Happy Christmas everyone!

Here are the Coins for Change Results. You also got a postcard if you gave coins.

Here is the new Post Card from G. If you are a Secret Agent you get one too! Thanks, Chuckleloo.

What did you get?
I got:
Star Wars The Force Unleashed for Xbox360
Pure for Xbox360
Nike running shoes
iTunes Gift Card
Some money
I also got a Chocolate Chip Cookie. :-/
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

1 – 200 of 216 Newer› Newest»Merry Christmas CPG & Everyone again!
I'm exited! 3 more hours!
by the way THATS AESOME!
Cool milo byg123 here I got a iPod touch for christmas which I am using on your website right now.ok well merry Christmas bye
Cool, can't wait for the BIG day.
Merry X-mas CPG! Also i get a postcard about Coins for Change!
I love Itunes giftcards =) I got a JBHIFI giftcard (It's a big dvd shop and music shop in sydney)!
Sweet mimo nice pic!
Have a good X mas guys
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Sparkforever said...
Merry Christmas CPG & Everyone again!
I'm exited! 3 more hours!
Lol I woke up a 3:30 on X mas morning and couldnt get back to sleep, im so tired
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
I got the same thing! Hey everyone JConnery35 is having a 100,000 hits party!!! Here are the details.
-Date: Dec. 26, 2008
-Time: 10:00 pst
-Server: Slushy
-Place: Dock
mimo ! I told 9 friends they could have cp card codes . then i said i am giving away 3 card codes . now i get a deck and it says only the drees up your penguin cards have codes ? i only have 4 codes how ! wat will i do
I can't open my presents till my parents get up,but I have one in the shape of a guitar,so I'm happy.
Merry Christmas!
I got some choc
A DS with Nintendogs and Mario and Sonic at the Olympics
4 cricket books
A t-shitr
$50 from my grandma
remember the name
Ponde22 (CPG Mod)
awesome i am soooo glad how much money those poor kids got. im glad we helped. i cant wait untill the new mission. keep up the good work mimo777. (YOU ROCK!!!!!)
merry christmas
i live in maltta and is already christmas
cooooooooool a new mission
-elise 23
Merry Christmas Club Penguin Gang!
What do you mean what did we get?
Merry Christmas CPG & all waddly Penguins.
I got an electric toothbrush.
Holly Hugz to all.
idk i have to wait at 8:30
merry christmas
WHOA! I found this very cool glitch! It was loading the dojo and I clicked the spot where the ninja hideout door would be and when it finished loading, I was right infront of the door! I tried it in other places, it worked too!
the tree in the cove changes alot when you click it!
i got a laptop yayy :D
I got elite force for my Christmas present!!!!!!!!!!!
And Merry Christmas!
At the forest if you click on the stick raindeers red bow then it keeps on changing to snowmen and christmas trees,its really cool!
hey mimo sandwhichgal here
i found a computer!
spains awesome i got an ipod for christmas!
only got 10 mins left though, must dash!
sandwhichgal (penguin name)
like the picture of santa and if that is rudolf i dont celebrate christmas cuz im a muslim anyway i wish a merry christmas, to all a good christams and to all a goodnight :) lol sorry its long comment lol sorry i cant keep saying lol lol soz gtg
Merry Christmas C.P.G!, mimo's family and mimo! Have a happy holiday! Hope you have fun! -pikt
for Christmas I got a 6 month club penguin gift card and two 1 month club penguin gift cards.
cp toys!
I got a dvd player, speakers, books, ps2 games, a lego game, dvds, and a Twilight T-shirt... What did you get Mimo?
I got eight toy codes! Isnt that exciting? 4 puffles, the super hero action figures, halloween action figures, a soccer penguin and a firefighter penguin! I got a desktop computer! I got a lot. I am very thankful.
lol i like the santa picture. also, for christmas, i got an igloo playset. and a cp puzzle ball, and other stuffs.
i got epf for christmas and I beat it in the day i got it
I'll tell ya what I got! I got two cp books, (the cp guide and the puffle sticker thing) a stuffed penguin (No, not from cp) candy, penguin salt and pepper shakers and a bowl, a game, and clothes. lolz, THIS IS THE BEST XMAS EVER! MERRY XMAS! :D
Well Happy Christmas Mimo! And a Merry New Year! I got the CP igloo set for X mas. It was fantabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your friend,
Present wise I got...
A Juicy Couture make up bag
Pink speakers for my iPhone.
A pair of shoes
Two books
Six DVDs
Two Wii Games
Loads of make up
A watch
And loads of other stuff! :)
I am from the UK, by the way! lol
Ur Member penguin Friend
I got an iPod Touch for christmas
4 xmas i going to Disney!
Merry Christmas everyone!!! and a happy new year
Cool! Merry Christmas!
PS3 (for all the family) and new cell phone! Plus some awesome games. this was a BRILLIANT christmas! Thnaks mom.
Mimo- can you please post this, also the elite penguin force room is decorated too for christmas. Please post this and give credit to me. Thanks,
cool i got a wii for christmas
wouldn't that be MERRY Christmas?
I haven't even un-wrapped my presents over here in PST time zone, lol!
Dear Mimo,
How do you "sneak" into the places only available for members? Do you have secret powers?
u havnt said happy christmas!
I got the club Penguin video game!!! I have completed 3 missions so far!!!
I got a Harry Potter book set with all the Harry Potter books!
Merry Christmas Mimo and the CPGang!
i got elite penguin force fro x-mas :)))))
I got a Wii!!!
hi ppl its saavy
saavy (CPG Mod)
I got a cp plush bumble bee a lego indiana jones and some other stuff lol i got more toys _zoo889_ ps.please post this is my first time posting a comment
I Got:
Guitar Hero 4 (Wii)
6 Month Membership! (SWOOT)
Wii Fit
Wii Comtroler
Funny Picture Mimo!
I woke up at 2:00, 3:00, 4:45 and 6:00! It took me like a half our to get back to sleep. I got a Imac computer! And Guitar hero world tour, a huge 5 foot stuffed animal penguin and 8 toy codes!
I got a laptop!!! i always wanted one and now ive got it!!!! Merry christmas everyone!
I got a digital camera, a ripstick, a ramp, a basketball hoop, and cp elite penguin force.And I got some other stuff.
Hey mimo , in clubpenguin page billibob its writing merry chirstmas everyone with a photo of cooffee shop
Mimo, if u dont want ur cookie can I have it?
I got the Elite penguin force game and cant stop playing it. also you guys missed a cheat in the ski village if you clikc the head of the snowman it changes and if you click its body and feet it changes.
Clearly its me
Super Manbob(CPG MOD)
I got Super Smash Bros Brawl!
I got a itunes gift card too, and a ipod touch which I am using now!! I love christmas!! You got some cool things mimo! Iccle87
i got a new laptop,club penguin trading cards,club penguin igloo playset,and some clothes.
this is what i got..
boogie superstar for a wii
club penguin elitle force
2 cp plushies
75 piece makeup kit (not a little kid one)
and a chilly cheeks penguin build a bear! i also got the first season of jon and kate plus 8 on dvd! merry christmas everyone!
I got alot of stuff:
elite penguin force
nintendogs chiuaha
are you smarter than a 5th grader for ps2
pink ipod nano
itunes giftcard
penguin bank
tic tac toe game
nancy drew books
fishing pole
line and hooks
1. A Schwinn bicycle
2. 5 DS lite skins
3. Boxers (ewww)\
5. I coaster
6. Club Penguin Trading cards
Wanna know wat I got?
1. Some Candy
2. Cards (I hate cards)
3. A BOOK (Aaaah!!!!!)
5. 1 good present a digital camrea :)
HI MIMO!! U rule! I also got Star Wars The force unleashed but for ps2 and nintendo ds lite. I completed it 2 times. U RULE!!
Keep on Mimo-ing,
please help me! For Christmas I got the Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force and something is wrong! My map won't show up! Has that happened to anyone or is it just me? If you have an idea what it might be or how I might be able to fix it...please comment and help me!
I got:
Rockband for Xbox 360
Clubpenguin toy and a clubpenguin membership(1 month)Merry Christmas Mimo 777!!!
A chocolate chip cookie!
Merry Xmas Mimo!
I got ten dollars and that's it.
My parents don't like me but they get my sister everything.
They got me only ten dollars but my sister an ipod touch.
a chocolate chip cookie for christams, now thats weird
Merry x-mas mimo and cpg. By the way,HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Penguin name: Jenkis11
penguin that needs help, all i can think is get more cards if you want to keep your promses to your friends, otherwise, you're gonna have to tell em no...
sorry i couldnt help much more roger8500 (CPG MOD)
i got an ipod for christmas im lisening to nickle back cool huh!
I got a wireless router, money, a book, and Club Penguin Trading Cards for Christmas. I have a card that says that I can make my own custom card, how do I do that?
Heyy Mimo i just wanted to tell you but you probaly already know already that the elite penguin force game if you have it you can go into the command room its really cool and i just wanted to let you know
i got a Kina bratz doll Yasmin and her mom bratz doll Yasmin dressup bratz doll Cloe dressup bratz doll and a Zcard for zwinky from Santa Claus
Merry Christmas everyone! I got a Xbox 360 this year with NHL 2K9 :)
I also got lots of LEGOS! :)
ill tell ya wat i got!
a new cell phone (sprint rant you can play movies and tv on it!!!)
skiis (i luv skiing)
Psp games
Ps2 games
iTunes girft cards
a DS game
and candy :)
Haha this Christmas was great!
Merry Christmas Everyone!!! =]
A mb3 player [since I lost my ipod]
A happy face belt
A club penguin shirt
High school musical 3 cd
One of those light up thingys
A little bag
space ice cream sandwiches
Nintendo dogs
Oh yea!
I also got lots of butterfingers and M and M's and taffy!
But sniffle no gum. sinffle
YOU GOT AN ITUNES GIFT CARD????i got an ipod.i hould have one.
I have a question.If you have a black belt,what does it look like inside the stone in the courtyard?There's a stone on the left,and only ninjas are aloud in,what's in there?
I just got like 20 bucks!!!
Merry Christmas everyone!!
I got a lot of stuff, but my favorites were...
A lap desk for my laptop.
A bunch of candy.
"The Tales of Beedle the Bard" book.
Socks. (funky socks!!)
A icture of a basket chair!! (My mom went to the store to get one, but they were sold out! She got a rain check and I will get one soon!!)
I got the cp handbag and my sis got the cp game for the ds
I got EPF for DS!! I love it!!
I got a Acoustic Guitar and a VeraBradley bag and a couple other things also. My mom gave me a gingerbread cookie, but i switch my dad's chocolate chip one with mine. XP
hiya i got a nintendo hannah montana game a gift card and some sweets gloves a necklance that i real sliver and 25 pounds (pound sign isnt working)merry xmas
I got a club penguin trading card game tin I got awesome cards
I shared some with my bro though
I also got
A bed warmer
2 teddys
Merry Christmas Everyone!! Merry Christmas to you Mimo777 and tell the rest of the CPG Merry Christmas from me Steffi67
I got $100 itunes gift card, ipod nano (4th generation), Ohio State silk blanket, 3 undershirt sweaters, laptop, and more yet to come from other family!!
I got an Ipod and some wii games
Cena Girl827
Merry Christmas
I got.....
a new touch screen labtop
motor scooter
coolpix camera
Mario Cart for Wii
winter boots
and a cp plush penguin
Hewkii: r u a bionicle fan?
i got GTA IV! the must owned game and playstation 3 way better than a xbox 360!!! with motorstorm pacific rift and skate lol im lucky!
I GOT A LAPTOP!!!!!!!!!
-Super Ducky
Mimo, if you have xbox live add me, MR PUR3FiSHY
hey merry christmas yall!! yalls christmas present to me, is if you could look at my site, please plase please. i would appreciate it sooo sooo sooo much. its not much just a little tinsey winsey request. (:
Awsome i got lots of books and $350 (au)
Stickers also got a coin code!
hey stickers303,
i love jbhifi its the worlds best shop i gave my brother a jbhifi gift card. the one in broadway is so big!!!!
1023 days
Well I got this:
4 CP Puffles
1 CP Plush Toy
1 CP Book
1 Dollar!
Huey 987 (COG) MOD)
IPOD is what I got
I got he Ultimate guide to Club Penguin and spy glasses from Santa. THEY ARE AWESOME!!
i got a wii and 10 other games and u rok mimo
Merry Christmas!!! I got Wii Fit, Wii Music, an Ipod Nano, a razor phone, and smoe other stuff! Your Website is awesome!!!!!!!!!!
i got a NES! i have always wanted one! and tons of other stuff but i love my NES i have super mario bros, bart simpsons mutants? and nintendo soccer!!!!!
oh i got an american girl club penguin elite penguin force raving rabids pet fr for ds mystery case files and alot of outfits i got alot more stuff but thats stuff i can remeber
Still didn't opened presents yet.:(
I so know my parents got me the DS game!I'm so excited!Can't wait.:-)
Oh thats so cool!! I got a Playstation 3 with Sonic Unleashed and Little Big Planet, Games for my DS, Deal or no Deal Imagine Teacher etc. A vending Machine :P Slippers,Some clothes, Jewelry, Perfume, Mario Kart Wii with a wheel (I already had wheels for it but it was my friends game!) Ummmm £65 and suppost to get Abba Singstar. and WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more!! Lol! and I hope I will win Igloo comp my igloo looks pretty cool!
Oh and I'm actully on PS3 just now!! I get internet on it! WOOO!!!
And............. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! HO HO HO!!
Hey mimo can you come to my christmas party on cp?
Place:Dojo but then my igloo when everyone comes
Please be there
I also got a
Video camera
cp toys
cell phone
I got an iPod touch, and guitar hero world tour and more stuff
I got $80 worth of iTunes Gift Cards, Little Big Planet for my Playstation 3, a scrapbook for my family, a Rubiks cube, Are you Smarter than a Fifth grader? Handheld, and I'm still not done. I still need to go to my other families.
18 pups asked:
please help me! For Christmas I got the Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force and something is wrong! My map won't show up! Has that happened to anyone or is it just me? If you have an idea what it might be or how I might be able to fix it...please comment and help me!
Well if you have beaten the first mission then you should have a map becuase dot gives you one
(CPG mod Blakout12)
Hey Mimo!
I got...
Animal Crossing:Lets Go to the City,
Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia,
Pink ipod,
Miss Sixty Parfume,
Sweets :)
Amanda Dlny
I got a ipod for christmas
I got all kinds of CP stuff!! I was so happy =D Hey, Mimo, can you help me out? I'm confused.
I got some trading cards, but when I entered the codes online, it showed me what I unlocked.
For EVERY card I entered, it just showed 4 empty boxes.
I was so sad. Is it supposed to do this? I sent an e-mail to Club Penguin, but they probably won't write back until tomorrow! ;-;
i got ipod touch
games for psp wii xbox360 and ps3
itunes gift card
new cell phone
MIMO!I read soemthing interesting in the Clubpengun Times,go to the Ask Aunt Artic page,and it says "Have you ever tipped the iceberg?"and she replys"I have HAD weekly reports that penguins have" doesnt that sound interesting,haha let me know :]
I got 4 clubpenguin plush toys, 2 clubpenguin action figure set, the igloo playset, all the clubpenguin books, a really old giijoe( my dad LOVES giijoes so he got me an old one at walmart), and some gothic keychains from hottopic, an art set, AND A FLAT SCREEN TV!
it's all true!
-Cp Snoopdog
Merry Christmas cpg and everyone.im kinda down all i got for christmas is a puzzle set !im 11 for crying out loud!!!!! :(((((anyway im still having fun on christmas
hey mimo please
check your DS and theres a chirstmas party put on the blog also theres a santa mission when you finish it he will give you 50 coins and theres a free item on the iceberg "ICE SKATES"!!!
put thanks by luigileo
i got clothes a rockhopper t shirt
and a club penguin bean bag
also some clubpenguin toys
I got the Club Penguin DS Game and used your cheats to finish all the missions(Exept the last mission).
I got a ps3 midnight club la. Little big planet. $ 200. And I'm post from my grandmas iPhone. LOL!
I got :
Nintendo wii
Dark Knight on DVD
LOTS of boston red sox stuff
Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force
Charlie Brown holiday box set
Realy big snow tube
ice skates
webkinz snowman
Guitar Hero World Tour
American Eagle gift card
Homer Marge and Bart Simpson shaped cookies
and i went to bed at 12 midnight EST and didnt fall asleep for hours I'm very tired now
mimo please post
I got a Ds and the Club penguin game
omg!! i got the force unleashed too!!!! well except its for the wii, and its awesome!!!
dear mimo... how many times do you have to beat people before you become from red belt to purple?
-8bella girl8
I basicly got everything club penguin! finally! Woot!
I got a lego train,shoes,a flash light lol,train station, hot wheel,
Like 10 movies,a vcr/dvd player,a NEW DS LITE! Motor Storm Pacific Rift for PS3,Areosmith music,6 clubpenguin membership cards,$100,Some candy,and lots more!and no i am not a only shild
I got This stuff for Christmas:
A Moutain Bike
A Shadow Guy CP Toy
2 WII Games
CP Book and Trading Cards
50 Dollars
A Pogo Stick
Board Games
Anonymous said...
dear mimo... how many times do you have to beat people before you become from red belt to purple?
-8bella girl8
dear bella girl !
you have to WIN not beat !
you have to win about 13-18 times !
I got coal... again
Merry Christmas everyone! I completed Elite Penguin Force for the DS and I put in the code I got with it. Club Penguin gave me coins (lots of them!) and a certifacat that let me go into the new cupboard at the HQ! Now I'm a Elite Penguin Force agent and I can go into the secret room in the Dojo, and the cupboard! Sweet!
I got a..
1.iPod Nano (16 GB
2.iPod Nano case
3.$15 iTunes giftcard
4.3 pack Card-Jitsu cards
5.3 CP plushies (Barista, Firefighter and Santa)
6.Guitar Hero Aerosmith
8.Snowballer (makes perfectly round snowballs!)
9.Lots -o- other stuff!!!!!!!!!!
I got the DS game(oh yeah!),the game "trouble",headband, and a toys r us gift card.
I love the DS game!it's fun.:D
I got a wii, a chocolate santa, a gingerbread house, a box of chocolates, a tin of CP trading cards (now i have 160. WOOT!), movies, a FLY pentop compter, and a bunch of other stuff.
Merry Christmas CPG
i got lots of lame stuffs. but i like it! :) btw, i also stayed up late until 1.00a.m. my eyes are tired too. coz i went for a party!
u kknow what? i just wished to become a member in cp. the first thing im gonna do is buy all those puffles.(member puffles) and some clothes.
For Christmas i got
Lego Agents Mission 6
Listening Device
Swimming Shirt
And thats abot it
Merry Christmas CPG!
hi mimo!
you're so lucky you got all that stuff... I only got two books on tropical plants! :(
CP name: Stargal 55
I got...
...an iPod nano
...9 DS games
...Twilight Soundtrack
...5 books
...and candy!!!
hey mimo cool gift i got:
Ipod touch
xbox360 camera
deck of cards
2 yoyos
PS what is your xbox 360 gamer tag?
i got:
iPod shuffle,the nintendo DS,the club penguin elite penguin force (for the DS) a bag to hold the stuff in, and a purple sweater..haha merry christmas to all and to all a good night!haha
Nice Presents Mimo! I got an i-pod touch and an i-tunes gift card, and Guitar hero world tour band pack for wii.
mimo i got 1 big present and a ton of small presents guess wat the big one was nevermind ill tell u later.............. i cant wait i got a wii and im sssssssssooooooooooooo happy
P.S. i wish that i could hav everybody includig cpg and everyone else ovr to play
ha ha i think that the anonymous post that said"i got coal..... again" iz funny im sorry but it iz
cool present mimo. We got my uncles old xbox360(he got a new one for some reason)but it broken. They charge 100$ to fix it!Mostly i got money, money, and more money. but I did get a book, a few games, a bultin board, and chap stick. Oh from Santa we also got Rockband2 and guitar hero world tour. We haven't played any of them yet.
Merry Christmas Mimo!
I envy Your nike shoes and Itunes gift card cause all i got was clothes, video games i already have, and a snow sled (I enjoied that one very much today)
Merry Christmas Mimo, and the C.P.G.
you guys are awsome i go here every day to see the new secrets!!!
Merry X-mas and a happy new year!
- Flipy
* Guitar Hero World Tour Band Pack
*5 PSP Games
*A BIG cuddley toy penguin! I named him perk! (Short for percy)
Have a merry xmas!
Hey mimo, did you know if you have donated anything to the coins for change, you'll get a Coins for Change postcard too?
Hey i got that star wras game but for ps2
Hey Mimo!
We got tons of things for X'mas, probably because we're twins! But our favourite were-
Jessie and Mike
EPF Game
New iPod
New cell phone(iPhone)
Some cool DS games
100 big bucks in our bank accounts
Grandma also ordered 4 magazines and a package of 1 year supply cookies!
Hey Mimo!
Oh ya,
We also went shopping for new everything! Because we were moving, but we will be staying in the same school! Thats sooo cool!
Waddle On,
Jessie and Mike
i've an ipod
2 converse bags
1 converse pencilcase
3 sport tees
anoyher pencil case
1 fox jacket
and many more
err i posted on the wrong comment:(but just to repit it again i saw a sign says:Attention all agents be alert i think the mission is comin real soon!
There is a new message. "Attention all Agents Be On Alert
i got guitar hero on wii with the drums, bass, microphone, and the guitar and its world tour!
- Mr Dude 2424
cool i got an iTunes gift card too
I got GH Aerosmith, Wii Music, and Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution 2
I wanted Force Unleashed... I got: CP Toys, CP Member 1month card, Sonic Unleashed (XBOX 360), an ocarina (instrument), T-Shirt Game (FUN GAME), other games, Puzzle Quest for DS, books, Toys R Us gift card (CP TOYS HERE I COME!), Gamestop gift card.
wow i got star was force unleashed too ~VinnyVall
Hey mimo you got some good presents there i also got Star Wars The Force Unleashed For Xbox 360 lol and also for Xbox 360 i got Guitar Hero World Tour Full Band Kit And Its Well Good!!!
mimo i got Pure too! its sweet. nice graphics. also some other stuff. see ya round
What's pure?
Happy Boxing day everyone,
i would have posted earlier but i promised my self i wouldnt waste christmas on the computer.... anyways i got almost EVERYTHING I ASKED FOR!!!!!!(except a laptop...lol) I got a DS, a Zune mp3 player, a full over stereo, and loads of other stuff.... anyways i had a very merry christmas!
Hey Jayjay1411 here and i got the best presents ever!!
an Ipod nano 3rd generation;
2 100$ itunes giftcards;
Skull Candy headphones;
Bluetooth headphones and mouse for laptop;
2 origanal puffles and a puffle keychain;
The iceberg tipping puzzle;
an another elite force ds game?;
Club penguin Stowaway adventure book;
Club penguin t shirt and club penguin trading card game
I got a whole bunch of DVDs and CDs and a Nintendo DS. I'm like the last person inthe world to get one!!
P.S. The color is "Metallic Silver"
wow! i got soooo much stuff
i got:
-sliver nitendo DS lite
-cooking mama DS
-petz dogz pack DS
-petz bunnys DS
-Club penguin EPF 4 DS
-Club penguin plush princess, cheerleader, and pizza chef (my bro got the rocker, but my grandpa's dog chewed its mohawk lol)
-Igloo playset
-card jitsu cards
-RH stowaway adventures
-Club penguin joke book
- Club penguin guide
-puffle sticker book
- 5" puffle purple and yellow
-5 new webkinz
- $50 giftcard (visa)
-Spongebob drawn to life for DS
-some lip gloss
-A suit on chobots
- and i am planing on spending my birthday money on the figures for Club penguin becuz not even santa could find them!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nintendo DS: Elite Penguin Force! Got it yesterday and am 72% completed the game!
lol. i got guitar hero, the xbox360 some new games, vintage Converse (only one pair ever made),
a pair of pegleg jeans, the new Taylor Swift cd,EPF for the ds, new sylus, and a backup charger (i lost my other one). merry day after christmas, mimo!
Hey Mimo for christmas i got
Star Wars: The force unleashed for Nintendo Ds
A AWSM watch
5 books :-(
A new scooter
A box of chocolates
Some pool toys:(
A swedish soccer shirt form my swedish friends
A foam dart gun that hurts :D
A foam bow and arrow gun that doesn't hurt :(
I'm luckky i got a bigg family on of my aunts cam and so did my grandma and some of my cousins
Anywaaaaay I cant wait for the mission
and yeah i got the cardf or coins for change
Thanks for posting this
i have force unleashed!its awesome right?
FOUR nintendo ds games
TWO wii games
A bunch of clothes
rare coins
datbatman69 said...
Merry Christmas Club Penguin Gang!
What do you mean what did we get?
Heyy! He is asking ya what you got for Christmas!
Waddle On
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
heyy guys! I'm having a EPF party for cp!!
Here are details:
When: 1/2,2009
Where: Command Room (Found in the closet of the HQ)
Time: 2 PST time
I hope you guys [with cp games] can make it!
Sophi Jr
Hey everyone, I'm having a NINJA party! Here are details
When: 1/3 2009
Time: 2 pst time
Where: Ninja Hideout
Server: Snow Board
I hope you [ninjas] can make it
Sophi Jr
4 xmas I got real uggs! A juicy cotour tracksuit, loads of wii games and some expensive, designer bath stuff...
I got:
A sony vaio laptop
loads of sweets
£95 off my grandma
some drumsticks
A piano book.
PS:I live in britain.
i got a psp star wars the force unleashed 4 psp smackdown vs raw 2009 4 psp and my favourite football team shirt CHELSEA and loads more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
does the reindeer have a beard or white stomach?
on my 11th birthday i got 156$ but i didnt think of an nintendo ds but that was 1 year ago im 12
i got a laptop
merry xmas i got the psp 3000
anonymous said "does the reindeer have a white beard or a moustache?"
I answer, "neither that is its stomach fluff"
dudeguy4586 cpg mod
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