaays..
My Theory!
I think that G is having his kindergarden time and drawing puffles, then The Bear colors it orange and G and him have a big sissy fight but The Jetpack dude and Rookie break it up. =]
Anonymous said "when does the mission Come out again?"
DEar Anonymous,
The mission comes out in a couple of weeks.
Yokare (CPG MOD)
Lol, cool theory. I hope there's a chance for everyone to get orange puffles.
Dear,wierd penguin a puffle is a furry animal some penguins buy them at the pet store for pets they come in deffrent have to feed them play with them but id you dont they will run away.
mimo wheres the clue
I have a feeling that the polar bear colored wild puffles orange and G thought that there really are orange puffles and send us to the wild to bring him a sample then when we got one of the orange puffle the polar bear jumped out andturn a switch or something like that and a cage fall and you have to find your way out of this cage and tell everthing to G and take back a orange puffle to G and later he will find out it was paint.
Anonymous said:
HI!!! U ROCK MIMO! when does the mission Come out again? Thanks for being awesome
Well check this site or the club penguin website to find out!
Maxscart(CPG Mod)
Hewkii said:
where do you get such a crazy idea??? You have to be like CRAZY or something
Mimo likes to joke but maybe he is crazy, who knows? Lol!
Maxscart(CPG Mod)
whens the mission comin out mimo?
He doesnt know that he said PROB in a few weeks
maybe G finds paint and throws it at the poler bear and then he grows an affro and then G grows a mohiken bUT the affro isnt an afffro its a PUFFLE!!!
im a member now :D
Can't wait for the mission!
hey mimo did u ever post the mimo secret party clue #1? in one of yur posts u said u would post it the next day. u posted it on the 30th.
Sensity(very confused)
cleveraqua64 said: Maybe this is a Golden Puffle Mission, even though the puffle is orange!?!?
shadow1397(CPG MOD) says: It's not an orange puffle. He just used photoshop to make it that way. that would be cool, though
Mimo said the mission may come out in a few weeks [ answer to Anonymous ]
umm.. weird. maybe we'll get orange puffles though. cool.
Its an edit people, see how one part of it isnt colored orange?
sry i forgot to say CPG MOD
no i dont think so in the last mission herbert said he was going to need lotsa puffles so i think they r going to b for a distraction since we all love puffles. wat the distraction is for i have no clue
Ok Mimo I'm up to the challenge of having a crazier idea than u. Alright so G was excited to make a new upgrade to the Cheese 3000 and made it puffle shaped. He was going to share his idea with Club Penguin when suddenly the Polar Bear and Klutzy steal all of Club Penguin's cheese because they want to make a giant cheese swimming pool. G had never made a prototype of his Cheese Puffle only a sketch so now its up to the agents to take the cheese back. How's that for crazy.
I have a crazy idea. Maybe the orange puffle is actually Klutzy the crab descised as a puffle. G thinks that an orange puffle is suspicious. He sends the jet pack to fly over club penguin to watch any suspicious behavior. He sends the rookie out to become more experienced with Klutzy and the polar bear.
Everyone seems to have the same idea as me, but are we going to get orange puffles? I hope so! Even though I am not a member...
I like everyone else's theories also! They made me laugh!!
I have seen many people saying, "O boy we might get orange puffles!" In the actual sneak peek on Club Penguin the puffle is not orange Mimo just painted that to add his idea of what the mission may be about, this is no sneak peek about orange puffles, though I to one day hope to be able to get orange puffles.
I think it is because of Herbert P Bear, he said he was going to get all the puffles and now G wants to get them back!!
Theory time!!:
Okay, we need to send a puffle sent out to Herbert so when he uses it for his plan, the PSA will be able to hear him and track him down.
Ta da!!
Either that, or we will have to protect our puffles because Herbert will want to use them for his plan!! Oh no!
::Does anyone think that we will be able to buy the orange puffles? I hope so.
::When will the new mission come out??
::Do you think Herbert will steal any of our puffles from us?
Please answer my questions!! Thanks.
Mimo777 (0__o) why is the puffle in the pic orange?
when i looked on the club penguin website it was just
blank, with no color, it kinda looks like you colored
it in lol
Dear 18 Pups,
Thank you so much for letting the CPG know about the white puffle. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for keeping us posted mimo! You rock I cant wait for the new mission!!!(This might mean we can get orange puffles!!)
Dear Anonymous,
The mission will probaly come out in a couple of weeks but probaly not very soon. If you have any other questions feel free to comment and ask.
Dear Leapy828,
Thank you so much for letting the CPG know what you think the mission will be. Please keep telling us your ideas.
Anonymous said...
can i be a mod? baseball2684
To be a mod you have to answer question like and congratulate people. If you do it frequently, you'll be a mod!
Anonymous said...
can i be a mod? baseball2684
You can be a mod if you answer questions and congratulate people. If you do it frequently, you'll get noticed and *ta-da* your a mod!
Dear Dallas28428,
That is really funny! Thank you so much for almost telling the CPG. Please keep letting us know when something is going on like that! Thanks!
Dear Rabo4,
The reson for the color change was probaly mimo and his wickedly awesome computer skills. Thanks for noticing that though. Have fun reading more on the CPG's site!
Rabo4 said...
Mimo777 (0__o) why is the puffle in the pic orange?
Dear Rabo4,
the real pic the puffle was blank mimo just colored it.
Bluemaster51 (cpg mod)
Typical Rose said...
::Does anyone think that we will be able to buy the orange puffles? I hope so.
::When will the new mission come out??
::Do you think Herbert will steal any of our puffles from us?
I love your curiousty! Orange puffles are tottally possible! Fingers crossed! The new mission will come out in about a couple of weeks. And I don't know if Herbert is planning to steal puffles. It is a good theory!
Anonymous said:
mimo wheres the clue
The clue is on the Club Penguin What's New Blog. To get there, click on 'Fun Stuff' on the CP homepage. There you will be able to access the blog.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
Typical Rose said...
::Does anyone think that we will be able to buy the orange puffles? I hope so.
::When will the new mission come out??
::Do you think Herbert will steal any of our puffles from us?
Yea, I think we will be able to buy them. The new mission should come out in a couple of weeks-or longer-But i don't think Herbert will steal our puffles:)good imagination:) LoLzz
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
can i be a mod? baseball2684
Sure you can-Lolzz-Just work hard at answering questions:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Hey Mimo! For this mission, maybe Gary just discovered a new type of puffle and is keeping it in the Gadget Room for analysis or something, but then a secret agent penguin who works for Herbert after being bribed by him steals the puffle. Maybe that penguin who works for Herbert is Rookie!
CP name: Stargal 55
wierd penguin said...
It is a pet that you can buy in Club Penguin for 800coins-you probably knew that
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Dear Typical Rose, we have not yet found out if orange puffles will come to Cp. The new mission will probably come out in a few weeks, we will update you on that. We don't know if Herbert will steal our puffles but keep a good watch over them and watch for suspicious activity.
~Goey45 (CPG MOD)
Hey Nighthawk575,
That is a wicked funny theory! OK, here is mine:
Herbert is planning to make club penguin crazy for puffles that aren't even real! SO he paints one orange and then lets it loose. G sees this and then he sees a gray one and a gold and silver one and he's excited. Then, he follows them into a pit full pudding. Uh oh! And I will rescue them!
Good theries everyone-LoLzz
I went to the blog and the puffle wasnt colored orange.
wierd penguin said...
A puffle is a club penguin pet that you can buy for 800 coins each. There are lots of different colors of them, non members can only buy blue and red. You have to feed them, play with them, and give them rest, otherwise they run away.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG MOD)
Whoops! In my theory comment, I forgot to add CPG Mod! By the way, I love the crazy theories. Mimo and the rest of the CPG is prob'bly working hard to answer all these comments!
Sometimes, if you go on an ultimate safe chat server, your name changes to penguin(numbers here) and you can't talk with the chat bar!! Your penguin is just the same, except for the name and the chat!! This happened to two of my penguins, so I'm pretty sure it works on everyone.
Go Mimo777
Rabo4 said...
Mimo777 (0__o) why is the puffle in the pic orange?
this is a very good question, I also saw the orange puffle and knew that the real one was white. Mimo colored it in. lol nice on mimo!
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG MOD)
Rabo4 asked:Mimo777 (0__o) why is the puffle in the pic orange?
shadow1397(CPG MOD) responded: Because mimo is good at coloring things on the computer. CHEESE IS AWESOME!
shadow1397(CPG MOD)
hey mimo the puffle isn't orange on the site so yd u paint it??!
wierd penguin said...
A puffle is like a pet. If your a member you can but up to 16. But if your a non-member, up can only by 2 (red and blue). Buy them from the pet shop. Their 800 coins. Have fun.
baseball2684 said...
can i be a mod?
U can be a Mod if u follows mimo's rulez
and Leggofmyeggo u r on a roll
I think herbert will steal all our puffles and try to bribe us 4 them
Snik fire(CPG MOD)
maybe herbert will color puffles orange and then he'll sell them for cheap and then while everyone is busy he'll destroy club penguin and we have to stop him.
Anonymous said...
I have a crazy idea..
I think thier is a invisable puffle that works for the polar bear and G saw him on visable and he wants the jet pack man and rooky to get him.
I am crazy to mimo.:)
Josip52 Replys:
Lol Nice Idea Anonymous! It might be plausible
You have a great theory Disha1997! Ok, here's my theory: Herbert told Klutzy to get him some bananas, Klutzy brings back a bunch of yellow puffles. Herbert doesn't get mad, he remembers his puffle plan. He then invades Cp stealing our puffles! Idk what comes next. I'll keep working on my theory!
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo! For this mission, maybe Gary just discovered a new type of puffle and is keeping it in the Gadget Room for analysis or something, but then a secret agent penguin who works for Herbert after being bribed by him steals the puffle. Maybe that penguin who works for Herbert is Rookie!
CP name: Stargal 55
Wow Mimo I think We have lots of Great Ideas I like this one to Stargal 55
lol orange pufffles thats cool it would be cool of we nonmemers could geT THEM I FTHEY COME OYT0.O
BTW and for people who doesn't know what that is (by the way) did you know that Mimo actually colored the puffle orange? It's actually white on the preview thing. If you don't believe me go take a look!!!!
i think there going to organe puffles to!!
We might get orange puffles is ONE of my theories.
The other one is that G descovers a Orange Puffle, but no body believes him! And then just as G was about to show all penguins the puffle, the Polar Bear and the Crab dude kidnap it! So, they send Rookie out to save him, but that doesn't work. Sooooooooooooooooooooo, they send YOUR penguin out to find a puffle expert and you travel there. And then so you don't have to walk back to G's lab, he give's you a ride on his jetpack! And then G give's the puffle expert a peice of the DNA that fell off of the orange puffle. And then the puffle expert pulls out a machine that scans the puffles DNA to make sure it was a orange puffle and not just a yellow puffle that painted itself. Then he finds out that it was a orange puffle and that he needs you to go and rescue it!
So G sends you out to follow the Polar Bears footprints, and then you find him, the Crab, and the orange puffle, save the puffle and escape with it!
That is my theory.
Nice theories everyone!
Dear: can i be a mod? baseball2684
You can be a modarator by answering questions at the comments and putting cpg moderator on a side of your name.
Waddle around!
Hey Typical Rose! You asked:
::Does anyone think that we will be able to buy the orange puffles? I hope so.
::When will the new mission come out??
::Do you think Herbert will steal any of our puffles from us?
Good questions! I am wondering the same things and this is what I think:
::I really hope that any one will be able to but orange puffles if they are avalible to buy!
::The new mission will come out in a few weeks. Hopefully soon though!
::I think that there is a chance that Herbert will break into the Pet Shop.
I have another crazy theory.
maybe g drew klutzy and he looked like an orange puffle and he sent rookie and jet pack guy to look for him only they started looking for an orange puffle and we have to go find them and explain the mix-up.
Weird Penguin said...
A puffle is a fun-loving fluffy creature. Herbert is planning on using puffles in his next plan.
hey yall im like totally friends with bluesea214 shes so AWESOME!! i see her at school so i really know her. she totally ROX!!!!!!!
Hey Every One
Keep Up The Good Thinking!!!
I Have Read Them All And There All
_ Shiver Jak
Dear All Thoose Asking About Being Mods,
Readthe Rules under the copyright warning.
Altweirdkid, CPG Mod
This is Leggo,lolz hi. Well i have a question-Does mimo's site have a chating box(I don't meen the comments). By chating box i meen one of those instant messenging things that most blog websites have.
Disha19967 said...
That is a wicked funny theory! OK, here is mine:
Herbert is planning to make club penguin crazy for puffles that aren't even real! SO he paints one orange and then lets it loose. G sees this and then he sees a gray one and a gold and silver one and he's excited. Then, he follows them into a pit full pudding. Uh oh! And I will rescue them!
lol funny theory! keep coming here for new updates
Kiogre 2 (CPG mod)
Sweet it looks awesome!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
i wish all cpg mod good luck in training.
Anonymous said...
Mimo did you color the puffle orange?
Hey mate no mimo did not change the puffles colour its an orange puffle!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
wierd penguin said...
Ok firstly welcome to CP u must be new. Well a puffle is like a ball of fluff which penguins have as pets.
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Dear Anonymous,
The mission will probably be out in 2 weeks. Keep checking the HQ's Board! (Right wall.) It will say something when it comes.
- Natho Dude (CP Name) (CPG Mod)
Wow guys u got some wicked theories but it would be wicked if we can get orange puffles
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
I dont think we will get Orange puffles maybe untill a party or somthing else(CPG mod)
Yo anyone want to meet up on CP with me? Give me a time(PST), server and date and ill c u there
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
There are alot of penguins trying to become mods now, im just trying to find some questions but looks like they are all answered so far.
Sand Flipper
Hey, you edited the orange in!
OMG! A while back, I messaged CP asking if there would be an orange puffle! WOOO! Suuuuawweet!:D
Typical rose said:
::Does anyone think that we will be able to buy the orange puffles? I hope so.
::When will the new mission come out??
::Do you think Herbert will steal any of our puffles from us?
::Originally, the mission sneak peak had the puffle just white, but Mimo colored it orange. So, this isn't a clue for an orange puffle. Hopefully there will be new puffles in the future though!
::Mimo stated in the blog entry that the mission might only arrive in a couple of weeks.
::There's a possibility that Herbert will! After all, in the latest mission he said that his next plan would include many puffles.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
ok mimo my theoiry is:
club penguin has been asking for orenge puffles right? so gary has come up with the idea to make a puffle-transmorgrefire somthing, so he gets the idea but herbert stole it so you get the help of to other agents rokkiee and jet pack dude and when you defet the misson cp gives you all free smothies ;p
also, can you cange the poll to `` what should mimos memo be: zebras smell funny, i like hampsters or chipmunks rock! ok plz! plz! plz!
Anonymous said:
HI!!! U ROCK MIMO! when does the mission Come out again? Thanks for being awesome
Mimo said in the blog entry that the new mission might come out in a couple of weeks.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
Anonymous said:
can i be a mod? baseball2684
Anyone can become a Mod, but first you must work for it! Answer questions that appear on the comments page correctly. Overtime, you might become a Mod.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
Anonymous said:
Mimo did you color the puffle orange?
I think he did because if you check out the mission sneak peak on the Club Penguin blog, the puffle is white.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
Anonymous said:
A puffle is an animal that can be found in Club Penguin. They look like small balls of fluff and come in different colors and personalities. Penguins can purchase puffles as pets from the Pet Shop.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
COOL! but i think u colored that pic!
Oh well, you rock mimo! I met u once, sadly u couldn't add me 2 ur buddy list...
add me if u can im usually on walrus or tuxedo
Nice theories everybody! Keep them coming!
Dear Anonymous,
Mimo said the mission won't come out for a couple weeks.
I cant wait for the new mission to come out. I have 8 weeks of christmas/summer holidats and im going mad. I dont think that there will be an orange puffle though because the sneak peek on CP didnt have one.
not to be rude mimo but my idea is that herbert using the crab painted as a puffle to make look like dangerous cratures and g thinks thire all dangerous
hi mimo ummmmm that puffle really is not orange ummm you got me all excited i thought there would be a new orange puffle!!!!! plz dont do stuff like that again
Anonymous said...
I cant wait for the new mission to come out. I have 8 weeks of christmas/summer holidats and im going mad. I dont think that there will be an orange puffle though because the sneak peek on CP didnt have one.
Awsome Anonymous 8 weeks OF HOLIDAYS!!! well ive got 9 lol Im in australia you must be to!
awesome! i cant wait for the new mission. also congrats to:
Pengwun Powa
A kiwi boy
Agent Lc
Sand Flipper
for being MODs!
cool I want an orange puffle!!!!
the last mission sayed that the polar bear need puffles lots of puffles!!!!
so I dont think that he is going to eat an orange I think he is REALLY going to do something with them!!!
(ps PLEASE post)
Weird Penguin said: Whats a puffle?
Dear Weird Penguin...
A puffle is the native creature to Club Penguin
They come in different colors
Such as Blue, Green, Black, Pink, Purple, Red & Yellow
You can purchase these creatures at the Pet Shop
~Shimbo37 (CPG Mod)
Well, I'm sure its not some orange! LOL!!!!Umm, I think there are going to be orange puffles.. Maybe he's seen the Polar bear with a new friend or maybe he has kidnapped it!
Who knows?
I have a crazy idea..
I think that a fried orange ate G, then G came back to life because of his magical powers he invinted, then he drew a picture of an orange puffle to show two penguins what the fried orange looked like so they could help them take revenge, but it turns out that the jet pack penguin is really the fried orange because the orange has special powers to turn into penguins. Then the orange eats G once and for all. :) I know, i'm pretty crazy too, mimo.
C ya!
Thats a really good Idea Pinkiwinki9
You never know???
CP name: Nzkristina
CPG Mod (IN training!)
This is gonna be awesum. Yeaaz.
can i be a mod?
Good question! Well, if you want to be a mod, you are going to have to work hard. It took me heaps of answering questions before I got on the list. And now I am very proud. So keep working, and you will get it ;)
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
hi mimo ummmmm that puffle really is not orange ummm you got me all excited i thought there would be a new orange puffle!!!!! plz dont do stuff like that again
Dont get mad at Mimo. He obviously coloured it orange to match his story.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
HI!!! U ROCK MIMO! when does the mission Come out again? Thanks for being awesome
The Mission comes out in a couple of weeks
Spaboy (CPG Mod)
COOL! but i think u colored that pic!
Oh well, you rock mimo! I met u once, sadly u couldn't add me 2 ur buddy list...
add me if u can im usually on walrus or tuxedo
Yes, Mimo did colour it. And awesome, you met him! He was probably full. But keep trying!
Wow Stargal, you're doin great! Youre shockimg me with a wave of modification... Random I know ;)
Pengwun Powa
mimo wheres the clue
If you read Mimos posts more carefully youd know... look closer at the posts.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
Mimo... what a CRAZY IDEA!!!!!!
Its meant to be a MISSION!!!!!
if thats what happens... then... whats the point of even making that mission... its obviously a orange! i mean... who would eat a puffle???
haha! Good jokes you have Mimo! That was funny, LOL
weird penguin said... WHATS A PUFFLES? dear weird penguin a puffle is a clubpenguin native animal and you can buy tem as pets visit the pet stoe for more information
The puffle isn't orange it's pretty easy to tell you just filled it in. It's very irresponsible of you to get people exited about that, they rely on you for the truth.
err... I saw this on Club penguin community section but the puffle is not orange in color -.-
Oh ya how do we bcome a CPG Mod?
~ bruno8080
no, i think the polar bear will eat an orange puffle for breakfast! and we will go to herberts stomach to pull it out :D ok, i know im crazy. but it would be fun!
Is it maybe we're gonna get orange puffles? I hope the non-members can buy it :D
Wow, looks exciting.
Good job Mimo!
Dear anonymous:
The mission will come out shortly and mimo will tell you the cheats in no time!
-polounited77(CPG MOD)
Dear clever aqua:
The puffle isn't supposed to be orange its white! Hope this helps!
-polounited77(CPG MOD)
I have a theory about the mission. I think Herbert will feed lots of black puffles lots of o berries,and Clubpenguin will catch fire as the black puffles go through it!.Because in the last mission Herbert had lots an o berry bush in his hideout.thats my theory-(cpn)tragles.
i think herbert will be a good guy in the future missions
(turchi tim cpg mod)
18 Pups said...
I'm just sayin'... I saw the sneek peek and the puffle wasn't colored orange it was white like everything else
I say:
I totally agree! Lots of people believe mimo because he's loyal and trustworthy! But mimos great at edits!
Lol, Made me laugh like mad
hi everyone i wish you best of luck for the next mission
(turchi tim cpg mod) p.s mimo 777 is the best his funny just like me !
WOw! A new mission!Wonder when it will come out!
Please post!Never get posted before:(
In response to Anonymous, who said:
hey mimo did u ever post the mimo secret party clue #1? in one of yur posts u said u would post it the next day. u posted it on the 30th.
Hey! The 1st clue has been posted. Here's a hint. Look right at the bottom of the CPG Mod Q and A post, and take a look at all the capital letters. Good luck!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
In response to weird penguin, who said:
Hey! Puffles are tiny, furry creatures which we penguins keep as pets. They are available at the pet shop.Go check them out!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
Hey, guess what?? I just popped by CP and found out the puffle had NO colour! Who knew???
In response to Leggofmyeggo, who said:
This is Leggo,lolz hi. Well i have a question-Does mimo's site have a chating box(I don't meen the comments). By chating box i meen one of those instant messenging things that most blog websites have.
Hey! Mimo does have a chatroom, which is located on a secret website. Hope you find out what the secret site is!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said
We might get orange puffles YAY!
Yo dude nice theory this getting exciting
Wow! That was fun moderating! Its always fun to see my inbox flooded!Lol. Good luck to everyone becoming a CPG Moderator!
ORANGE PUFFLES! YES! I think orange puffles will be seen in the mission.
Hey Mimo, I got EPF! But mine came with a different skin than in the EPF video. Mine only covers the outside with the EPF logo on one side of the DS and the CP logo on the other. It's also having a black background, and my DS is black too. I you want, I can show pictures.
anonymous said,
can i be a mod?
yes, you can. if you answer peoples questions correctly and put cpg mod after it, you can be a cpg mod!
-razelberrie7 (cpg mod)
i have a theory! i think that herbert gave g a puffle, telling him it was an orange,and g thought it was a peace offering. so he ate it, and while he was swallowing it, he felt that it was furry, and was getting suspisious, he thought it was a puffle, but then he desided it was an orange. and inside his body the puffle was playing with things, and making g do crazy things, like moving his arms and legs. then he knew it was a puffle. so rookie, the jet pack guy, and i, have to shrink down, and go inside g's body, and catch the puffle and take it out.
p.s. i have never been posted before. :[ plz post me!
Anonymous said...
HI!!! U ROCK MIMO! when does the mission Come out again? Thanks for being awesome
Mimo said the mission wasn't coming out until a few weeks. Dont worry, I have antz in my pantz too!
Millywily~CPG MOD
Hewkii said...
where do you get such a crazy idea??? You have to be like CRAZY or something
Crazy is contagious!
Millywily~CPG MOD
Anonymous said...
can i be a mod? baseball2684
Of course! Just answer 10 gazillion questions! (I am on the process too!)
Millywily~CPG MOD
Anonymous said:
Mimo did you color the puffle orange?
Between you and me... I think he did! I wouldn't blame him! White is such a dull color!
Millywily~CPG MOD
I don't know but, i think that cp will come out with a n orange puffle! Hurrah!
Alot of people are having there theories. Even I have one!
"G's puffle ate to many carrots, got orange, G flipped out. Rookie was going to test out G's rocket while flying over to the HQ to get some paint. Rookie was scared it the experiment wouldn't work so he got his best friend to do it. Herbert is mad and steals the puffle!
Millywily~ CPG MOD but not at the moment
TypicalRose said:::Does anyone think that we will be able to buy the orange puffles? I hope so.
::When will the new mission come out??
::Do you think Herbert will steal any of our puffles from us?
Yeah, orange puffles will probably be available sooner or later. The new mission will come out in a couple of weeks. Herbert will not steal any puffles from us.
shadow1397(CPG MOD)
::Do you think Herbert will steal any of our puffles from us?
I dont think so. Everyone would be flipping out. It would be the end of CP! No, not really but CP would be getting SO MANY E-MAILS! But hey, I am just one opinion! You never know!
Millywily~CPG MOD
I think herbert stole a puffle!?!
I think you are the jet pack guy and you search for a orange puffle because there have been some sidings.
Hmm this looks interesting!
Maybe the puffle is Gs and we have to find it!
And for a award we will get to buy maybe!
i hope my theory is true!
p.s. love ur site mimo!
anonymous said when does it come out
probably a couple of weeks
Anonymous said...
I cant wait for the new mission to come out. I have 8 weeks of christmas/summer holidats and im going mad. I dont think that there will be an orange puffle though because the sneak peek on CP didnt have one.
dont lie a lot i just get 10 days holidays then how can you get 8 weeks you know it equals more than 3 months
I think were going to get ORANGE PUFFLES YAAAAAYYY!!!
Anonymous said...
Mimo did you color the puffle orange?
yes, he did. It was one of mimos sneaky jokes. lol
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG MOD)
This is Leggo, Lolzz hi
A lot of people are getting confuzed because of the fact that mimo made the puffle orange. Mimo wouldn't trick us. This could be a clue, or it could just go along with his theiry.
By the way Kiwi or RacerX, i dont care where we meet, lolz. But for me it would be easier to meet by CP time.-Is that ok-?
my theory is he kindnaps all the puffles from the pet shop and we have to find herbert to rescue them and that black puffle someow helps...again
I think that its going to be like their is going to be a mission that involves ninjas! and the orange puffles are ninjas! so what happens is their have been some puffles disapering for no good reason and then the ninjas try to help the sercet agents and they bring along their orange puffles to help find them because they can sneek under tight places and they find all the puffles in the sercret ninja rooom haveing a seission for card jitsue! and the orange puffles were traing them and the orange puffle that was "helping" the spys was trying to keep them away!
Er, Mimo,I just went to the "What's new"corner and I saw the sneakpeek.
But, the puffle wasn't orange in colour.It was white like everything else.
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