Hey! Check it out! I started a sweet online gaming site where you can play all the cool games Mimo plays! It's called Mimo Games!
I will be having Mimo Twitter Parties and Mimo Quickee Parties there! It's awesome!
Click here and go try it now! Tell me how you like it!
I'll be adding new games all the time! Let me know what games you like to play and I'll try to add it cool?
Hey, won't it be funny to watch all the others that try to copy my idea for an online gaming site? LOL!
Don't forget the Mimo Webosaurs Party tomorrow! Click here for more!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
*cough cough* chrisdog
You could maybe add Penguin Diner, it's really fun!!
puzzle pirates and spineworld
cool u r always coming out with new ideas! u have a very vivid,wild,crazy,wacky,weird,and insanest imagination ever mimo!
you should go down in the book of world records for having the coolest sites ever!
People copied already mimo!
Hehe did u know ur logo looked like blooms? but i know it isnt but it sure looks like it though!
Sent You something mimo! :P I hope you enjoy it :D
Cool mimo
Don't get mad if other people copy bc
That just mean u have great ideas.
I dont know how you do it mimo!
i agree with Mariah_M.I.A. dont worry about them mimo yours will always be the best! Love all your webs!
-Lollieboy-(CPG MOD)
Cool! I knew about Mimo Games before that too. Sorry I missed you quickee party. I was late! Yeah, and often I do see blogs copying your ideas. Like they copy the Caption Contests you started. Your ideas will always be the best though!
~Dex Dude~
Thanks Mimo for putting Penguin Diner on it!! That's a really fun game!!
thats awesome thanks mimo!
Sounds pretty rad. I'll check it out as soon as i can!
Meanwhile, it's 20 minutes till the Music Jam party starts! :D Can't wait! I'm always there when the party starts it's awesome!
I've already seen this site before; it's good.
Chinsetakout said...
*cough cough* chrisdog
CD is making one with Jam but mimo games has been up for awhile like ur secret site anyhow
sweet mimo, im here to say sorry f fi dont mod on saturday and sunday because im sleeping round my cousins house n there pc dont work, but ill try and mod if i can, sorry again mimo.
mimo has not copied this because he already had it for ages now but did not reveal it yet.
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
mimo has not copied this because he already had it for ages now but did not reveal it yet.
I found it on his Facebook. Yea, it's been there for quite a while. It's a pretty sick site. It seems like somone (cd) keeps taking Mimo's Ideas.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Hey Mimo!
You have the greatest ideas ever! Also, how on earth do you make websites? I have a blogger but I cant seem to do anything else, 'cos I am not really allowed on the PC. My whole family shares a PC.
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