The Director has hidden a message in the new Club Penguin Times! On the second page of the Featured article, hover your mouse over "extreme peak face-off."
And you get this message:
Oh great! What's Herbert up to now? THIS WEEK? Yikes, we better be on alert!
But wait! The last line says, "Be resourceful. Be remarkable. Be ready." Does that sound familiar? It sure does! That is the same thing Lane, AKA Billybob says at the end of the "Behind the Scenes" video!
Could it be? Could Billybob be the Director?? ;-)
That would be so cool! What do you think?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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Umm... Yeah.. I don't think so. The whole video was EPF themed- it looks all "secret agent-y" so it's likely he did that to match the look of it.
I am gonna post this on my site and give a link to this post.Thanks.
Mimo, Aunt Arctic is the director, and the director always says Be Resourceful, be remarkable, be ready. Aunt Arctics glasses turn shady when you hover over them in the newspaper, old HQ music was morse code saying Aunt Arctic is the head of the PSA, and the way he signs his letters in our code is the letter after Z- which in portugese is AA. And portugese is the first language they added to Club Penguin. AA=Aunt Arctic.
just saying...but if you play the clubpenguin ds games then you sould know thats the directors way of ending a meeting. plus the director also uses that a few times in normal missions in clubpenguin. but great thinking, i like your style.
ITS NOT AUNT ARTIC!!!!!! It's Billy bob jet pack guy or rory aunt artic is just a agent who helps post secret messages duh
over and out
- Rainflower2
Code name: miss flower
Hes not the director. well he is he programmed him. But the Site Identidy is Aunt artic.
Anonymous said...
Mimo, Aunt Arctic is the director, and the director always says Be Resourceful, be remarkable, be ready. Aunt Arctics glasses turn shady when you hover over them in the newspaper, old HQ music was morse code saying Aunt Arctic is the head of the PSA, and the way he signs his letters in our code is the letter after Z- which in portugese is AA. And portugese is the first language they added to Club Penguin. AA=Aunt Arctic.
I always ALWAYS thought that aunt arctic is the Director u r kewl
Mimo, I noticed a bug when your trying to save your password on the home page login.It says "Yes" or "No"
The letters are the wrong way round.
-Shill 99
Mimo that is the PSA's/EPF's motto. Billybob said it becouse he was pretending to be an agent. The director has always said that.
There's a glitch on cart surfer if you press down when your a brown penguin u will turn yellow and have a black puffle for a second or two
Director could be tricking us. He wants us to THINK he's AA! If Billybob is Director, that would be wicked awesome!!!
Its the Director again. I told you. That is why the EPF hidden that message. We have no idea what Herbert is up to. Stay sharp agents.
Mimo I found a new code! Enter d23exp11 in code spot and you get a shirt
wow im haveing a great birthday week with system defender
yep. aunt arctic is the director. her glasses do turn shady like the director when you hover over them
Aunt Arctic is the director the director always says be resourceful, be remarkable, be ready so it is not a suprise the director would say that.
The director is a boy! For the last time! (naaa not likely)
I get angry easily
And it annoys me when people try to guest HIS identity
They call the director a boy all the time (I mean they never call the director a girl did they)
He would sound like a girl if he was aunt artic so i dont think the director is ANYONE we know :)
p.s. The director is wearing glasses but not ANY glasses like aunt artics !
No Mimo! The Director has been saying that for years! The reason Billybob said that was because he was acting like The Director!
I'm pretty sure Aunt Arctic is the director. I've seen that line used here and there, and it's used by the 'official' penguins (such as Aunt Arctic, Billybob, etc). So, really, it's used by multiple penguins. I bet it's too keep the 'Director' anonymous.
- Sophi Jr
no thats just the psa/epf motto
Well... I still think that AA is the Director. Anonymous (third commenter) has given a handful of facts that proves this. Almost. But, I won't shrivel up and cry if she isn't. :)
~Dora64185 (CPG Mod)
just saying thanks for code to cooldude113. im a non member and this is first shirt.
from wrhysj
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