Club Penguin Field Op Number 48 cheats are here!
Step 1. Click your Spy Gadget.
Step 2. Click "Go there."
Step 3. Click Field Op board. (or click Field Ops on the Spy Gadget)
Step 4. Click "Accept Field-Op."
Step 5. Click your map.
Step 6. Go to the Ski Village!
Step 7. Go into the Great Snow Race.
Step 8. Go up the Toughest Mountain, into the EPF only area, and up to the tower. Your spy gadget light will turn green.
Step 9. Click your spy gadget and click "Engage."
Step 10. Now you can complete the puzzle!
Step 11. If you are a member you can click "Elite Gear" and get something cool! If you are not a member, you can get the EPF earpiece, and then enjoy collecting your badges... and stamps! ;-)
EPF only? Hey, that's me!
Power up the chipset!
Phun puzzle!
Great job! Field Op Complete, you have earned 2 medals!
But wait...there's more!
For EPF Agents only? Saweet!
Cool! I always wanted an Infrared Tracker!
Wait! Before you go further, put on the cool device you just found!
Awesome! Lazer Maze!
This one's pretty easy.
Don't forget to get the Expedition Key:
But, this one is a bit trickier!
Woot! I've made it into Herbert's Lair!
Now what? Orders from G:
Throw snowballs on the electrical boxes:
Saweet! I did it!
Click on the parts until you build a box around Herbert:
When you finish the box, you get the AC 3000 Pin! (not that I actually saw the pin, though)
Woot! Operation Complete! Now I've earned 3 metals!
I know crabs don't hibernate, but Kluzy got away! That can only mean trouble for the EPF!
And, if you have just now completed your 50th Field Ops, you will earn this stamp! Saweet!
I was right! Operation Hibernate was just a Field Op! It was a fun, glorified Field, Op, but, it was just a Field Op! And, to make it worse, now we have to wait "up to 10 months" for another one... or do we?
How do you like this extra long mission type Field Op?
How do you like this extra long mission type Field Op?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Thanks Mimo! If you go to the party and go up the ice climb you will be able to get the free item for everyone! It is a green helmet ;) Can't wait till the next field op!
Cdr Boing
Operation hibernation is NOT a field op, the field op is in the ice cave, by the big fish, the communication pole
It's me, Feathergreen. I'm on right now, and finished it, except nothing popped up. What happened?
it wont be 10 months because klutzy got out he will turn it of then hebet will wake up and get realy angry and destroy the lighthouse maybe
Mimo, if you stand by the steel tower under the fish, you will be able to do the normal field op, just saying.
last system defender level i only got 1 bage and for this...i got 1 for the comm tower and none for operation hibernate. clubpenguin needs to fix this.
lol i said the same thing as mimo when klutzy got away
Feathergreen said...
It's me, Feathergreen. I'm on right now, and finished it, except nothing popped up. What happened?
no medals showed up
I only got 1 medal for the whole thing! I should have the fifty stamp but i don't!
Mimo, what will happen next is almost obvious. Klutzy will call that old, blue crab that's in the login page
WAIT - I did it without clicking the screen. WaAaa
If you don't already know this Mimo. Non-members can now call the elite puffle Flare.
how do you get past the radar thingy?
Mimo I did operation hibernation first got 3 medals went back to do the comm tower field op so I could have 4 but when I did it I thought I could get something with 4 meadals then when I went there I only had 1 medal I tried buying something but it didnt work so it turned out I couldnt get any thing with 1 medal didnt get the 50 medal stamp which I should have gotten and couldnt get back the other 3medals by trying it again
Matthew30658 said...
If you don't already know this Mimo. Non-members can now call the elite puffle Flare.
They have always been able to call Flare. Plus about 800 other people already said this.
~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)
I didnt get the 3 medals for finishing either, just 1 medal for activating the Comm Tower.
Do you think Herbert is planning his own surprise for the EPF? Its just that polar bears dont hibernate!
I did not get any medals - manon444
Hey Mimo,
For some reason I can't do the Herbert mission. I put on the helmet but I still haven't got a message from G. I finished the feild op though so how come no message? I'm kinda confused so if someone can help me out then thanks. I'd really appreciate it. (:
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo,
For some reason I can't do the Herbert mission. I put on the helmet but I still haven't got a message from G. I finished the feild op though so how come no message? I'm kinda confused so if someone can help me out then thanks. I'd really appreciate it. (:
Follow th bear pawprints in the room. Be sure you have the helmet on!
- Izzi ( cpg mod)
how come you got 3 medals? i only got one :(
help i cant get in the last laser maze level door ihave the key please helf
you only get one badge for the field op not two.
i wonder what klutzy is going to do
acter boy 1
oh, soo hard!
None of the medels worked for me! I was SO looking forward to that so I could get my Stealth gear. Because Field Ops haven't been working for me since they started up again. It doesn't seem like they've been working for you either Mimo as you haven't been posting them for a long time. They work for my Brother though. Maybe you should post about that?
You know, only GIRL polar bears hibernate...
Do you have an email that we can Contact you though?
awwww it said i got 3 medals but i didn't get any!
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