Mimo's Club Penguin Wicked Snowboard Contest is coming to an end soon. This is your last chance to submit your snowboard!
The top 10 chosen by CPG will be posted sometime on Saturday!
What's the deal about this contest, you ask? Well find out the deets here!
And, Mimo, what will the wiener get, you ask? Well, you have spoken and the prize is... dun, dun, dun...
To be added to my buddy list! Woot!
Here are a couple of cool snowboards to get your creative juices flowing:
Cool, huh? I can't wait for you to see some of the other super awesome ones you crazy cats have sent me!
So get wicked, get gnarly, get designing and send your board to info@mimo.cc!
Play Wrong Block!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's album Crazy Wheel!
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Online Kids Games
I'd love to entry to this contest, but unfortunately i cant draw..
You really like mine? Thank you so much! And even if i dont win, its OK with me because i had fun designing Manhattan X
Um mimo have you seen this?!?!?!!? A shadow dojo comes in like 2012 go to youtube and type it.. Ofcourse the Cloud been there FOREVER and might mean snow to club penguin. But after snow dojo. you will guess.... Shadow dojo. And Shadow Ninja Just look in the Middle of the amulet and you see black! Meaning after snow dojo Shadow dojo comes.
Mimo have u noticed the new Gary message? check it out! and can u give me credit? jsut say credit to Monsterelise (thats my penguin name)
MIMO! The stamp book says you need 16 stamps to unlock the next picture. So will there be more levels?
Wow I like all of those snowboards. Nice. I entered too, and I'm crossing my fingers! Good luck to everyone who entered!
-Chaos6267 (sometimes chaosc)
has mine been sent in it the one with flare at the front and sensei at the back and epf spy phone in the middle abd roket boosters
acter boy 1
Cool! I still need to enter! I might not though! I just need until tonight
- Sophhhhi Jrrr.
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