We rocked the Iceberg today! We've been partying alot! It was fun! Check it.

Sweet huh?!
New Mission comes out tomorrow! We will have the Mimo SMART CHEAT GUIDE right away!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, parties
Am I too late?
mimo im ata it right now!!!!.
its so cool and its my first one. =)
aaaarrrggghhh I can't get in!!!!!!!!
Bummer My Penguin Account Wont Login
This CAN'T happen to me!!!!
I can't get onto the iceberg :sad: :sad: :sad:
- Vestnichetod
mimo im ata it right now!!!!.
its so cool and its my first one. =)
the iceberg is full!!
That was cool!
that was fun mimo
DUDE MIMO!!!!!!! I have never been to one of ur parties and now i have!!!!! u rock mimo!!! the party was real kool. :)
Happy729 :p
I was too late, I got in but you were already ogne :[[
I can't enter that server for some reason it keeps loading :( oh man i missed it. i hope i'll be able to make it to the next party.
Prople go out of there please! I gotta meet mimo
You left! please come back!
hey dude awesome party! do you have a xobox live account??
waah! sob! sob!
MIMO go on one server only not two.
That was THE best party ever. especialy cuz it was christmas party too!!!!!!!!!! U ROCK MIMO!!!!! Happy729
i was here i was waddwadd99 but you wouldnt add me.=(
ALL I NEED IS 9China9 as buddy ;)
Nice Mimo!!
I was on CP and Chobots this morning. Had I known about your party, I would have came.
Awwwww.... the ice berg waz full :(
mimo go on server snow drift at the beach i really want to meet you and become your friend. bring u fride and other people too to meet me please.
ughh =(((((
iv never been to one of your clubpenguin partys
iv been to your chbots and planetcazmo partys but never clubpenguin
oh reminder tomorow the new mission comes out tomorow on clubpenguin
are you going to give us the answers on how to pass it?
~ciciaz623 cpg mod
I really wish I knew where and what time it was cuz I really want to meet Mimo!
That was early!
The room is full, and it would be my first party, someone GET OUT!! (only joking).
A question for the CGP Mod's...
If you find something new how do we tell mimo??
But it was fun finally getting to see you on Club Penguin! :-)
You rock!
I was there. I am muppit boy
nooo cry im always missing them i "had" to go to hike
Can you just make another quickee partie for people, that couldn't come? Pleeease?
- Vestnichetod
It was fun...but i arrived to late:((
Anonymous said...
mimo go on server snow drift at the beach i really want to meet you and become your friend. bring u fride and other people too to meet me please.
Hey! Mimo doesn't have time to meet everyone, let alone add everyone. So unfortunately, he won't be able to go. Maybe you can see him at one of his parties!
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
pulse003 said...
Am I too late?
Hey! Yeah, you are to late. I came to late. I didn't know about the party until my friend told me! Thanks Trumpet123!
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
what sever was it on?
whens the next party?
A question for the CGP Mod's...
If you find something new how do we tell mimo??
Hey! You can post on the comments or message him on youtube on his channel, Clubpenguingang
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
awwwww man i missed it cause the iceberg was crammed full and thank you for your blog it made life in club penguin easier lol
Anonymous said...
Can you just make another quickee partie for people, that couldn't come? Pleeease?
- Vestnichetod
December 28, 2008 9:39 AM
dear vestnichetod he most likly not make anthor party but mimo is full of surprises lol hope that helped
Iceberg was full Waaaaaaaaghhhhh
Hola. Unfortunately, Mimo can't attend. Lots of penguins want to meet him, but he can't make it to every invatation! He also can't add everyone because his list is full! maybe you can see him at one of his parties
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
hey mimo i wish i was there but guess what buy one of the plush puffles that comes with a code can get you in the new tresure book!!!!!!!!!
Can you just make another quickee partie for people, that couldn't come? Pleeease?
- Vestnichetod
Hey, if he made another quickee party for people who couldn't come that would be cool! Here is the problem; people who did make it probably would come also. They'd just say that they didn't. Sorry...
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
I was just thinking...Well maybe you should plan a
time of day(when you plan don't use cp time zone,use real time.)maybe in january when you have your igloo open or becaus you have a small house we could just plan a normal C.P. party with out clues!
Tomichael said...
Thanx sophi jr. I am feeling better now.
Awww! You're Welcome. That's so nice of you!
Have a good day
Sophi Jr
omg i was asleep and wen i woke up twitter sent me a txt msg and i was way 2 late cuz i stayed up till 3:15 am this morn! seriously!
Mimo in your fourth pic you were saying Hey Ray to me.. Hehe
Hey! I was there!
mimo777 how do i figure out when it is and on which server it is.(Quickee Party
Please answer.
I missed another party. Bummer.
Anonymous said...
whens the next party?
You got to wait and see.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
I'm on vacation so I'll have to wait :-(
I hope Herbert is caught once and for all!
Cya guys later at the end of the week.;-)
In your parties why do people call you Mim o?
Cool Party!!!
heyy mimo!! im a big fan and i was just wondering.. do think that the reason they modifiyied the CP map to have such a big space is because their going to put someting there?????
-Icy Girl 251
(cp name)
Gosh I didnt even know you were having another party i'm maxed out!! lol
P.S. I didn't make it to the party!
Didn't get the clues for this one but I so want to go to the next one. Mimo u rock!
Cool, I'm in the last picture! That was my first Mimo party! That was cool
LOL! Not again! I missed 3 partys in a row! You got the time zone rong in the southern hemisphere! NOOO I WISH I WAS IN AMERICA THE BEST COUNTRY ON EARTH!
Hooray! the new mission is tomorrow! hope you guys have fun with it, i know i will!
ciciaz623 said...
ughh =(((((
iv never been to one of your clubpenguin partys
iv been to your chbots and planetcazmo partys but never clubpenguin
oh reminder tomorow the new mission comes out tomorow on clubpenguin
are you going to give us the answers on how to pass it?
~ciciaz623 cpg mod
dear ciciaz623
yep mimo is gonna post the answers on how 2 complete the mission. :)
saavy ~(CPG Mod)
Andy11766's Cheats said...
In your parties why do people call you Mim o?
dear Andy11766
people type in mim o because wen u type mimo on clubpenguin u wont b able to see it its probably becuz of the filter. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
All your quickee parties are always when I'm asleep...lol.
Wow lots of parties recently but they r on too early for me they r on at like 5 in the morning, o well
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Andy11766's Cheats said...
In your parties why do people call you Mim o?
Hey people say Mim o becose Mimo doesnt show up on CP
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Man I wish I was there
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
New mission tomorrow, anyone think we will catch Herbert?
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Hey mimo! Click each section of the giant snowman in the ski village in club penguin! It's cool!From pink pop97
I feel betrayed mimo. Ive been feeding this cat who comes to my backyard, shes not a stray she lives near by and today i gave her cat food and milk then when she was done i went outside and let her rub against me but i let her hop up on my seat and she tryed to bite me! But she only scraped my hand barely but it is swelling. Thats why i have a gecko.
pulse003 said : "am i to late"
Dear pulse003 yes once the pictures are up on the blog the party has ended. look for mimo clues and follow him on twitter to find out when his next pary is!
Why do people say mim o instead of mimo? do u get banned if u say it?
what server are the partys on?
this can't happen!! I missed it again cause I didn't know where to go!!!! :sad: :sad:
mimo, how do i know when you are having quickee parties?
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...
New mission tomorrow, anyone think we will catch Herbert?
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
dear a kiwi boy
yep i think we will catch Herbert and put an end to him lol. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Why do people say mim o instead of mimo? do u get banned if u say it?
dear anonymous
no u wont get banned from clubpenguin and people say mim o becuz if u say mimo it wont show up. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Come to Frozen Cove! Now!
thanks for telling me about planet cazmo i just joined and its SO FUN.
pulse003 said...
Am I too late?
dear pulse003
yep u sur r late lol and so am i but dont worry mimo will have another party soon. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
im back from spain and i have a awesome tan!
i missed the party thow :(
chobots is wikkedd!
g2g now, i think my mums burnin the bacon!!!
sandwhichgal (penguin name)
Awwwwww I missed it!
Anyway the Eagles are winning! Yay! Its 44 to 3! That was random. Lol.
Yay new mission tomorrow!
Mimo I hope I meet you again one day. One day...
Hey guys!
It's Pearlwhite27!
I know you haven't seen me in awhile, but i've been REALLY busy. I'm hoping to get back to being a CPG mod and come on cpg more often. What did you guys get for Christmas? I got Rockband, wii sing it, and cooking mama the new version. I also got some clothes and other little stuff. =)
hey mimo, when did you tell us about the quickee? and where are you in the pictures? I CAN NOT WAIT FOR THE NEW MISSION TOMORROW? DO YOU THINK WE WILL DEFEAT HERBERT ONCE AND FORALL?
ciciaz623 said...
oh reminder tomorow the new mission comes out tomorow on clubpenguin
are you going to give us the answers on how to pass it?
123iceball said...
Of course! Mimo always posts guides for the missions!
Somelikeme said...
The room is full, and it would be my first party, someone GET OUT!! (only joking).
A question for the CGP Mod's...
If you find something new how do we tell mimo??
If you find something new on CP, tell Mimo in a comment! If he hasn't seen it before and not too many people have told him already, he will give you credit!
Anonymous said...
Can you just make another quickee partie for people, that couldn't come? Pleeease?
- Vestnichetod
123iceball said...
Just keep checking this blog, and eventually Mimo will have another quickee party!
saavy (CPG Mod) said....
Anonymous said...
Why do people say mim o instead of mimo? do u get banned if u say it?
dear anonymous
no u wont get banned from clubpenguin and people say mim o becuz if u say mimo it wont show up. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Dear saavy you got it wrong soory to say but you can say mimo i tryed this problem with it in a sentence so you can saw mimo in a sentence you dont have to say MIM O
-sk8rboidud3 (CPG Moderator)
dang...I missed it:( But my party rocked!
Dear Somelikeme,
To Tell Mimo Something He Missed
or just some thing funny email
him at
_ Shiver Jak(CPG Mod)
Kool! When and where is the next party Mimo?
U never told us about the party :(
Plz tell me when a party is becasue ive never been to urs :(
Hey Mimo, i've been dying to meet you! I was wondering if you'd like to come to my upcoming party? Its going to start at 2:00 PM on December 31st (New Years Eve) on server Iceburg at the Iceburg. Hope you can make it :D
why does everyone say MIM O
Hey you guys!
Do you know where to find the blue book? Do you have to unlock it?
OMG!!! I see my self in the pics!!! My penguin's name is Dogluver5858 I have the red jacket on.
Hey look! Ever since they had the new screen when you click on "Play Now" at the very end on the right there is a ninja and it looks kind of translucent which means that you can really turn invisible when you're a ninja! THAT ROCKS!
Dear Aynonymous,
Yes You Have To Unlock The Bue Book But The Only Way Too Is To Have A Book.
- Shiver Jak
Anonymous said...
Hey you guys!
Do you know where to find the blue book? Do you have to unlock it?
Yes, you have to unlock it by putting in the correct word in the "unlock items"
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Chomper630 said...
hey dude awesome party! do you have a xobox live account??
No, he said that his parents wont let him. But i do! lolzzz
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
ninjaraid14 said...
what sever was it on?
Lol, im not sure. I do know that it was on the iceburge tho.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
whens the next party?
I dont think there will be one soon:( He has had a lot lately.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Gurpreet8 said...
mimo777 how do i figure out when it is and on which server it is.(Quickee Party
Please answer.
He will post on his site, what server, and where. But after the party is over, he deletes the post.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Andy11766's Cheats said...
In your parties why do people call you Mim o?
Because, then everyone can see what you said. I know it still pops up when you type mimo, but only you can see it.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Why do people say mim o instead of mimo? do u get banned if u say it?
No, you dont get banned if you say mimo. It just appears for everyone to see if you say mim o, instead of mimo.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
33blitz said...
what server are the partys on?
Well it varys. The quikies are usually on fjord. (i think)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Aaarreio said...
why does everyone say MIM O
Because if you type that instead of mimo, then everyone can see what you said.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
I have been driving home all day so I missed it! Ugh! oh well
i had a christmas! what about you?
Signing Out,
How do you catch the golden mullet on Clubpenguin?
Aaarreio said...
why does everyone say MIM O
They say this because only some things pop up on other peoples screen. When you type mimo, it only shows up on your screen, but if you type mim o, it shows on everybody's screen.:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
OWW MAN i always miss your parties cry cry cry
Chomper630 said...
hey dude awesome party! do you have a xobox live account??
In an older post, he said that he wanted one, but his parents said no.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
ciciaz623 said...
ughh =(((((
iv never been to one of your clubpenguin partys
iv been to your chbots and planetcazmo partys but never clubpenguin
oh reminder tomorow the new mission comes out tomorow on clubpenguin
are you going to give us the answers on how to pass it?
Yes, he said that he will have the answers to it right away in his post!
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
33blitz said...
what server are the partys on?
Every time he has a party, he has it on different servers, he always tells us which it is tho, either in a clue or just tells us the server with no clue.(usualy tells the server with no clue at quickes)
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Gurpreet8 said...
mimo777 how do i figure out when it is and on which server it is.(Quickee Party
Please answer.
He will tell us everything in the post, i guess you just got to be lucky and be on his web site at the right time to see when it is:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
A lot of people are asking about why people say mim o instead of mimo at his parties. As i said allready, they say that because mimo only pops up on your screen, but if you say mim o, it pops up on everybody's screen.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
mimo, the new misson is out. its all about puffles
Anonymous said...
Hey you guys!
Do you know where to find the blue book? Do you have to unlock it?
yes, you do have to unlock it. to unlock it, you have to answer the question correctly in "unlock items" under i have a book:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
whens the next party?
Well, no body is realy sure, but i honestly think that it wont be for a while because have you noticed how many he has been having?ALOT!lol
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
does mimo go on a certain server?
Hey Mimo!!
Great Party Pics of your latest party. I wish i could be there one day or any of your parties.
I have a question. Where do i get the Mimo Banners to put on my blog? I really Want One!
Anonymous said...
mimo go on server snow drift at the beach i really want to meet you and become your friend. bring u fride and other people too to meet me please.
Dear aninymous...
Mimo cant do it. Because he is too busy. If you want to meet Mimo or add him/her. You must come to his/her party !
Anonymous said...
whens the next party?
Dear Anonymous...
We must wait until Mimo tell us !
Hello Mimo!
How do you make those banners that link ppl to your page.
I really want one and if its too much 2 ask, Its k.
when is the mission going to come out?
Can you just make another quickee partie for people, that couldn't come? Pleeease?
- Vestnichetod
I hope so, we should wait until Mimo tell us ! Mimo is lot of surprize you know ! :)
Anonymous said...
I'm on vacation so I'll have to wait :-(
I hope Herbert is caught once and for all!
Cya guys later at the end of the week.;-)
It is fun trying to catch him.
Icee5987 said...
Hey look! Ever since they had the new screen when you click on "Play Now" at the very end on the right there is a ninja and it looks kind of translucent which means that you can really turn invisible when you're a ninja! THAT ROCKS!
You can turn invisible when you get the ninja suit. Only members can get it.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
33blitz said...
what server are the partys on?
Dear Blitz...
I guess the server was fjord :)
Anonymous said...
Why do people say mim o instead of mimo? do u get banned if u say it?
Dear anonymous...
Maybe tht is photo effect (LOL)
i dunno too :)
Anonymous said...
Hey you guys!
Do you know where to find the blue book? Do you have to unlock it?
Yes ! You have to put correct answer ! You must click play now and click Unlock Item !
When is your next one?
mimo the mission is not out yet!!!
Hey Mimo...
I haven't commented in a while...
A longggg while.
I keep missing all of the quickee parties cuz im never on ontime.
Oh well.
how come the in his partys everyone says mim o instead on mimo? and cant we use numbers?
mimo could u also try to get on server sherbet?
i would really like to meet u
Has anyone noticed that the fireworks in Club Penguin STILL aren't here?!
Reply to Anonymous:
heyy mimo!! im a big fan and i was just wondering.. do think that the reason they modifiyied the CP map to have such a big space is because their going to put someting there?????
Club Penguin only changed the map and gave a new look to it. I don't think CP will put in a new place.
Anonymous said...
Come to Frozen Cove! Now!
dear anonymous
im sorry but i do not think mimo will b able 2 meet u becuz hes a very busy penguin. sorry agen. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
hey mimo, when did you tell us about the quickee? and where are you in the pictures? I CAN NOT WAIT FOR THE NEW MISSION TOMORROW? DO YOU THINK WE WILL DEFEAT HERBERT ONCE AND FORALL?
dear anonymous
mimo will post when and were the quckiee party is and when the partys over he will delete the post. mimo is there in all the pictures just look closer n u will find him. and yes i think we will put an end to herbert and his evil plans once and for all lol. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
saavy (CPG Mod) said....
Anonymous said...
Why do people say mim o instead of mimo? do u get banned if u say it?
dear anonymous
no u wont get banned from clubpenguin and people say mim o becuz if u say mimo it wont show up. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Dear saavy you got it wrong soory to say but you can say mimo i tryed this problem with it in a sentence so you can saw mimo in a sentence you dont have to say MIM O
-sk8rboidud3 (CPG Moderator
dear sk8rboidud3
are u sure? im trying to say that if u type in mimo others wont b able 2 see it but only u can. and if u type in mim o every one can see it and so can u . :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
cearch said...
Kool! When and where is the next party Mimo?
dear cearch
were not all sure but im gessing its quiet soon lol. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Aaarreio said...
why does everyone say MIM O
dear Aaarreio
every 1 says mim o because if u say mimo only u will b able 2 see it but if u type in mim o every 1 will b able to see it. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Hey you guys!
Do you know where to find the blue book? Do you have to unlock it?
dear anonymous
yep 2 find the blue book u have 2 unlock it. to unlock it u will need one of the club penguin story books and then u should go on unlock items n say i have a book and then type in a verse that it wants and there u will get the blue book and about 1000 coins. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Mimo i m on club penguin right now on december 29th and there is no new mission!!!!!! whats up with that??
mission is not out until noon
If you see me in Chobots, Planet Cazmo or Club Penguin these r my names.
CP: Nic Yap
Planet Cazmo: Nic Yap
Chobots: nicyap
Hey mimo whens the mission coming out?
hmmmm The new mission is delayed
mimo there are new servers
Surfer Nico yor fellow club penguin party thrower
mimo where is your cheat to the new mission, I can't seem to find G OR the new mission. Where is he!!!!!!
huh! i missed it ............
the mission is not yet out!:(
not yet! can u believe it?
is G trying to trick us or somethin?
i have a cool nub cheat . if u go to the hq during the christmas party and go under the christmas tree in the lower left corner by the map u can hide and make ur username disapear
from naruto350
I am in all of the pictures I am Daddey! It was relly fun Mim o!
It is so cool! The room is full! Like when is your next party?
ciaziz623 said-
oh reminder tomorow the new mission comes out tomorow on clubpenguin
are you going to give us the answers on how to pass it?
Hey! I'm gald you are excited! And yes, Mimo will give answer to how to how to pass it.
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
why does everybody say mim o not mimo?
Should've been there, but I was on my iPhone as it was happening
i wasnt there =(
Dang! No mission..... and btw the servers are pretty slow right now.
lensca23057(CPG MOD) said...
Anonymous said...
mimo go on server snow drift at the beach i really want to meet you and become your friend. bring u fride and other people too to meet me please.
Dear aninymous...
Mimo cant do it. Because he is too busy. If you want to meet Mimo or add him/her. You must come to his/her party !
Darts Noah (CPG MOD):
Mimo is a Boy. So its a him.
-Darts Noah (CPG Mod)
Somelikeme said...
The room is full, and it would be my first party, someone GET OUT!! (only joking).
A question for the CGP Mod's...
If you find something new how do we tell mimo??
Snowleo 20 (CPG MOD)
If you ever find something new just just write it in a comment and mimo should see it. I know it says he doesn't put up comments that are not realative to the post but he needs to see it first so he will see the what you are saying.
I hope this has helped.
Waddle on.
hey mimo what did we name that silver penguin?
why does everyone say mim o instead of mimo its wierd
hey blueflames1 here answering a q
ciciaz623 said...
ughh =(((((
iv never been to one of your clubpenguin partys
iv been to your chbots and planetcazmo partys but never clubpenguin
oh reminder tomorow the new mission comes out tomorow on clubpenguin
are you going to give us the answers on how to pass it?
yes mimo will be giving us the answers on how to pass it
(cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
why does everyone say mim o instead of mimo its wierd
Josip52 Here
Well some words in clubpenguin dont come up for other users and MIMO doesnt come up so we started saying MIM O!
Hope I helped!
That Last one was me
mimo why are they seperating the O from mimo?
Oiler7 said...
the iceberg is full!!
Ray Toolbear said...
zxz192 said...
aaaarrrggghhh I can't get in!!!!!!!!
Chase664: It is best to get to the room of the party early so that you can see Mimo777!
Chase664 (CPG MOD)
Why did people type your name like this on Club Penguin:
Mim o.
It was kinda weird. But, it's still awesome they got to go to your party! :)
why does everyone say mim o instead of mimo? just wondering. is that how you're supposed to say it?
Hey mimo how come on CP people call you Mim o and not Mimo?
Try again (CPG Mod)
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