Ok, I'll help you out a little more.
Mimo Party Clue #1 is the Server. But I already told you that one. It is the word in that song before the phrase I gave out.
Mimo Party Clue #2 is the time in Club Penguin Time Zone.
Mimo Party Clue #3 is the time in Club Penguin Time Zone. So that means there will be TWO parties! WOOT!
Mimo Party Clue #4 is... I haven't given that one out yet. This clue will either be the date or the room. I'll do that tomorrow. Pretty sure. ;-)
I'm feeling a Quickee Party this week. SSSHHHHHH!!!!!!
Oh, also got another cool sweet thing to share with all my Club Penguin friends soon!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

so thats why there were two times.......
cool. Go mimo!, go mimo!
Awsome!Now I get clue numbah 3.:D
I get it now!!! So erm... with the date an all... ur a day behind us, so do we go the day after you post the party?
Pengwun Powa
Guys Im not doing the search party, I forgot I have school hehe... So the time has been moved to 10pm PST. The rest is the same.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
cool! i will b there mimo
Hmmmm...Your very clever my man...
Mimo, get this:
I always had trouble playing on my member penguin - Semiprofessi - with Card-Jitsu! I could not play it! But two weeks ago, Club Penguin Support (CPS) just fixed the glitch, so now I'm only an Orange Belt. Any other Orange Belters out there? 'I am Orange Belt (hopefully) going on the next belt, baby, I can't wait!' lol!
bye mimo and co. (The Mimo Company!)
Sweet mimo, I was wondering why there were 2 times
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
i can't get any of the clues
Sweet A Quickee Party
And TWO Partys Sweet Mimo
I Cant Wait for the the coming soon thing
Hmmmmmm 2 parties one for US and Europe and one for Australasia?
P.S for those of u that dont kno Austrlasia is like Australia,NZ and other pacific countries!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod
Aqua131131 said...
Awsome!Now I get clue numbah 3.:D
Yeah I think I do now as well
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Ruby451 said...
so thats why there were two times.......
Exactly wat I was thinking.....
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Awesome! I get all Clues so far! I am sorry I was away for some time Mimo, I was taking a break. Now I am back in business!
I can't wait for your clue tomorrow!
mimo make clues easier i cant do any of them
Hmmm. I better look back... Anyway go on rocking the rock rocking Mimo!
i missed clue one two and three
what are they?
Hi Mimo ! You rock
Dear aqua131131,
i thank thats not the answer
Are mimo you rock i LOVE the quickee partys im gonna try and be there! oh i suggested to cp that santa comes and gives out presents and u find him like rockhopper? wat u think?
Hey mimo.I am having a Christmas party on Friday.Server Fjord,Place Dock,time 1:00 p.m PST.Your invited!,I hope you can make it!
Hey Mimo!!
C.P.G totally rocks.
And i wish everyone a successful time finding the answer to mimo's party clues. I am trying to be a mimo mod.
Hey Mimo. can you or any of your mods give me the first clue again?? i wasnt here when you gave it. =( thanks
sweeeeeeet! :D
OMG these are sooo confusing! I hope i can make it to your Quickee Party Mimo but I might be at school
ive never been to one of those parties
Hey my birthday was two days ago witch means I GOT A VIDEO CAM!You`ll see me on you tube soon!
Mimo can you post the first clue again?I missed it and i get the other clues so can you re post it?thaanks if you can.if not ill keep digging p.s. i like clue number three was good and hard but im smart
I dont get it... oh well, i never get to go to mimo parties unless its a quickee partie. :\
OOHHHH!!! what's a quickee party? iv'e just started looking at your site, so i don't know what a quickee party is. And also: how old is your penguin? - pikt
im gonna try to find rockhopper again
~ calum daly
awesome i think i know everything just the date and where it will be you rock mimo
i got it
GUESS WHAT SCHOOL WAS SNOWED OUT FOR ME was yours snowed out hmm it wasnt thats strange do you know what else is strange. you do oh ok
ok mimo shhhhhhh
Penguin Powa said...
I get it now!!! So erm... with the date an all... ur a day behind us, so do we go the day after you post the party?
If Mimo is a day behind you, then you should go the day after he said the party was. Or, here is an Example:
If Mimo's party is on June 23, then you will have the party on June 24. Got it? It is really confusing!
-Asdfghjkl888 (CPG mod)
I'm starting a new career!
Anonymous (pikt) said...
OOHHHH!!! what's a quickee party? iv'e just started looking at your site, so i don't know what a quickee party is. And also: how old is your penguin? - pikt
What is a mimo quickee part? Oh, a Quickee Party is one of Mimo's partys that you don't get clues to. It just happens so sudden. You only get to look at the sight, and all of the Informaiton is there! You don't get like a month to figure out where it is, by then, Mimo could have ran around CP a million times!
-Asdfghjkl888 (CPG mod)
Give me suggestions on what I need to work on
im so excited mimo! i was so scared i couldn't go! thnx! i have a snow day today. its cool, or well i guess its cold! lol!
keep R O C K I N G !
im still not a moderator?! :(
(anaumanous said)
OOHHHH!!! what's a quickee party? iv'e just started looking at your site, so i don't know what a quickee party is. And also: how old is your penguin? - pikt
...................................a quike party is a party that mimo dosent put clues up he just tells us in the comment section and his penguins about 748 days old bye
(bt 123 cpg mod in training)
awww i m grounded that day
check out the town there is boxes and a treeplz give me credit
From icetray90909
wow i want to meet you sweetypie33
Mimo!! on server frozen at town something strange happening. there are boxes with christmas decorations in em. ill send u an email with the picture. post the picture.
will u ever be a member??
#3 is the time??? THEN I KNOW THE ANSWER! I thought it wasn't because the time was already given out!!! See ya there!
can you please make it on a weekend because almost everybody(including me)has school?
Can someone please tell me what hint one was.
I CANT FIND THE FIRST CLUE!!! guess im not going to my was going to be first mimo party ever! :(
Ruby451 said...
so thats why there were two times.......
Yep, I had no clue...lolzzz
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
will u ever be a member??
Well, mimo has been a non member for a long time. My guess is that he wont ever become a member unless he gets realy bored.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Lolli0 said...
Mimo, get this:
I always had trouble playing on my member penguin - Semiprofessi - with Card-Jitsu! I could not play it! But two weeks ago, Club Penguin Support (CPS) just fixed the glitch, so now I'm only an Orange Belt. Any other Orange Belters out there? 'I am Orange Belt (hopefully) going on the next belt, baby, I can't wait!' lol!
bye mimo and co. (The Mimo Company!)
My sis is!lol
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
(anaumanous said)
OOHHHH!!! what's a quickee party? iv'e just started looking at your site, so i don't know what a quickee party is. And also: how old is your penguin? - pikt
Well, a mimo quikee is when mimo randomly anounces a quick party on any day at any time:) they are realy fun, unfortunetly, i dont know how old his is, but i know its over a year old:)
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
toys73 said...
i missed clue one two and three
what are they?
Lol, just scroll down to the bottom of his site, and click on the older postes button.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Fantage Girl said...
Are mimo you rock i LOVE the quickee partys im gonna try and be there! oh i suggested to cp that santa comes and gives out presents and u find him like rockhopper? wat u think?
Nope, Santa doesn't walk around on CP
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Lucario009 said...
Mimo can you post the first clue again?I missed it and i get the other clues so can you re post it?thaanks if you can.if not ill keep digging p.s. i like clue number three was good and hard but im smart
The first clue was, im listening to a good song right now, it goes, "behind the clouds" :) hope you figure it out
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
celticcid11 (CPG Mod [in training]) said...
Hey Mimo. can you or any of your mods give me the first clue again?? i wasnt here when you gave it. =( thanks
Like i said before, just scroll down to the bottom, then click older posts.:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
toys73 said...
i missed clue one two and three
what are they?
Just go to older posts, on the right side of the site:) good luck
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Lucario009 said...
Mimo can you post the first clue again?I missed it and i get the other clues so can you re post it?thaanks if you can.if not ill keep digging p.s. i like clue number three was good and hard but im smart
Lol...third one:) ok, just scroll all the way down to the bottom of ze page, then click on older postes:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
mimo make clues easier i cant do any of them
Im treating this as a question:) He has to make them hard, other wise everyone would come and he wouldn't be able to come to his own party because the room would be full, just keep trying.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
OOHHHH!!! what's a quickee party? iv'e just started looking at your site, so i don't know what a quickee party is. And also: how old is your penguin? - pikt
It is when mimo postes somethin like this--IM havin a quick party right now, on fjord...-Its just an unschueldled party..
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Lolli0 said...
Mimo, get this:
I always had trouble playing on my member penguin - Semiprofessi - with Card-Jitsu! I could not play it! But two weeks ago, Club Penguin Support (CPS) just fixed the glitch, so now I'm only an Orange Belt. Any other Orange Belters out there? 'I am Orange Belt (hopefully) going on the next belt, baby, I can't wait!' lol!
bye mimo and co. (The Mimo Company!)
If any body needs a guide to card jitsu, just click on my name and it has a guide on the right:)
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
shadow1397 said...
im still not a moderator?! :(
Lol, dont give up! It took me a while!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
will u ever be a member??
Lol, i think he is too busy given the memberships to contest winners!lolzzz...
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
penguwn powa said...
I get it now!!! So erm... with the date an all... ur a day behind us, so do we go the day after you post the party?
If he is a day behind you, then yes, you go the day behind the day that you think the party is going to be:)
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Buddytoe said...
#3 is the time??? THEN I KNOW THE ANSWER! I thought it wasn't because the time was already given out!!! See ya there!
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
In response to Toys73, who said:
i missed clue one two and three
what are they?
Hey! Look right at the bottom of the site for the first two clues, and look at the previous posts for the third clue.
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
OOHHHH!!! what's a quickee party? iv'e just started looking at your site, so i don't know what a quickee party is. And also: how old is your penguin? - pikt
Hey! A quickee party is a party which ends fast. But its pretty fun though!
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
In response to Shadow1397, who said:
im still not a moderator?! :(
Hey! Don't worry, just keep on moderating and you will be a moderator in no time!
-Survivor91-(Super Mod)
I can't find any of the clues, someone please help, I REALLY want to go to a party (this will finaly be my first party), so please help me out.
I know!! Yes, it was the thing that I knew all along!! But I will keep it hush hush to myself. I don't want to spoil it!
shadow7717 said:
I can't find any of the clues, someone please help, I REALLY want to go to a party (this will finaly be my first party), so please help me out.
This will be my first party to shadow7717.The third and second clue are pretty easy to find,just look back to when mimo posted hint 1 and 2. Hint 1 I find the hardest. Mimo doesn't planely state its a clue so you have to search for it. I hope this helps!
~Bon bon 8888
toys73 said...
i missed clue one two and three
what are they?
dear toys73
to see the clues just go on the next page and dont for get to scroll down ;)
saavy (CPG Mod)
celticcid11 (CPG Mod [in training]) said...
Hey Mimo. can you or any of your mods give me the first clue again?? i wasnt here when you gave it. =( thanks
the first clue is a word in a song. the song is from behind the clouds and its the server. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Can someone please tell me what hint one was.
deat anonymous
clue 1 if a word from the song 'from behind the clouds' and its the server :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Shadow7717 said...
I can't find any of the clues, someone please help, I REALLY want to go to a party (this will finaly be my first party), so please help me out.
ok here it goes, to c clue 1 go on the previous page and for clue 2 n 3 scroll down n think backwards. hope i made sense lol. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said:
OOHHHH!!! what's a quickee party? iv'e just started looking at your site, so i don't know what a quickee party is. And also: how old is your penguin? - pikt
A quikee party is a party that is just put up on the site and you dont have to search for. The party time(s),day,sever,and place are just givin to you. These parties are no hassle to find,just a blast to attend.
~Bon bon 8888
i will b there mimo
Awesome clues
Dear Lolli0,
Don't give up!
Even though you fell behind with the card jitsu glitch keep on trying. Each belt takes atleast 15-20 wins. Hope that helps!
Your friend,
If I cant find out what server the
party is on im going to check every one MOHOHAHAHAHA!!!! yeah i know im crazy
I am having a party
Server... Iceburg
Room... Lighthouse
Time... 11:00am
Day... 12/21/08
Mimo... you're invited!
In fact... Everyone is invited!!!
My cp username is... Smudgekick
I hope you'll be there!
I am looking for friends so... you know what that means!!!!!!
Hey Mimo!!! I nver saw you on club penguin!!!! meet me at the iceburg at 11:10. what server???? crunch My penguin name is webkinz5567 Please meet me there!!!!! P.s ur awesome! AND ANYBODY CAN COME TOOO!!!!
wait mimo go to the server grizzly beacuse crunchis full the party is at the iceburg 12:30 0k?
At the forest behind the wooden reindeer, there is a pile of snow. Click on it and it changes to a snowman, Christmas tree, curly tree thing, and pile of snow again, like the iceberg thing. Just thought i'd let you know.
09Hillary09(penguin name)
MIMO777 im your biggest fan ive almost got your party clues wooo
cpg mod jazzaajr
ive got a story,
mimo777s big party,
once apon a time there was a penguin named mimo777. He was cool and he wanted to help cp so he made a blog. He was very famous! He told ppl that he had a party. he was very nerves. Evreyone was at the mine chanting MIMO MIMO MIMO!!! WHO DO WE WHANT! MIMO WHEN DO WE WANT HIM?! NOW!!!! So mimo777 went out. Next he was famous..... mimo777 was the best ever
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