It's been FOREVER since Club Penguin had a reviewed by you, but, check out what Suite106 said about his or her favorite part of the Island Adventure Party
My Favorite Part of the party is the ship battle! You have the pirates with complicated cannons to load and the penguin navy with easy to load cannons. I actually like to be the pirates because I have an actual pirate costume and I like more of a chalenge. I Also Like the different bases in the cove and the beach and the things people say make it better. Rock on CP!For next week's Reviewed By You, Club Penguin want to talk to secret agents...
They want to know about any agents you know that has gone "above and beyond the call of duty" for the Elite Penguin Force!
Hmm, can you think of any agent that fit that description?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Mimo when you log in and click the second check box, the popup thing looks a little weird.
P.S. Lol I was just about to comment on the new reviewed-by-you when you posted it. Nice.
-Chaos6267 (sometimes chaosc)
Gary sent another message!!
Hey mimo!unrelated topic but when is your next caption contest???Pups2003
I think Gary The Gadget Guy(Agent G) fits the description.
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