Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, August 22, 2011

Club Penguin Message from Director!

The Director has sent us a Club Penguin message!

Woot! Start snoring Pooh bear! ;-)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter


student7 said...

that's weird. i haven't gotton that message yet.

-student7(cpg mod)

Braceface27 said...

student7 said...
that's weird. i haven't gotton that message yet.

-student7(cpg mod)

Please don't put CPG Mod after your name unless you are answering someone's question.


Cooldude995 said...

Hey Mimo, I just looked up if polar bears hibernate, they don't. This is probably a trick... Unless Herbert is a pregnant female, he/she won't hibernate... You dont have to post this but just letting you know. In case you wanna blog about it lol.

Jojojo33342 said...

Wow. No offence, but that sounds a little mean, not you think?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo, I just looked up if polar bears hibernate, they don't. This is probably a trick... Unless Herbert is a pregnant female, he/she won't hibernate... You dont have to post this but just letting you know. In case you wanna blog about it lol.

Haha yeh lol, only female polars that are pregnant hibernate. Is Herbert's real name Bettie? LOL Club Penguin are dumb

Anonymous said...

Or maybe Herbert is girl and boy!

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