Wheew, am I the last penguin on earth to become a Ninja!? Well. I did it and it was hard. Those of you that beat me to it are awesome! For the rest of you, keep trying! It's fun! I didn't sneak in this time, just sayin. So should I keep the Ninja mask on or put the green glass back on?
Ok, I've given out 2 clues already. Here is a hint to the first clue. The first clue is the server. It is a word in a song. Here is a hint to the second clue. It's the total number of shoes in that page minus one.;-)
Yes, I have given out other hints for THIS party. You have to look around the site. They are there. Looky, looky.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

1 – 200 of 433 Newer› Newest»Congrats Mimo. Im not one yet. Way to go Ninja Mimo
Congratulations, mimo! Definitely keep the mask on! It looks cool.
Awsome Mimo you should totaly keep the ninja mask! In fact I have never seen eyes before!
wow! great! ima ninja and i think ya should wear the mask. but i dont care but youre still awesome.
congratz on becoming a ninja mimo
Also soon i am FINALLY going to get cp toys!
ill get them for Xmas
OR if i dont get them for XMas my mom said
P.s. i am a ninja too P.P.S from now on im going to put my name as
cooley010203 THE NINJA
what is the first clue?????
I think you you should wear any of them when ever you feel like it
Wow Mimo, I haven't looked too hard so I'd better looky looky. I haven't figured out the clues, I had to use the internet... :( i found them out though!! :) I hope I become a mod soon!
~Seichi (CPG mod)
wow i dont get it mimo plz make ur hints easier! lol
plz post ive never been posted before
keep the mask
Lolzzz! Finally
Congrats Mimo! I am a ninja too. What do you think of the ninja hideout?
I was a ninja on the second day:)
Hi everyone!
Interesting... I have found 2! Are there 3?
keep the ninja mask mimo!
It looks kewler! And shows that you are a card jitsu master!
Way to go Mimo.
man this is hard i got the second clue but the first one there is no word in that song that is a sever
congrats mimo on being a ninja!i'm still working on it.i do not get ur clues. wut song mimo huh?
can you show us what some of the stuff in the ninja room is?
Cool i wish i was a ninja but i haven`t been on much so im only a white belt.
that is cool mimo777, i am a blue belt im almost there o and keep the ninja mask. even hoe jelose i am> ur penguin, beakey57 can u plz mention me
Congratulation Mimo777.... but you arnt the last person as im only a white belt lol :3
w00t congrats on ninja-ship mimo! hope to see you in the emporium. i found those "other clues", very good idea. see you at the party!
Great job! I think u should keep the green glasses, though.
Penguin Name : Rosebud25
congrats! i think you should keep the mask it looks cool
cool i think u should wear the green sunglassees im a ninja too
Hey Mimo,
I think that you should keep the mask. It kinda shows your "position", i guess, in Club Penguin. Lol. Anyway, Thank you and keep it up.
Wow Mimo im sooooo proud of you.it takes a lot of skill to become a black belt and even beat the Sensei
what party are these hints for?
Where are the other clues?
Duzy1 (CPG MOD)
can someone tell me what the nam of the song was so i can listen to it
cpg guy
i like the green glasses better
Congrats Mimo! Try Wearing The Mask and wearing a belt it would make the focus orange and black would look really cool.
I have no preference on the ninja mask/green glasses issue, because there is a MUCH more pressing one at hand already: GETTING TOY TO COME BACK FROM THE DARK (blue) SIDE!!! Mimo, when will you see the (red) light?
was a green belt like 5 minutes ago.
now a blue.
ninja_master23 said...
man this is hard i got the second clue but the first one there is no word in that song that is a sever
Just keep on trying
what was the song
Interesting... I have found 2! Are there 3?
Yes there are 3. The third one is hidden around the site
for hes a jolly good ninja!
for hes a jolly good ninja!
for hes a jolly good ninja!
that no one can probably beat!
i made up a song just for you!
congrats mimo!!
chelseabawb(cpg mod in training)
I like the green glasses... maybe you should make a poll on it.
itsthedark here! and congradulations Mimo! I'm a black belt, but I can't beat the sensei! I'll try, though.
for those of you wondering, once you become a black belt, you have to beat the sensei. he's very hard!
congeradulations to all ninjas, and good luck to everyone trying to become one!
COngrats mimo! and no you are not the only pengu in the world to not be a ninja...........I am not a ninja and never will be. Because I simply don't have the time!! :C
Mimo, keep the ninja mask.
Lab nab Cab
Guyzzz, I KNOw all the clues!! im goin to the party, YEA!
Anonymous said...
can you show us what some of the stuff in the ninja room is?
Dear anonymous, mimo probobly will show us wat is in the Ninja room eventually. I am a ninja so I do know what there is. There is a catalog (members only, I am also sad) there are 4 gongs, you r able to bring, and card-jitsu mats to play other ninjas.
The catalog includes the following:
Member ninja suit (dance to turn invisable)
Dojo igloo (Members only)
Dojo fire lamp thing.
Rice wall paper.
And a hand gong. (dance to ring it)
no!!! green sunglasses definitely
lol this thought just crossed my mind.
is the ninja hideout cool?
i always see ninjas disapear and im thinking awwww theyre in the hideout.
im working really hard on this.
congrats again mimo!
I am a Ninja too!!!
I Think you should buy a MEMBERSHIP so you can get the Ninja outfit! hope to see you in the flying flippers emporium!
Tejada At
You Rock!
Secret Quiet Like Ninja!
I think you should keep the ninja mask.Also congratz
leggofmyeggo said:
Guyzzz, I KNOw all the clues!! im goin to the party, YEA!
omg! congrats! you do? gershhh.
can you please help me??
ive never been to a party and really want to.
thanks in advance if you help me.
omg! okay im here on competition mode playing card-jitsu, and the person im playing quits after the first card!! why are they doing this? its happened five times already.
does anyone else find this completly agrevating??
Yeah, Mimo, I definitely think you should keep the glasses. They are really old and show how long you've been on Club Penguin. I was on Club Penguin since Fall Fair 2007 and I don't have them. So they're a really good item to have.
Place: Cove
We want to meet some of you some come on out
In response to Monkey Biscuits, who said:
what is the first clue?????what is the first clue?????
Hey! The first clue is available at the bottom of the Q and A post. Hope this helped!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
monkey biscuits said...
what is the first clue?????
It is the server
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
itsthedark (cpg mod) said...
itsthedark here! and congradulations Mimo! I'm a black belt, but I can't beat the sensei! I'll try, though.
YOu have to play him like seven times when ur a black belt before he becomes betable.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
itsthedark here! I just beat sensei! NINJA!!
if you want to beat the sensei, it's going lo take a lot of luck,but it's possible. if you get one, you want to start out with any super card you have. if it doesn't win on the first round, chances are, you won't win. just keep trying. also, you can only beat him as a black belt.
Zerg And Pro (CPG mod) said...
Congrats Mimo! I am a ninja too. What do you think of the ninja hideout?
I love the hide out! :)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Millywily said...
Interesting... I have found 2! Are there 3?
Yes, there are
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
yay i think i no the party clues if there is anther clue for the server i will no
In response to Leggofmyeggo, who said:
Guyzzz, I KNOw all the clues!! im goin to the party, YEA!
Hey! These are only 2 clues dude. There are 2 more to come. Good luck with that too!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
yay mimo777 is a ninja i just became one today, i like the mask better
Duzy1 said...
Where are the other clues?
Mimo is tricky, but i figured it out. to find the other clues look at an older post, i think the looky looky has something to do with the location of the party:) hope that wasn't too much info.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
defenetly keep the mask on and also put on the belt it looks cool.
Duzy1 said...
Where are the other clues?
I know they are hard to find, but they are all on his site:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Congrats Mimo, i'm a ninja too and if i ever meet you i will challenge you to card-jitsu! P.s. i really wanna be a (cpg mod) but i cant seem to find any questions that need awnsering. --Bugby13
Anonymous said...
lol this thought just crossed my mind.
is the ninja hideout cool?
i always see ninjas disapear and im thinking awwww theyre in the hideout.
im working really hard on this.
congrats again mimo!
Its very cool!!
Anonymous said...
omg! okay im here on competition mode playing card-jitsu, and the person im playing quits after the first card!! why are they doing this? its happened five times already.
does anyone else find this completly agrevating??
They might not want to play or their getting ready to lose
Hey everybody. Come down to the party(get together)
Server: Fjord
Where: Cove
And mimo, come to it for a minute if you can
Millywily said...
Interesting... I have found 2! Are there 3?
Well this post basicly does count as three. It kind of is used to check ur answers.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Congrats on being a ninja i like the mask. I cant find the clues. And i cant think if the galsses are better then mask.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
Survivor91 said...
In response to Leggofmyeggo, who said:
Guyzzz, I KNOw all the clues!! im goin to the party, YEA!
Hey! These are only 2 clues dude. There are 2 more to come. Good luck with that too!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
There are 3. The other one is on the site somewhere
Survivor come to the party. We are waiting.
Fjord at the Cove
Hey Kiwi. Come to the party.
cool mimo i am a member....its too hard for me to be a ninja!!!!!!!!i want my membership to extend because i cant log in on clubpenguin
katrinabugme (cpg mod)
Hey Mimo I think you should keep the ninja mask for a little while, but switch back to the glasses.
Keep the ninja mask on, oh and I beat you to the ninjaness about 10 mins earlier, no I' serious!
You should keep the Ninja mask on. It makes you look cooler.
Congratz Mimo! I've been a ninja for a while, but my bro isn't one. Did you say the date of your party?
can a Mod help me?
OMG I became a ninja the same day as you!! Congrats!
Nope mimo i am a green belt... and a member...:(
i think you should wear the glasses
for the second clue, is it how many shoes they're selling or how many shoes on the page?
I am a ninja and I think you should definitely keep the mask.This is just a suggestion but I think you should wear the black belt to.
if you are a member get the ninja suit and you should definitely keep the mask
I had a great day i meet RacerXBoi,Leggofmyeggo, and Confupenguen. So much fun.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
monkey biscuits said...
what is the first clue?????
Cant say but Mimo said it is the server look closely on the site.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
hey racerxboi when is it
P.s. hey mimo plz consider me a mod because i have visited your site for like a year now and it is really fun watching everything you do with the cheats all all penguin OH one more thing congrats on the NINJA!
In response to Wii264, who said:
what party are these hints for?
Hey! These hints are for Mimo's party thats coming up soon. Good luck with the clues!
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
I get the first clue not the second clue.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
Hey I became a Ninja today to
ananymous said:lol this thought just crossed my mind.
is the ninja hideout cool?
i always see ninjas disapear and im thinking awwww theyre in the hideout.
im working really hard on this.
congrats again mimo!
Yes, the ninja hideout is awesome! Good luck becoming a ninja!
shadow1397(CPG MOD)
Why can't i get passed the yellow belt? I won every game i have played. but i still can't get it.
awsome mimo i think the ninja mask is better, also i am a ninja too welcome too the club! :)
Wow! I became a ninja last month. You took such a long time just to become a ninja. You are the last one.
Congrats Mimo! I think you look very cool and mysterious with the Ninja Mask, just sayin'. :)
Anonymous said...
can you show us what some of the stuff in the ninja room
The ninja hideout has four card-Jitsu rugs there is the ninja catalog there is the ninja outfit, the dojo igloo,Rice paper wall screen,stone lantern,and the hand gong. Only members can get them.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
Keep the mask, and congrats
Congrats. I'm only a yellow belt :[ but I haven't really cared to become a ninja yet. And you should keep the ninja mask on :]
Hey mimo are you that last one in cpg to be a ninja? tell me!
Asdfjkl246(CPG mod) said...
hey racerxboi when is it
P.s. hey mimo plz consider me a mod because i have visited your site for like a year now and it is really fun watching everything you do with the cheats all all penguin OH one more thing congrats on the NINJA!
To be a Mod you answers peoples questions.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
I think you should wear the green glasses. you would have to change everything!
i think u should keep the ninja mask. i still dont hav my ninja belt
Congratulations Mimo! It sure takes a lot of patience to become a ninja!
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
Mimo, keep the ninja mask on! It will be your new signature look for you!
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
redbullrox(cpgmod), said: Awsome Mimo you should totaly keep the ninja mask! In fact I have never seen eyes before!
Mimo I think you should keep the green glasses.
keep mask gangsta hahaha
hey mimo, what's CPG's e-mail?
CP name: Stargal 55
In response to Anonymous, who said:
Why can't i get passed the yellow belt? I won every game i have played. but i still can't get it.
hey! Don't worry, just be patient. Keep on battling in the competitive mode.
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
monkey biscuits said:
what is the first clue?????
I can't give it away, but I'll give you a hint. It's under the post called "New Club Penguin Gang Moderator Rules & Stuff!" The clue's in a song in the post.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
Wow! I became a ninja last month. You took such a long time just to become a ninja. You are the last one.
Hey! That was only because Mimo's cards were not loading properly. I bet you that he would have become a ninja faster than anyone of us if his cards had loaded.Also, he isn't the last one, there are many other people out there too.
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
Millywily said:
Interesting... I have found 2! Are there 3?
So far, only 2 clues out of 4 have come out.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
anolagranola said:
congrats mimo on being a ninja!i'm still working on it.i do not get ur clues. wut song mimo huh?
You can find that song under the post called "New Club Penguin Gang Moderator Rules and Stuff!"
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
i am a ninja its awsome.
Anonymous said:
can you show us what some of the stuff in the ninja room is?
Mimo has already posted a picture of the ninja room. It's under the post called "Here is the Club Penguin Ninja Room!" He posted it on Nov. 18th.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
Anonymous said...
Why can't i get passed the yellow belt? I won every game i have played. but i still can't get it.
Well, if you are playing on the mats, click on sensie and play competition mode. You might want to wait a couple days to get on cp. then try it, it might work then.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Lolzzz, i hope i become a super mod soon:(
Wii624 said:
what party are these hints for?
They are for Mimo's Club Penguin party. He will attend, so make sure to go if you want to meet him!
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
Duzy1 said:
Where are the other clues?
Only 2 clues have come out so far, the other clues have yet to be posted.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
Sweet mimo im a ninja already!
P.S did u get my email?
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
RacerXBoi(CPG Mod) said...
Hey Kiwi. Come to the party.
Man I wished i could of gone but I had skool so awwwwww. But i finish skool next week so ill be free for any party YAY!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Mods hav all the clues been or r there still more to come. Kiwi boy is slighty confused
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Well I certainly found the clue and I read it but the last sentece it doesn't make sence?
hey ninja mimo! congrats! Im a ninja too! p.s. please post i have never been posted before. :(
Yessss I got the server now wats the time?
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
congratz on becoming a ninja mimo
Also soon i am FINALLY going to get cp toys!
ill get them for Xmas
OR if i dont get them for XMas my mom said
P.s. i am a ninja too P.P.S from now on im going to put my name as
cooley010203 THE NINJA
congratz for the cp toys
double congrats for the new name you got
Millywily said...
Interesting... I have found 2! Are there 3?
no only 2 congrats on finding them
Wii624 said...
what party are these hints for?
they are for mimos party on club penguin they are pretty fun
-ayushagrawal(cpg mod)
You're not the last, I'm only a green belt. But. it's still cool! Nice job!
mimo cool youre a ninja!
Grats Mimo and i think u should put the glasses on cuz its cooler.
Wii624 said...
what party are these hints for?
The party hints are for you to figure out where Mimo will be during the party. You have to figure out what the clues mean.
Penguin Name: Japaneseqt12 (CPG Mod)
Duzy1 said...
Where are the other clues?
You have to find out where the other clues are to find out where the party will be.
Penguin Name: Japaneseqt12 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
what was the song?
You have to figure out what the song is if you want to go to party. try to think very hard.
Penguin Name: Japaneseqt12(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
omg! okay im here on competition mode playing card-jitsu, and the person im playing quits after the first card!! why are they doing this? its happened five times already.
does anyone else find this completly agrevating??
mainly that king of players use a stratergy and when the civilization or number ards he wants and they doont apper then they quit
-ayushagrawal(cpg mod)
Millywily said...
Interesting... I have found 2! Are there 3?
Yes there is 3 clues. Look all over the site to find the clues. Hope that helped!
Penguin Name: Japaneseqt12(CPG Mod)
how do i get a belt ive won 23 times and i havent got a belt and yes I COUNTED!!
cpg guy
All of the rooms are full when I get on, so I'm a green belt! whoop de doo!
Pinkgirlhsm (I'm back)
Nice work Mimo. Put the glasses back on, for some reason not seeing your eyes makes you more cool lol. And I FIGURED THEM BOTH OUT!!! The server is R-*clasps hand over mouth* Whoops. Sorry hehe.
Pengwun Powa
Hey mimo are you that last one in cpg to be a ninja? tell me!
I dont think he would be, but hey, Ive been wrong before XD
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
what is the first clue?????
"From behind the clouds..."
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
ROFL!!! survivor91 keeps answering questions
that nobody said just to look like a good mod!!
Congrats. I'm only a yellow belt :[ but I haven't really cared to become a ninja yet. And you should keep the ninja mask on :]
Keep trying! And btw, Im a ninja and its not as great as it seems, the best thing is the free item I reckon ;) So dont worry too much.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
hey mimo i like the mask and glasses put the mask on when theres a party and the glasses when your like... i dont care what you have on your THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! I became a ninja last month. You took such a long time just to become a ninja. You are the last one.
A. Mimos cards didnt work, so he had to do three times the work you did(literally).
B. He isnt the last one. Look at all the people still training in the Dojo! Keep going people!
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
Why can't i get passed the yellow belt? I won every game i have played. but i still can't get it.
Keep trying! It can take ages sometimes, but it will happen!
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
Well, I got Sunday at 4:00.
Hey Mimo,
Congrats To you on becoming the ninja .Even I am one. Its lot of fun . And do keep the mask on you look great.
Wow, awesome! I don't get the hidden clue though. Is it all shoes in clearance, or in the catalog? And is it Burnin' Up?
PLease help CPG mod!
You should definitely keep the ninja mask on.
Can you please post the first clue.
HEY MIMO GUESS WHAT... you didnt guess I figured out a secret agent cheat sorta ok
1.go to the HQ
2.click on the F.I.S.H.
3.turn to the page to buy secret agent clothes
4.click on the glasses
5.nightvision goggles will pop-up!
if you post this give credit to
Looking good mimo!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Wii624 said...
what party are these hints for?
these hints are for mimos christmas party.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
anybuddy wanna meet me in game i am at server hibernate place dojo
clothing:black coloue and ninja costume
ho ho anybuddy want tip come there
Joseph said...
Congratz Mimo! I've been a ninja for a while, but my bro isn't one. Did you say the date of your party?
can a Mod help me?
im pretty sure that the date of the party is about the clearence shoes. hope it helps u
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Kara said...
for the second clue, is it how many shoes they're selling or how many shoes on the page?
its how many shoes are on the clearence page that they are selling subtracted by one.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
cool mimo! I know clearance means the last page and there is only one shoe on that page but I don't get the minus one part plz help me!
Ipodio 29
P.S You should keep the ninja mask on!
Anonymous said...
yay i think i no the party clues if there is anther clue for the server i will no
im a going to treat this as a question. the song clue was the server clue. check the lyrics
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Nice to be a Ninja right Mimo?
Anonymous said...
what was the song
the song is behind the clouds, the song is the server clue.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Congrats Mimo!! I think u should keep the glasses on instead because it makes your penguin look unique and rare.
p.s. i think i know the answer to the party clues! ;)
Hey mimo are you that last one in cpg to be a ninja? tell me!
No, Racer isnt Ninja yet. Keep trying Racer!
Pengwun Powa-CPG mod
Im a ninja i became one 3 weeks ago but good job mimo keep the ninja mask on
Also soon i am FINALLY going to get cp toys!
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
Hey I became a Ninja today to
Congratulations! Enjoy Ninjahood!
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
Keep Ninja mask on and im not ninja either :'(
Hey mimo you should definitely keep the mask on it looks so cool. I can't wait till i am a black belt even though i can't wear the actual suit. I am a red belt at the moment.
Nice one Mimo. I know what time the party is, but I dont get the server! There are heaps of servers that are words in a song. Btw, I'm only a green belt and I've played at least 100 games! It's so hard to win! I have really bad luck.
P.S: I think the Green Glasses suit ur outfit better! :p
Anonymous said...
Can someone tell me the song so I can listen to it?
Well, all Mimo777 has told us about the song is that its written by the Jonas Brothers. I hope this helps!
~Shmbo37 (CPG Mod)
i think i got the 2nd clue
is the party today?
well i think that is so cool but i was a ninja the second day the game was out by the way i am a mem
well done mimo! i got a black belt ages ago.i think you look great with the mask and without it too. waddle on-scf sweetie1
Keep the glasses!!! u are cool
congrats mimo you finally became a ninja!! i was a ninja ages ago, i think you should keep the glasses coz you would have to change yeverything on this awesome site.waddle on.
-scf sweetie1
Lol i'm still a white belt! Congrats and i think u should keep anyone u want.After all it is YOUR account
dear Millywily,
as mimo said, there are two hints but some may be posted around the site, so good luck wit your hunt;)
well done mimo,
Im a purple belt so not to far but i started first lol
anyway keep ninja mask its real cool!
Well done mimo! I havent become a ninja yet!
Don't worry Mimo - I'm still a yellow belt. :)
mimo i think that you should wear the green glasses cuz thats how everyone knows you r you
*cough* i got a cold *cough*
Hey everyone! You can get Rockhopper's ship pic! Search club penguin Migrator and open clubpenguin.wikia page. You will see that ship with xmas decorations!
Mimmo?!?! Your member?!?! Just members can wear the mask?!?!?!
CONGRATULATIONS MIMO!!!! you should definetly keep the mask on
i am not a ninja yet boohoo
Ponde22 (CPG Mod)
how come when i play the card jitsu game i dont have any cards??
plz answer
i am a purple belt so i think i will be the last one to be a ninja in club penguin just saying anyway congratz mimo
Ponde22 (CPG Mod)
I MISSED THE FIRST CLUE!! ;( please give us the first clue we all pretty much missed it! please im begging mimo im begging!
Whats a shoe? Like you put on your feet?
ummm let me guess, frosty??
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