3. Don't use too many !!! or ??? or stuff like that.
4. Don't post URLs. Sorry.
5. Don't post email addresses. Cool?
6. Don't use "No offense." Sheesh, enough! ;-)
7. Don't TYPE IN ALL CAPS. You're hurting my ears!
8. Don't be pointless. We want to understand you.
9. Don't type, "First Comment!" So pointless.
I just won't post the above kind of sillyness. K?
You can:
1. Be phunnie, weird and warped.
2. Ask Club Penguin questions.
3. Make sense.
4. Tell me the latest cheats! I'll give you credit!
5. Other smart stuff you come up with.
Check out the CPG Mod rules on the other side.--->
If you leave tips for me, I'll ALWAYS give you credit. ALWAYS! Many of you give the same tip and sometimes you don't leave your name. Or sometimes I found the tip or cheat before you. So, thanks for your tips! You are awesome!
Hey Mimo, I just looked up if polar bears hibernate, they don't. This is probably a trick... Unless Herbert is a pregnant female, he/she won't hibernate... You dont have to post this but just letting you know. In case you wanna blog about it lol.
Hey Mimo, I just looked up if polar bears hibernate, they don't. This is probably a trick... Unless Herbert is a pregnant female, he/she won't hibernate... You dont have to post this but just letting you know. In case you wanna blog about it lol. ________________________________
Haha yeh lol, only female polars that are pregnant hibernate. Is Herbert's real name Bettie? LOL Club Penguin are dumb
Club Penguin Gang is the ultimate source for Club Penguin cheats, hints, tricks, glitches, secrets, tips, pins, codes, pictures, and other sweetness!
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All screen shots and text are copyright of clubpenguingang.com. Which means you are not allowed to take anything off this site for your own site.
If you take an idea from this site link to me and give me credit! I will do the same to you!
If I make a post you like, link to it and give me credit! I will do the same to you!
If you have your own site, it's really easy to capture screens and write your own posts. Don't be lazy and steal from us. Be creative and make your own site unique using your own talents and abilities. You can do it!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Club Penguin Cheats Gang is:
MiMo777, President
U Fride, Chief Cheat Agent
ZoeZoe11, Chief CPG Moderator
Me Santa, Cheat Agent
Be a Club Penguin Gang Mod!
You can be a Club Penguin Gang Moderator! It's Easy! Here is what you do. First, answer a question someone asks in the comments. Then put your name at the bottom of your answer with (CPG Mod) next to it. In time, if you are good, you will be listed with the other awesome Mods! Click here for more info. Good Luck! - Mimo
that's weird. i haven't gotton that message yet.
-student7(cpg mod)
student7 said...
that's weird. i haven't gotton that message yet.
-student7(cpg mod)
Please don't put CPG Mod after your name unless you are answering someone's question.
Hey Mimo, I just looked up if polar bears hibernate, they don't. This is probably a trick... Unless Herbert is a pregnant female, he/she won't hibernate... You dont have to post this but just letting you know. In case you wanna blog about it lol.
Wow. No offence, but that sounds a little mean, not you think?
Hey Mimo, I just looked up if polar bears hibernate, they don't. This is probably a trick... Unless Herbert is a pregnant female, he/she won't hibernate... You dont have to post this but just letting you know. In case you wanna blog about it lol.
Haha yeh lol, only female polars that are pregnant hibernate. Is Herbert's real name Bettie? LOL Club Penguin are dumb
Or maybe Herbert is girl and boy!
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