Sweet! We just had a Quickee Party! I announced it on my Twitter Page! It was fun! Click over on the left sidebar to subscribe to my Twitter.
Here is a pic before it got really crowded!

Don't forget the party tomorrow!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

It was Awsome!
Hey look there i am! Lol wow the camera does put 10 pounds on you lol
I was off to the side a little! I was there though!
Thanks for putting who is mimo 4 up Thanks!
Hey mimo. when will the next twitter party be on? of if you have not thought about that are you thinking of doing another one at all?
mimo777 yo soo cooll!!!!!!!!!!
i love you blog
yo dont add me :(
please add me if you can
StrummedPick said...
Hey mimo. when will the next twitter party be on? of if you have not thought about that are you thinking of doing another one at all?
Yes Mimo Will be having another twitter party he tweeted it
I wish i could have been there
i could have been there still i gonna see you at chobots!
mimo here is a new snowball glitch if you trow a snowball at the snowball crystals in the pool it goes trough and disappears
I hope I can go t the next party but how do I know when it is Mimo?
aww I missed it XD oh well
the 1 pic im not im mimo! lol its fine! ttyl i cant wait 4 the next party!
purlpe moon over and out!
whats a twitter party
That was cool!
mimo dosnt add any1 cuse you can only have 100 buddys and theres WAY more than 100 ppl that want 2 b his friend i belive that he only adds his fan and mods/ppl in cpg
purlpe moon over and out!
NOOO!!! I missed it... I could have came if i would have clicked on twiter!!!disapointing...
Anonymous said...
whats a twitter party
Well, It is a party on CP. Twitter is a program that allows you to see what people say everday. So, Mimo said (on his twitter) that he was having a party!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Awww man, I was skiing! Maybe next time.. :P
Oh yeah, do you run track? Just wonderin'
Awesome job Mimo and CPG, keep it up.
~Mr Fun 5
I was there!!!!
to bad I had to go somewhere
PS. My username im posting as is the same username I use for Club Penguin!
I wasnt there! But then again I see you all the time (Mainly fridays)! And I gusse thats pretty lucky!
Oh. I'll keep that in mind.
:( I was helping my uncle fix his computer area :(((
Anonymous said...
mimo777 yo soo cooll!!!!!!!!!!
i love you blog
yo dont add me :(
please add me if you can
Mimo can add barely anybody his list is probably full.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
whats a twitter party
A twitter party is a party that you can only find in his twitter page thats where he tells you when.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
i wish i was there. I missed it again. And Happy Boxing Day for Canadians.
hi. where to get the parrot?
Awwwww I missed it! and i always check out ur twitter! O well my party is coming up!
Date: 27th December
Time: 1:30 CP time
Server: Fjord
Place: Dock
See ya there its one hour and a half after mimos (I think, hopefully)
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
StrummedPick said...
Hey mimo. when will the next twitter party be on? of if you have not thought about that are you thinking of doing another one at all?
Who knows maybe u should subscribe to Mimo's twitter then when he posts about it u will know ;)
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Cearch said...
I hope I can go t the next party but how do I know when it is Mimo?
Hey if u subscribe to mimo's twitter it will update u when he posts about the next twitter Quikee party
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
saddly this comment is Anonymous-
they said
hi. where to get the parrot?
dear anonymous,
mimos parrot is no longer avaliblue at this time = (
sorry 2 disapoint u!
purlpe moon (cpg mod)
Somebody knows why chobots doesnt work??
nice party
why do u never have cpg mod partys or make ur own cpg mod site so we can chat
cpg mod
y mimo what about your green glasses and ninja mask
Anonymous said...
hi. where to get the parrot?
Hey mimo got the parrot when it was the free item from the migrator when Rockhopper visited a while ago.
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
MIMO!!!!!!! U dont have to post this comment, and I dont know if u have already realised this or not,
but I have discovered a change in CLUB PENGUIN. The members Igloo list used to be in alphabetical order, but now it's in order of who puts their igloo up first.
I know its only a teency thing, but please post my name, Im just so excited to have found a change!
P.S: I'm not actually sure how long this change has been around for! :$
i am sad i didnt see the party
Anonymous said...
mimo777 yo soo cooll!!!!!!!!!!
i love you blog
yo dont add me :(
please add me if you can
Dear Chupetets...
Mimo's buddy list is now full. She/he cant add you.
ill be there
hey mimo the parked has opened in chobots!!
Ponde22 (CPG Mod)
boohoo chobots is now not avalible please mimo tell me when its avalible again please!!!!
post on your site
from jamie
Hey mimo! I got a new ice blue nintendo ds lite+ 20 games for christmas!!! woohoo!
wHaT pArTy!?!?!?!!?!?
hey mimo for chobots partys u have mentioned many time zones they are:
9:00 AM Pacific Standard Time
10:00 AM Mountain Standard Time
11:00 AM Central Standard Time
12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
but u didnt mentioned the "eygpt standard time"
so i was not able to attend the party ,so please next time mention it!!
mimo i have a question. why when you track a buddy on a player card it can say that there hiding.
OMG!! i just completed Clubpenguin EPF!!! It is cool! You have to fight this big robot thingy.
do you have a windows computer or a mac?
Hey Mimo! I heard you got a chocolate chip cookie for Christmas! Can I have it?
hey! just want to tell you mimo that theres a new postcard! its a happy new year one!!
i didnt even know there WAS GOING TO BE a quikie party! lol i havent made it to one party in the who yea ive ben with you...
I Know Another Cheat!!!
Go To Sports Shop
Go To Catalogue
Go To Page 6 (Surf Boards)
Click The Surf Board The Penguin Is Holding
Click The Shell And Starfish On The Ground
And There Is A New Surfboard That Pops Up!!
Ok... I was there! I got a screenshot of you, Mimo. I've never seen a cooler site for CP than you! (P.S. I am Hickory Tree. You can see me (the purple penguin with nthe tour guide hat thats dancing...) behind Mimo in the pic on the front page.:0 )
Mimo i found something: In the newspaper said that there was going to put fireworks in the mountain and maybe Iceberg but there are no fireworks!!
ill try to be at the chobot party, my name there is: Sight
I missed it again! darn!
i got Club Penguin EPF for Nintendo DS for Christmas!
Signing Out,
What happened to the fireworks at the Ski Hill and at the Ice Berg? It was announced from 26th December! :S
it says soomeone is hiding when that person is in HQ.
Puff said...
do you have a windows computer or a mac?
I am almost posotive that mimo has a windows computer:D sorry i haven't posted for a while, been a bit bussy with my own site:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
my chobot is mimos twin
callled nnimo
StrummedPick said...
Hey mimo. when will the next twitter party be on? of if you have not thought about that are you thinking of doing another one at all?
Well, on this post, if you read what he said under the picture, it says, "dont forget the party tomorrow" :D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
hey mimo,
it my birthday today!!
Rock on CPG
Cearch said...
I hope I can go t the next party but how do I know when it is Mimo?
Well, ususally he posts something about having on soon on his twitter, or on his blog. he said that he will be having another twitter party! hopefully i can come to that:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Dont forget about my party!
Time: 12:00 pst(clubpenguin time)
Server:Sub Zero
When:28, Sunday
mimo your chobots party is not starting!!
wheres that new serever for ur party on chobots. I cant find it.
mimo just become a flipping member already!!! you give out memberships to other penguins but u dont even give one to urself. so just become a member already so u can get some of the cook things. im not trying to be mean but become one
MIMO!!!! i am sure that you already found this, but inside the HQ there is a coat closet right? scroll over it and it should open. then click on it and you go inside a secret layer. it is called the command room. please check it out!!!
AWWWSOMMEEE your chobots party was soo cool!! What happened to the secret city?
I hope I can go t the next party but how do I know when it is Mimo?
Hey! Mimo's quickee parties are not said ahead of time. When Mimo wants to do a party he'll say it randomly! Sometime he says it on his twitter page, other times he says it on this site! So no one really knows when they are until they see his post.
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
mimo777 yo soo cooll!!!!!!!!!
i love you blog
yo dont add me :(
please add me if you can
dear anonymous
i doubt he will add u cuz hes a very busy person sorry. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
COOLAWESOME you have your own city
Anonymous said...
whats a twitter party
dear anonymous
a twitter party is a party with mimo but he will only post it on his twitter. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
hi. where to get the parrot?
dear anonymous
mimo got the parrot from rockhopper. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
mimo i have a question. why when you track a buddy on a player card it can say that there hiding.
dear anonymous
wen it says a buddy is hiding its sayin that there in the secret HQ. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
yellow crown said...
What happened to the fireworks at the Ski Hill and at the Ice Berg? It was announced from 26th December!
Dear yellow crown,
I have no idea why the fireworks aren't working... Somtimes CP is a little slow on there updates, but its been a few days. Lets pray that they come soon
mimo your not at your party D:
To bad I missed the party.
There Wasant Fire works in clubpenguin yet Mimo??????
DNT GO ON CHOBOS COZ CP IS UR REAL INTEREST! plz mimo, from ur No 1 fan. xxxxxxxxxxx
mimo ur party in chobots was too crowded i couldnt get in!!!
my chobots name is choobot
come on chobots
All man! I met Zoezoe11 atleast, along with Congfupenguin and Dufflbagboy!
Millywily said...
All man! I met Zoezoe11 atleast, along with Congfupenguin and Dufflbagboy!
lol, yeah i saw you. i am pretty sure i added you! Zo zo was also there. She said she is going to comment on my site!
remember the name
aH I missed Confupenguen
wait im changeing the time its 3:40 p.m today the server ice cold at the iceburg my name is brown rock23
ah man i miss your party again.i havent been to one.so sad.=(
Mimo, at the parties do you have conversations with people or do you just listen to what they have to say??
Anonymous said...
Mimo, at the parties do you have conversations with people or do you just listen to what they have to say??
Well we basiclly PARTY!!
yay i just subscribed to your twitter so i should be able to get those partys!!!! btw: are they in cp time?!?!!?
Fred 6 10
Cearch said...
I hope I can go t the next party but how do I know when it is Mimo?
You twitter or you watch CPG
Fred 6 10 cpg mod
Anonymous said...
whats a twitter party
its a party anounced on twitter
Fred 6 10
Anonymous said...
hi. where to get the parrot?
The parrot was a free item Rockhopper brought a few years ago the first time. But disney is very repetitive so who knows mabe it will come out again!!!
Fred 6 10 cpg mod
Hey mimo i have been on cp for years if u see hartcory ask him about me. plz look me up im Mr Burns 554, cya
when is Rockhopper coming back and when is the new pin gonna be here
i almost got in to the party but my computer crashed!!!
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