Ok, here are my answers to the first 10 questions. Hope you like.
Q. Where did you get your idea Zebras Smell Funny?
A. A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far way on clubpenguingang.com I wrote a poem for a Mimo Club Penguin party clue. Click here to read the poem. So I needed a word that started with "Z" so I made up Zebras Smell Funny. Ever since, ppl would come to my parties and say "Zebras Smell Funny!" They said it so much, I thought, Hey what about a song?!
Q. Mimo, what was the most warped thing you ever did?
A. Once I covered myself with peanut butter and squashed bananas and walked into a pillow factory and shouted, "My arms feel like dancing!" But I only did that once. ;-)
Q. Mimo do you always enjoy being famous or does it get kinda annoying sometimes?
A. I don't think if myself as being famous. I'm just like you. I play online games and hang out. I think I just have a lot a friends! It's always fun! It's never annoying! Doesn't everyone need more friends?
Q. Mimo, why can't we see your face on this blog?
A. Because I don't have a picture of myself on this blog. ;-)
Q. Mimo, what are you scared of?
A. Giant purple crayons attacking me!
Q. Who's the oldest and who is the youngest in CPG?
A. Well we talked about this question and you know what? Some things we are going to keep private. Cool?
Q. Why do you talk about games like chobots on this site I mean it is the CLUB PENGUIN gang so why all these other weird games?
A. Because I want to. ;-) I like other games and want my friends to play other cool games I like with me. So yea.
Q. Mimo, it's okay if you dont answer this but, do you have ALL the club penguin toys? Just curious.
A. No, we have all the first series figures and a couple plush toys and a few others. That's all. We haven't bought a Club Penguin toy in a long time. It's so funny, we laugh all the time that ppl think I'm spoiled and my parents are rich and all that. Sheesh. I worked hard to get those toys ahead of time and had to pay for them myself! Then we gave some of them away! But I talked about that in my last Q & A.
Q. Will you ever reveal your identity?
A. Yes, on iCarly. JK ;-)
Q. Are you friends with other Famous Penguins?
A. I know a couple of them. They're pretty cool. I like all the other famous penguins I just never get to talk to them. I think we are all CP buddies and I like everyone.
I'll answer another 10 questions in a couple days!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
1 – 200 of 201 Newer› Newest»mimo are u really going to be on icarly. hmm since fred was really popular on the internet and also u are maybe ur right
Cool! Your gonna be on icarly? LOL!
youre going to be on icarly?!?!?!
That would be sooo cool if you actually made it on icarly! Are you seriously gonna be on icarly or were you just hoping?
Mimo ur going to be on Icarly!?!?!?!
whats icarly and mimo you are so warped i would never have guessed you were that mad mimo
Thanks Mimo Obama! ;)
you're friend goofy73
hiya anonymous! you said
Mimo ur going to be on Icarly!?!?!?!
lol no, but maybe he could be in te future, he was just making a joke because FRED said his real name was lucas on iCarly
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
Mimo I just found a cheat on Club Penguin! They said that pins would never be the same twice! Well, the pin from Ruby and the Ruby was the same last time! So, for the first time ever, a pin has returned!
We should all send fanmail to icarly tellingthem about mimo!
ladylolly22 said...
whats icarly and mimo you are so warped i would never have guessed you were that mad mimo
Dear Ladylolly22,
icarly is a TV show about three teens and their random webshow.Its is on Nickleodeon.
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Mimo ur going to be on Icarly!?!?!?!
Dear Anonymous,
No,mimo is not gonna be on icarly unless we all tell them about mimo.
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD):D
hey mimo that would be great if you where on icarly just thing about they have a lot of hits! right? and do you and more hits? i think you do ;) and if they going to have you as a special guest then you get more hits! and bam in a split second more hits right away! (give it some time you'll say yes.)
hetina said...
youre going to be on icarly?!?!?!
No mimo was kidding about that. It would be cool though.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
All the questions that you chose to answer are really good! I never knew exactly what the story behind the saying and song "Zebras Smell Funny" was, but now I do! Thanks, Mimo! :-D
Lol! iCarly rocks!
Anonymous said...
That would be sooo cool if you actually made it on icarly! Are you seriously gonna be on icarly or were you just hoping?
Mimo was only hoping to be on the show Icarly. But you never know what Mimo will do next!
-Frostylittle(CPG Mod)
hetina said...
youre going to be on icarly?!?!?!
no he was just kidding (thats wat jk means) but it would be really cool if he was
eat ur wheaties!
yea thats a good catch phrase
zinc01 (cpg mod)
cpg's sorry to bother you but how do you comment on peoples comments
I think that Sklooperis would be an awesome mod for your site! He is always commited and is the best!
Hampton4Life- (as seen on club penguin)
Wow whos ur grandma then? Susan boyle?(no offence) LOL!
Anonymous said...
cpg's sorry to bother you but how do you comment on peoples comments
Np! Here's how u do that:
1. Copy the comment you want to answer or respond to and paste it on the "Leave your comment" box.
2. Seperate ur comment and their comment with a line.
3. That's it! ;D
Have sum summer fun!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
ladylolly22 said...
whats icarly and mimo you are so warped i would never have guessed you were that mad mimo
Icarly is a show my friend is going to be in it on august!
Hazooma2 (CPG MOD)
Hey guys!
For people who thought Mimo is going to be on ICarly, he was joking! Lol!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
This is sorta unrelated, but are you gonna post the answers to the word search in the newspaper this week, Mimo?
i have most of the figurines....all of series 3..6 of series 2, and 2 of series one! lol! i dont have any plush toys. i named them all! i payed for them though...that is...50 dollars!
LOOL! the freebe questions funny! LOL!
Salty said...
Cool! Your gonna be on icarly? LOL!
dear salty
naah, mimo said jk after he said hes conna be on icarly and jk is a shorter way of saying joke(s) lol :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
That would be sooo cool if you actually made it on icarly! Are you seriously gonna be on icarly or were you just hoping?
dear anonymous
Nopee, mimo was just joking and i dont think he would wanna go on it anyway lol
saavy (CPG Mod)
Mimo, do you watch Fred on youtube? Just curious about that.
Anonymous said...
cpg's sorry to bother you but how do you comment on peoples comments
dear anonymous
dont worrry, your not bothering any 1 lol :) well to comment on other peoples commetns you have to copy the question liek i am and answer it :) dont forget to put (CPG Mod) after u answer it :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
hey mimo u kno whats werid i was at the movies it said G force and its about hamsters hmm i was thinking they probaly have watermelon rolling things maybe ones called carl that'll be so werid
Kirtisha said...
Mimo, do you watch Fred on youtube? Just curious about that.
Zxz192 said...
Maybe he does. Check out mimos favourites on his channel to see if he has favourited some of them. fred is funny!
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
cpg's sorry to bother you but how do you comment on peoples comments
Zxz192 said...
Just copy and paste somebodys comment into the comment box and comment underneath their comment!
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
That would be sooo cool if you actually made it on icarly! Are you seriously gonna be on icarly or were you just hoping?
Zxz192 said...
Im pretty sure he was just joking lol
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Annette 10 said...
This is sorta unrelated, but are you gonna post the answers to the word search in the newspaper this week, Mimo?
Sorry, but Mimo never posts the Word Search cheats because there aren't any hint or secrets to it...
Have sum summer fun! ;-)
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
hetina said...
youre going to be on icarly?!?!?!
Zxz192 said...
Lol no mimo was just kidding he isnt gonna be on it really
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Hey I just want to say that mimo was JOKING when he said he was going on iCarly! lol
Annette 10 said...
This is sorta unrelated, but are you gonna post the answers to the word search in the newspaper this week, Mimo?
Zxz192 said...
No he wont post them because its not important. If there was a prize for finding all the words he would post the answers
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
ladylolly22 said...
whats icarly and mimo you are so warped i would never have guessed you were that mad mimo
Zxz192 said...
iCarly is a show. It has Megan from Drake and Josh in it
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
cool questions. hey mimo theres a cheat in the stage catalog go to the last page and click on the top speech box. ;-)
Anonymous said...
mimo are u really going to be on icarly. hmm since fred was really popular on the internet and also u are maybe ur right
Mimo said JK and showed a winky face so that means he probably isnt gonna be on icarly
It would be awesome if Mimo is going to be on iCarly, but Club Penguin is Disney and iCarly is Nickelodeon. Disney and Nickelodeon should work together to make one great company!
Mimo why are you so cool?
Mimo, What is the names of your puffles on cp?
mimo is not gonna be on icarly people he was just kidding but it would be kool cause i watch that like all the time:)
Anonymous Said...
mimo are u really going to be on icarly.hmmm since fred was really popilar on the internet and aslo u are maybe ur right
No Mimo Wont Be On ICarly He Was Just Joking So Dont Get Your Hopes Up.
Kirtisha Said...
Mimo do you watch fred on you tube?
Maybe We Never Know What Mimo Does Around Here Hes Kinda Like A Secret Agent You Never Know??????
suweet! It be funny if you went on icarly lolz
hey, mimo. Have you noticed the soccer ball has gone from the soccer pitch?
-Fishey face (CPG mod and winner of the last wheres mimo? contest)
Are you a member on CP?
Anonymous said...
mimo are u really going to be on icarly. hmm since fred was really popular on the internet and also u are maybe ur right
No,lol. Mimo said jk which means he was just kidding:P
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
hetina said...
youre going to be on icarly?!?!?!
Nope! He was kidding;-)
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Have you every seen a UFO?
Anonymous said...
Mimo ur going to be on Icarly!?!?!?!
Anonymous said...
mimo are u really going to be on icarly. hmm since fred was really popular on the internet and also u are maybe ur right
Salty said...
Cool! Your gonna be on icarly? LOL!
hetina said...
youre going to be on icarly?!?!?!
Anonymous said...
That would be sooo cool if you actually made it on icarly! Are you seriously gonna be on icarly or were you just hoping?
Well, here are answers to the same Q: Well, Mimo put a Winking face meaning he was just kidding, bcuz Fred (an Internet Sensation) has been on iCarly, so He might do the same in the futre! Or check out the show to see if he is really going to be on iCarly.
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
colin said...
Mimo, What is the names of your puffles on cp?
His White Puffle is Michael Scott named after a Character in The Office Tv Series.
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Mimo why are you so cool?
Bcuz Zebras Smell good On Ice (cool) Get it! lol
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Annette 10 said...
This is sorta unrelated, but are you gonna post the answers to the word search in the newspaper this week, Mimo?
He doesn`t regularly post Word search and those games at the end, so sadly you have to do it by yourself.
-Tboyman(CPG MO)D
Anonymous said...
Mimo why are you so cool?
July 12, 2009 12:11 PM
he is just naturally cool :)
choc0charlie(CPG MOD)
your friend from England
you use ;-) alot lol
Dear Mimo
What areyour fav shows?
Alot of people are saying you are going to be on icarly but I know you arnt.Do you like icarly?
hiya ladylolly! you said
whats icarly and mimo you are so warped i would never have guessed you were that mad mimo
well iCarly is and awesome american TV show about 3 kids who start their own show and become web star sensations!
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
hiya colin! you said
Mimo, What is the names of your puffles on cp?
well mimo's black puffles name is simon cowell, and his other puffles name i think is michael scott, which is a character from the office.
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
colin said...
Mimo, What is the names of your puffles on cp?
Zxz192 said...
Mimo only has a white puffle but i cant remember what its called
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
hiya hampton4life! you said
I think that Sklooperis would be an awesome mod for your site! He is always commited and is the best!
Hampton4Life- (as seen on club penguin)
well im sure sklooperis could be an awesome mod but to become one you have to answer questions in the comments, good luck
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
hiya anonymous! you said
Mimo why are you so cool?
because mimo was born cool! lol
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
mimo stickers303 should be a mod again, he just moved, and he got taken off, he deserves to be back on, he moved
you're friend goofy73
Anonymous said...
mimo are u really going to be on icarly. hmm since fred was really popular on the internet and also u are maybe ur right
Salty said...
Cool! Your gonna be on icarly? LOL!
hetina said...
youre going to be on icarly?!?!?!
Anonymous said...
That would be sooo cool if you actually made it on icarly! Are you seriously gonna be on icarly or were you just hoping?
Anonymous said...
Mimo ur going to be on Icarly!?!?!?!
lol fred is like way more popular in the internet like mimo nobody knows nay identity or anything so theres not much chance lol
wii wii wii1(cpg super mod)
Anonymous said...
cpg's sorry to bother you but how do you comment on peoples comments
well we dont acctuly edit them we copy them and put a line and put an answer if u wanna answer a question or if u just have an opinon
wii wii wii1(cpg super mod)
Annette 10 said...
This is sorta unrelated, but are you gonna post the answers to the word search in the newspaper this week, Mimo?
nobody really does that so i dont think he will
wii wii wii1(cpg super mod)or
we we we won llloooollll
colin said...
Mimo, What is the names of your puffles on cp?
iif i can remember it was a name from someone from the office the main person i cant remember
wii wii wii1(cpg super mod)
4dasiey said...
Are you a member on CP?
well he accidently sent a six month membership to himself in jan so its july so i think unless a brought another one he isnt at the moment
wii wii wii1(cpg super mod)
Lol icarly
U should go on icarly that would be crazy
Anonymous said...
Mimo why are you so cool?
Zxz192 said...
Because he is the first to post sweet cheats!
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Thanks for answering my question Mimo! Mine was "Mimo do you always enjoy being famous or does it get kinda annoying sometimes?" I have been wanting to have one of my questions chosen the entire time i've known about cpg! Well... ALMOST the entire time. ;)
Mimo, just so you know, you are awesome. I know that doesn't mean too much to you, since so many people say that and all, and the more it's said the less it means is a saying i like, but i'm serious here. Really. You are SO awesome.
4dasiey said...
Are you a member on CP?
Zxz192 said...
yeah mimo is a member on CP
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous Said...
mimo are u really going to be on icarly.hmmm since fred was really popilar on the internet and aslo u are maybe ur right
Zxz192 said...
No mimo wont be on iCarly thats why he said JK
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
hetina said...
youre going to be on icarly?!?!?!
Not really ;) He DID say JK ;) after it, so i think that was a joke and all, you know? :)
-Birdygurl (cpg mod)
Bluesockwa2 said...
Mimo I just found a cheat on Club Penguin! They said that pins would never be the same twice! Well, the pin from Ruby and the Ruby was the same last time! So, for the first time ever, a pin has returned!
The ruby is not a pin it is part of the play in ruby and the ruby. But you still wear it the same as a pin.
hey everyone he put a jusk kidding sign just to say.
-tobyzoe98 (cpg mode)
4dasiey said...
Are you a member on CP?
Last year mimo had a contest and he put his name in the to field. So he became a member for six months,
its been six months so unless he got a new membership he isnt a member
Hey.on my mobile.i never knew so mammy ppl watch icarly i luv sam.-stickes303
i fell like being weird weird weird weird
Mimo guess what at office max i say a cable or hardware called MIMO.
Hey I just wanted to tell everyone that:
1. Mimo is not going to be on iCarly (for now ;-])
2. Mimo didn't post "JK" until he noticed that everyone freaked out about it
3. The top, leafy part of a pineapple is pointy-er than the bottom, pineappley part. I know, It's weird!
4. I helped my mom find steak on sale today!!! Lol:]
Icy Out
hey mimo heres a glitch if your on the outside of the pet shop one door in side 2. keep rocking mimo!
ladylolly22 said...
whats icarly and mimo you are so warped i would never have guessed you were that mad mimo
iCarly is a really popular American TV show. It's about three teens with a webshow. I would give you the show's website but you cant post URLs.
Icy Out
Hazooma2 said...
Icarly is a show my friend is going to be in it on august!
Cool! Who's your friend, I wanna look for him in the show!
Icy Out
mimo this is totally of topic but
today i was at my local mini mart and saw...
true story
Hey Mimo! Awesome video! What's your e-mail, I have a question. Thanks!
Mimo you should be on Icarly lol :) I don't watch it but I would want to see you on there you would be famous then. Well I think you would be lol...
~1i1 pingy
Heres a question!
Hold old is carl the hampster?
~1i1 pingy
Ok, i had a party for a few people today. Saavy, Matthew722, and some others. Only Matthew722 came, but thanks anyway Matthew! Your nice! I hope to see you again sometime on cp.
Oh, and next time you see me, try try to beat me in Sled Racing. It's impossible. I'm a Sled Racing legend. Only a handful on expert people have by chance beaten me.
Daisiey said...
Are you a member on CP?
yeah he is a member. hope this helps.
Ur buddy, imadorfus101 CPG MOD
dude that wold be the best thing eva 4 me to see u on icarly P.S. will u do penguins around the world and do U like BBQ'd Doghnuts?
hey Mimo! my friend in Chobots, skitty, taught me this cool thing! here it is:
/\/\ | /\/\ []777(Mimo777)
hope you like it!
Anonymous said:
cpg's sorry to bother you but how do you comment on peoples comments
hey anonymous, it's easy: you just copy and paste the person's comments on the comment box and reply! like what i did just now! hope this helped!
-cmlbajada(CPG Mod in training)
My cousin arranged the icons on his desktop to say "MIMO"! Cool, huh?
Mimo they added your music in planet cazmo! You should go check it out!
ladylolly22 said...
whats icarly and mimo you are so warped i would never have guessed you were that mad mimo
Hey Ladylolly22,
iCarly is a TV show from Nickelodean. It is about a girl named Carly and her friends Sam and Freddy. They have a webshow called iCarly! It's an awesome TV show and I guess Mimo watches it! :)
With Lots of Smiles :)
Miaponygirl9 (CPG MOD)
That would be sooo cool if you actually made it on icarly! Are you seriously gonna be on icarly or were you just hoping?
no, not really. he said jk (just kidding)
hiya anonymous! you said
Mimo ur going to be on Icarly!?!?!?!
lol no, but maybe he could be in te future, he was just making a joke because FRED said his real name was lucas on iCarly
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
I think it is.
I know you were kidding about iCarly, but u should go on and wear a special MIMO MASK!!!!
- Pinky97123
Hey there are 101 comments! like 101 days of fun!
-Birdygurl :D
kewl Mimo,Do you watch iCarly?
Hey Mimo, Just a few tips.
If you wear green and wear a propeller cap, and walk your green puffle wearing nothing but your propeller cap and dance, you can dance with a mini-me puffle!
If, on Bunnyhill in Sled Racing, you stay on space from the right, you will only have to avoid logs and hit nothing else! You can find the error place in all the slopes. They all have one.
Making all the pizzas in pizzatron without making a single mistake, you get a Perfect Score and lots of bonus coins!
In order to get the big pearl in Aqua Grabber, you need to First put the big round rock on the Clam, then get the pearl.
In order to sit behind the arrow sign at places on club penguin when you should already be at another location, click on the place you want to walk to. A little before you get to the sign or gate, click on your mail button. Hold it there for a minute and then exit. You will be standing behind the sign or gate!
In Sled Racing, always try to hit the frozen puddles. They make you go faster!
When you enter a mission, if you have night vision goggles wear them before you enter the mission. You have them in the mission!
In Catchin' Waves, always do tricks while shooting the tube. You get more points!
In order to walk away from your tube while you are waiting for Sled Racing, but still be in line for it, walk over to the Sled Racing line. Click "yes" then wait a sec and click your mail button. Now walk away!
And that's all i will tell you today, folks! I have so much more i could say, but i will give you some room for discovery. :D
There's a person on Club Penguin named "I Carly25". Cool, eh?
I also saw two people named Pochi 1 and Pochi 9. They were sled racing together. Do you think they did it on purpose or was that why they were sled racing together? Because they did that on accident and became friends, thinking it was cool? Idk, but it's still Cool.
Also, two of my REALLY good friends on cp are named Pinkalac and Pinkalak. I think they did it on purpose. They know each other in real life.
Another person i saw was named "N E R D O" Pretty warped, huh?
And that's all on "Weird CP Names" for today, folks! ( LOL, jk ;) I don't really have a TV show named "Weird CP Names")
People she said just kidin!
You rocks
Dude!I would totally watch you on iCarly thats my fav show!!!
Anonymous said...
cpg's sorry to bother you but how do you comment on peoples comments
wat we cpg mods do is we highlight the persons comment and copy it. then we paste it in the comment box and put a line so that u dont mix it up with the question. and then we answer ur question like i just did. ok?
eat ur wheaties!
zinc01 (cpg mod)
Mimo there's a cheat in the Ruby and the Ruby catalog that u haven't mentioned. On the page with the guy in the Blue Zoot Suit, click on the doorknob. There is the Dark Detective's Coat for 650 coins. Cub107 (CPG Mod??)
Hey Mimo,
Awesome i wish you could answer My Questions lol.. waddle on
-Lil Maney
wat is icarly anyways?
Cool lol! iCarly is my favorite show besides Total Drama Action and DestroyBuildDestroy. Lol.
~Dex Dude~
Salty said...
Cool! Your gonna be on icarly? LOL!
hetina said...
youre going to be on icarly?!?!?!
Anonymous said...
Mimo ur going to be on Icarly!?!?!?!
Sadly, No. Mimo is not going to be on iCarly. Mimo is awesome and all that, but he isn't like Fred. People know who fred actually is and stuff and iCarly can contact him or his people or whatever. Lol. Hope I helped you guys!
~Dex Dude~
ladylolly22 said...
whats icarly and mimo you are so warped i would never have guessed you were that mad mimo
iCarly is a TV show on Nick. It is personally my favorite show, too! Lol.
~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)
4dasiey said...
Are you a member on CP?
Yeah. But only on accident. He was giving away a free six month club penguin membership although he accidentally gave it to himself. So ya.
~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
kewl Mimo,Do you watch iCarly?
Well you have to watch a show to make a reference to it, so i think that means he watches it.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
cpg's sorry to bother you but how do you comment on peoples comments
Easy! Just copy the comment and paste it into the comment box!
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Annette 10 said...
This is sorta unrelated, but are you gonna post the answers to the word search in the newspaper this week, Mimo?
Nah cuz it doesnt have any trick-tricky stuff.
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Mimo why are you so cool?
Cuz he always posts cheats for Club Penguin at the right time!
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Kirtisha said...
Mimo, do you watch Fred on youtube? Just curious about that.
Idk. Probably not. I do! They're phunnie;-)
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
colin said...
Mimo, What is the names of your puffles on cp?
He has one white puffle named Michael Scott which is a character from The Office.
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
4dasiey said...
Are you a member on CP?
Yeah! :D
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
penguins have been repeating what other penguins are saying. I really want to know how to! Does anyone know how to do it?
-LizCassie the penguin
Salty said...
Cool! Your gonna be on icarly? LOL!
i not sure about that but if he was i telling my bff Darcy!
Is orange your favorite color?
hetnia said...
youre going to be on icarly?!?!?!
no i dont actually think mimo will get on icarly to be honest... maybe he will someday.
I'm just going to ask this question: what is your favourite pin and why?
I mean how old is carl the hampster :D
Anonymous said...
kewl Mimo,Do you watch iCarly?
Zxz192 said...
Yeah I think he probably does watchi it otherwise he wouldnt have mentioned it
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Rassbert said...
Hey Mimo! Awesome video! What's your e-mail, I have a question. Thanks!
Zxz192 said...
Mimos email is clubpenguingang@yahoo.com
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Answer to everyone who is asking mimo if he is really going to be on iCarly.
First of all, if you don't know what iCarly is, it is a T.V show on Nickelodeon, and YTV (t.v networks)
Mimo is NOT going to be on iCarly because he said "Yes, on iCarly! JK;". So do you see where he said "JK"? JK means Just Kidding, so did that answer all your questions?
There you go,
~Captan Hop (CPG MOD)
ladylolly22 said...
whats icarly and mimo you are so warped i would never have guessed you were that mad mimo
ICarly is a TV show for kids. It's pretty funny! ;-)
Have sum summer fun! ;-)
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Snowflakeoo said...
"We should all send fanmail to icarly telling them about mimo."
Thats a great idea! We should all do that! Mabey if enough of us send fanmail they will put mimo on!
hey mimo Why do u always use silly answers for questions??
Anonymous said...
mimo are u really going to be on icarly. hmm since fred was really popular on the internet and also u are maybe ur right
No he won't but it would be awesome if he would.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
hetina said...
youre going to be on icarly?!?!?!
Nope he said jk just kidding i wish he would we could see his identity lol.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
ladylolly22 said...
whats icarly and mimo you are so warped i would never have guessed you were that mad mimo
Icarly is a show on nickelodeon.Its show bout a webcast which is called Icarly and a show about her Carly and her friends Sam and Freddy and she has a brother named Spencer.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
cpg's sorry to bother you but how do you comment on peoples comments
Your actually not commenting on peoples comments you jsut copy and paste the question then put something under it to know whos writing and answer the question on the bottom.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
Mimo,is your favourite time to go on club penguin.
every day member only partys are at my igloo on map my penguin name is thomascamron
mimo awesome picks and whats icarly curious
jonnyyyyy88 said...
hey mimo that would be great if you where on icarly just thing about they have a lot of hits! right? and do you and more hits? i think you do ;) and if they going to have you as a special guest then you get more hits! and bam in a split second more hits right away! (give it some time you'll say yes
no mimo wont be you fool
Anonymous said...
mimo awesome picks and whats icarly curious
Zxz192 said...
iCarly is a tv show thats on Nickelodeon
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Mimo,is your favourite time to go on club penguin.
Zxz192 said...
Mimo likes to go on at night at about 6pm PST. He doesnt go on on mornings because he hates mornings
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Mimo,is your favourite time to go on club penguin.
He says around night time. Probably around 6 PM PST.
Have sum summer fun! ;-)
-Matthew722 (CPCP MOD)
Anonymous said...
hey mimo Why do u always use silly answers for questions??
Zxz192 said...
If his answers weren't silly they would be a bit boring. But mimo answeres the questions truthfully in a silly way
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Whats icarly??? -Paws Kitty
I am having a party
Date:14th of july
Time:7:00 CP time
Room:my igloo (it will be on map)
my penguin name is chat1
Zxz192 said...
Anonymous said...
Mimo,is your favourite time to go on club penguin.
Zxz192 said...
Mimo likes to go on at night at about 6pm PST. He doesnt go on on mornings because he hates mornings
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
I thought mimo goes on 9:00 pm pst or 8:00 pm pst.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
kewl Mimo,Do you watch iCarly?
Yeah cuz y would he mention it.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
mimo awesome picks and whats icarly curious
Dear Anonymous,
icarly is a TV show about three teens and their webshow.It is on Nickleodeon.;D Hope this helped!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)
hiya anonymous! you said
cpg's sorry to bother you but how do you comment on peoples comments
well actually you have to copy and then paste the peoples comment on your own box and then you reply to them
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
hiya anonymous! you said
Mimo,is your favourite time to go on club penguin.
mimo's favorite time to go on CP is 6PM CPTZ
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
hiya annette! you said
This is sorta unrelated, but are you gonna post the answers to the word search in the newspaper this week, Mimo?
nope, mimo doesnt post the stuff like that he posts the important stuff like on the blog, and stuff like that, and how to get passed ruby and the ruby
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
hiya kirtisha! you said
Mimo, do you watch Fred on youtube? Just curious about that.
yup it was in one of mimos first posts on his secret site
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
hiya 4dasiey! you said
Are you a member on CP?
yup but mimo used to be a nonmember because he liked being like us and he thought it was just as good, but on accident while giving someone a membership for a contesst he accidentally gave it to himself
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
hiya anonymous! you said
hey mimo Why do u always use silly answers for questions??
well because mimo is awesome! he is fun and silly and makes people laugh!
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
cabbage with tomato paste, anmd rotten ninja pineapples riding a unicycle in South America!
you're friend goofy73
Anonymous said...
hey mimo Why do u always use silly answers for questions??
Cuz that's just him! ;-)
Have sum summer fun! ;-)
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Kirtisha said...
Mimo, do you watch Fred on youtube? Just curious about that.
Yep! On his Secret site, that was 1 of his first posts ever!
Have sum summer fun! ;-)
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
you watch i carly?
Kirtisha said...
Mimo, do you watch Fred on youtube? Just curious about that.
Yes he does, He posted about him on his secret site!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
hey mimo Why do u always use silly answers for questions??
Mimo will start answering questions normal when sycadalic zebras smell good!
Anonymous said...
kewl Mimo,Do you watch iCarly?
Probably, thats y he know what it is.
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
dear mimo,
if u r not a member how can u go into member rooms like the trre house at the adventure party?
Demijonas555 said...
dear mimo,
if u r not a member how can u go into member rooms like the trre house at the adventure party?
Mimo is a member but he doesn't wear any member clothes because I think he wants non-members to feel like him :)
Cj pirate (CPG Mod)
Demijonas555 said...
dear mimo,
if u r not a member how can u go into member rooms like the trre house at the adventure party?
Dear Demijonas555,
Sorry,but mimo cant answer ur question,but i can.Some of Mimo's brother and sisters are members and he accidently got a membership by writing To mimo instead of From mimo.;D
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
mimo are u really going to be on icarly. hmm since fred was really popular on the internet and also u are maybe ur right
No he was just kidding, I don't know if Club Penguin is popular enough for that :D
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
That would be sooo cool if you actually made it on icarly! Are you seriously gonna be on icarly or were you just hoping?
Nope, sorry, hge was just kidding :D
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Mimo ur going to be on Icarly!?!?!?!
Nope, sorry, he was just kidding :D
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
That would be sooo cool if you actually made it on icarly! Are you seriously gonna be on icarly or were you just hoping?
Nope, sorry, he was just kidding :D
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
ladylolly22 said...
whats icarly and mimo you are so warped i would never have guessed you were that mad mimo
iCarly is a TV show about three friends who have a famous webshow. It airs on Nickelodeon.
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
cpg's sorry to bother you but how do you comment on peoples comments
All you do is copy their question, paste it in the comment box, put a bunch of dashes or undersores, and then put your answer. The dashwes are to seperate the Q and the A :D Also, put your name then (CPG Mod) after it so Mimo knows your answering a question :D
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod) <-- See? lol
Hampton4Life said...
I think that Sklooperis would be an awesome mod for your site! He is always commited and is the best!
Hampton4Life- (as seen on club penguin)
Thanks Hampton, your a good penguin :D
Annette 10 said...
This is sorta unrelated, but are you gonna post the answers to the word search in the newspaper this week, Mimo?
Sorry, Mimo doesn't post the Su-Do-Ku or crossword puzzle answers :(
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Mimo why are you so cool?
Because Obama is his grandpa! LOL, jk jk :D
Anonymous said...
hey, mimo. Have you noticed the soccer ball has gone from the soccer pitch?
-Fishey face (CPG mod and winner of the last wheres mimo? contest)
Yeah ur right! PRobably for the Music Jam :D
Anonymous said...
Whats icarly??? -Paws Kitty
ICarly is a show on Nickelodeon with 3 teens and their webshow.
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Demijonas555 said...
dear mimo,
if u r not a member how can u go into member rooms like the trre house at the adventure party?
I thought he became a member? IDK sorry.
-Cjcdogs (CPG mod)
Demijonas555 said...
dear mimo,
if u r not a member how can u go into member rooms like the trre house at the adventure party?
Actually he is a member. He became one on accident by buying a 6 month membership for a winner but it went to him instead! And before he was a member, he just edited himself into member rooms;-)
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
hey mimo Why do u always use silly answers for questions??
Lol cuz that's Mimo!
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
12345 said...
Is orange your favorite color?
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
you watch i carly?
Yeah, cuz if he didn't he wouldn't talk about it.
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Mimo,is your favourite time to go on club penguin.
Lol, grammar correcter here! I think u meant:Mimo,what is your favourite time to go on club penguin? Anyways, he normally has quickees at 6pm PST. Also he said in the Mimo Q&A that he doesnt like going on on mornings:-)
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
colin said...
Mimo, What is the names of your puffles on cp?
He has one white puffle named Michael Scott which is a character from The Office.
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
He named it Michael Scot. Only one t.
Fire8877 (CPG Mod)
how old is CPG?
r u still a member on Club Penguin?
i dont think mimo will be in icarly BUT he could make a video!!!
knuffle bunny
Demijonas555 said...
dear mimo,
if u r not a member how can u go into member rooms like the trre house at the adventure party?
Hey Demijonas555,
Mimo is a member right now but he used to not be. He used to have one of his brothers or sisters go into a room then he would edit them out and edit him in! Mimo was really sneaky back then!!!
With Lots of Smiles :)
Miaponygirl9 (CPG MOD)
Mekt said...
r u still a member on Club Penguin?
Hey Mekt,
I am 99% sure Mimo is still a member on CP! :)
With Lots of Smiles :)
Miaponygirl9 (CPG MOD)
Zxz192 said...
Rassbert said...
Hey Mimo! Awesome video! What's your e-mail, I have a question. Thanks!
Zxz192 said...
Mimos email is clubpenguingang@yahoo.com
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Hey Z & Rassbert,
I used that email the other day to send Mimo TOP SECRET INFO and it didn't work so Mimo has to fix his email :(
Miaponygirl9 (CPG MOD)
lol i would watch that iCarly
that would b so cool if u were on iCarly
lol no, but maybe he could be in te future, he was just making a joke because FRED said his real name was lucas on iCarly
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
-- this was goofy------------------
well,Then he showed himselff. so who knows??
Mimo what is your favorite server on clubpenguin??
Rassbert said...
Hey Mimo! Awesome video! What's your e-mail, I have a question. Thanks!
His email is clubpenguingang@yahoo.com :D
Here to Help!
mimo when are you gonna make a new video on youtube
Bluesockwa2 said...
Mimo I just found a cheat on Club Penguin! They said that pins would never be the same twice! Well, the pin from Ruby and the Ruby was the same last time! So, for the first time ever, a pin has returned!
Dear Bluesockwa2,
It is only the same pin because it is the same pin from that play. It doesn't count as the normal weekly pin because, It stays here for more than a week and there is already a different pin to get (the umbrella) So when they said that they meant that the weekly pin that changes every week never will be the same.
Hope I helped,
Unknown 2 U (CPG Mod)
Mimo i bet you wont answer this but either way I'm asking; What servers do you usually go on?
Unknown 2 U
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