SWOOT! Rockhopper will be finally coming back to Club Penguin sometime next week. He says he is coming to spend the holidays and to help us with Coins for Change. So that should mean he will be here for a couple weeks!
It looks like the coins we earn on the Treasure Hunt game will go to Coins for Change. Cool! Which Coins for Change do you give to?
I think Rockhopper is easier to find than he used to be. This is so cool. But...
I wonder if Rockhopper is a Ninja! I wonder if he will play Card Jujitsu with me! I wonder if he owns his own Rockhopper plush toy! Do you think Yarr will be jealous? I wonder if I'm weird!
Keep checking here, we will let you know as soon as Rockhopper arrives!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

I can't wait to buy rockhoppers pirate items!
remember the name
Hey all! Because i am a member, i can finally buy his stuff!
i cant wait till he comes i was here last time he came and got the clothes
LOL i wonder if I'm weird
I cant WAIT until rockhopper comes!!!
if there is a question please ask me!
Ponde22 (CPG Mod in training)
OMG ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! im turning 11
hi mimo.....will you have a party with rockhopper??
Happy 11th birthday Happy729! Hope you have a great one! And Mimo, good theory about the treasure hunt game! Can't wait for Rockhopper!
Anonymous said...
OMG ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! im turning 11
14cheech(CPG mod)
Happy Birthday!
YAY! I hope RH is easier to find! I've had a CP for over 3 years and have yet to find him... wow. Yeah i do wonder if he will become a ninja... will he be a ninja pirate then?
how do you wake up early?
Sqwishy fuzz mabe he will be esy to find and mabe hel become a ninja pirate.mimos in contact with billybob.the secrets they hold... nobody nows!!
rahul,mimo is unpridictable.you never no what mimo will do next.just keep your eyes peeld.
Am not a member now. :(
Oh well, and Mimo Gangster life part 2 is out. ;D
~Slimz1~ (CPG mod)
Me misel have once found him. He is most of the time on empty svers. As well he would be on his boat.
Andrew (cpg mod)
My penguin name is andrew90909
Ha ha ha, this was awesome! Your randomness stuff makes me laugh all the time. I do wonder if he has hos own rockhopper plush.. I wonder if he keeps it in the dashboard of his ship.. These are the questions that haunt me olol...Make another pointless video! Redbull and Trix? wwooww. I'll betcha you were hyper afterwards!
Anonymous said...
OMG ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! im turning 11
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear.. err.. Happy729
Happy birthday to you!
if rock hoppers a ninja and plays with you post it please
Anonymous said...
how do you wake up early?
set your alarm clock
aliendude916 (CPG MOD)
I can't wait until Rockhopper comes can you give us any rockhopper finding tips becuase I can never find him!!
happy birthday anonyunus from 27ht
cpg mod
Rockhopper is coming next friday together with Coins For Change, since he always comes on Fridays and in the newspaper it says Rockhopper & Coins For Change 12 December!
Oh my Gosh Happy729,
its my birthday too! but im turing 12!
Wow thats so cool!
thats good leggofmyeggo great
and same anoymus im turning 11 on saturday 6th dec
Chekky2421 CPGMOD
rahul said..... will you be having a party with rockhopper? youg3 said..... he might ahv a party if he finds him so if your in a romm that rockhoppers in look out for mimo! hope this helped!
I am a year old on CP so I am having a party!! Mimo please come that would be awsome!
Time:2:20 PST
Room:Ice Berg
PLease come if you can!(Blog auther please post)
About the party my CP name is:DADDY
Hi mimo777 please can you anounce this blog to everyone, aswell as them going on yours. Merry Christams Mimo ;). Thanks from a new friend Panda ciey but you can just call me Panda. i owe you lots! lol
apedude123 said...
if rock hoppers a ninja and plays with you post it please
Hey mate doont worry im sure mimo will post it
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Hopefully he doesnt bring back any old items again
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Hi Mimo
You are my star i have a question for anyone has the DS game come out??????
congrats leggoofmyeggo fro becoming a moderator. u definatly deserve it :).
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
OMG ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! im turning 11
Dear Happy729
happy birthday and i hope all ur wishes come true :).
Anonymous said...
how do you wake up early?
dear anonymous
if u want 2 wake up early u can use an alarm clock to help wake u up :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Lilymaree said...
Oh my Gosh Happy729,
its my birthday too! but im turing 12!
Wow thats so cool!
dear lilymaree
happy birthday!
hope you have a grate day :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
I hope Rockhopper has brought a new free item this time. =D
wooooo yeah! Rockhopper owns his own plush toy! :D
Can't wait for Rockhopper so i can buy his items!
Happy Birthday to 14cheech and lilymaree! Cool! My birthday is July 4th! cool huh?
Dear anonymous,
mimo gets to stay up and update his website to get us the latest news!
-polounited77(CPG MOD)
Heyya Mimo,
Ok the second last paragrapth was ... how can I put this? Very MIMOISH!
happy birthday to happy729!!!!
Yeah mimo! i think you are werid to!
happy birthday happy729! elven is an awesome age! hope you eat lots of cake!
Happy Birthday Happy 729!
If I see you on Club Penguin I will wish you a very happy birthday but until then... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Miaponygirl9 CPG Moderator
Anonymous said...
how do you wake up early?
Hey Anonymous!
Well... there are different time zones! For all we know Mimo could live in Northern Maine where the time is different then Western California! If Mimo lives in Western California for example he has to wake up VERY VERY VERY early!!!
Hope I helped!!!
~ Miaponygirl9 ~ CPG MODERATOR
woooooo!!!! rockhopper is almost here this is going to be great!!!!
woooooo!!!!!rockhopper i cant wait till he comes
A kiwi boy said...
Hopefully he doesn't bring back any old items again.
Well about every two to three times he comes he brings new stuff for non-members and members too.I bet this time he will have a captain hook for non-members and members.
Happy b-day 2 both of you!
Red queen4(cpg mod)
i forgot what i was gonna donate to and yea i think you might be weirding out again
I don't like Rockhopper.
He's lame
Snowy Jewel said...
Hi Mimo
You are my star i have a question for anyone has the DS game come out??????
I say...
if you meen the elite penguin force ds game then yes you can buyit at wal mart for around 30 dollars. if you dont meen the elite penguin force game then im not sure exactly what u r talking about.
hi mimo
i got great news i have blogger now
so i can answer questions properly now yay :)
DMW said...
I don't like Rockhopper.
He's lame
Dear DMW,
why dont u like rockhopper? He gives u cool new stuff (it does cost a few coins but still, its pretty kool). i have to admit he can get boring and he doesnt really know or care what u r saying when u talk to him but he is still pretty popular.
Leggofmyeggo said...
Hey all! Because i am a member, i can finally buy his stuff!
Dear Leggofmyeggo,
congrats on becoming a member. I think its totally worth it to become one!
Do you think since now you are able to become a ninja maybe in a few months or so you can become a pirate? Penguin name:Drake111144
If there was a plush toy made of me, I would totally own it.
- Miss Izybel (maybe considering possible becoming a CPG mod in training)
saavy (CPG Mod) said...
hi mimo
i got great news i have blogger now
so i can answer questions properly now yay :)
Awsome Job saavy good luck with your blogger
rahul said...
hi mimo.....will you have a party with rockhopper??
Lolzzz im not mimo but, he could. it would be very hard though because of the fact that he would have to find RH and keep changing to the server he is on:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
how do you wake up early?
Don't think I'm desperate, its a questoin so im going to answer it! lol
You set your alarm to what ever time you want to get up
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
how do you wake up early?
Don't think I'm desperate, its a questoin so im going to answer it! lol
You set your alarm to what ever time you want to get up
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
how do you wake up early?
HaZZZ -Lolzzz three wordzz---alarm clock! :)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
i don't think you are weird :)
I can't wait until Rockhopper comes can you give us any rockhopper finding tips becuase I can never find him!!
I have found him 3 times, maybe i was lucky, but maybe I wasn't. My way of finding him is getting a bunch of your friend all looking at different servers until one of you finds him, then that person tells everyone else wher he is.
remember the name
Confupenguen(CPG Mod)
I can't wait until Rockhopper comes can you give us any rockhopper finding tips becuase I can never find him!!
I have found him 3 times, maybe i was lucky, but maybe I wasn't. My way of finding him is getting a bunch of your friend all looking at different servers until one of you finds him, then that person tells everyone else wher he is.
remember the name
Confupenguen(CPG Mod)
Hi Mimo
You are my star i have a question for anyone has the DS game come out??????
Yes, it has come out. You can find it at target, bestbuy, and toysrus
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
whens mimos cp party?!?! it said backwards on the cozmo thing AARGGGHHH
Snowy Jewel said...
Hi Mimo
You are my star i have a question for anyone has the DS game come out??????
Yes, it has:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
apedude123 said...
if rock hoppers a ninja and plays with you post it please
Mimo will post it if he does, you don't worry, mimo is always right about his posts.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Question for everyone who reads this, should I keep saying remember the name for every post or not?
Dear Confupenguen,
I wouldn't keep saying it if I were you. It would get tiring after a while.
-Jiggly22(cpg mod)
No one came to my party Boooo:( I will have another one soon:(
This is Leggo, THX so much for congradulating me!!!
Well he probably isn't a ninja because he hasn't been on the island for a long time!
I would love if you could tell me when he arrives!
apedude123 said...
if rock hoppers a ninja and plays with you post it please
mimo posts EVERYTING
~Snik fire!(CPG MOD)
Anonymous Snowy Jewel said...
Hi Mimo
You are my star i have a question for anyone has the DS game come out??????
Yeah it came out, I have it
Snik fire (CPG MOD)
Confupenguin--my twin bro- Yes -lolzzz- dont put "remember the name" anymore:) lolzzz
in response to cofupenguin asking remember the name,
Eh whatever, you can if you want cause its sort of your catchphrase so knock yourself out!
Lolzzz, this is Leggo
Im board... so im gana have a Leggo Quicky! (LQ)
Server: Fjord
time: NOW!
Place: dock
Hope you all come!
Anonymous said...
how do you wake up early?
You can set your alarm clock, get a brother or sister or parent to wake you up. Or you can stay up all night :)
~Goey45(CPG MOD)
Mimo I'm realy sorry I didn't meen to post the same thing twice, I must have clicked it two time. sorry...
remember the name
Anonymous said...
No one came to my party Boooo:( I will have another one soon:(
I came to it, I thought it was pretty fun and now I have another buddy!
~Goey45 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
"how do you wake up early?"
"Different time zones, oh and alarm clocks help as well!!
Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)
Hey guys I'm having a party!! If you want to come read these directions:
Time: 2:50 PST December 5th
And try to turn black everyone!!
anyones welcome and moderators i hope you can make it!
ok um happy birthday happy729, maybe you are crazy mimo and...
Q.how do you wake up early?
A.well mimo could live in different time zones... or mimo could be one of those people who wake up early.... or mimo just couldnt sleep and decided to post.
marcchan97 (CPG mod wannabe)
This isn't cool! Mimo someone is impursenating me! they said---
Leggofmyeggo said...
Hey guys I'm having a party!! If you want to come read these directions:
Time: 2:50 PST December 5th
And try to turn black everyone!!
anyones welcome and moderators i hope you can make it!
Im not happy about this...plz STOP who ever did this:(
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy birthday anonymous
Happy Birth day to you
Next time put ur name in and i can put that in the song(unlesss your name really is Anonymous then 1 u have wierd parents and 2 just keep it the same
Yokare(CPG MOD)
Now just wait and see...:( the person who is impersenating me is gana say something bad, then mimo is gana un-mod me... im upset...
Someone help
Ok, here is some proof that someone impursenated me. They ended there comment with this------
I end all my comments like this
Hey Guys! Whoo! Rockhopper's returning!
Hey...Its leggo i found some more evidence... The impersenator said this in his comment-----
Time: 2:50 PST December 5th
I dont go by PST time!
Please all my friends, help make the impursenator stop... if this continues to happen -im sad to say- then i will have to stop posting on this site:(
In response to Rahul, who said:
hi mimo.....will you have a party with rockhopper??
Hey! Mimo did have a Rockhopper party this past July, hopefully he will have another again. See ya!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
In response to Anonymous/Happy729, who said:
OMG ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! im turning 11
Hey! Happy Birthday! Have a great time and wishing you the best for your future! See ya around!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
In response to Snowy Jewel, who said:
Hi Mimo
You are my star i have a question for anyone has the DS game come out??????
Hey! The DS Game has come out. Check your nearest Toys R'Us stores or Disney Stores. Hope this helped!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
who knows, mimo party's are very unpredictable.
In response to Anonymous, who said:
Do you think since now you are able to become a ninja maybe in a few months or so you can become a pirate? Penguin name:Drake111144
Hey! You will never know! Club Penguin might take our feedback and use them! Really hope this happens though!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
In response to CleverAqua64, who said:
Well he probably isn't a ninja because he hasn't been on the island for a long time!
I would love if you could tell me when he arrives!
Hey! Rockhopper is arriving sometime next week, so keep checking back at the Beacon to get a view through the telescope!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
In response to Micko101, who said:
Hey! I think Rockhopper is a pretty cool penguin too! His cargo has cool items most of the time! Hope you get to meet him when he arrives!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
Good question, but i don't think Rockhooper will become a ninja, maybe he will, but who knows. thanks for your question.
Amaingpengui (CPG mod in training)
happy b day Happy729
Pizza294(CPG Mod)
rahul said:
hi mimo.....will you have a party with rockhopper??
I think he wouldnt cuz he didnt do it for th other times. but ther is a chance tho!
Pizza294(CPG Mod)
LOL mimo, you "think" your weird. Your funny! lol
anonymous said:
how do you wake up early?
well u wake up early by drinking a lot and a lot of water befor u sleep. then u'll feel lik u wanna go to th washroom so u wake up!
Pizza294(CPG Mod)
snowy Jewel said:
You are my star i have a question for anyone has the DS game come out??????
I think it came out cuz i saw it in the Best Buy flyer.
Pizza294(CPG Mod)
u did a great job on answerin questions!
pizza294(CPG Mod)
Hey Mimo that is a good thought! That wouldbe sooo cool to fight rh in card jitsu!
rahul said...
hi mimo.....will you have a party with rockhopper??
Dear Rahul,
Mimo cant acctually plan to have a party with Rockhopper (Well at least I think he can't, but hey maybe he can). He could find Rockhopper and have a party, and all of the penguins there that knew Mimo could have a party from there.
happy b day happy 729
that is so koral!!!
p.s i am on the internet using the wii!!!!!!
lol that would be sweet if rockhopper was a ninja!
I was thinking the same thing! And i hope he is easier to find too :)
OMG ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! im turning 11
Happy Birthday! I will be having mine in 2 weeks!! :)
wow that would be cool is threw a nija pirate party
mimo wn will u have a arty i want u as one of my friends !!!
PEOPLE! ROCKHOPPER IS NOT A PIRATE! Why can't you guys understand? Stop making stupid theories, ok?
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said:
how do you wake up early?
Mimo could live in a different time zone, or he sleeps early and gets up early, or he uses his alarm clock to help him get up, or he's just an early riser.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
CleverAqua64 said:
Well he probably isn't a ninja because he hasn't been on the island for a long time!
I would love if you could tell me when he arrives!
Mimo said that he is arriving some time next week:) I can't wait!
remember the name
Confupenguen(CPG Mod)
DMW said:
I don't like Rockhopper.
He's lame
Actually, Rockhopper's pretty cool. You can buy pirate stuff from his ship(there's also a free pirate item) and if you happen to meet him, if you click on is player card you can pick up another free item.
CP name: Stargal 55
This is an important message for Leggofmyeggo:
C'mon Leggofmyeggo! I'm sure that Mimo is aware of someone impersonating you! I mean, why would you even try to be a Mod and then ruin for yourself? I'm sure Mimo won't take you off the Mod list! You worked hard to get there! Don't be sad!
In response to Anonymous said...
OMG ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! im turning 11
Dear Happy 729,
Happy b'day
Ponde22 (CPG Mod)
Do you think since now you are able to become a ninja maybe in a few months or so you can become a pirate? Penguin name:Drake111144
Well, lolzzz -This is a great idea! This could possibly happen, email CP and give them you idea!:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said:
Do you think since now you are able to become a ninja maybe in a few months or so you can become a pirate? Penguin name:Drake111144
Not saying it will happen, but I definatly think it is possible! I hope we do, but I don't know. I would be happy if they made a pirate catalog!
remember the name
Congupenguen (CPG Mod)
The new pin comes on the 5TH of December,Friday
remember the name
Ponde22 (CPG Mod)
Happy Birthday Bluieblue323!
Happy Birthday Bluieblue323!
Hey awesome web site mimo777
Anonymous said...
Do you think since now you are able to become a ninja maybe in a few months or so you can become a pirate? Penguin name:Drake111144
Probably. Since everyone wanted to become a ninja, Club Penguin made it possible. Maybe if everyone wants to become a pirate, Club Penguin will make that possible too.
Crazymania1 (CPG MOD)
I can't wait for the Catalog release! Hope to see you at the Gift Shop later Mimo!
rahul said:
hi mimo.....will you have a party with rockhopper??
Well I think it will be kind of hard cause Rockhopper it´s not to easy to find and he also changes of servers, but if mimo tries hard I´m sure he will do it.
Happy Birthday Happy729!!!
Anonymous said...
OMG ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! im turning 11
Happy Birthday Happy729!
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
OMG ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! im turning 11
happy birthday 11 year old have lots of fun
chrismas joy (cpg mod)
I dont know how long it has been there but there is a change in cart sufer!!!!
Thats great Happy729... Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!
CP name: Nzkristina
hye mimo i had an idea off making secret hiding spots i know about 3 if you need help wiht an idea im always here!!
Hey guys!
I just wanted to say happy 11th birthday to Happy729!! I hope you have a great year being 11. It was one of my best years. Also,
Anonymous said...
how do you wake up early?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Well, one way is to set an alarm clock. If your a really deep sleeper, like me, ask your parents to wake you up at a certain time.
i really want rockhopper to come. he always keeps everyone guessing what he will bring everytime
ps if u have a question, please ask me im trying to become a cpg mod
Snowy Jewel said...
Hi Mimo
You are my star i have a question for anyone has the DS game come out??????
Yes, the DS game has come out already. You can find the game at stores like Target, Toys R Us, Walmart, and Best Buy.
~Japaneseqt12(CPG Mod)~
Ok on an etempt to destinguish my self from my impursenator, my name will from now on be highlighted with blue:) Ill start now lolzzz:)
This is the real me... Plz stop impersenator... Im not a bad penguin...
Anonymous said...
The new pin comes on the 5TH of December,Friday
remember the name
Ponde22 (CPG Mod)
remember the name
DMW said...
I dont like Rockhopper.
He's lame.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hey DMW, I know you didn't ask a question, but I couldnt help responding to this. I think Rockhopper rocks, because whenever he comes we can earn lots of coins from his fun pirate game, and we can buy awesome items from him. Its also fun to look for him, and once you find him its lots of fun to chill with him. I think you should give him a chance, because hes a pretty cool guy.
Pinkiwinki9 (CPG mod)
Anonymous said:
Do you think since now you are able to become a ninja maybe in a few months or so you can become a pirate? Penguin name:Drake111144
I don't know if it will happen, but is is very possible. There are very slim chances that it will or won't happen.
~CP Name: Japaneseqt12(CPG Mod)~
rahul said:
hi mimo.....will you have a party with rockhopper??
I don't think I answered it yet. No, he will not have a party with rockhooper. this is so because rockhopper doesn't stay in one place, he is realllly hard to find, and it would just be plain too hard to do.
remember the name
Confupenguen(CPG Mod)
Annoymous said,
Its my birthday... etc.,
Happy Birthday! Have a good one
Anonymous said...
how do you wake up early?
Mimo probably uses an alarm clock or maybe Mimo lives in a different time zone.
~CP Name:Japaneseqt12(CPG Mod)~
Hey guys!
rahul said...
hi mimo..... will you have a party with Rockhopper??
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mimo might try to, but I think that would be pretty hard to contact Rockhopper and organize a party with him. But its still possible!
Pinkiwinki9 (CPG mod)
CARD JITSU DOESNT WORK FOR ME!I have won at least 10 games but I dont have a single belt! Can anyone help me?
Hey guys, Anonymous said...
Hey awesome web site Mimo777
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hey Anonymous, I know, isn't it? I go on here almost every day and I check whats going on in Club Penguin, and I also look for questions in the comments so that I can eventually become an official CP mod! Have fun on CPG!
Pinkiwinki9 (CPG mod)
Heyzzz! its Leggo, Mimo, on twitter you asked if anyone has tased bug juice... when i was little, i use to buy it at a gas station! lolzzz
Yo Congupenguen i remembered the name lol man ther r no questions left to answer becose u hav answered them all
lol ur a great mod mate
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Heyya CPG!
Went to the beach for a feild trip today...we went swimming it was so fun =)
Anonymous said...
OMG ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! im turning 11
Pandarfever9 says:
Anonymous said...
Do you think since now you are able to become a ninja maybe in a few months or so you can become a pirate? Penguin name:Drake111144
Now that a awesome idea it would be so cool.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
rahul said...
hi mimo.....will you have a party with rockhopper??
It would be hard to find Rockhopper and party with him it would be cool.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
CARD JITSU DOESNT WORK FOR ME!I have won at least 10 games but I dont have a single belt! Can anyone help me?
Hey! Here's what you can do. Send Club Penguin an e-mail regarding this. They should fix your problem. Hope this helped!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
In response to Confupenguen, who said:
remember the name
Hey! Lol, thats pretty cool! You guys are the one, the only, "Remember the Name Penguins!" :D
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...
Yo Congupenguen i remembered the name lol man ther r no questions left to answer becose u hav answered them all
lol ur a great mod mate
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
thx dude, i think im almost a mod! your a great mod too!
omg !! i forgot to put remember the name Confupenguen, ill do it twice now to make up for it! lol
remember the name
remember the name
Anonymous said...
CARD JITSU DOESNT WORK FOR ME!I have won at least 10 games but I dont have a single belt! Can anyone help me?
This is strange, I guess it could be that if you are playing on the mats, you should do competion instead. If you wanted to u could as clubpenguin.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
CARD JITSU DOESNT WORK FOR ME!I have won at least 10 games but I dont have a single belt! Can anyone help me?
There might be a glitch on your penguin, i suggest telling CP about your problem.- Lolzzz you could always try logging off, then logging back on:) have fun!
Leggofmeggo (CPG MOD)
anonymous said:
CARD JITSU DOESNT WORK FOR ME!I have won at least 10 games but I dont have a single belt! Can anyone help me?
well keep playin more and then u might get one. dats wat i tried when i wasnt a ninja.
pizza294 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said:
CARD JITSU DOESNT WORK FOR ME!I have won at least 10 games but I dont have a single belt! Can anyone help me?
You can earn belts much faster if you select 'Competition Mode' when you talk to Sensei. You can talk to Sensei by walking up to the green cushion in the Dojo.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
Anonymous said:
Do you think since now you are able to become a ninja maybe in a few months or so you can become a pirate?
That's a cool thought! How about you suggest that to Club Penguin, and they might actually consider it.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
Leggofmyeggo (the real one) said...
Hey...Its leggo i found some more evidence... The impersenator said this in his comment-----
Time: 2:50 PST December 5th
I dont go by PST time!
Please all my friends, help make the impursenator stop... if this continues to happen -im sad to say- then i will have to stop posting on this site:(
Dear Leggoofmyeggo
i will try to help u but all i can say now is that change ur password to ur deep secret or someting. hope this helps :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
urm....who is rockhopper? im fairly new to c.p,, and im scared ill miss him coz he sounds cool...do you get really cool free items? i hope so lol
In response to Anonymous, who said:
urm....who is rockhopper? im fairly new to c.p,, and im scared ill miss him coz he sounds cool...do you get really cool free items? i hope so lol
Hey! Rockhopper is a cool pirate penguin who visits Club Penguin every once in a while.He does have cool items in his cargo,and he gives you an autographed background if you meet him.
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
Leggofmyeggo (the real one) said...
Hey...Its leggo i found some more evidence... The impersenator said this in his comment-----
Time: 2:50 PST December 5th
I dont go by PST time!
Please all my friends, help make the impursenator stop... if this continues to happen -im sad to say- then i will have to stop posting on this site:(
I feel you bro. Change your password or something. Thats wat i did and they stopped. Don't stop posting. I know he or she will stop.
Mimo you are so not weird dont think that oh and happy 11th bday to anonymous
im a black blet and can you meet with me mimo777 and my name is benjaminh:-} PS ICANT WAIGHT TO BUY ROCKHOPPERS PATIE ITEMS:-} PS CAN YOU MAKE BUDDYS WITH ME IM ALWAYS ON WOOL SOOKS!
Hi Mimo!!! Please please please, could you post the first clue to your party again??? please? i've always wanted to go to one of your parties but i always miss one of the clues!!!! PLEASE???
I would like to say,
Awesome!Rockhopper is coming! I just hope the free item is not the bell, AGAIN!
P.S. To answer your question, YES, u r weird! Ha ha!
P.S.S. Great website!
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