Club Penguin Cheats

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Club Penguin Find Sensei Tips, Cheats, and Hints!

Ok, I think it's been WAY too hard to find Sensei for this reason. It's a holiday weekend and there are way too many ppl online. All the servers are full. So when someone reports seeing him, you can't get into the server or room.

So, let's help each other. Leave a Find Sensei tip, cheat or hint on how to find him. Cool? The Mimo Tracker has been working great but there are just too many ppl online. I think Club Penguin will either extend Sensei's stay or have him or another famous penguin come back really soon. Come on, Club Penguin! Make it easier! SHEESH!

This post is for tips, cheats and hints only. Use the Mimo Sensei Tracker below for Sensei sightings! ;-)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


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pilpulp said...

i kno! give us another week or something.

Blueyman65 said...

Hey, I saw a penguin who saw Sensei and he got a cool backround. The Backround was awesome with Sensei.

Hedgehog 14 said...

awesome..sensi is grey and has a hat

Hedgehog 14 said...

sensi goes on like 3 or 4 bar servers usuallly, sometimes 5

pilpulp said...

when sensei is in a room tell the ppl who saw him already to leave tell them some ppl havent saw him like me.

Anonymous said...

i cant find him plz help

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should all go on a server. And post updates on his location and give a heads up if the rooms full and theres no point tryin.I dont know thats just one idea. Theres probaly loads out there.

Blueyman65 said...

Me again: Blueyman65

Usually people doesnt leave the Hideout. And it is so unfair to us. And also non full servers has their Hidout full. I wish Club Penguin added another 1 or 2 weeks.

Coolrockpop8 said...

I'm not sure on what to do for full server...

but if you can't go in a room (town, plaza, ect...) just click on it and it says full room blah blah then push ok. It will take you to the map and click the same room. Then repeat.

And if it is a inside room (night club, pet shop) and there's a crowd rushing in... stay back and then when people stop running to the door, charge in, that's what I do and it works!!!

Hope it helps

Lisa (bluieblue323) said...

I totally agree. Its just crazy how many people want to find him. Also i assume he will be in the ninja hideout, but im not sure since i havent found him. yet. :)


Mellyb10 said...

I do agree. It took me hours to find sensei because all of the rooms and servers were full. It's very frustrating but eventually I did find him.


lipflipper said...

i went on all the servers on your tracker and nothing :(

but i just went on a random server and luckily no one caught on sensei was there!

so my tip is if you log on a server and dont see sensei


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
i cant find him plz help
Dear Anonymous,
Don't post this on tips and cheats to find Sensei...
Try looking on the Club Penguin Tracker. Hope that helps!
-Twilight4729(CPG MOD IN TRAINING)

Random Matthew722 said...

We'll, if a server is usually about 4 ppl, and all of a sudden it has 5 or it's full, Sensei is probably there, u just have to act QUICK! Oh, and if it goes too slow, click the "=" sign on ur keyboard, it make Clubpenguin work faster! :-D


Random Matthew722 said...

AND, the easiest time to find him wud be at late at night or early in the morning, there won't be as much ppl on.


Random Matthew722 said...

Yeah, and if u want to find him the hard way, go on a server he wasn't on yet, go on the Ninja Hideout and just wait for him, lol.


Edward said...

its wierd because when club penguin has a full room mostly members get to go in. so if its like 200 penguins to a room then 150 are members and 50 are non-mems or something like that. i was on my non-member penguin trying to get him the background. no one was in front of the hideout just me. when i tried to go in it was full. then came along 2 members and they walked right in there. not fair for non- mems i say but i still have my member penguin

Anonymous said...

hey i found him once and i met him the same way u found Rockhopper,Mimo! i just walked into the room and he was there! my tip is just start at the top of the server list and go down the list and if ur lucky or eventuly you'll find him!

Zxz192 said...

ok here is a tip for finding sensei:
*if you manage to get in the ninja hideout and its REALLY full and you cant check if sensei is there or not, just do this; click on the friends list icon to see your friends list. At the bottom of the friends list window there is 3 buttons. Click the middle one and you will be able to see the users in room! if your friend is in the same room as you the icon next to their name will be a smiley face. If it is the famous penguin the icon will be the face that is smiling a lot so you can see the teeth. Click on their name and you will see their player card and get their background!

Anonymous said...

Refresh the tracker page about every 5 seconds if you are serious about finding him. I just walked into the hideout with no help and guess what? We were the only ones in the room. So if this isn't helping (Which would be very strange) just go to a random server.

james 1

Ik98 said...

Tip, He mostley goes on 3 bar Servers on the First Page of Servers,Hope this Helped Mimo. Hope u find him

Anonymous said...

well im sorry twilight that i need help finding sensei!

pinkyallen aka(anoymous)

Anonymous said...

when sensei first comes to a server he goes on to a 3 smiley server, bet then people here about him and go to that server and makes it a 5 smiley server

tghowley said...

sensei is some were that is named by a type of mammal

none said...

I wuz abt to meet him and my pc froze up!

cooly763 said...

OK guys everyone is saying to gegt off the center floor. That is NOT true.It is the same thing when candace came and everyone said get off the metal.This is just a rumor don't listen to it!

PS ppl don't comment on this and say " the sensi came when no one was on the center floor" if that happened it was just random.

22westham22 said...

if you find sensei get his back ground and then come out so its fair for over penguins who havent found him

ace234444 (cpg mod) said...

pilpulp said...
when sensei is in a room tell the ppl who saw him already to leave tell them some ppl havent saw him like me

That happen to me on cp i would tell them that when i finnaly got in after he left. My advice is to pick a sever and get some buddys and hang there until he comes tht is what i did to find penguin band and gary. Im also looking forward to getting another chance to see candance. Good Luck!
ace234444 (cpg mod)

goldfer2 said...

Can you stay at the ninja hideout and wait till he comes?

Anonymous said...

snowdrift he just left snowdrift he said he had to go back to the dojo

saifullah98 said...

i got an idea it might be the same as RH eneter his name and do a random password if it says incorect password hes ofline if it says banned hes online

Anonymous said...

I have one idea.We can go on french servers.They are never full.
And there are only three servers.

parker0215 said...

this is just crazy.
ive been on cp all day without any luck.

Anonymous said...

ive saw him and got his background :) hes cool trust hoe all the penguins that aient found him finds him gd luck all xx

Vert97 said...

Clubpenuin will probably continue or add more days because they usually don't have famouse penguins on for such a short day.
This is just another Idea!

Phillie26 said...

how about club penguin extends this until this coming friday and if you already found sensei don't try and look for him again and stay in the ninja hideout.

Anonymous said...

what the heck are you soposed to do when the room is full?!

Anonymous said...

Mimo you know how like when you open 2 club penguin accounts it says something like multiple connections please disconnect that was so confusing so they changed it is so much more easier to understand just check it out.

Anonymous said...

he always goes on 4 green bars

Anonymous said...


Annette 10 said...

I've found Sensei once so far. I found him on Friday, July 3rd, 2009 on the server Big Foot in the Ninja Hideout at around 1:25pm Penguin Standard Time. He was there for about 5 minutes and then he left.
Some things that I do to find Sensei is check the most popular servers and the servers with the most people. No matter whether the Ninja Hideout is full, I keep trying to get in. To make sure that he is or is not in the Ninja Hideout, I check the Users in the Room list. Beside his username, Sensei, there will be a smiley face with an open mouth.

Anonymous said...

Sensei normally goes on sleet or mammoth. He has been seen on other servers but these are the most common ones. Hope this helped to find sensei

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo777, This is Pandaboy9. I found sensei at bigfoot 5 minutes ago and I have a cheat for you. If you buy the Records in the Dj game, you caqn aslo put themin the Mixing Music game

Cuddles 895 said...

You never post my comments!!!!! >:(
for example for the thing where we had to put our ideas in a comment, you didn't post mine!!!Just tell me why.

Anonymous said...

I only have 3 tips and I have met Sensei.
1. check the tracker like every 30 secs or every min.
2.if the post was posted like 5 mins ago still check.Sensei stays there to 5-10 mins.
3.For extra luck be born in the year of the bunny like me!
year of the bunny= luck!

Anonymous said...

i found sensei on parka

Anonymous said...

if we go on a french server will there be another sensei or do we have to wait until he comes?
(Will there be more than one Sensei?)

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,
when a server is full keep trying to get in. eventually someone will leave and you can get in. Also you can get off CP then try again later, but thats only if you're doing something like a game that will still be there tomorrow
-Npgf(CPG mod)

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

Cuddles 895 said...
You never post my comments!!!!! >:(
for example for the thing where we had to put our ideas in a comment, you didn't post mine!!!Just tell me why.

Hiya Cuddles!Dont be mad,sometimes Mimo doesnt receive your comments.And mimo can answer ur questions cuz he is very busy and its not fair for other ppl so there are mods.Hey...this comment got posted!;D
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)

Snowflakeooo said...

Hiya everyone!I am sure Club Penguin might extend his visit for 2-4 days!And if you cant see sensei talking cuz theres so much ppl,click on the thing on top that saves ppl's words they say!And this doesnt really matter,but ninjas are Japanese,not Chinese.LOL.

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

pilpulp said...
when sensei is in a room tell the ppl who saw him already to leave tell them some ppl havent saw him like me.

How ya doin Pilpulp!I tried doing that,but ppl that met him kept saying "no" or "Why should I?" CP should only let ppl in now hat have not met Sensei in the ninja Hideout.Great idea tho!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)

ncoley said...

ok her is how i found him(meh friends r kinda weird)meh freind went on the saver rainbow and it only had three lines three! i thought no way he was there but i had alredy given up lokin so i went on that saver. meh friend was at the ninga hideout
so i went to greet her and bam sensi came outta no were! right after i came!!! it was kool but my friend had to gtg :( to bad :( i told piehappy bout it and she was sad...... so expect the unezpected like impossible quiz 1 and 2

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
Dear Anonymous,
when a server is full keep trying to get in. eventually someone will leave and you can get in. Also you can get off CP then try again later, but thats only if you're doing something like a game that will still be there tomorrow
-Npgf(CPG mod)

Hiya Npgf,
Sorry,but you cant be a CPG MOD like that.You have to copy and paste the peron's comment you are answering,congratulating,agree/ect.(kindly plz!)And later Mimo will pick two of the most hard working mods!Use this an an example!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)

Sophi Jr said...

Well, if you get on, and everything starts to go slow/lag, then you can press the + button and it will go faster.

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
I only have 3 tips and I have met Sensei.
1. check the tracker like every 30 secs or every min.
2.if the post was posted like 5 mins ago still check.Sensei stays there to 5-10 mins.
3.For extra luck be born in the year of the bunny like me!
year of the bunny= luck!

Hiya anonymous!Well...dont post personal info like the year you were born cuz ppl can figure out how old you are.Tigers are cool.LOL
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

year of the tiger!the toughest of the chinese zodiac!(not counting the dragon cuz doesnt really cp should extend it to August...jk

Annette 10 said...

I wonder if Mimo is searching for Sensei right now...

Anonymous said...

Mimo have u met him i ave 2 times in ninja hideout loads if times digging out snow and loads of times in the dojo

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...
Cuddles 895 said...
You never post my comments!!!!! >:(
for example for the thing where we had to put our ideas in a comment, you didn't post mine!!!Just tell me why.

Hiya Cuddles!Dont be mad,sometimes Mimo doesnt receive your comments.And mimo can answer ur questions cuz he is very busy and its not fair for other ppl so there are mods.Hey...this comment got posted!;D
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)

OOPS!Sorry Cuddles,i meant he cant answer ur questions.;)

Brooke Michele said...

mimo i have not found sensei but he was on mamonth July4

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

thomas05721 said...
Mimo have u met him i ave 2 times in ninja hideout loads if times digging out snow and loads of times in the dojo
Sorry,but mimo cant answer your questions,thomas cuz he is very busy working on his websites.Im sure Mimo has met Sensei.
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
i cant find him plz help
Dear Anonymous,
Don't post this on tips and cheats to find Sensei...
Try looking on the Club Penguin Tracker. Hope that helps!
-Twilight4729(CPG MOD IN TRAINING)

Hiya Twilight4729!You dont put CPG MOD in training when u answer qs and stuff,and you only put CPG MOD!Hope this helped and hope u become a MOD sometime soon!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
if we go on a french server will there be another sensei or do we have to wait until he comes?
(Will there be more than one Sensei?)
Dear anonymous,
No,there will not be another Sensei.And Sensei usually goes to English servers cuz it they have more servers.Sensei only goes to foreign servers sometimes cuz theres not a lot.Hope this helped.
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

i know a cheat. download penguin storm 6.1 then log in ur penguin when you see the servers go to edit then less crowded servers you will be able to go in every server

Anonymous said...

where is he none of u r helping me sorry but i cant find him with those tips!
heres a tip:

if u know hes in there
then go to HQ and click on the dojo courtyard screen and then keep trying to get in to the ninja hideout!
hope it helped!

Anonymous said...

If the room is full and their are too many ppl. Tell them you just came from their and he isn't in their. So then people would move away and then you'll have a better chance of getting in. :-)

Farmer Dan said...

I've met Sensei already. You get a cool backgound with his autograph on it. O yeah my penguin name is Farmer Dan.

Random Matthew722 said...

goldfer2 said...
Can you stay at the ninja hideout and wait till he comes?


Yep. Hew will eventually come, but it takes a while.

Have sum summer fun! ;-)
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

if its hard for u too get in and u finally do if sensei is not there go out and tell them

blue the wolf said...

if only they could be on all of the servers at the same time!

Anonymous said...

How about if you see sensei get the backround leave a comment and then leave cause other ppl wanna see him to tell your friends im still looking for him so leave once u see him

Stickers303 said...

Yer he is tricky.


Stickers303 said...

Everyone, Sensei and other famous penguins dont go on differnt country severs only english.

Stickers303 Mod in training.

Fire8877 said...

I got n the Roof of the Night Club and everyone said Cadence JUST LEFT! I have bad luck.


Random Matthew722 said...

Anonymous said...
if we go on a french server will there be another sensei or do we have to wait until he comes?
(Will there be more than one Sensei?)


No, there is always only 1 Sensei and he's usually on English servers, but yea, u cud meet him on other language servers, but it's harder.

Have sum summer fun! ;-)
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

omg!! where is the sensei!! its soooo anoying! i havnt meet him once so if u have already met him dont try again!

Sabino9 said...

By the by, The new secret move is the Cloud wavers! you must have them to do the move! Sensei told me!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I've met Sensei already, but I wasn't even looking for him (which I guess makes me unfairly lucky). Here are 2 tips that usually help me when I'm lookin' for famous penguins:
1. If you're stuck outside of the room where the famous penguin is, don't trust any of the penguins who say "He/She's on (name of server!)" If the famous penguin were REALLY on the server, wouldn't the penguin talking be on that server as well? They're probably trying to get in just as hard as you are.
2. Go on Club Penguin REALLY early in the morning on a 3 or 4 bar server. Yes, I know, it's summer vacation, but I went on the computer and met Sensei at the same time that most of my friends were still sleeping. A word of caution though: you shouldn't go on late at night, because it IS summer vacations, and penguins like to stay up late and party. Plus, your parents might not be too happy.
Hope these tips help you--they worked for me! XOXO from ManateeGirl (not my penguin name)

Anonymous said...

LOL!I wonder why theres so much ppl that wanna be mods now cuz right after the new mods were posted all of a sudden a lot of ppl started answering Qs and stuff!Dont answer this cuz this is not a question or

Anonymous said...

omg wait a sec!! he has a full flag (aka members flag in top left corner) but i was here BEFORE him and i STILL dont have a full star flag! weird...

Sabino9 said...

Sensei is usually on low bar servers. that's where I found him! He is usually only on low bar servers because he has to be able to get in too. he is a gray penguin with a brown hat and white beard! You know hes there because he will say Greetings grasshoppers! and usually he is surrounded by tons of penguins! and he mostly only pops up in the hideout because that is where he teaches the new move! Hope I helped!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo im from scotland and i was usin ur tracker for ovr 2 hrs and i didnt find him but when i came back latr u had closed down the tracker. so i just went round tryin to find him myself and guess wat i found him! so my advice is if u cant find sensei after a while just mill around and do ur own thing and aventually u WILL find him! good luck trackers! p.s. plz post mimo!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo im from scotland and i was usin ur tracker for ovr 2 hrs and i didnt find him but when i came back latr u had closed down the tracker. so i just went round tryin to find him myself and guess wat i found him! so my advice is if u cant find sensei after a while just mill around and do ur own thing and aventually u WILL find him! good luck trackers! p.s. plz post mimo!

Anonymous said...

if i can get in i tell people he is on __________ server so they move!

ace234444 (cpg mod) said...

Anonymous said...
How about if you see sensei get the backround leave a comment and then leave cause other ppl wanna see him to tell your friends im still looking for him so leave once u see him

yea good idea. what i did is i sat at great white for a lont time. and my bro isnt alloud on the computer till monday. so when i found him i got it and got out and got it for my bro. luckyly i was there early but still great idea.
ace234444 (cpg mod)

Snowflakeooo said...

Whoa!Log onto cp and you might here some music!

ace234444 (cpg mod) said...

Anonymous said...
if i can get in i tell people he is on __________ server so they move!

well tht not very sportsman like but i cant stop you. i have seen ppl do tht when i was tring to get in i knew he was in there. I think we should juss keep trying and if we dnt get it try again.
ace234444 (cpg mod)

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

Stickers303 said...
Yer he is tricky.

Hiya Stickers303!Im so glad your back!You dont know me,but im a new CPG MOD and my CP and nickname is Snowflakeooo!Im a girl.Glad your back!!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)

ace234444 (cpg mod) said...

Anonymous said...
hey mimo im from scotland and i was usin ur tracker for ovr 2 hrs and i didnt find him but when i came back latr u had closed down the tracker. so i just went round tryin to find him myself and guess wat i found him! so my advice is if u cant find sensei after a while just mill around and do ur own thing and aventually u WILL find him! good luck trackers! p.s. plz post mimo

Great! i had to to do tht when there wernt trackers liek for rockhopper. i was up on the top of his ship and he poped up. Great job im glad you found him and i hope the rest of u find him too.
ace234444(cpg mod)

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
if its hard for u too get in and u finally do if sensei is not there go out and tell them
Dear Anonymous,
Thats a Gr8t idea,but some penguins might not trust you and say "yeah right!".Great idea tho!

ace234444 said...

Oh Almost forgot Happy 4th of july!
hope everyone has a great time.
There might be a quickie party mever kno. ill keep my eyes open

Anonymous said...

Iv got a tip

stay in a ok-populated sever and practise card jitsu or something. sensei changes often so he might just arive when u lest expect it

minty6000 said...

how do u become a CPG MOD!!??

ace234444 (cpg mod) said...

Sabino9 said...
Sensei is usually on low bar servers. that's where I found him! He is usually only on low bar servers because he has to be able to get in too. he is a gray penguin with a brown hat and white beard! You know hes there because he will say Greetings grasshoppers! and usually he is surrounded by tons of penguins! and he mostly only pops up in the hideout because that is where he teaches the new move! Hope I helped

he will only pop up in the ninja hideout so he can teach only the ninjas the move. For those who have not became a ninja hurry before u can met our master lol.
good luck!
ace234444 (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

Brinocol 8 said:

Hey I have about 4 tips 4 you!!!
tip1: stay in the ninja hideout as long as you can. if Sensei comes you might be lucky and meet him!
tip2. Keep your eye on the club penguin time and the tracker.
tip3. If a room is full press + or go to the HQ and click on the dojo courtryard screen.
tip4. Try going on 3 or 4 bar servers, it usually works!!!

hope this will help!
P.S i met sensei!

-brinocol 8

ace234444 (cpg mod) said...

Anonymous said...
omg!! where is the sensei!! its soooo anoying! i havnt meet him once so if u have already met him dont try again!

Oh well my advice is if you have alot of time juss get some friends and sit on ur favorite server and wait. have fun with them in the the ninja hideout. then maybe before u kno it hes there. keep trying and i wish u good luck.
Good Luck!
ace234444(cpg mod)

ace234444 (cpg mod) said...

Stickers303 said...
Everyone, Sensei and other famous penguins dont go on differnt country severs only english.

Stickers303 Mod in training

Welcome bac stickers! Trying to become a mod again i see. im trying to become one too. good luck

Pinky46076 said...

Hey, Mimo! It wasn't too hard for me, actually. I found him as soon as I logged on. The secret move was to run around! I know, that stinks! Well, atleast I got his cool backround! :)


Your biggest fan in the whole wide world,


iamspeardee said...

Becareful if you try to get the background sometimes! cause my penguin got banned when i got background :(

Anonymous said...

10douwgs10 here.............

I saw him on Flippers YESTERDAY I just want to say thanks to mimo. YOU ROCK!!!

Anonymous said...

i asked the clubpenguin staff if they can extend the days sensei is on. anyways, done anyone know the time he mostly comes on?

Anonymous said...

what does he bring?

Anonymous said...

Mimo here what I did i went to deepsnow then i waited at the server thaan sensei came that who i found sensei

Anonymous said...


Snowflakeooo said...

Yesterday i saw Kokorules and and said hi its me Snowflakeooo!But for some reason she ignored me.O well!PPL are busy looking for Sensei!

Anonymous said...

Listen up peepz I've found him I have the cool background its signed by him! If you wanna c me i'll be on Great White and thats where I found Sensei! how cool :)
Look for the name..

1i1 pingy

Anonymous said...

mimo does it mean that sensei is here for all day on july 5th or he is gone july 5th?

The Plush said...

Well, I'm just saying but I saw Cadence about 2 months after the member party. I'm pretty sure he'll stay.

Girl34561 said...

don't give up! if ur frusterated, take a break. u dont have to look for him 24/7. just relax! if u dont get in a full room, keep trying. itll let u in eventually. :)

Stickers303 said...

iamspeardee said...
Becareful if you try to get the background sometimes! cause my penguin got banned when i got background :(
Nothing to worry about. Due to summer vaction cp is slow becuase lots of people are on, and that "banned" thing is only a glitch...your not banned.

*Stickers303* - Mod in training.

Anonymous said...

I saw him before when he was shoveling snow at the dojo roof when it snowed lots.

Anonymous said...

very, very, frustrating. just keep at it, that's how i found him.

Anonymous said...

i have the cool background

savannah said...

i need to meet sensi bad

Stickers303 said...

Anonymous said...
mimo does it mean that sensei is here for all day on july 5th or he is gone july 5th?
At Monday 1am CPT Sensei will leave.

*Stickers33* - Mod in training.

ace234444 said...

add onn to the party comment not dock icerburg we need the fireworks lol

Stickers303 said...

Anonymous said...
what does he bring?
If you see Sensei click his player card and click the box, you will recive a backround.

*stickers303* -mod in training

ace234444 said...

the other comment wasnt posted but it is 4th july party at white house iceburg

ace234444 said...

white house iceberg party!!! come if u want too

122ninjas said...

Mimo! THis is off topic but I can't wear the tropical bird anymore! was it member only?

Juh76 said...

goldfer2 said...
Can you stay at the ninja hideout and wait till he comes?
Yah but thats gonna take long...

Juh76t (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

July 4 Party at ice berg White House now!

Juh76 said...

Anonymous said...
if we go on a french server will there be another sensei or do we have to wait until he comes?
(Will there be more than one Sensei?)
No, there's only 1 Sensei. Try meeting him in a diff language server, but i suggest going on english servers.

Happy 4th Of July!

Juh76t (CPG Mod)

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
mimo does it mean that sensei is here for all day on july 5th or he is gone july 5th?

Dear Anonymous,
Sensei will not be here on July 6!He will be there all day for July 5!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)

Stickers303 said...

That snowflake is awsome.


Anonymous said...

hey mimo u think ur going to ace party they probly wont go if u dnt

Anonymous said...

Im so mad cuz evryone goes crazy when they see him. I searched nine hours to see him. In half the servers i went he was there but the room was full. They need to give us turns. When you see him get the background, chat for like a minute and leave cuz its always full. Tomorow im going on early and going to the server avalanche cuz he usually is there. Once i was at avalacnche and i went to the hideout. Then I left and sensei came! The room was full and i was furious.

ace234444 said...

Stickers303 said...
That snowflake is awsome.


yea she added meh and she is the only one at my party. but she had to logg off for minute

ace234444(cpg mod) said...

Anonymous said...
Im so mad cuz evryone goes crazy when they see him. I searched nine hours to see him. In half the servers i went he was there but the room was full. They need to give us turns. When you see him get the background, chat for like a minute and leave cuz its always full. Tomorow im going on early and going to the server avalanche cuz he usually is there. Once i was at avalacnche and i went to the hideout. Then I left and sensei came! The room was full and i was furious.

Hey i know how you feal. juss keep trying heres a tip get some friends and pick a server and juss hang out in the ninja room until he comes goos luck
ace234444 (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

hurry he is in wool socks

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
Im so mad cuz evryone goes crazy when they see him. I searched nine hours to see him. In half the servers i went he was there but the room was full. They need to give us turns. When you see him get the background, chat for like a minute and leave cuz its always full. Tomorow im going on early and going to the server avalanche cuz he usually is there. Once i was at avalacnche and i went to the hideout. Then I left and sensei came! The room was full and i was furious.

I feel bad for you.And good idea!I was so mad that ppl kept saying to get off the middle!I hope you meet sensei.Calm down and relax...;)
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)

A Drop of Sunshine said...

sensei was at rocky road but he left

Drake said...

Hey Sensei is awesome and weird!

koolkat2361 said...

where is sensei now??

ace234444 said...

Ohh i got an idea todays 101 days of fun is go to the iceburg and form lines of different colors and dance lets do it!

Drake said...

goldfer2 said...
Can you stay at the ninja hideout and wait till he comes?


Its up to you! But it a waste of time so just go check other servers!

- Hazooma2

Nightfall said...

its so impossible to find him... i had to use a penguin storm to get the background! but, just go around the island and visit each server. that's the same thing i did to find rockhopper.

Drake said...

Anonymous said...
if we go on a french server will there be another sensei or do we have to wait until he comes?
(Will there be more than one Sensei?)


Yes there will be another sensei because once i found him on server iceburg and chinook in the same time!

- Hazooma2 (mod)

pilpulp said...

i met him at 8:00 pm in canada time awsome huh he was fun but most penguin known the move already o well so hope other ppl find him cya.

Drake said...

how do u become a CPG MOD!!??


To become a cpg mod you must followe the rules, answer coments, help find famous penguin too!

- Hazooma2 (CPG mod) (and sorry for not puting cpg mod instead of mod)

Drake said...

Anonymous said...
what does he bring?


Ig you find him you will be able to get his autograph! ;-)

- Hazooma2 (cpg mod)

Drake said...

Ok heres a tip to find sensei:

Sensei goes on crowded servers such as Blizzard, Mammoth, and Frozen during the most popular hours of each day for Club Penguin. Each time he logs in he spends from 15 to 20 minutes on each server. You need to find him fast!

- Hazooma2

Drake said...

Heres another tip to find sensei:

The Sensei always has crowds around him on Club Penguin. If you can’t see him, check the users in room list. His name will be there and there will be a different icon next to it.

Another tip:

The Sensei is always online when Club Penguin announces his arrival.

- Hazooma2

Random Matthew722 said...

Anonymous said...
what does he bring?


He brings a sweet signed Sensei background! :-D

Have sum summer fun! ;-)
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)

Outtacntrll said...

he only goes on servers with for bars. For members, he goes on servers with 3 bars.


Elisepirate said...

I already saw sensei. He said the likes tea in the morning, and in the ninja hideout, he likes the third kong best. Now I have his autograph!!

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

iamspeardee said...
Becareful if you try to get the background sometimes! cause my penguin got banned when i got background :(

Im sorry that happened!But hopefully you will get unbanned and try to tell CP!(Go on Club Penguin)First click help on the top,then find the box that says contact us!Click on the words that say report bug and you do what you wanna do next!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

ace234444 said...
Stickers303 said...
That snowflake is awsome.


yea she added meh and she is the only one at my party. but she had to logg off for minute

Thx guys!I really appreciate that!And thx for adding me guys!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)

Random Matthew722 said...

minty6000 said...
how do u become a CPG MOD!!??


Simple! Just follow these rules:

1. Answer questions and congratz ppl.

2. Always put ur penguin name and (CPG Mod) next to it at the bottom of ur comment.

3. DON'T put (CPG Mod) wen ur not answering a questions or congratzing someone.

4. Be nice!

5. Keep ur answers short.

6. Have fun!! :-D

Have sum summer fun! ;-)
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)

Random Matthew722 said...

Anonymous said...
mimo does it mean that sensei is here for all day on july 5th or he is gone july 5th?


It means Sensei will be here all July 5th, just not July 6th.

Have sum summer fun! ;-)
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)

Rose8Angela said...

My friend just went on a random server and then she found Sensei. And I went to the same server at the same time as her cuz we were playing together and there was only 5 penguins in the dojo my friends a member im not i tried to go in the dojo it said it was full! Mimo do you know why?

Cj pirate :D said...

Here's a tip that would probably not help you but...

If you're attempting to find Sensei on the 4th of July I suggest you don't. Why? Because on the 4th CP is very busy with penguins from the USA so if you can do it wait for the very last day but if not then have fun walking back and forth into a room that says sorry this room is full ;)

Cj pirate (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo i found him!
He said the new move is with the Ancient Gong
He also says that the spirits have escaped!
Uh, Mimo, are you Sensei?
He was acting wierd
He said his favorite food was steak, and we should think with our stomachs.
As wierd as you, right?

hockey rules said...

how can you find sensei and how can u join the tracker. someone tell me! my friend saw him at the cove on christmas

Anonymous said...

Sensei found at bigfoot.but the server is full

Anonymous said...

Cuddles 895 said...
You never post my comments!!!!! >:(
for example for the thing where we had to put our ideas in a comment, you didn't post mine!!!Just tell me why.

Hey Cuddles 895,
Well he posted this one! :) He probably doesn't post a lot of your comments because you might use to many explanation points or it could be advertising another website in it. Or maybe you just aren't finding it. I thought Mimo wasn't posting my comments but then I actually looked and I found my comments!!! :)

With Lots of Smiles :),
Miaponygirl9 (CPG MOD)

Littlelainey said...

Hey Mimo! So I just met Sensei and the coolest thing happened! I was thinking of you so I kept screaming to Sensei to say something about Zebras. He said "Zebra" and then he said "I especially have lots of tricks on zebras," when explaining how "tricky" he is. I don't know what he meant, but still cool. So then, everyone started asking him for a haiku. I kept yelling "SAY A HAIKU ABOUT ZEBRAS" and it worked! He took my idea! I can't remember the first verse, but he said "Zebras have black and white stripes" and then "Haiku on Zebras." It was so awesome!

Tonks12345 said...

I totally agree. Its just crazy how many people want to find him. Also i assume he will be in the ninja hideout, but im not sure since i havent found him. yet. :)

Yes he is in the Ninja Hideout! This is because he needs to teach ninjas more of his 'moves'. Keep on trying, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

-Tonks12345 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

cooly763 said...
OK guys everyone is saying to gegt off the center floor. That is NOT true.It is the same thing when candace came and everyone said get off the metal.This is just a rumor don't listen to it!

PS ppl don't comment on this and say " the sensi came when no one was on the center floor" if that happened it was just random.

It works because you can see him better when people are not everywhere. -Mombo Lo

Anonymous said...

how i found sensei is that i went to a server that had 4 bars(as in how full the server is) and free chat good luck ;)

Anonymous said...

If the room is full, keep trying to get in until you get in. Then if you see a big crowd in one spot, that means Sensei is probably there.

hui ning said...

the sensei is so cool

Anonymous said...

Well when you try to get into the ninja hideout and everyone is going back and forth trying to get in when everyone goes out you go in and i usually make it but not always and he likes three bar servers:)

Marquizi98 said...

Anonymous said...
what does he bring?
Sensei brings a special background and teaches you an awesome new move in the Ninja Hideout.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

Marquizi98 said...

how do u become a CPG MOD!!??
Being CPG MOD is pretty simple. I will explain the rules below:

1. Answer people's questions carefully and correctly.

2. Be nice to people.

3. Keep your answers short.

4. Congratulate new CPG Mods and and Contest winners to raise your status more.

5. In time, if you are good, you will be listed with the othr awesome CPG Mods!

6. Spread jollyness, goodness, and joy around the Club Penguin Gang!

Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

Marquizi98 said...

goldfer2 said...
Can you stay at the ninja hideout and wait till he comes?
Absolutely, but you might have to wait a little while.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

Marquizi98 said...

Anonymous said...
i cant find him plz help
I know you'd really love to meet Sensei but everybody wants to meet him and if CPG fans find him they should comment here.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

Marquizi98 said...

Anonymous said...
if we go on a french server will there be another sensei or do we have to wait until he comes?
(Will there be more than one Sensei?)
There is only one Sensei and Club Penguin and it is possible to find him on foreign servers but it's more intense
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

Pengy5673 (CPG MOD) said...

Sophi Jr said...
Well, if you get on, and everything starts to go slow/lag, then you can press the + button and it will go faster.

Wow sophie, that is a good idea, but it may not work for every computer, but keep up the good advice!

Pizza513 said...

Do not do the clear the middle thing. It's not true. When I saw him (finally!) literally everyone was in the middle except for 2 people and then... SENSEI CAME! He comes from the doorway where everyone comes in.


P.S Do not just stay in the middle all the time, people will get really really grumpy ;)

Pizza513 said...

dembikova said:

its wierd because when club penguin has a full room mostly members get to go in. so if its like 200 penguins to a room then 150 are members and 50 are non-mems or something like that. i was on my non-member penguin trying to get him the background. no one was in front of the hideout just me. when i tried to go in it was full. then came along 2 members and they walked right in there. not fair for non- mems i say but i still have my member penguin


:O That's not fair.

Pizza513 said...

goldfer2 said:

Can you stay at the ninja hideout and wait till he comes?


Yep, that's what I did.

Pizza513 (CPG Mod)

Pizza513 said...

anonymous said:

what the heck are you soposed to do when the room is full?!


Keep trying to get in there. If it keeps on saying it's full, sensei is probably in there because people wouldn't leav if he's there.

Pizza513 (CPG Mod)

P.S People still leave (low chance) so you still have a (low) chance of going in.

Pizza513 said...

anonymous said:

if i can get in i tell people he is on __________ server so they move


Don't ruin other peoples chances of meeting sensei. It's kind of selfish...

Pizza513 (CPG Mod)

Pizza513 said...

minty6000 said:

how do u become a CPG MOD!!??


You need to answer questions, be nice to people, and congratulate mods. More information in a post by mimo. It's above the CPG Mods.

Pizza513 (CPG Mod)

Pizza513 said...

Hey mimo, in 2 days, I would leave for vacation so... I wouldn't be able to mod 'cus there is no computer at the place where i'm going. Happy Holidays!


P.S I won't be back until August 30.

Anonymous said...

is he only in the ninja hide out because im not a ninja yet

Frockle92 said...

OK everyone says oh hes here hes here its like not they are not! Why can't RockHopper be around at this time? EXTEND YOUR STAY!!

Anonymous said...

Ok you people aren't geting the picture! Sensei isn't hard to fine because of more people it is beacuse you guys are moveing sruvers to fast the way I met sensei was that I stayed on chirstmas for 30 minutes or so then POOF!sensei came!-------Sasnar out!

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

I can never find ANY famous penguins!! I need to look at mimo tracker more often.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

is he only in the ninja hide out because im not a ninja yet

Yep, he is only in the hide out. Better hurry if you want to see him!


A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
is he only in the ninja hide out because im not a ninja yet
Yea he is only in the ninja hideout so u cant see him until u become a ninja

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

pilpulp said...
i met him at 8:00 pm in canada time awsome huh he was fun but most penguin known the move already o well so hope other ppl find him cya.
Lucky u! Make sure when u find him u post a comment on the mimo tracker

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Frockle92 said...
OK everyone says oh hes here hes here its like not they are not! Why can't RockHopper be around at this time? EXTEND YOUR STAY!!
Yea but I guess if famous penguins were here for ages it wouldnt be so special and rare when u meet them

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Its Holidays in NZ and im going away for a few days so I wont be able to do any modding but im sure u will all be able to cope without me ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hey I think he only goes on to servers with three, four , or five thats what Rockhopper did! :-D

Anonymous said...

Answer: yes he always is there in the ninja hideoutu have to be a ninja to go in the ninja hideout

Shmouldy1 said...

Sensei is on Abominable, Mammoth and Yeti. Better hurry up though, servers and rooms are getting full.

Rhys Grabany said...

go on the french portuges or spanish servers

spykid8000 said...

I found him,here is a tip the way i found him is if you go to the ninja hideout and clear the floor he should apear in a couple of mins!

Blueyman65 said...

Thts the same thing that i found Gary on Hollleeween, search the place what the penguin is related to. Like Rockopper on the Migrator or Candace at Night Club!

Hope this helps!

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

WOW i think im lucky because i could not find him because the places were full but i found him n got a background :)


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

i got a tip, if you are a member (or a nonmember) and if you have already met sensei then that person should say that a famous penguin is at the docks or something, this will then let more other penguins that have not met him go and meet him, :)


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

sensei usually goes on 4 or 5 bar servers


Anonymous said...

sensei usualey goes on mammoth because whenever i go on mammoth the dojo hideout is full


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

he is usually on servers like sleet, frozen, mammoth, alpine, avalanche, bigfoot and iceburg. he probably goes on more other servers but i think these are his main servers


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

goldfer2 said...
Can you stay at the ninja hideout and wait till he comes?
dear goldfer2
well u can if you want to, but he might not turn up so you will have to move to lots of servers to meet him.

saavy (CPG Mod)

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
what the heck are you soposed to do when the room is full?!
dear anonymous
well if the rooms full all u have to do is keep on trying to get in and eventually u will get in the room so dont give up :)

saavy (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

im a memebr and when the dojo hidout
is full i dosent let me in

- Tylwert

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

minty6000 said...
how do u become a CPG MOD!!??
dear minty6000
to become a CPG Mod all u have to do is answer a question like i am doing right now and at the bottom you have to put (CPG Mod) next to your name, you have to ONLY put CPG Mod wen your answering a question and do not put anything else like (CPG Mod in training) because it will only take a long time for you to become an official mod, WOA long post lol :)

saavy (CPG Mod)

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