Saweet! Club Penguin is adding another penguin color and we get to vote for it! The vote will be July 24th - 29th. The new color choices are: lavender, aqua, and maroon. Check 'em out!
In other cool news, this year the Music Jam will have 2 Backstage areas! One will be at the Main Stage at the Dock and the other one will be on top of the Night Club where we will be able to meet Cadence. Woot! Oh yeah, don't forget you will have to have an all access pass to get in the backstage areas. (that means members only) :-(
Also, you can check out an new "Reviewed By You" and see the new penguin color choices up close by clicking here.
So, what are you the most excited for? Meeting the Penguin Band, Cadence, making your own band, or are you more hyped for new colors? Let me know!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
OH WOW!I really can't wait for either!I met the penguin band last year but never got to meet candace so I'm gonna try to meet both and I am sooooooo excited about the new color!I will vote for's my favorite football teams color!!(yes I am a girl)But then since I am a girl I might vote for lavender because it's really sweet.......the aqua looks like the blue.I don't think lavender will win because boys probably won't vote for it....only girls...and boys will probably vote maroon.....idk about aqua....bye!! **yellow426
vote aqua
i'm going to choose lavender because thats my favorite color and my nickname !
cool n i like lavendar wish evry1 would choose lavendar hey wat bout u mimo?
i want maroon because we have a blue (witch is like aqua) and i am not a big fan of lavender (idk why)
-Cjcdogs (CPG MOD)
i got a webosaurus account mimo!
I personaly would like lavender to be the new color.
Rock on,
OH WOW!I really can't wait for either!I met the penguin band last year but never got to meet candace so I'm gonna try to meet both and I am sooooooo excited about the new color!I will vote for's my favorite football teams color!!(yes I am a girl)But then since I am a girl I might vote for lavender because it's really sweet.......the aqua looks like the blue.I don't think lavender will win because boys probably won't vote for it....only girls...and boys will probably vote maroon.....idk about aqua....bye!! **yellow426
Awesome! i think i'll vote for maroon to!
Me likey lavender! Me likey lavender!
Sorry for that little outburst there, but I LoVe lAvEnDeR!
I can't wait to meet K-dance,
I tryied at the Dance-on-thon,
Penguin Play awards But i can try agin!
That is awesome! Great thing that I am a member. I can't wait to meet the penguin band! I already met Cadence so I don't really care. I am not voting looks too much like light blue. I am voting lavender (but I am not a girl o_o) This is so awesome! Thanks for posting this Mimo!
lavender...look like sensei's color!
i love the color aqua BUT we already hav a light blue.lavender or maroon! Anna 131
personaly i think they should not vote and just put all 3 colours just to make people happy,and to save time but anyway my point is voting is a stupid idea
Im definitely hyped to see all the crazy things they came up with for the music jam. And meeting the band will be sweet!
Im going to vote 4 aqua =)
i cant wait for both but for the color vote i would vote for lavender to look like sensei.
hmmm maybe I will choose Lavender or Maroon cuz' Aqua looks like the color blue we already have. I physco about the new color! I'll probably choose maroon cuz' Maroon is awesome and Maroon and White are the colors for my school. I'm not the girly type so I probably won't vote for Lavender.
Bluedude5r5 and Reeses Gurl3
Yes I have two penguins and I am a girl. :-)
New colors, that's awesome! Girls really need more colors. Vote lavendar!
oh oh oh yay we get to choose a new penguin colour!! i think so i'd like to choose the colour aqua because its its.... like blue and it is my fav colour n blue is my whole world!! means all my things r blue oh plz vote for aqua if u do like it! :)
i like lavender and marron, but more lavender
yellow 426 is right, the aqua looks like blue so hopefully people will notice
i hope lavender wins!
Mimo, sorry but i cant make a webosaurs account, ive got 2 many accounts
aqua lol
yellow426 im a boy and i want to vote for lavender to look like the sensei (of course!)
aqua! plz thats my favorite color
Pepper KC
I'm going to choose lavender. We already have light blue and that looks exactly like aqua.
WOWZA! this is soooo sa weet! LOL! i think im going to pick aqua lol because i love blue but the other colors are not that bad either lol :)
don't we already have aqua?
yellow426 said...
OH WOW!I really can't wait for either!I met the penguin band last year but never got to meet candace so I'm gonna try to meet both and I am sooooooo excited about the new color!I will vote for's my favorite football teams color!!(yes I am a girl)But then since I am a girl I might vote for lavender because it's really sweet.......the aqua looks like the blue.I don't think lavender will win because boys probably won't vote for it....only girls...and boys will probably vote maroon.....idk about aqua....bye!! **yellow426
LOL!! phew that was long!!! i think im gona vote for lavender cause thats one of my fave colors... i guess maroon is kinda kewl too but i still think lavender is pretty kewl too. who thinks that the bright pink color is kinda getting old?! who thinks they should have hot pink instead for a change?! TTYL!!! -sprocket07
anonymous said...
i'm going to choose lavender because thats my favorite color and my nickname !
WOOT!!! a lavender supporter!!!!! -sprocket07
LOL!!! sooooo many lavender voters!!!!
OMG!! i wish it could be lavender... :( if it would win, i would be so happy, and it would be just in time for my birthday!! :)
I want aqua but if it looks the same as the other blue then I'll choose maroon
I cant wait to be able to reach the top of the dance club again!
Eann said...
don't we already have aqua?
No, but we have teal which looks alot like aqua.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Eann said...
don't we already have aqua?
dear Eann
good question, well we have light blue and dark blue but not aqua :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
hey Mimo, lets all vote for maroon! lavender lost in 2005, and we already have two shades of blue. vote maroon! maroon rocks! you're a goone if you dont vote for maroon!
I can't wait till music jam
I really like all the new penguin colors!!!
And I want to meet penguin band :)
Gooooo Mimoooo !!!!!
Lavender! Girls really need a new color!
i wish we could vote 4 white
that would be cool
Lavender or Aqua but I'm leaning towards lavender...
i am so happy i could scream! i already met the penguin band and candace and i am pretty much waiting for the backstage area so i can get new instruments because i am a member. sorry non members. if your not a member you should still enjoy the party and im voting for maroon bye!
Littlelainey said...
New colors, that's awesome! Girls really need more colors. Vote lavendar!
Lavender is not just a girl color im voting 4 it and im a boy.
pengi05721 (cpg mod)
horray there is new colors that is awesome I like the lavender and the aqua
p.s zebras smell funny
-kirby 246
hey mimo what color are you going to choose? i think im going to choose maroon.
i like lavender the best :)
Eann said...
don't we already have aqua?
We have Light Blue, which looks EXACTLY like aqua, but i still vote for it!
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Everyone vote for maroon!! Mimo you should put up a poll on your site to see which is the best! I havent met either the band or Candance but I hope I do!!
i want aqua!! plz vote aqua!!
i like them all but aqua looks like the light blue one we already hav. id be happy with any of them
eat ur wheaties!
Eann said...
don't we already have aqua?
we hav light blue which looks exactly like the aqua. it does looka little darker though. i like them all
eat ur wheaties!
I vote for lavnder
i like maroon. Lavender and Aqua look too much like light blue.
Ohhh,aqua looks very awesome.I like lavender too,but it would be cool if we had a unique and lighter color of blue in CP.Also since it's my fave color and my name! lol ~Aqua Angel47
I will vote for maroon and lavendar. I think one of those will win because more girls play clubpenguin than guys. Idk y.
anyway, i really want Lavender 2 win cuz it was in the last vote if u remember in 2006 and it is just fair. I dont mind if either Lavender or Maroon win....but i think aqua is a little bit similar 2 light blue....i also agree that they should put all 3 colors in the catalogs....also we can id vote 4 aqua again if there is another color thingy majiger in the future and it is one of the choices....btw, sorry i wrote so much i am so excited.!!!!!
Lavender seems like an awesome color! Aqua looks too much like the light blue.. Maroon seems like the likely winner, both boys and girls would like it!
Eann said...
don't we already have aqua?
No, but we do have a blue that looks a lot like aqua.
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
i gotta go with maroon.
im voting for lavender because its awesome also im a guy. i also want to meet candace ps go neon zebras!!
lavender or maroon cause the aqua looks like the light blue color but i personally like maroon cause i have a outfit that maroon..
YEAH!!! Music jam is back but im not a member :-(.But i think they must add a white color.
I want maroon and i am a girl. i only want maroon becuz im not a girly girl.
Hey Mimo,
I Vote For The Maroon Or The Aqua I So Cant Wait anyway.. waddle on
-Lil Maney
oh wow! new colors! yay! i didnt vote in the last color vote cuz i wasnt a penguin yet! yay! im excited!
sprocket07 cpg mod said...
yellow426 said...
OH WOW!I really can't wait for either!I met the penguin band last year but never got to meet candace so I'm gonna try to meet both and I am sooooooo excited about the new color!I will vote for's my favorite football teams color!!(yes I am a girl)But then since I am a girl I might vote for lavender because it's really sweet.......the aqua looks like the blue.I don't think lavender will win because boys probably won't vote for it....only girls...and boys will probably vote maroon.....idk about aqua....bye!! **yellow426
LOL!! phew that was long!!! i think im gona vote for lavender cause thats one of my fave colors... i guess maroon is kinda kewl too but i still think lavender is pretty kewl too. who thinks that the bright pink color is kinda getting old?! who thinks they should have hot pink instead for a change?! TTYL!!! -sprocket07
We should soooo have hot pink but that would suck for guys!!!
I am a girl though!
I will vote for maroon or lavender but i think maroon will win because i always see penguins in the town dancing saying vote maroon! So idk.
-cooly763(CPG MOD)
I want lavender it's soooo pretty bye mimo
Maroon rocks!
I agree with Cjcdogs because there is already a blue there so what's the point of voting for aqua?
Light blue is almost the same as aqua.
Lavender is like a girl's colour but not much of a boy's colour.
Aqua is WAY too much like light blue, and maroon is GROSS! Vote lavender!
Eann said...
don't we already have aqua
no you must be thinking about light blue thats why im choosing lavender because no other color looks like it
Eann said...
don't we already have aqua
no you must be thinking about light blue thats why im choosing lavender because no other color looks like it
~banna(MPG mod)
i think we should have all the colours because i like them all
i will vote for lavender.
O MY BE JEEBEYS, I LOVE ALL THE COLORS!! i like the lavender one, but aqua and maroon are nice. I think aqua looks a lot just like the plain blue, so i would not wear that one. Maroon is nice, but i dont think a lot of penguins will vote for maroon. I dont know why. But anywhoss, i like all zee colors but i like lavender zee best!!!! haha,
~Aquamrineeg rock on Mimo!
I say Maroon most definetely. The Aqua just looks like the light blue color we already have.
BTW; We need a Mimo Comment Tracker!
Lavender. cuz maroon and aqua look like colors we ALREADY have. maroon is like purple and aqua like blue. VOTE LAVENDER
i want lavender becuz it rox my soxx! lol
Ok I saw lavender. 1.) Maroon doesn't match many of the clothes. 2.) Light blue already looks sorta like Aqua 3.) The purple we have is really dark, so a lighter color would be nice. Now this is just my opinion, but I vote lavender. BTW Mimo... your awesome! Thanks for everything.
i wanted to vote for maroon,
but theres no voting booth. i was late to play club penguin or some thing. where can i vote?
i will vote lavender it looks really nice i like aqua to it's a pretty colour like ocean blue but i will vote lavender it is best one to me im not a fan of maroon i don't know why? but bye
idk about aqua... we already have 2 blues, and light blue looks just like it! i say lavender or maroon. Eh, probably Lavender.....;) It's so SUMMERish!! (Pardon my hidden language) Guys can wear it too, ya know!
idk about aqua... we already have 2 blues, and light blue looks just like it! i say lavender or maroon. Eh, probably Lavender.....;) It's so SUMMERish!! (Pardon my hidden language) Guys can wear it too, ya know!
Mr. Random said...
I say Maroon most definetely. The Aqua just looks like the light blue color we already have.
BTW; We need a Mimo Comment Tracker!
It's up and running. Check it out.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Hmm i like them all...... I would say Lavendar I know its not fair on the boys but last time we got to choose a colour it was lime green =(
And thats pretty much a boy colour so this time I would say it should be a girl colour :)
aqua is blue and we already have blue.
lavender is to girly for boys
maroon is gorgeous and what i will vote for
mafi94 said...
YEAH!!! Music jam is back but im not a member :-(.But i think they must add a white color
Xx kellie Xx says...
Music jam is back, I'm not a member either =[ and in agreement with you they should have a new penguin colour perhaps white or some pale colours
Xx kellie Xx(CPG Mod)
Hmm i like them all...... I would say Lavendar I know its not fair on the boys but last time we got to choose a colour it was lime green =(
And thats pretty much a boy colour so this time I would say it should be a girl colour :)
I agree with you! They all look great. I think I will vote for Maroon! Its a nice Sort of Warm color that EVERYONE would Enjoy. (Some Boys Too) Even if Maroon isn't picked, I'll still be happy! Everyone should too! -Vanessa95182
Well I've Already Met Candace And Penguin Band, But I Wouldn't Mind Meeting Them Again.I Will Vote For Maroon For The New Colour Because Aqua~ We Technically Have A Colour Like It.
Lavender~ I Think It's Too Girly,Too Light And I Dont Think That The Boys Will Like It.Thats My Honest Opinion.
i want aqua! its so awesome! fyi it is way lighter and light blue is more like well... water! and they should have turqouise as a choice cya
Thats Cool!
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