Pretty Cool new Music! And they even bolded the new songs! Here are the new Club Penguin Igloo songs:
1. Keytar Jam
2. Rocksteady
3. All-Acess Pass
4. Rocking Pizza
I'll give some cred to Mellyb10 even though I already new it, she sent them to me all typed and everything. Thanks dude. ;-]
I just dig Rocksteady, kinda. But since my membership expired I had to have Me Santa help me.

What's ur fav?
Also at least two MAJOR MIMO PARTIES this weekend! Click here and look at "Mimo's Partys!"
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Mimo Games Now!
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Hey thanks for the credit Mimo! I just like helping penguins out man! That's why I like being a CPG MOD!
By the way I'm a girl!
SWEET! im not member, but awesum!
waddle on,
Thanks for changing it dude! Lolz!
i like keytar jam ;^D - your fan jermy Gueva
i LOVE Keytar Jam and All-Access Pass? which should i pick?
Cool ill be sure to check out the new ones! You rock mimo!
Congrats Mellyb10!
Anonymous said...
SWEET! im not member, but awesum!
waddle on,
I wish clubpenguin gave everyone a 1 month membership for Christmas.
What do you guys think?
Racet2000 (CPG Mod)
Im going to try all of them!
Hey Mimo,
Thanks! My fav. music is keytar jam! my penguin name is orangeey.
my fave is rocksteady too
The new music's really cool! I love the All-Access Pass and the Rocking Pizza, not only they are cool, their names are also rocking kewl!
Rock On!
Penguin Rocker
My fave is All-Access Pass! You rock mimo777!
Waddle on,
is nice!
Anonymous said...
i LOVE Keytar Jam and All-Access Pass? which should i pick?
Oooooo those are my favorites too!
I picked All-access pass! see what im going to do is switch between both ever other week or so.
~Sissy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
i LOVE Keytar Jam and All-Access Pass? which should i pick?
Hey Anonymous,
Hmmmm maybe you can switch it back and forth! That would be pretty cool! I'm gonna switch the music in my 'loo from all of music!
With Lots AND Lots of Smiles :)
Miaponygirl9 (CPg MOD)
Congrats Mellyb10!!! Also the music is pretty cool! I wish it was like Planet Cazmo and you could listen to actual music with actual artists and stuff! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!
With Lots of Smiles :)
my favourite is no music.
Anonymous said...
i LOVE Keytar Jam and All-Access Pass? which should i pick?
I like those too! Maybe you could listen to a track for a while then switch to your next favorite!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Safa153 said...
Congrats Mellyb10!
Thank you Safa!
awesome even though im not a member
rock on mimo!
Mimo my favorite song is All Acsess-Pass
Cp name: Mimi101899
Whats your favorite song Mimo
Anonymous said...
i LOVE Keytar Jam and All-Access Pass? which should i pick?
Try Keytar Jam for one week and All-Access Pass for the next week! Then over and over until you find the one you like!
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
yum rockin' pizza!!
nemo307 said...
My fave is All-Access Pass! You rock mimo777!
Waddle on,
Mimo doesnt rock! He X-tremely rocks! Rocl on Mimo!
Racet2000 (CPG Mod)
Mellyb10 said...
Hey thanks for the credit Mimo! I just like helping penguins out man! That's why I like being a CPG MOD!
By the way I'm a girl!
You helped Mimo but now you should help me... HOST A PARTY! You come up with the date ,time ,room ,and server and ill see you there.
See you soon!
Racet2000 (CPG Mod)
racet2000 said...
Mellyb10 said...
Hey thanks for the credit Mimo! I just like helping penguins out man! That's why I like being a CPG MOD!
By the way I'm a girl!
You helped Mimo but now you should help me... HOST A PARTY! You come up with the date ,time ,room ,and server and ill see you there.
See you soon!
Racet2000 (CPG Mod)
yeah that would be totally cool!
~Sissyc97 (CPG Mod)
racet2000 said...
Mellyb10 said...
Hey thanks for the credit Mimo! I just like helping penguins out man! That's why I like being a CPG MOD!
By the way I'm a girl!
You helped Mimo but now you should help me... HOST A PARTY! You come up with the date ,time ,room ,and server and ill see you there.
See you soon!
Racet2000 (CPG Mod)
You know what Racet? Great idea!!! The next new post he makes I will post the time, date, room, and server! I'd be happy to host it!!!
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
Mellyb10 said...
Hey thanks for the credit Mimo! I just like helping penguins out man! That's why I like being a CPG MOD!
By the way I'm a girl!
You helped Mimo but now you should help me... HOST A PARTY! You come up with the date ,time ,room ,and server and ill see you there.
See you soon!
Racet2000 (CPG Mod)
Do you want it to be on cp?
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
Hi mimo again its me Agentpieface! you totally rock! I like the music! if u wanna come to my party its on the:
3rd August
Pacific Time: 10PM
I can't do anything else
Anonymous said...
my favourite is no music.
Haha. That is quite funny.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Agentpieface said...
Hi mimo again its me Agentpieface! you totally rock! I like the music! if u wanna come to my party its on the:
3rd August
Pacific Time: 10PM
I can't do anything else
Sorry I'm sure Mimo would love to go to your party, but he can't. If he went to everyones parties, he would have to attend everyones parties to be fair, and if he did that. Well he would have no time for food. drink. or Smelling Zebras.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD) said...
Mellyb10 said...
Hey thanks for the credit Mimo! I just like helping penguins out man! That's why I like being a CPG MOD!
By the way I'm a girl!
You helped Mimo but now you should help me... HOST A PARTY! You come up with the date ,time ,room ,and server and ill see you there.
See you soon!
Racet2000 (CPG Mod)
Do you want it to be on cp?
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
Yes. See you there. We will both host it. You come up with the invitation and ill see if I can make it.
~Racet2000~ Cpg Mod
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD) said...
racet2000 said...
Mellyb10 said...
Hey thanks for the credit Mimo! I just like helping penguins out man! That's why I like being a CPG MOD!
By the way I'm a girl!
You helped Mimo but now you should help me... HOST A PARTY! You come up with the date ,time ,room ,and server and ill see you there.
See you soon!
Racet2000 (CPG Mod)
You know what Racet? Great idea!!! The next new post he makes I will post the time, date, room, and server! I'd be happy to host it!!!
Ill host it with you so put my name in the comment. I have to agree with the time and date though.
See you later,
~Racet2000~ Cpg Mod
Sissyc97 said...
racet2000 said...
Mellyb10 said...
Hey thanks for the credit Mimo! I just like helping penguins out man! That's why I like being a CPG MOD!
By the way I'm a girl!
You helped Mimo but now you should help me... HOST A PARTY! You come up with the date ,time ,room ,and server and ill see you there.
See you soon!
Racet2000 (CPG Mod)
yeah that would be totally cool!
~Sissyc97 (CPG Mod)
I knew you were gonna say that! Melly and me are going to have a great party! Hope you can come.
See you soon, (at the party)
~Racet2000~ Cpg Mod
I wish clubpenguin gave everyone a 1 month membership for Christmas.
What do you guys think?
Racet2000 (CPG Mod)
That would rock.
Because I've been on CP for three years and have lots of free items, but I can`t pay to become a member :/
Other sites like Neopets give away free Premium services for a limited time. CP should do that too.
Mimo my favorite song is All Acsess-Pass
Cp name: Mimi101899
Whats your favorite song Mimo
Mimo said he likes Rocksteady the best.
Or, in his words, "I just dig Rocksteady kinda" ;)
~Dizzy97 (CPG mod)
I knew you were gonna say that! Melly and me are going to have a great party! Hope you can come.
See you soon, (at the party)
~Racet2000~ Cpg Mod
Ah! I said I would come to three parties and I forget when they were.
Ooppsssies. I missed a party today.
Oh well.
cool i whated to know what was happin this friday!
I like Epic Battle!! Soo cool! Thanks though Mimo777
keytar jam and backstage are da never chaning my music again.
I like the silly to funky song =D
OMG my favorite clubpenguin igloo music is All-Access Pass! I always feel like I could get up and dance when I listen to it! Peace out
-Strawbary564 (if you couldn't tell by my penguin name, im a girl btw...=D)
i like the old music better
The new glue moosic is cool!:-)
there's a famous band in philippines called Rocksteddy!
their music is good.
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