Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Mimo Club Penguin Christmas Party was Awesome!

Here are all the clues and answers. Also here are a few Mimo Club Penguin Christmas party pix! The party rocked. The party rolled. The party had crazy awesome rockness.

Clue #1
"I'm listening to a CooL song right now, yoU might want to listEn to it. It goes "...from behind the clouds." Sweet song, yeah."

Clue #1 ANSWER is the Server:
The Jonas Brothers song Dear God:
I think I see a RAINBOW from behind the clouds. So the server was Rainbow!

Clue #2
Rockhopper's coming with Chsistmas glee.
It's about time don't you see.

If you missed the first clue, that's too bad.
go back and look, or go ask you Dad.

It was a word in a song.
But most have it wrong.

There's another hint, now look low.
Or you can just go ask Joe.

But enough about that on to number two.
It's the time not the place and I'm thinking of shoes.

It's the number of them on Clearance minus one.

Clue #2 ANSWER is the time of the first party:
There are 13 shoes in the clothing catalog on the "Clearance" page. Subtract one from that and you get 12. The first party started at 12 Club Penguin Timezone.

Clue #3
some of you like to fly party kites
others like to party on other sites

me, i'm into the weird and the iNsane
i'm sure some of you are just the same

you like cookies with ears
and blueberry tears

and tomatoEs with socks
and marshmallow clocks

so what is the pOem all about
i'll tell you if you don't pout

it's when you should show
and hang out with mimo

Clue #3 ANSWER is the time of the second party:
There are 3 letters capitalized in this poem, NEO. You scramble them and you get ONE. The time of the second party is 1:00 Club Penguin Timezone.

Clue #4

See you there and there and there!

Clue #4 ANSWER are the ROOMS:
Here are the three picture hidden in the picture above.

The first party room is a picture of a Mine!

The second party room is a picture of a pool table. So it's in the pool!

The third party picture is of One of the Seven Dwarfs, Doc. So it's in the Dock!

Clue #5
Opposite of Cloudy Day. Julian date 356

Clue #4 ANSWER is the date:
The opposite of Cloudy day is Sunny Day or Sunday! The 356th day on the Julian Calendar is December 21! Some of you thought is was tomorrow but its a leap year so it was today!

Here are some party pix!

Don't worry if you missed the party. We already have another one we are working on! Besides, we are on Christmas break!

What did you think of the party and clues? Were the clues to hard? I can make them easier next time. Loots of smarty penguins figured it out!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Listen to Mimo's music now at:
Mimo - Decoding Mimo


DufflBagBoy said...

I was at ur party Mimo! U ROCK MORE! ~Dufflbagboy~

Ray Toolbear said...


Anonymous said...

u had ur party already :_( i will try too see another one

Ray Toolbear said...


Ray Toolbear said...


Anonymous said...

i waz da guy sayin
mimos awsome
mimo rocks
mimo needs a pair of socks.
Freaky isnt it.

Edward said...


Anonymous said...

I was there too

Ray Toolbear said...


Anonymous said...

Now that partay was fantabulous!

Your friend,

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous,
that was the last winter party.

Stickers303 said...

I had a great time =)

Everyone added me exept Me Snata...9China9 added me but she deleted me (maybe a glitch)!

And I meet new friends "confupenguin and Leggofmyeggo"!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what server was it

Polkagirl919 said...

That was sooooo AWESOME dude!
I almost passedout when I saw you i was great!

~*~Polkagirl919~*~ (cpg mod)

Stickers303 said...

Great Party! Have another one =) Hope im in a pic!


Stickers303 said...

Also is ur buddy list full?


Anonymous said...

THAT WAS THE BEST PARTY EVER!!!!!!It was so much fun.there were so many famous penguins there! here's a list:You, confupenguin, legofmyego, zoezoe11,phat fano, fano, starbuckssith sith, Me Santa, U Fried, and...thats it
i was pie1530 (i cloned u but i was blue) thoese were hard clues. Merry Christmas
p.s. the server was rainbow!

Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

Hey Mimo! The party ruled!


Anonymous said...

i had no idea about the party!! dang it!

Pengiv2 said...

:( I missed the cp party because
I was at a real life party :(
plus I thought it was tommorow.

:( :( :( :( :( :(

Anonymous said...

Mimo, i say you dude! Zoe Zoe added me also
i am going to post pics of you mimo and me, zo zo , and u fried on my site!!! It was so awsome dude! check out the pictures later by clicking on my name:D
remember the name
I cant believe it:D me and you were standing right next to eachother towards the end of the party! when you said to dock!

Polkagirl919 said...

I tried to add you but you were full I was ok with that


P.s~ Did i mention ur party was awesome!?!

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Awwwww man! I missed it! O well im sure u guys will tell me all about it
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

i thought it was toomorow

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Man im soo annoyed that i missed it! Im gonna have a party to make up for eveyone that missed it, but people that went can come as well.
Check out my blog for details!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Wow Mimo! That party rocked! I was acctually there! it was so great seeing you! Do a new years party soon too!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo,
I was at your party! It was so cool! The second party I have been to, it was so good! And there were lots of penguins and the club penguin gang was there!
Lol, Mimo and CPG thanks for the cool party.

CPG Rocks
Bubbles 1705

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
u had ur party already :_( i will try too see another one
Hey I know i missed it too! :( lol o well im gonna have a party and everyone is invited, check out my blog for details
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

I was there and i am now ZOEZOE11s buddy. Tell her to not to delete me PLEASE.
She rocks as well as 9china9,Mimo777 and U fride. Ill email you some photos

Anonymous said...

i wish i was there i just missed it.

Anonymous said...

Aw man ,
Mimo , I missed it.
I didn't understand the clues.

Anonymous said...

I was there :)

Anonymous said...

There was a Party? Man I missed it!! I've never gone :(

Anonymous said...

Can you inform us a lot all the time? Like in capitals. Beacause I Missed it. And I've never gone to 1 and I really badly want to

Anonymous said...

u know what ARGGGG! make ur clues less hard! im going on mimo strike!

Anonymous said...

i wasn't there me sad now
do the kirby dance
that was random

Anonymous said...

I thought your party was tomarrow, but hey, Ill be there next time.

Anonymous said...

U already had the first one??!?!!
Oh well, I know where the next one is!!! :D

Stickers303 said...

It was a glitch! 9china9 is my budd still =)

Thanks for a great party CPG!


Stickers303 said...

Yo Mimo...When you go to the toy page on CP its updated!


Anonymous said...

Rainbow was full...then I got in at the end but then I had to get off the computer. I though the party was tommorow >.>

4days til Christmas!

Anonymous said...

u already had it??? :(:(:(:(
next time make ur clues easier
i was really looking forward to it

MtmmChobot said...


Anonymous said...

mimo can u meet me in rainbow at 3:00

MtmmChobot said...

i kept saying sup? u kept saying sup? Back!

Anonymous said...

AHHHH i missed the party AGAIN!
mimo can u have another party soon?

MtmmChobot said...

please have the next party soon u rock mimo!

Anonymous said...

too bad i missed out :(

Anonymous said...

when was it
was it the one with the clues???

Anonymous said...

but u didnt wear ur ninja mask. :(


Anonymous said...

........Man, i missed it. Mimo can you make the clues easier next time? Thanks! Hope the others had fun!:(

Unknown said...

mimo i just found out if you click on the snowman at the ski village its outfit changes by mcrguy5241

Anonymous said...

What? I thought it was tommorrow!

Anonymous said...

rockhopper is on northpole @ 625 CTime

Anonymous said...

oh man, I thought I had all the clues, but then that julian date 356 one threw me off. When I googled it, this website came up:
It said that 356 was december 22nd not december 21st!! So I thought the party was tomorrow. did anyone else think the same thing?
-flubbercutie(cp name)

Anonymous said...

what server was it



Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod

Anonymous said...

AWww! I missed it! I thought it was tomorrow! Aww man! Anyway I found a cheat you might like. How to read the paper while your penguin isn't holding it. Go to any room and walk far. Before you get to the spot your walking to, open up the paper.If you see your penguin he/she won't be holding it.

Anonymous said...

What? I thought it was tommorrow!


Do you live in a different country? If you do, maybe it was the right date in America but not in your country ;)

Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod

Anonymous said...

Man, i missed it. Mimo can you make the clues easier next time? Thanks! Hope the others had fun!:(


Theyre hard because if everyone got them Mimo wouldnt be able to get in!!

Penguwn Powa-CPG Mod

Anonymous said...

I couldnt go, I went to see my grandma and she doesn't have a computer...she's poor.:(

Anonymous said...

mimo can u meet me in rainbow at 3:00


Mimo is far too busy to meet people individually, sorry.

Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod

Anonymous said...

mimo have a girlfriend?the name is gizmq


Anonymous said...

I've signed up for chobots lets have a party soon

Anonymous said...

It said that 356 was december 22nd not december 21st!! So I thought the party was tomorrow. did anyone else think the same thing?
-flubbercutie(cp name)

If you notice, there is a separate chart for leap years. 2008 is a leap year.

Anonymous said...

The party was awsome mimo I was one of the first people there! I even got to be 9china9 and zoezoe11 's buddys! Thanx Mimo777 it was great. I can't wait for your next party!

Anonymous said...

i missed it cause of the last clue lol are you having anoter one

Anonymous said...

What oh I missed fano I didnt kno Fano was there :( oh well!

Anonymous said...

someone reported me when i was just new, but i promise they did it for no reason!!!
so I made a new penguin,and i just figured out what coins for change was. I donated my new 500 coins for people who cannot go to school cuz they were poor, and my mom couldnt start school till she was 8 cuz her parents were poor and couldnt afford it. but now were doing fine, and we have plenty of presents under the tree!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear flubbercutie,
Went to the same site thought the same thing :( and i was at the 4:00 party and Mimo wasnt there :((

Anonymous said...

hi mimo if u go to a coins for change station with no coins u can still donate coins. it will say thank you for making a difference then it will say u dont have enough coins but u do

Anonymous said...

mimo have a girlfriend?the name is gizmq


*blinks* I dont think Mimo wants to hook up with someone he doesnt even now.. But hey, thats just my opinion.

Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod

Anonymous said...

i missed it cause of the last clue lol are you having anoter one


Im pretty sre that was the last one. But dw, I missed it too ;)

Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
mimo have a girlfriend?the name is gizmq
OOOOOOOOO tough one wats the answer mimo? lol, Hey mimo probably wont answer this Question becose he doesnt like to give out personal info, Good question though
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
i missed it cause of the last clue lol are you having anoter one
Hey im sure mimo will be having another one early next year but watch out for Quikee parties before then!
P.S Im having a party soon check my blog ;)
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)

Nico said...

mimo try clicking o the giant snowman at the ski village look what happens

Anonymous said...

yo mimo, ive been using cpmod instead of cpgmod. So i ment cpgmod.

Anonymous said...

That party was sweet!!!!!! There were so many famous penguins there!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

when I first put on the comment there were only eight now my comment is near the bottom about 20 down the page what happened?!?!?

Anonymous said...

I didnt get to come =( =(
oh well
theres more parties to come!
By the way your website has helped me make heaps of friends on chobots!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:

what server was it

Dear Anonymous, Mimo's party's were on the server Rainbow. There were actually two parties! They sure were fun! Hope this helped! Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all!

*Hoopster67(CPG MOD)*

Anonymous said...

i thought it was on the 22nd!!??
JULIAN DATE 356!! Thats the 22nd!!
on monday!!

Anonymous said...

iwantmomo494 said:

Can you inform us a lot all the time? Like in capitals. Beacause I Missed it. And I've never gone to 1 and I really badly want to

Dear iwantmomo494,
I'm no sure if Mimo will inform you in all caps all the time. Maybe not. If you missed this party, don't be sad, it's not the end of all Club Penguin, Mimo will have another party soon! You might think, "is it even possible for this clue to make sense???" Well they do in some way, you just need to think outside the box! I hope this helped, and don't give up, just keep trying until you figure it out! Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

*Hoopster67(CPG MOD)*

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
i missed it cause of the last clue lol are you having anoter one

He said he was in the mood for a quike! I'm guessing it will be next year tho! And no, he is not having a actual planed party for a while now.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

i was there mimo! IT was awsome it was awsome it rocked! Thanks mimo! The clues were great

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo777,
in the dojo there are some more instructions on how to play card-jitsu. Just thought you would like to know!

Anonymous said...

:( i missed ur party all because i FELL ASLEEP!!! WWWAAAHHHH!!!! please make another party soon!!! I WANT TO MEET YOU! -pikt

Anonymous said...

question about the cp ds game:
on ice fishing how come somtimes its the fish but mostly its the tresure chest???
(please answer and post)

Anonymous said...

I thought it was tomarrow darn :(

Anonymous said...

ohh darn i missed it again. i always do all the clues but then i miss it

Anonymous said...

clubpenguin gang i know this dosent have too do with the party but on chobots is says i didnt have flashpower so i downloaded it and tried again and it still said i didnt have flashpower so i rebooted my computer and everything and it still didnt work i need help

Anonymous said...

clubpenguin gang i know this dosent have too do with the party but on chobots is says i didnt have flashpower so i downloaded it and tried again and it still said i didnt have flashpower so i rebooted my computer and everything and it still didnt work i need help

Anonymous said...

i thought it was on the 22nd!!??
JULIAN DATE 356!! Thats the 22nd!!
on monday!!

So did i lol, but mimo said opposite of a cloudy day... that could have meant something or mimo was just in lala land and just got done hiking up gumdrop mountain when the giant teddy gram attacked and all the jelly beans when... eh hem i mean yeah

Sand Flipper


Anonymous said...

I Never Knew It Was Today

Bummer Well I Hope You Have Another Party


_ RockhOpper

Anonymous said...

I missed the party, but oh well! I really wanted to meet everyone but ill see you all at the next party! hope you all had fun rockin out with MIMO!

Sand Flipper


Anonymous said...

MIMO HAS WINGS! lol jk... but he drinks red bull!

Sand Flipper


Anonymous said...

On CP: EPF, How do you go into the pizza shop kitchen? It just tells me "This is no time to make a pizza." HELP! I already have 100% and just want to make a pizza!

Anonymous said...

I was there Mimo! So many Betas where there too. I added all of CPG, but they didn't respond. Lol, I finally got the clues this time!


Anonymous said...

i was there for the last two pics
i was at your party!
thats my penguin name

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo,
Lol, I'm in two of the pictures!
Best Mimo party ever! xP

CPG Rocks!
Bubbles 1705

Anonymous said...

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)said...
Awwwww man! I missed it! O well im sure u guys will tell me all about it
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)

Dont worry mimo is having another one
Iqhnjkfh(cpg mod in training)

Emotional Penguins said...

AWESOME clues, Mimo! You rock!!

Anonymous said...

I was the one who told everyone to smile for Mimo! XD Peeps actually listened!

Ray Toolbear said...


Abominable46 said...

:( I missed it. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
what server was it

IT was on rainbow
leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

sand flipper said...
i thought it was on the 22nd!!??
JULIAN DATE 356!! Thats the 22nd!!
on monday!!

So did i lol, but mimo said opposite of a cloudy day... that could have meant something or mimo was just in lala land and just got done hiking up gumdrop mountain when the giant teddy gram attacked and all the jelly beans when... eh hem i mean yeah

Sand Flipper


Guys, its a leap year, so instead of the 22nd, it was the 21:D i am in second to last picture! also i have pics of the party when you click on my name:)
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Fadoodle 1 said...
when was it
was it the one with the clues???

Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Fadoodle 1 said...
when I first put on the comment there were only eight now my comment is near the bottom about 20 down the page what happened?!?!?

Its ok, that happends to me too sometimes.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Well a lot of people thought it was tommorow. it would have been, but it is a leap year! lolzzz...

This is for 9china9, and the rest of cpg (i know mimo wont) I would like you to comment on my site and tell me to meet you guys somewhere. just click on my name:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

sorry but they were too hard!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mimo ! You rock ! Congrats to all penguins that can find all of the mimo's party clues !

Anonymous said...

OMG! I'm in the third to last picture. You can't see me too well. I'm right under someone saying MIM O! I look like the Elf of the Month but with a ninja mask. And I looked like that way before the party! And in the last picture, I'm just to the right of all of the smilies, at the top. I had on the same outfit plus the bell and whistle. I was waving, which with these items sounds really annoying! Oh, and to say bye to Mimo. That too.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't come! I was out all day and I live in Australia! so the time was different for me. its good you put the cp time as well.

Dunnker said...

The party was Sweet!!!!It rocked and rolled!!!

Anonymous said...

i thought it was tomorrow (sigh)
when is your next party mimo?

Anonymous said...

I was at the party! It was my first Mimo party! I normally suck at the clues, but I got help this time so I figured then all out!Yay!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous sais: 'mimo can u meet me in rainbow at 3:00'

Dear Anonymous,
Unfortunately, I don't think Mimo has time to accept requests like this beacause he's a very busy penguin.However if you answer questions/be helpful to others and put (CPGmod) next to your name when you are. Eventually you will become a mimo mod and will meet mimo secretly so that mimo can become your buddy.

Anonymous said...

Deylio said...'clubpenguin gang i know this dosent have too do with the party but on chobots is says i didnt have flashpower so i downloaded it and tried again and it still said i didnt have flashpower so i rebooted my computer and everything and it still didnt work i need help'

Dear Deylio,
This may be because you have to download a certain version of Flashpower. Study what it says more and you might find out what flashpower you need. Google that flashpower, download it and Wala!

Anonymous said...


A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Hey the pics look sweet it must of be a cool party
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

can you pls make em easier im real sad :( i was totally disappionted

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

please make another party soon, i missed the party cuz I fell asleep! -pikt

Anonymous said...

the clues were to hard i really wanted to come :(
I'm sad

Anonymous said...

Woot woot! Kool party dude! Never really was able to go to a party of yours since it was usually full or waaaaaay to crowded. However, this time it waasn't so much easier :D Anywayz, later dude!

Anonymous said...

2 words....AWE-SOME.....I should known that clue.Man,you are a good riddle....person. Merry Christmas! just 3 more days. Have a nice one :D

Anonymous said...

that was the best party ever

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

what server was it

Dear Anoymous,
The server was rainbow. If you missed the party that's ok.. Mimo is going to have another party soon.
A Merry Christmas! And Happy Holidays!!

K. B. Homie said...

I couldnt go, I went to see my grandma and she doesn't have a computer...she's poor.:(

Dear K. B. Homie

That's ok, maybe you can go next time. And it is not awful to be poor. There are so many poor people in the world. That's when you you work hard and enjoy with your family. No i am not telling you to be poor but i gurantee you poor people are some of the happiest people in the world who dont have everything but are still happy with what they have. Merry Christmas! and A Happy Holidays!

pengwun powa said...

mimo can u meet me in rainbow at 3:00

Dear pengwun powa, Mimo is too busy to meet people individually. He should study, update his site etc. Maybe you can meet him in one of his parties. Good Luck! Merry Christmas! and HAppy Holidays!!

Fadoodle 1 said...

when I first put on the comment there were only eight now my comment is near the bottom about 20 down the page what happened?!?!?\

Dear Fadoodle 1, Thousands of people view Mimo's site. Many of them comment too, but at that time Mimo might not be online and he might not accept the comments. So there will be hundred's of comments waiting to be approved.. and yours might be somewhere at the end. Merry Christmas! and A Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

you rock mimo i was there

Anonymous said...

hey mimo how come every one spells your name like this 'mim o' on CP?

Anonymous said...

Did u see me i was there


Anonymous said...

I missed it. I will come to youre next!
PS The clues were good

Anonymous said...

It was to hard??How do you come with thouse clues?

Anonymous said...

u rock mimo

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo. Loved your party. I especially loved it when we "danced and broke the ice". I'm in the second picture, just look for Dj Red 4. K.

Zebras smell funny.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
u know what ARGGGG! make ur clues less hard! im going on mimo strike!
Dude take a chill pill. Don't take it out on mimo. He might make the clues less hard next party. Not everyone went. So take a breather and don't go on "Mimo Strike".

Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

hey mimo, guess wat, I just won a Limited Edition Viking Penguin!! and I live in South Africa!!

Anonymous said...

Elijahc149(CP Mod In Training) said...
i thought it was on the 22nd!!??
JULIAN DATE 356!! Thats the 22nd!!
on monday!!
you must of looked at the normal year calender. 2008 is a leap year so there is a seprate calender for that. also the opisite of a cloudy day is a sunny day (sunday).

Merry Christmas
Pie1530(cpg mod in training)

Anonymous said...

i missed it and i worked so hard on the clues! :(

Anonymous said...

the clues are to hard

Anonymous said...

im kjsc03's brother and i didn't miss the party!
that was me saying ZEBRAS SMELL FUNNY!

Anonymous said...

ugh this is what always happens i get on to the srver then it gets to crowded so i leave the room and i can get back in... No party for me right now :(

Anonymous said...

they were too hard!! Some of us don't listen to the Jonas Brothers, so please make it something that everyone could get next time. I mean, I got most of the clues except the Joe Bros clue.

Anonymous said...

Sweet! I was in about four or five of da pics. In case u like Wheres Waldo I'm the guy with the red hoody and the skater boy hat.

Anonymous said...

Y does Mimo give clues so we can't go to his party? I can't believe i missed it!

Coolblueyrdr (cpgmod)
Dear Playermilion,
Mimo does want us to go to his party but he prefers to have smaller ones. + its fun!

Anonymous said...

the clues were too hard for me can you plz make them easy next time?
~xia98~(penguin name)
ps do you ever go on mammoth?

Anonymous said...

Fadoodle 1 said...
When I first put on the comment there were only eight now my comment is near the bottom about 20down the page what happened?!?!?

Dear Fadoodle 1,
When other people post comments, the people who first posted their comments comment's go down so it gives the people who lasted posted a chance to be at the top. Hope this isn't confusing!

*9sapphire9, CPGmod*

Polkagirl919 said...

That was so awesome!


Anonymous said...

That was REALLY hard!!!! I could've spent hours trying to figure it out but I bet I never could solve it! Very Clever Mimo! just like me (CleverAqua64)

Anonymous said...

pretty cool mim o.i couldnt figure it ya

deleted said...

IT was Shweet! I was only there for a second, cuz my computer logged me off and the server was full. I wish I could have been there for a little more time. Oh well

Anonymous said...

I think you should make your parties easier to find. I couldn't figure out 3 of the clues and i and in 9th grade.

Anonymous said...

don't worry about it jazzdance95 you'll get one time mimo has these parties not so u can get the place and time ans server that easy. he wants u to actually use ur brain and think. so don't worry about its ok i don't really get them either so....

Carlito135 (cpmod)

Alex said...

i thought the clues were too hard. and plus i was too busy to have time to figure them out. but mimo could u make them easier next time?

Anonymous said...

I missed your party :(

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

What sever was it in?

The server that it was in was Rainbow

Anonymous said...

lol actually mimo, these were the easiest ones so far! except for doc the dwarf, i dont watch cinderella, or is it snow white? IDK lol!!!

Anonymous said...

I knew all your clues but I had to go to a hokey game.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG! i knew ALL the clues but i didnt know if it was am or pm!! :(:(:(

Anonymous said...

mimo you ROCK! the server was Rainbow.

~Vapnoar777~ said...

Mimo, what is your username on Chobots? I saw two posers just this moring.

Anonymous said...

Year they where well too hard i couldent figer it out LOL!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
what server was it
The server was Rainbow!And congratulations to all the penguins who figured out the clues!
(P.S.) I was on vacation so thats why I wasn't here!

Anonymous said...

I thought it was on the 31st!
(make ur clues easier plz)

Anonymous said...

an i thought the song was called from behind the clouds

Anonymous said...


i missed the party...


Anonymous said...

hey mimo!! i think u need to make your clues a bit easier! some of us dont know them all!

Anonymous said...

Why dont you make a ninja party?

Anonymous said...

too hard! ):


Anonymous said...

yes the clues were hard! please make them easier next time.

Anonymous said...

I thought that since there was a dwarf from Snow White and it came out on that sunday years ago(only knew from calander) that is why it was on that day. Still made though either way.

MtmmChobot said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
hey mimo how come every one spells your name like this 'mim o' on CP?

Because if you type mimo, it wont appear to other people--it will apear on your screen--- People type mim o because it shows up to everyone.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Club Penguin Wave said...
Also is ur buddy list full?

My reply:
Dear Club Penguin Wave,
Yes, Mimo's buddy list is full, so many people send himd buddy invatation, but after all he can only have 100! I hope you had a great time at the party!

Waddle on & Merry Christmas

Sophi Jr (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
mimo can u meet me in rainbow at 3:00


Sorry, but Mimo's time is limited and he wouldn't have time for everyone's invitation.

Keep on waddling and Merry Christmas

Sophi Jr (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

aww man i missed it! o btw i love the song dear god from nick jonas!!!!

Anonymous said...

many guys saying ``mimo``

Anonymous said...

That was an awesome party Mimo! It was a little hard to figure out, but I got it! Next time you should make it easier!
-Club Willie

Anonymous said...

I can never work outall the clues, what should I do?

Anonymous said...


-Rollingdog (also my cp name)

Anonymous said...

aw man. those clues were awsome mimo il be there next time

Moonfirestar said...

Umm did anyone notice that Gizmo is there??? hes in the 1st picture wearing ghost sheet and black scuba glasses...hes in plain sight.

Anonymous said...

how were we suppose to know it was leap year!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealos that my cousin came to your party!

Cearch said...

I wish I could have been there Mimo. I lv ur site alot though and I check it everyday. U rock!

Anonymous said...

Hey No Offence Those Clues Were Hard I Thought The One That Said '' RockHoppers Coing With Chrosymas Glee

I Thought The Server Was ChristMas.

Hope You Make The Clues Easier!

Anonymous said...

on the last picture
i said that joke

Anonymous said...

HI mimo777! I think u should make the clues a teensy weensy little bit easier.This is my reason......I have never been to one of ur partys oh,and they ARE WAY TO HARD(no offense).So yeah thats all i ask.PS everyone got to my friends youtube account elvisplayerrunescape.pss I want to become a mod on clubpenguin.psss on clubpenguin im vert97.pssss onchobots im vert97.psssss on planet cazmo im v3rt97.thats all im serious this rock mimo777.

Anonymous said...

Awesome :) I didn't figure out the location but I figured everything else out :( I couldn't see the pictures, they were really faint :/

Anonymous said...

Mim O how did u get da green glasses???

Anonymous said...

Man!!I got all the clues,but sort of missed it.Well,at least u'll still be holdin some other partys.Btw that party looked way fun.I soo gotta go to ur next party!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I see you!

Anonymous said...

My power went out because of the snow! :*(
oh well i thought it was Dec. 22 anyways.. lol.

Anonymous said...

i missed your party. please im not good at riddles.i really wanted to go but i couldnt find out. im like crying.please let mee now the next party.*crys*

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo, i didn't get to go to your party, but i looked at the pics you took. And guess what, i saw gizmo a cp mod in one of them!

Anonymous said...

I SAW GIZMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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