The good old dayz.
Remember on Mission 3 you can play Brick Brick game? Well on July 27 on Club Penguin 101 dayz of fun you can go and play that! WOOT! WOW! Super exciting! LOL. Can't you play that anywayz?
But if you are new, Mission 3 is pretty coolz. Check it out.
I still think the 101 Dayz of fun is pretty lame-o. U agreez?
Q. Hey Mimo, why did you post this?
A. To show how lame-o 101 Dayz of fun is.
Q. Why all the "Z"?
A. Dunno, I think it's because I recently sniffed a ZZZZEBRA.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
I kno its so stupid
How come you didnt do a post for the planet cazzmo party?Could u do another one?Mrhartwood8
If you didnt already know the dock in club penguin changed again!
Hi! I think I remember that game. It was pretty cool, but that was a long way ago. Where are the BRAND NEW missions? I'm sick of the old ones. Can't you, Mimo talk with CP 'bout that? And one more question: you are giving new items on Chobots and so on. What about CP? Why aren't there any Mimo CP items? Just thinking...maybe a zebra???
idk but whers the game in mission #3?
Idk but where the secret game?
I didn't know about that game. I'm gonna try it on the 27th then. Does Mimo777 show you how to get to the game? I don't think the 101 days of fun is lame. I think it is fun! It gives you outrageous and wacky ideas!
i love that brick game
mimo you siffed a zebra your crazy.
i loved the hidden game
hi mimo i am first time here can u plz give us a party on clubpenguin and for all penguins not only members plzz!!!!!!!!!!
You got the ZZZZ aphobia. I suggest bathing in sheep hair. Then brush your teeth with a fresh cup of cow milk instead of water. You should be better in another 3 weeks.
Dr. Ray Toolbear
the dock is now the coffee shop
Hmmmm, Did you read the contest entries. Here's a topic "the day we turned blue and sunk the iceberg." Hmmmm. Does this means we could possibly do it? Maybe not but ok.
DUNNO! I dont like 101 days of fun either! they you can do that stuff anyway! And you dont even get anything for doing them!
since the 100 days of fun came out i knew it was lame
and i have a question:
Q.i came to cp since the first day cp started and so im an agent and i beat mission #3, and i dont know what brick brick is?
A. ?
Kool mimo! Oh and I found out how you got the name "mimo" In an episode of Dora there is a hamster that is lost and his name is "mimo"
how come i cant find misson 3 cheats?!
~piedude 17
its stupid i played it already before it said
Wow that is old I remember when mission 1 came out lol
I love playing Ice Bricks
i havent done the 100 days of fun.... there just so boring.
THE DOCK CHANGED!!! Also, what's Mimos email?
Aww I miss old CP
anonymous said...
idk but whers the game in mission #3?
----------------------------------- first you go on mision #3, then go in garys room, then go to the couch and click under it, then get the boot disk then get up from the couch,next go to the computer, turn it on and put the disk in, after that find the game ice breaker
hope this helped!
-swettie422 (CPG MOD)
yeah totally stubid. the last time they posted a new mission was december 29. yeah. wats with the seeds though? wats with herbert?
yea there booooooooooooringgggggg
i am trying to contact cpg from a long time ..all i want to say is that i want to join cpg mimo i have been trying for a year please let me join cpg in some way i dont mean to annoy u but ...never mind...
Anonymous said...
How come you didnt do a post for the planet cazzmo party?Could u do another one?Mrhartwood8
dear anonymous
dont worry, im guessing mimo has not had any time yet but he will post a party review soon today :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
sry Mimo, I read your post about voting for aqua and I think it's not fair at all for all Club Penguin fans! Now, that you're going to throw a party when aqua wins, everyone will vote for the Aqua!
That's so unfair at all! I prefer a party for the winning color.
Anonymous said...
How come you didnt do a post for the planet cazzmo party?Could u do another one?Mrhartwood8
Actually he did lol look 2 posts down. He mite have one soon!
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Peckguy said...
Idk but where the secret game?
Anonymous said...
idk but whers the game in mission #3?
Here are the steps!
1. Get on mission 3
2. Go to the gift shop.
3. Go Upstairs
4. Look around and stop when you see an orange sofa
5. Click on the bottom of the orange sofa
6. Pick up the Disk
7. Go to the Computer and click it
8. Put the Disk in the slot and turn the computer on
9.Click "Ice Bricks"
10. Play!
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
bigben2 said...
i am trying to contact cpg from a long time ..all i want to say is that i want to join cpg mimo i have been trying for a year please let me join cpg in some way i dont mean to annoy u but ...never mind...
Mimo and his family are the only people who work on CPG. You need to be a relative of mimo or a really close friend to be a CPG member. Srry dude:(
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
How come you didnt do a post for the planet cazzmo party?Could u do another one?Mrhartwood8
Oh srry i thought you meant just a post for it. Yes the pix are comin soon!
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
hey mimo if you go to the dock theres a drum on right side and a piano in the middle of it theres an acoustic guitar on the left side
hey mimo, check out the poll results lavender is wining by far
Radman92 said...
hey mimo if you go to the dock theres a drum on right side and a piano in the middle of it theres an acoustic guitar on the left side
Yea, that's the set up at most of the stages.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Mimo the stage has changed again. I'll give you a clule. 'I'm thirsty'.
Hey Mimo! Congrats On your 1000th post a few posts ago!
Anonymous said...
idk but whers the game in mission #3?
On mission three after you talk to rookie he locks himself in the vault and doesn't know the code. Go upstairs and get the floppy disk. Put it in the computer and turn it on this is where the mini game is.
-Agent Ice O (CPG Mod)
In the Penguin Times you can also click on the painter penguin on page A5 and he turns colors. Its awsome.
Polarcube12(CPG MOD):)
Anonymous said...
How come you didnt do a post for the planet cazzmo party?Could u do another one?Mrhartwood8
Zxz192 said...
Yeah dont worry mimo will probably post the pics later
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
In the Penguin Times you can also click on the painter penguin on page A5 and he turns colors. Its awsome.
dude. mimo. thats uncool! its FUN!
okay i guess ur right but still i have a chance for cpg mod lolz zebras do smell funny and nice items in all games mimo
freeboy112 - cpg mod
Dear Laydyne,
Club Penguin is trying working really hard right now to create a new mission or maybe even more than one and i think the reaason why Mimo doesnt have any mimo items on CP is because he is either creating the item and trying to let Club Penguin publish his item on the web, he hasnt thought of it or maybe CP isnt allowing it right now.
Polarcube12 (CPG MOD)
101 days of boring is not all that cool hey when u sniffed the zebra DID IT SMELL FUNNY
mimo why in the mine in the lower left hand corner there seemes to be a path
its so boring!
anywayz i want a new mission, there hasnt been one in ages!
it is sorta lam-o
Mimo,I have noticed many penguins are voting for Lavender... And on your poll, Lavender is winning. And also a lot of penguins CANNOT get the difference of Aqua and Blue... I compare them and I see many differences. And I suggest you to post ''Vote for Aqua'' again...
=> Safa153
Polarcube12 said...
In the Penguin Times you can also click on the painter penguin on page A5 and he turns colors. Its awsome.
Good work! Mimo MAY give you a credit..Hope you become Mod soon..
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
-not yet...
UMMMMMMMMM mimo mabey you didnt know this but the music catoulog has another cheat.... youy must read this: the other cheat is clicking the O in thre words music catoulog for a black guitar try it if you can it works seriously
Sorryz-> Safa153 (CPG MOD) Rofl...
Match87055 said...
If you didnt already know the dock in club penguin changed again!
In the newspaper it says 'bout dock:'' It changes 'EVERYday'...'' So it will change everyday! Tomorrow the dock will turn into Easy Island or Orca straw... And I think a zillion people will post 'bout 'Dock's Chances'. Rofl...
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Ladyne said...
Hi! I think I remember that game. It was pretty cool, but that was a long way ago. Where are the BRAND NEW missions? I'm sick of the old ones. Can't you, Mimo talk with CP 'bout that? And one more question: you are giving new items on Chobots and so on. What about CP? Why aren't there any Mimo CP items? Just thinking...maybe a zebra???
I really like your idea! CPG fans love COOL ideas!
=>Safa153 (CPG MOD)
good dayz mimo! i miss old cp alot and the free membership LOL! anyway disney is doing an okay job
Anonymous said...
idk but whers the game in mission #3?
Peckguy said...
Idk but where the secret game?
Anonymous said...
I didn't know about that game. I'm gonna try it on the 27th then. Does Mimo777 show you how to get to the game? I don't think the 101 days of fun is lame. I think it is fun! It gives you outrageous and wacky ideas!
dude, you don't have to play the secret game just on the 27th. all you have to do is go up to gary's office, go under the couch and get the disk, put it in the computer, insert a password, open up the file "games", and click on "Ice brick"
I didn't even know it was considered "secret". But this makes me want to do mission three again.
(And yes, 101 Days of Fun is lame. And we don`t need any more agents. CP shouldn`t be advertising about becoming a secret agent. WHY AREN`T WE SECRET ANYMORE?!)
Q.i came to cp since the first day cp started and so im an agent and i beat mission #3, and i dont know what brick brick is?
Mimo meant ice brick. Go up to Gary's office. look under the couch and get the disk. put it in the computer and turn it on. Go to the folder "My files" and click. Click on "ice Brick"
You used to have to go to a games folder. Oh well.
~Dizzy97 (CPG mod)
theoj777 said...
UMMMMMMMMM mimo mabey you didnt know this but the music catoulog has another cheat.... youy must read this: the other cheat is clicking the O in thre words music catoulog for a black guitar try it if you can it works seriously
Mimo posted this. Cool cheat though.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
On mission 1 if you go to the ice rink and click the red circle closest to the pictures of the puffles, a penguin saws a hole in the ice and says "PEEK-A-BOO!"
Pretty Cool huh?
00lucas said...
Mimo the stage has changed again. I'll give you a clule. 'I'm thirsty'.
MImo's aware of the stage change. Seeing as he didn't post the coboy stage change yesterday. Cool idea though giving us hints so we can see for ourselves on clubpenguin.
Happywagon(CPG MOD)
Mimo,I have noticed many penguins are voting for Lavender... And on your poll, Lavender is winning. And also a lot of penguins CANNOT get the difference of Aqua and Blue... I compare them and I see many differences. And I suggest you to post ''Vote for Aqua'' again...
Dear Zafa153,
Penguins should be allowed to vote for whatever they want. I personally do not like lavender, and want maroon, but I am glad to see Aqua is not winning.
(By the way, not everyone on CP goes to Mimo's site. Lavender is only winning on CPG. Lavender may not win overall. And people may change their minds by tomorrow)
~Dizzy97 (CPG mod)
Mimo and his family are the only people who work on CPG. You need to be a relative of mimo or a really close friend to be a CPG member. Srry dude:(
Not true. You can help on these posts by being a moderator. You don`t have to be related to Mimo to be a mod. Just follow the post rules and the mod directions and you may get t be a mod soon x)
~Dizzy97 (CPG mod)
how do you answer a persons question on here?
Dear mimo,
You have Z Senario (or whatever it's called). The only way to get rid of it is having a party! I think a Webosaurs party tomarrow at 5:00 EST, at the last place you can get with a scroll? That will prove people are good enough for you to add. And speaking of adding, I think if you add everyone, it goes away in a second! Your doctor,
P.S. You can get A B C D E F G, H I J K L M N O P, Q R S, T U V, W X, Y and Z senario by sniffing different animals.
The dock always changes for a new stage.
Anyways, I knew about this, and I don't like the game...
Just go to the computer and instead of doing your job, go play the game instead.
Anonymous said...
how do you answer a persons question on here?
Zxz192 said...
Just copy and paste someones question into the box that u leave comments in and put your answer underneath
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Match87055 said...
If you didnt already know the dock in club penguin changed again!
Mimo probably wont post that bcuz He hasnt post the other changes aswell
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
how do you answer a persons question on here?
Well, all you have to do is Copy the Question (like I did) and Paste it, and divide the question to the answer like the line I made ^^^^^^^^
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
safa153 said...
Mimo,I have noticed many penguins are voting for Lavender... And on your poll, Lavender is winning. And also a lot of penguins CANNOT get the difference of Aqua and Blue... I compare them and I see many differences. And I suggest you to post ''Vote for Aqua'' again...
=> Safa153
Yes, but not all ppl who are voting for Lavender are wanting a way different color, they want it bcuz it looks like Senseiès Color a bit.
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Ok mimo this is a late Q 4 the Q&A but could u try to awnser this in any way.
Ok my Q is what day is your b-Day?
Ok thnx try to awnser this.
Anonymous said...
how do you answer a persons question on here?
Mckmitch says... you copy and paste the question then you post a reply.
Waddle On! ;)
tic55555 said...
mimo why in the mine in the lower left hand corner there seemes to be a path
Mckmitch says...
Maybe its a secret room where zebras plan there evil scheme to dominate club penguin and make it club zebra!
Waddle On! ;)
Hello poeple I really hope lavender wins beacuse 3 years ago it fell to lime green and now lavender will have it's revgenge!!
Idk but where the secret game?
If you go up to the Office in the Gift Shop you'll find a computer. Use the disk under the sofa to turn it on. Click Files, then Ice Breaker. This is the secret game. It doesn't give you an extra priza but I think it's pretty kool! Enjoy. :D
-Maddyline1998 (CPG MOD)
Wow lol you snifed a zebra XD
how do you answer a persons question on here?
Copy and paste their comment in the "Leave your comment" section and a few spaces below it you can answer. If you're trying to become a CPG Moderator, make sure you put (CPG MOD) Next to your name like did. It takes about a month to become a Mod but I hope you become one! :D
-Maddyline1998 (CPG MOD)
UMMMMMMMMM mimo mabey you didnt know this but the music catoulog has another cheat.... youy must read this: the other cheat is clicking the O in thre words music catoulog for a black guitar try it if you can it works seriously
I'm sorry but Mimo has already covered that cheat. Waddle on! :D
-Maddyline1998 (CPG MOD)
Who needs 101 days of fun when you have Mimos site of eternity of awesomeness?
I tried that game to see if there was a secret in it but after the 10th game it just said want to play again?
I am anonymous said...
I didn't know about that game. I'm gonna try it on the 27th then. Does Mimo777 show you how to get to the game? I don't think the 101 days of fun is lame. I think it is fun! It gives you outrageous and wacky ideas!
Actually if youre a secret agent u can do it all the time.
hi mimo i am first time here can u plz give us a party on clubpenguin and for all penguins not only members plzz!!!!!!!!!!
Mimo does parties all the time! If your lucky he might have a space on his buddy list. But if he doesn't add you it's because there are so many other penguins who wanna be his friend! (Like me.) Occasionally, he has an Eulc party where he places clues to where, and when his party is through his posts. If aqua wins the color contest on Friday, we will have a celebration party! Yay! I hope you will get to meet him soon. :D
-Maddyline1998 (CPG MOD)
Ya, '101 Days (or Dayz) of Fun is pretty boring. I kinda feel bad for the creators of CP cuz they really hyped 101 days of fun and now everyone is saying it STINKZ. Oh well...
-Chester Beanienoodle
Anonymous said...
Hi Mimo777. This is my first time here. Can you please give us a party on clubpenguin and for all penguins! Not only members! Please!
Mimo777 is a non member so I think that his parties are for non members and members.
I am Anonymous (want to be CPG Mod)
p.s I edited it a bit. LOL.
Anonymous said...
since the 100 days of fun came out i knew it was lame
and i have a question:
Q.i came to cp since the first day cp started and so im an agent and i beat mission #3, and i dont know what brick brick is?
A. ?
The game's called "Ice Bricks" and to play it, just go to mission 3, go to the gift shop, go upstairs and click the computer then click ice bricks.
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
how come i cant find misson 3 cheats?!
~piedude 17
Mimo put a guide on it, check the right sidebar under Mimo's Ultimate Links.
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
how do you answer a persons question on here?
Just copy the question and paste it in the comment box then do some dashes or something to seperate the answer from the question then type your answer!
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
How come you didnt do a post for the planet cazzmo party?Could u do another one?Mrhartwood8
Actually he did do one thats how I got to go.
Anonymous said...
idk but whers the game in mission #3?
On the computer in garys room you can look how to do the mission in mimos guide.
Anonymous said...
since the 100 days of fun came out i knew it was lame
and i have a question:
Q.i came to cp since the first day cp started and so im an agent and i beat mission #3, and i dont know what brick brick is?
A. ?
Its on the compiuter in gartys room.
Anonymous said...
hi mimo i am first time here can u plz give usengui a party on clubpn and for all penguins not only members plzz!!!!!!!!!!
Well he cant do that its unfair on the members I mean after all we pay to play so we should be getting most of the good stuff and probly dosent have the time.
Anonymous said...
how do you answer a persons question on here?
Simply copy and paste there question into the comment box.
Anonymous said...
how do you answer a persons question on here?
Firstly, you write who answered the question. Then you copy and paste the question. Then answer and put your name down to show that you answered it. Very easy. Oh, and remember that if you are trying to be a CPG Mod, next to your name write(CPG Mod)!
I am Anonymous (CPG Mod)
are club penguin blogs legal? because i heard that club penguin banned a cp blog. someone help me please! i need to know!
Mimo! Your site is awesome! I found a cool cheat in the news paper. On page A5, click on one of the penguins. You can change it's color to maroon, lavander, and aqua. Just to let you know, I am Dex Dude's best friend in real life, and he just taught me how to comment on your site. He rocks!
Dex Dude: Woot lol.
Jon Bon12
Dear, Mimo hello there how are you? now about Cp its its little very boring the 100 days of fun i wish there are a MimoZebra new games at Cp that will be awesome!!!! Well i wish but it would be so cool! Bye! Keep Waddling And Keep Bricking Mimo!
Chat1 From Cp! :DDD
Okay, I'm suprised. Usually Mimo has a post written like 2 seconds after Billybob writes a post. It's okay though, because Mimo updates a lot anyways. And plus it wasn't important, just the reviewed by you.
Anonymous said...
mimo you siffed a zebra your crazy.
no he's just being weird. mimo's always like that lol.
frie67 said...
Kool mimo! Oh and I found out how you got the name "mimo" In an episode of Dora there is a hamster that is lost and his name is "mimo"
Sorry frie67 that is wrong. It's not how he found the name "mimo".
He thought of calling himself "mimo" and he thought it was a great name. Then he started using the name on his blog.
By the way, he doesn't watch Dora.
It's like a little kid's show and he might be a teenager by now and too old to watch it. Even if he acts weird, he wouldn't be weird enough to watch a baby show like Dora.
since the 100 days of fun came out i knew it was lame
and i have a question:
Q.i came to cp since the first day cp started and so im an agent and i beat mission #3, and i dont know what brick brick is?
A. ?
The Brick game is in mission three! It is on the computer where you got the combination code! I hope it helps! I'm not actually anonymous my account is Penelope but i forgot the password sadly...
hey guys don't say that i have a couple words that you can say the 101 days of fun suits perfectly that you can
its idotic
okay and mimo if you sniffed a zebra i think you need a cure let me cure you first go to therapy then fill your bathtub with goat milk and then sniff another zebra
okay i guess that wasn't funny in anyway at all
Possible Blogger said...
are club penguin blogs legal? because i heard that club penguin banned a cp blog. someone help me please! i need to know!
Zxz192 said...
Yes club penguin blogs are perfectly legal lol, thats why CP have made banners for us to put on them
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
you can actually play it right now
Anonymous said...
you can actually play it right now
Yea, Mimo already knew this. That's why he said in the main post "Remember this" as in it was from the past. It's a fun game though :)
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
idk but wheres the game in mission #3?
It is on the computer in the Sports shop upstairs
--Jamesbond98(CPG Mod)
Peckguy said...
Idk but where the secret game?
It's on the computer in the sport shop upstairs
--Jamesbond98(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
idk but wheres the game in mission #3?
Peckguy said...
Idk but where the secret game?
Go to the Sports Shop. Then go upstairs. It's on the computer.
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
hi mimo i am first time here can u plz give us a party on clubpenguin and for all penguins not only members plzz!!!!!!!!!!
Ummm Mimo has parties all the time on clupenguin and hee has never had a members only party. In a matter of fact, Mimo up until about 6 months ago, was a non-member.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Puffles204 said...
Ok mimo this is a late Q 4 the Q&A but could u try to awnser this in any way.
Ok my Q is what day is your b-Day?
Ok thnx try to awnser this.
Mimo is no longer accepting questions for his Q & A. He probably would not have picked that question anyways because it is a little persoanl. Perhaps Penguin Birthday though.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
I agree Mimo. I think it should be lots of activities you don't normally get to do like checking inside Rockhopper to see how much chilli he's been eating!
i no, most ppl dont even do the 101 days of fun thing. most of it is pretty lame.
To Match87055,
Of course he knows but Im sure Mimo is busy with other stuff.
Hope this helped,
Nathan133 (CPG MOD)
To Anonymous,
The dock is the coffee shop?
what do you mean? lol it sounds wierd.
Nathan133 (CPG MOD)
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