Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, December 22, 2008

New Club Penguin Treasure Book!

It's here! The new Club Penguin Treasure Coin Book! It's got some pretty cool stuff.

Me Santa scored a new coin. He unlocked the Penguin Band Hoodie and Striped Hoodie. The dude likes hoodies.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Listen to Mimo's music now at:
Mimo - Decoding Mimo


Anonymous said...

i will be getting club penguin toy(s) for christmas
Tejada At

Anonymous said...

What is the link of the new treasure book?

Anonymous said...

thanks for the pics mimo you rock! i also go the hoodies.

Anonymous said...

i have mostly all that stuff my penguin is old not as much as you your my title

Jan0499 said...

I got the toy!
I got the Club Penguin Band jacket and the red Club Penguin jacket

Stickers303 said...

Cool! My friend gave me a coincode so I got the MP300 and Black Guitar!

Are u gunna have a coin codecontest again?


Anonymous said...

i hope to be getting one of thosse so hopeing with fingers crossed

Nicky said...

penguin 0814 said...
What is the link of the new treasure book?

Dear penguin 0814,
If you have noticed you must have a coin code to unlock the tresure book but it is fun to look at the pages


Anonymous said...

Hey mimo. On the CP blog they said that the series 2 will get you series 2 treausre book. What are the series 2 toys?

Anonymous said...

Cool i wish i had a code

Anonymous said...

I like it. Hopw i get a coin for Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Penguin 0814 said...
What is the link of the new treasure book?

Idk understand your Q. You just type in you code, then the new book will apear.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Penguin 0814 said...
What is the link of the new treasure book?

The link is, you got to go to club penguin home page, then go to i have a code, then type your code up. You will then be able to look at them!
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Dalekman said...
Hey mimo. On the CP blog they said that the series 2 will get you series 2 treausre book. What are the series 2 toys?

They should say what series they are on there tag.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

What did he get for the unlocking? What toy was it?

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Kjsc03 said...
I got the toy!
I got the Club Penguin Band jacket and the red Club Penguin jacket
Sweet sounds good i wish i could get a code but they dont sell the toys in NZ
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

how do you get stuff from the book???

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
i will be getting club penguin toys(s) for christmas
Tejada At
Sweet hav fun with them and the codes, lol toy(s)
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
i hope to be getting one of thosse so hopeing with fingers crossed
Hey ill cross my fingers for ya as well, lol ;)
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

i got da bandanna and blue shoes with my code im 356 days old i think around there somewhat *sighs* ANYWAYS i cant wait till christmouse i keep thinking about that toffe /toffee/toffy MERRY CHRISTMOUSE MIMO hope u get what u really want! (which is probly a cp membership!)

-Your friend??? Kidomo :)

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Yay in NZ its X mas eve tomorrow!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

I I'am an old member so i mainly of all the stuff, but the exclusives are sweet! I can't wait for my toy code to be delivered! KEEP ROCKIN CLUB PENGUIN GANG!!

Anonymous said...

I thought you can only access the new Treasure Book if you have the Volume 2 toys.Did Me Santa get toys early?

Anonymous said...

So hows does the code thingy work? I heard there's a little coin that comes with the mix and match action figures/ stuff penguins.... and isn't there like a picture of something on the coin and it has a code, right? but when you type in the code, do u get what the picture shows??????? or do u pick what you want??????????? wellllll... keep it up the good work C.P.G (club penguin gang for short.. I guess,lol)

Anonymous said...

I got some items from the treasure book even though I don't have codes...please answer my question mimo! How old is your penguin? -pikt

Ally♥ said...

I unlocked the penguin band hoodie and the black diva sunglasses. And in the first series I got the orange star shirt the black shoes the golf hat the pink skater hat and that's it!


Anonymous said...

I love the superhero suits

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wish they wouldn't bring old things back!!

hawaiiice11 said...


Anonymous said...

Will I have a new code with the DS or no?
I Want Something From TB Series 2!

Anonymous said...

DALEKMAN SAID Hey mimo. On the CP blog they said that the series 2 will get you series 2 treausre book. What are the series 2 toys?


Anonymous said...

mimo i got a question..

Do they still have the old items from the last treasure book???

Anonymous said...

Today I'm exactly 950 days old !!! If you want I could send you a pic ! At 1000 days I want to make a big party !! Whaterver.... I'm not from the U.S.A. ..... I'm from Europe and I don't have from where to buy a coin code :(

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo the Spy Gadget is still not updated! IT STILL SAYS PITCH NOT ICE RINK!

Unknown said...

This is my mail ;) Merry Cristmas to all !!

Anonymous said...

mimo my dad is going to london in new years will there be toys?

Anonymous said...

What is the link of the new treasure book?


To get to the Treasure Book, buy some merchandise and put the code in on the 'Unlock Items Online!' page, that you can get to by clicking the button on the main page.

Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod

Anonymous said...

Cool! My friend gave me a coincode so I got the MP300 and Black Guitar!


Oh you are soooooo lucky! I know you are from Australia too, where we cant get merch without paying a fortune online XD If I had one, I would buy the bunny hat(At least I think its a bunny hat) and the blue and pink jacket.

Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod

Anonymous said...

weeeeeeeeee good news for you me santa.

Anonymous said...

hi mimo on the sneek peek it looks like herberts holding a ring and he is going in to a secret entrance in the night club

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Nice catalog. Hey Mimo, i will post about that and give a link to your site for people to see those pics :)

Anonymous said...

Ow! Not the blue shirt with the snow flake! NO!!

Anonymous said...

Mimo, you didn't post that the boiler room is decorated for Christmas!

Anonymous said...

dont you need new penguin toys to get the new treasure book?

Anonymous said...

It has awsome stuff but my mom said i can only get one cp toy.

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo what items did you ulock????

clubpenguinrules said...

what do the clubpenguin toys look like

Anonymous said...

Dalekman said,

Hey mimo. On the CP blog they said that the series 2 will get you series 2 treausre book. What are the series 2 toys?

Dear Dakelman, The series 2 toys are the new toys like the Santa and Elf Plushies. Hope that helps!
- Mikey322 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

i have a blue book but i didn't know how i use it

Anonymous said...

hey mimo the treasure book doenst show the new items. how did u get them?

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo! I'm new to the treasure book stuff so
if you have the time to reply please tell me how to unlock the stuff


Anonymous said...

great. just great. now everyones gonna get the lighthouse shirt. THATS MY LAST RARE ITEM!!!! :(

tacolady12 (cp name)

Anonymous said...

Cool! I'll have to check it out! Thanks Mimo!

Anonymous said...

Mimo HELP PLEASE! I still have the old treasure book WHAT SHOULD I DO?
(Oh I'm getting a tin for Xmas how do you unlock cards online?)

Anonymous said...

Cool Treasure Book!! I'm only upset that they brought back the tiara,ballet shoes, and tutu. Oh well!

Merry Christmas

Sophi Jr

Anonymous said...

WOAH! i really want that scarf and the striped hoodie!:D and i thought rockhopper would stay longer! i barely got to play treasure hunt :(

Anonymous said...

Pefect time for chistmas presents i guess

Anonymous said...

Mimo you have EPF right... i have it too! You should change the bow tie with the tie so you actually have a suit!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! This is super sweet! I'm pretty sure my family got me a CP toy. They got me a puffle I KNOW. I peeked.... sorry.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had a code. I might be getting one for christmas! :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So hows does the code thingy work? I heard there's a little coin that comes with the mix and match action figures/ stuff penguins.... and isn't there like a picture of something on the coin and it has a code, right? but when you type in the code, do u get what the picture shows??????? or do u pick what you want??????????? wellllll... keep it up the good work C.P.G (club penguin gang for short.. I guess,lol)

My reply:
You are on the right track. First you have to buy a toy. The toy will come with a coin attached to it. The coin will have a code on it! Next, you click on the button on the homepage that says " Unlock Items Online" Then pick your penguin you want the items on. Next, click on " I have a code" button. Type in your coin code and it should bring you to the treasure book to unlock items! :]

Merry Christmas
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

hi mimo and people its saavy
im sorry for not answerin questions becuz im in america for a holiday so ill try n answer some if i can later on the day, :)

saavy (bot puttin CPG Mod not answerin anything)

Anonymous said...

Why cant i see this items plz help me

Anonymous said...

hey mimo!!!

hey, I just unlocked at new code that i had and I can't find the Treasure book to get something from there. I got the book in my account, but I don't get it. Is that what I get or what? I really need some help!!!


Anonymous said...

hi mimo!!
pleasee do another contest to win a code!!
im kaid18

Anonymous said...

Ugh! I hate this they're bringing all the old items back there no longer rare anymore! :(

UAEdubaidude (CPG Mod) said...

nicky said...
What is the link of the new treasure book?

go to the club penguin website then go to store then click treasure book at the bottom.

If this doesn't work google it.

UAEdubaidude (CPG Mod) said...

Mimo777rulez said...

Mimo HELP PLEASE! I still have the old treasure book WHAT SHOULD I DO?
(Oh I'm getting a tin for Xmas how do you unlock cards online?)

You unlock the new treasure book by getting the new edition of toys. And you can unlock the tin by typing in the code just like you do for toys.

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo you're awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dalekman said...
Hey mimo. On the CP blog they said that the series 2 will get you series 2 treausre book. What are the series 2 toys?

Dear Dalekman, series 2 toys will let you get items from the series 2 treasure book, but the series 2 toy haven't been released yet
Snik fire(CPG MOD)

Wii624 said...

lol i unlocked the kitty kat hat, the candy cane scarf, the striped hoodie and the Keytar.

Anonymous said...

How do you get credits for the Tresure Book, i unlocked the code but don't no how to get credits 4 it

Anonymous said...

This is so awsome i cancled my membership now im a complete non member!

~Omar07 Cpg Mod

Anonymous said...

MIMO: how are te coin codes and the book codes different??? Do you get different stuff?


Anonymous said...

Mimo, I found a cheat in the forest.

There is a tree behind the wooden deer. when you click on it, it can change forms! There are also a few others that do that.

~Lianna154 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Mimo777! it's 8bella girl8 i missed ur party. how do u veiw the series 2 treasure book?

Anonymous said...

Fadoodle 1 said...
how do you get stuff from the book???

You get coin codes from the stuff animals. Then you pick what you want.

Spongie555(CPG Mod)

superpieman500 said...


Anonymous said...

Mimo777rulez said...

Mimo, HELP PLEASE! I still have the old treasure book WHAT SHOULD I DO?
Ok, some people are getting confused about the old and new treasure books. Straight from the CP What's New Blog, the answer is:
New Club Penguin toys will be available in the next couple of weeks - and those new toys have codes that will access the updated book. But if you have a toy from the first wave of toys (like the Santa, Elf, Rockhopper, Shadow Guy, etc.) your code will get you into the first Treasure Book. Hope that answers your question!

- Yay Guy (CPG Mod) (in training)

Anonymous said...

Olovio said...
Ugh! I hate this they're bringing all the old items back there no longer rare anymore! :(

They do that so the people that missed it can get it too.

Spongie555(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Liznewyork said....

hey mimo!!!

hey, I just unlocked at new code that i had and I can't find the Treasure book to get something from there. I got the book in my account, but I don't get it. Is that what I get or what? I really need some help!!!



Dear Liznewyork,
If you got the code from a book then you get coins and a book. But if you get a code from a coin then you get the tresure book and pick to things you want. Well i hope that helped you a bit or a lot.
-sk8rboidud3 (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

♫Emmy♫ said...

Hey, I just unlocked a new code that i had and I can't find the Treasure book to get something from there. I got the book in my account, but I don't get it. Is that what I get or what? I really need some help!!!
Yeah, I was a bit confused by that at first also. But then I realized that you only unlock the treasure book from a TOY. Did you enter a code from a book or from the new DS game or from a pack of trading cards? Codes from those things don't unlock the treasure book. Just toys like the Mix and Match figures.

- Yay Guy (CPG Mod) (in training)

Anonymous said...

can non members use the treasur book

Anonymous said...

mimo there's a new start page on club penguin *notice the ninja*
gimme credit. also, do you EVER go on chobots anymore? agents get to vandalize!

Noni said...

That's hacking wasome Mimo!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo,
Im Just wondering how many thing(s)can you unlock with ONE toy?

Anonymous said...

Legobrandon said...

I'm just wondering how many thing(s)can you unlock with ONE toy?
You can unlock 2 things with 1 toy.

- Yay Guy (CPG Mod) (in training)

Anonymous said...

Do you get one code per penguin??? Please Reply!
Unb Penguins
-Always Look UP(Unb Penguins)!

Anonymous said...

hey MIMO!!!!

i have a favor for you. can ypu please tell Sk8rboidud3 (CPG Mod) and Yay Guy (CPG Mod) (In training) thank you for helping me!! they really helped me a lot!! So please tell them thank you!


Unknown said...

where do you get the code?

Anonymous said...


Abominable46 said...

My dad says he's getting me Club Penguin toys but I'm not sure which ones.

Anonymous said...

wat r the new 2nd series toys

Unknown said...

whats the code??

Unknown said...

whats the code????? ~i lov x mas

Anonymous said...

Sweet!! I really wanted the ballerina outfit because I joined when a new catoloug came out and it was gone.I know what i want for Christmas.happy Holidays everyone : ]

Anonymous said...

hi, where do you find the codes to unlock items?

clubpenguin member shadow200711

Anonymous said...

How do you get to the Treasure Book? I wanna know how. Please tell!!

Anonymous said...

How do you access the treasure book. I've had a code, but it shows no treasure book :[

Anonymous said...

sweet mimo when u having another coin contest? they dont sell the toys in nz im getting one real soon on club penguin. why didnt they put the new treasure book in on club penguin??

Anonymous said...

yay christmas tommorow cant wait getting nitendo ds and probley the elite penguin force game but if i dont get it il be getting it for my birthday

Kathryn said...

Dear Mimo777, will we be abal to get coins off the books

Anonymous said...

mackenzie said...
whats the code????? ~i lov x mas

Dear mackenzie..

you can get the code, if you have the club penguin toys unlock item.
hope this help !

malh said...

Dear Mimo777, will we be abal to get coins off the books

Anonymous said...

Dear Penguin0814,

On CP's home page, you go to toys. From there you can veiw the toys, and if you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you can view the treasure book. You can also do this from the top of the page.

Hope this helps!


Braceface27 (penguin name)

Anonymous said...

Dear fadoodle,

You need a coin code from a Club Pneguin series 1 or 2 toy. Once you have one, you go to unlock items from the home page . Log in, and type in you code. The you should be able to unlock items.

Hope this helps!

From Braceface27 (penguin name)

Anonymous said...

Why can't I view the new treasure book? Billybob said that it would be up on Dec. 22. It is Dec. 24!


Braceface27 (penguin name)

Anonymous said...

Hi blueflames1 here answering a q
Anonymous said...

hi, where do you find the codes to unlock items?

clubpenguin member shadow200711

You have to go to any toys r us or a Disney store near you and buy a club penguin toy with a code attached to it. or win one of mimo777's crazy contests :] hope this helped -blueflames1-

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Mimo!

Anonymous said...

Hey blueflames1 here I am answering a q
Anonymous said...

How do you access the treasure book. I've had a code, but it shows no treasure book :[

go on club penguins site then click play now then click unlock items online in the top right corner of the screen then sign in the penguin you want the code for then after you sign in it asks you if you have a book code or coin code then click coin code then type in your code in the space provided then you will be able to view the treasure book and pick 2 items out of the treasure book. hope this helped -blueflames1-

Anonymous said...

i love hoodies too, lol...but when my friend buys me my xmas present (code) i will use it to get the mp3 player thingy and the new keyboard thingy. im more into music of course.

PAUL J COOK said...

Are you having a contest for me santas code? psssss i have 4 sites on blogger

PAUL J COOK said...

Where did you buy the toy?What is the toy?When did you buy it? plz post

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait!!!!!!! I want the piano gutair and the mp3 player!

Gold1688 said...

Hello Mimo777, I love your Blog!!! Your blogs rulez!!! I always saw your blog from brazil!! Can you tell me if this treasure book is for serie 1 ou is for serie 2? Have diferents?! Thanksss

Anonymous said...

Do u have to b a member for that?

Anonymous said...

hey mimo this is penguin: Mari61995

i wanted to know

im a member but i havnt opened the treasure book yet. How do you open that darn book. if this message s approved and someone else knows, pleese tell me

Anonymous said...

Hey, where is the new treasure book?

Anonymous said...

where are some places to get the toys

Anonymous said...

I cant get mine to show up =0{

violet5599 said...

yea i like hoodies too! lol im getting some coins for christmas! im gonna get the striped hoodie and something else!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo777, just asking how do you unlock those things? do you have to be a member or have cp 2 or something? please write back, Zehra (zed iz kool)

Anonymous said...

where is the book do you buy it or find it in cp?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i got the bumble bee toy but it is the old treasure book!!! >:(
i already hasd the things in that book >:(

Anonymous said...

thats good if u actually live in america but people who live in different countries won't be able to get the toys and the codes!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hi everyone !
i dont have the code fer the unlock items, someone can tell me what the code?
pleaz pleaz pleaz!!

by the way,
merry christmas everyone !
mayoosh ...

mayoosh said...

hi everyone !
someone can tell me pleaz what the code of the unlocked items ??
it will be very nice of you!!

by the way,
merry christmas !!

Anonymous said...

Zehhs__ said...
hey mimo777, just asking how do you unlock those things? do you have to be a member or have cp 2 or something? please write back, Zehra (zed iz kool)

Dear Zehhs..
To unlock the code u must buy club penguin unlock item toys, then when u logged in to cp,click the button on top of the right corner it called Unlock items online. & youll log in to cp wit ur acc.and you can unlock some code. mimo already posted it ! dont u read it ? ok. i hope this help

Anonymous said...

Where did Me Santa get the series two toys? I can't get them in stores yet!

From Bracface27

Anonymous said...

How do I become a CPG Mod? I thought i had to answer two peoples questions! And I did that!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

no no no no no no no!!! they brought back the ice shirt dang!!! that was one of my only rare items i cant believe they did this to me!
disney is seriously stressing me. if they didnt join cp, this wouldnt have happened so soon


cool site keep up the good work

Summer_82796 said...

Hay whats up mimo huge fan!You are soo awsome.BUt i was wondering if you knew why there was an empty screen in the Hq on clubpenguin?

Anonymous said...

hey mimo if u get puffle toy with a coin code u can get in the new treasure book (not the other ones the 4 puffles with the coin then u can get in :)

Anonymous said...

cold you please tell us the code for the tresure book mimo! cos i live in a coumtry where the cp toys arent out yet!

Love Staffiemikaxx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To anyone who doesn't live in america..neither do I, and I bought a puffle with a code on (the U.S site.not the UK one) and its code worked and everything. Buy them on ebay. Don't expect other people who payed for their owntoy to give you a code. Codes can only be used once by one person, so why do you think they will give their code to you?

Anonymous said...

hey mimo u are like my role model but anyway i was told that the puffle toys have the coes for the tb2 (tresure book 2)well i realy want to meat u on cp or go to one of your parties i have about 50 people at my parties usaly on saturdays but please make me your friend ill do any ting i live in the usa

Anonymous said...

i dont have a cp toy. Can i get the book without a code?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

if you click one of the speakers on the page with the penguin with headphones there is the football uniform.
also one of the dots above the explorer's hat is the winged viking helmet

Anonymous said...

how do i get these items

Anonymous said...

i'm new... promise to register round more oftentimes!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your blog. Keep it that way.

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