Are you new to Club penguin? Do you know about senei?Do you know who he is? And no, sensei is not a flavor of tea. ;-)
Click here for a little background on Sensei and the whole Dojo thang.
Remember our discussion a few days back about if Club Penguin is better or worse now that Disney bought them? And I wrote that Disney was going to help Club Penguin make things better?
Well, click here for an old blog post from Club Penguin about Disney.
It's from August of 2007.
Also here is our post from back then too.
I think Disney is HELPING and Club Penguin is getting better all the time! YOU!?
Freaky post coming tomorrow...
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
umm i dont really think so!
dude its augest 2007 um ur very wierd p.s. disney will not make cp better
Awesomeness! I can't wait until Sensei comes! Awesome new backgrounds and new move.
yeaa i think ur rite disney is sorta making it more better by adding more rooms n the ninja stuff :)
just saying congrats to jel and snowflake for becoming CPG's newest mods! well done :)
coolness! but i dont think disney is making cp better much... they sometimes think of money more....ehhhh no ofense. but speaking of sensei.... i cant wait!!!!!
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
Eeva said...
coolness! but i dont think disney is making cp better much... they sometimes think of money more....ehhhh no ofense. but speaking of sensei.... i cant wait!!!!!
Dear Eeva
hmmm it think ur alil right but i think their doing it all for the best of cp because if they would not really think of the money then they would be no cp anymore.
Great job for becoming the newest mod! I'm not one, but I'm sure it's a great feeling to be one! Congratz! :)
I'm going out of town when the sensei comes. :( But good luck finding him fellow ninjas!
sensei means teacher.
( big naruto fan!)
I hope sensei will have some fun with us!
I can't wait until I become a CPG Mod! My Mod status from last time would be combined with my status right now! I'm almost there! :) :)
Woot! Woot!
Happywagon said...
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
Hopefully even more Freaky than the chocolate covered bacon Mimo ate. haha!
Happywagon said...
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
dear happywagon
i think its gonna be something very unusual from what mimo normally posts and i think very freeeakkkyyyy ;)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Uh-oh. Wenever u say "freak post" it must mean weird and crazy and wayyy unexpected! Wander wat it is! ;-)
Happywagon said...
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
I think it will freak you out!So remember to read it tommorow!!
Hazooma2 (cpg mod)
Awesome I cant wait to meet the sensai! then i can thank him for teaching me in the art of card jutsu.
Happywagon said...
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
We'll see tomorrow about the freaky post to see how freaky it is. I might be...scary freaky.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
ooooooooooo freaky post tomorrow
ps theres something wrong with the t oin my keyborad
hey happy me and u are middle men lol i remember the day before the mod changes mimo said on his twitter gamer and happwagon are doing great to become cpg mods then i got really annoyed then i was on mimo chat and ppl were saying congrats wii im like what for i couldnt be botherd looking if i became then theyre like on a mod im like what mod a cpg mod?the theyre like yes then it was all to weird cuz mimo why didnt u mention my name?
cp should definatly make more rooms and games
Happywagon said...
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
Well whenever mimo says "Freaky" you know its going to be tottally unexpexted or weird...
Hope this helped!!!
~~~Sk8tergrl483(CPG MOD)~~~
Happywagon said...
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
Well whenever mimo says "Freaky" you know its going to be tottally unexpexted or weird...
Hope this helped!!!
~~~Sk8tergrl483(CPG MOD)~~~
Happywagon said...
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
mimo probably made this world of chocolate like 3 metres long and pushed u fride in it
wii wii wii1(cpg super mod)
Not to offend everyone,but Disney made things better for members.So yea,they did for membners!
Marquizi98 said...
I can't wait until I become a CPG Mod! My Mod status from last time would be combined with my status right now! I'm almost there! :) :)
Woot! Woot!
Heres my opinion of ur work:Your doing GREAT!Just dont give up!;D
-Snowflakeooo(CpG MOD)
all the time non members are complaining about being stuff for members cuz if nobody was a member bye bye cp there was a huge fight in the town about in jan where the member party and all these nonies kept saying why give suff to members give us nonies something honestly if u dont wanna play cp dont membership for one month is 5-7 dollars i have a one month membership that keeps going charging me 7 bucks a month i get 50 a month lol
i feel like talking today its the last whole day of my holiday
all the time non members are complaining about being stuff for members cuz if nobody was a member bye bye cp there was a huge fight in the town about in jan where the member party and all these nonies kept saying why give suff to members give us nonies something honestly if u dont wanna play cp dont membership for one month is 5-7 dollars i have a one month membership that keeps going charging me 7 bucks a month i get 50 a month lol
i feel like talking today its the last whole day of my holiday
Coolblue132 said...
Great job for becoming the newest mod! I'm not one, but I'm sure it's a great feeling to be one! Congratz! :)
I'm going out of town when the sensei comes. :( But good luck finding him fellow ninjas!
THx dude!This is for anyone who doesnt really know me clearly:Im a girl,but not a girlygirl and my CP name is Snowflakeooo too!Back to subject:I hope Cp extends Senseis visit!I sure hope you become a MOD!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)
Happywagon said...
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
Zxz192 said...
Knowing mimo, it will be WAYY freaky...
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
dude its augest 2007 um ur very wierd p.s. disney will not make cp better
Hiya!Actually,Disney is kinda helping CP!Disney brought in a whole ton of new players including me.And Disney is also helping Cp make more money.And mimo knows its old.
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)
Marquizi98 said...
I can't wait until I become a CPG Mod! My Mod status from last time would be combined with my status right now! I'm almost there! :) :)
Woot! Woot!
good luck u might be 1 pretty soon.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
Snowflakeooo said...
Not to offend everyone,but Disney made things better for members.So yea,they did for membners!
Oops!I didnt even finish typing yet!Ok heres the rest:But Disney ruined things for non members!:(
So Disney should at least let Cp give atleast 3 new items at a party!
Anonymous said...
dude its augest 2007 um ur very wierd p.s. disney will not make cp better
well i used to think it was bad like 2 days ago but now im thinking 50% 50%
3jel97(CPG MOD)
Coolblue132 said...
Great job for becoming the newest mod! I'm not one, but I'm sure it's a great feeling to be one! Congratz! :)
I'm going out of town when the sensei comes. :( But good luck finding him fellow ninjas!
what bout me me and snowflake are the newest mods.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
mimo have a twitter party! woot
Mimo, I feel the EXACT OPPISITE way you feel. I'm sorry, but Disney has made me feel like I am not right at home on Club Penguin. They think of getting more and more money, more then they to keep Club Penguin. But about Sensei, I'm excited.
Being a MOD feels weird!I feel like im the youngest child in the family lol!Can i get some opinions about how other MODS felt when they became one?
What is a freek post?Plzz answer!
I Like Eggs9 (CPG MOD) said...
sensei means teacher.
( big naruto fan!)
I hope sensei will have some fun with us!
Hello I like Eggs!You dont put CPG MOD unless ur answering a Q.And you can be a mod by answring ppl's Q's kindly!Thats all it takes!And dont forget to leave ur name too!
-Snowflakeoo(CPG MOD)hoped this helped!
Anonymous said...
dude its augest 2007 um ur very wierd p.s. disney will not make cp better
Hiya!Actually,Disney is kinda helping CP!Disney brought in a whole ton of new players including me.And Disney is also helping Cp make more money.And mimo knows its old.
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)
same with me i was looking at the disney games.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
I kinda wish that they didn't make the ninjas, because it was a myth for so long in Clubpenguin, it ruins some of the fun of the "random ninja sightings"
Icecube3343 on CP
I hate that Disney bought it! Disney is really annoying. They have so many lame shows. Hey, this is my opinion. If you like em, then fine. But I hate them!
i think it is more fun because they have more new features more often
You put senei Mimo777 lol did u mean to do that
I agree with you they are giving more stuff for the members to do but they have never taken anything away from no-members
Disney made this game a thousand times worse. At least when it was independently owned and operated, the company wasn't constantly pressuring us into membership. Nowadays it seems we don't get anything. And come on, if they were going to give member exclusive free items, they should have just put it in the catalog.
I dont know.I wasnt on club penguin in August 2007.I got on in december 2007
I'm not a ninja so the whole sensei thing is not cool for me. But my brother is so I can see it. I think it will be very great. Because of the great move that he will be teaching!
I think Disney made it a little too safe. Because you can't even say "love" so now people are saying "ove" just to say it! But they also changed a lot of things. Which is awesome!
Hey I need some tips on making a blog, does anyone have any tips? Anyone?
OK mimo!Im going to help you get to 9,999 comments!:
Tater Boy111 said...
I dont know.I wasnt on club penguin in August 2007.I got on in december 2007
Hey,thats cool!I joined Cp about the same time you did!Waddle on!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)
sorry mimo wasnt here for a while so i didnt mod much but uhhh congrats to those new mods! especially 3jel97! hes my pal! :-) OW OW! CRAMP! CRAMP IN MY RIGHT FOOT! OW! ahhh ok its gone now lol
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Uh, I wish Club Penguin had more free items for members and parties. I also wish sensei was here longer.
Coolblue132 said...
Great job for becoming the newest mod! I'm not one, but I'm sure it's a great feeling to be one! Congratz! :)
I'm going out of town when the sensei comes. :( But good luck finding him fellow ninjas
aww its ok if u have a brother or a sista tht is not going wit you maybe she can help you. I fell bad for you. :(
Happywagon said...
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
LOL! probably extremely Freaky. It will probably be cool though, so be sure to check it out!
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
and yes i did just mod my own comment lol.
I can't wait until I become a CPG Mod! My Mod status from last time would be combined with my status right now! I'm almost there! :) :)
Woot! Woot!
Im right there with u bro i cant wait until i become one too. Good Luck Too You!
Random Matthew722 said...
Uh-oh. Wenever u say "freak post" it must mean weird and crazy and wayyy unexpected! Wander wat it is! ;-)
Hey Matther722
Usally when mimo says freak it gonna be wierd and unusally in every way.
ace234444(cpg mod)
Hey people im gonna try and have a party on North pole dock it would mean alot if u come. Oh also im now gonna be trying even harded to become a mod.
i liked old cp not new disney cp! boo disney! ps i love the parks just not them owning cp pss me and my friends started a "we want old cp back" party today it was so fun ova fifty ppl were there
Mimo you should do a sensei comment tracker on july 3-5 so that we can find him!
Hey, I have a question for all CPG MODS, "Is being a MOD fun or boring?"
I'm interested in trying to become one. I don't know if I will, but I just want to hear what you MODS have to say! ;)
well people are saying it is not fair for members to be getting all these secert rooms and stuff. But please dont forget us members have to pay to do this and some of this membership money goes to coin for change in december. so without penguins buying membership we would have most of this now and so us members desever some secert stuff. Do not get me wrong or get mad at meh plz i have been a nonmember too and it stinks not haveing clothes to wear but i kept going and now if my membership runs out i still have pretty cool outfit.
my name is susannah!!!
Anonymous said...
I'm not a ninja so the whole sensei thing is not cool for me. But my brother is so I can see it. I think it will be very great. Because of the great move that he will be teaching!
I think Disney made it a little too safe. Because you can't even say "love" so now people are saying "ove" just to say it! But they also changed a lot of things. Which is awesome!
Hey I need some tips on making a blog, does anyone have any tips? Anyone
Your tring to make a blog i hear.
Maybe some of these tips might help u make a clubpenguin blog if tht is what kind u are makeing.
1. Be Yourself
2. Maybe throw a contest and party so the dont get bored
3. Make sure u do get daily updates with catalogs and other cheats.
4. Last but not least *VERY IMPORTANT* DO NOT UPSTAGE MIMO lol
hope it helps
Coolblue132 said...
Hey, I have a question for all CPG MODS, "Is being a MOD fun or boring?"
I'm interested in trying to become one. I don't know if I will, but I just want to hear what you MODS have to say! ;)
Yea same here i ahve been trying for while now havent got anywhere
anytips so maybe i get somewhere/
Coolblue132 said...
Hey, I have a question for all CPG MODS, "Is being a MOD fun or boring?"
I'm interested in trying to become one. I don't know if I will, but I just want to hear what you MODS have to say! ;)
Hiya Coolblue132!Since i just became a mod,I will tell you how it feels like!Once you find out u became a MOD,you burst with energy!And it is not boring!Its fun to answer ppl's Qs and you might rise to stardom in CP!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)
hiya happywagon! you said
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
you betcha imagin a if its freakyer then choccolate cabbage! AHHHH hehe
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
hiya coolblue! you said
Hey, I have a question for all CPG MODS, "Is being a MOD fun or boring?"
I'm interested in trying to become one. I don't know if I will, but I just want to hear what you MODS have to say! ;)
its great! just it stinks if you wait a long time for the mod changes and you dont get picked
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
no way! disney made club penguin not fun... thats why i barley play it anymore. I remember when disney didnt own it... those were the days...
hiya anonymous! you said
dude its augest 2007 um ur very wierd p.s. disney will not make cp better
actually disney is helping with all the money payments and great stuff clubpenguin is coming out with toys, games, puzzle, etc..
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
OH man i cant wait till i become a CPG mod I started when the first come out and im not one to this day, it stinks witing for so long, and how people who do it for like 3weeks get in before you when you almost did it for 1 and a 1/2 years!
you're friend goofy73(WANTS TO BE A CPG moderator)
hiya fluffy and happywagon! you said
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
Hopefully even more Freaky than the chocolate covered bacon Mimo ate. haha!
WHOA Fluffy thats so wierd we both though chocolat covered, for some reason i always think chocolate covered
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
yea, i agree with you Mimo.
I always thought that Disney was like taking over and stuff, but now I get that they just own it and get money for it. xD
It's just the club penguin team is getting greedier (all these things for members + all of the signs and ads)- But after all, they pay.
hiya hazooma! you said
umm i dont really think so!
Come on all! everybody thinks clubpenguin is doing horrible, you know how hard it is to make a great video game like this its take much of there time and everyone is expecting SOOOOOO MUCH i think we should give them a break and enjoy what we have of the game!
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
mimo i think juh and i should of been mods my opinion
Eeva said...
coolness! but i dont think disney is making cp better much... they sometimes think of money more....ehhhh no ofense. but speaking of sensei.... i cant wait!!!!!
Yea.... But, if they don't get money then CP is just going to get WORSE and everyone is gonna hate it even MORE and then not buy membership and then it's gonna get even WORSE and then might get so bad, they have to close down and then this site won't have a point except for chobots and planet cazmo, except Mimo doesn't post a lot about them.
Sophi jr
I can't wait until I become a CPG Mod! My Mod status from last time would be combined with my status right now! I'm almost there! :) :)
Woot! Woot!
Wow! Keep on trying and who knows maybe someday you'll even become a Mimo Mod! I am still working on becoming a CPG MOD myself. Good luck, Marquizi98!
-Tonks12345 (CPG MOD) <---almost!!!
You guys, I have a theory.
The more membership means more fun stuff. So some people are complaining about all these things for members, and not having enough cool, new stuff.
But! They're making these things for members for your own good.... The more money (from people buying membership), the more they can do with cp! Which means- More activities, rooms, parties, items, etc.
and they make all of this stuff for members so more people think it's worth it and buy it xD
Now, espicially, they have lots of people joining club penguin- LOTS.
Have you seen one of those penguins that have a name glitch and say like penguin_______________?
LONG NUMBERS. Anyways, my point is, CP needs MONEY to support all these penguins (The more penguins made, the bigger the 'server' has to be.... It's very technical... LOL)
So next time, think about what CP is trying to do- Getting stuff for you! :D
Umm...K!Im gonna ask a Q!What happened to Mycatcartmen?
I'm not a ninja so the whole sensei thing is not cool for me. But my brother is so I can see it. I think it will be very great. Because of the great move that he will be teaching!
I think Disney made it a little too safe. Because you can't even say "love" so now people are saying "ove" just to say it! But they also changed a lot of things. Which is awesome!
Hey I need some tips on making a blog, does anyone have any tips? Anyone?
Wow, awesome. That is so cool that you want to make your own blog! Tips on making a blog: all depends on what kind of blog. You should have things ppl like: music, and don't forget megan fox. Everybody loves her! :D
-Tonks12345 (CPG MOD) <--- Almost!
Coolblue132 said...
Hey, I have a question for all CPG MODS, "Is being a MOD fun or boring?"
I'm interested in trying to become one. I don't know if I will, but I just want to hear what you MODS have to say! ;)
I think its fun xD. Sometimes, I HATE answering questions, but sometimes not.
I like to be at parties because people are like "Hey can you add me" (espicially with stickers)
and then mods add you more likely then non-mod people.
So it's pretyy fun.
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Fluffy22196(CPG MOD) said...
Happywagon said...
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
With Mimo you can never be to sure :D lol
Hey, I have a question for all CPG MODS, "Is being a MOD fun or boring?"
I'm interested in trying to become one. I don't know if I will, but I just want to hear what you MODS have to say! ;)
Well, hey I think its fun. Though I am not yet a MOD, I am working hard to be one soon. You should try to become one. As the old saying goes: 'Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you will land among the stars!'
-Tonks12345 (CPG MOD) <---Almost!
OMG! i saw this penguin wearing a rainbow tie-die shirt! where do i get one/ where can i find one?
Coolblue132 said...
Hey, I have a question for all CPG MODS, "Is being a MOD fun or boring?"
I'm interested in trying to become one. I don't know if I will, but I just want to hear what you MODS have to say! ;)
Well, I know you where looking for mods, but since im in the process of becoming a mod, i think i know the general idea. I think it is fun because it is kinda like being in a family, and you are on the in with Mimo once you become a high level mod, and we all love Mimo :D And every penguin has the dream of being famous, so on top of all of the new friends, you are insti-famous! Hooray! looool
Coolblue132 said...
Hey, I have a question for all CPG MODS, "Is being a MOD fun or boring?"
I'm interested in trying to become one. I don't know if I will, but I just want to hear what you MODS have to say! ;)
Its fun.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
Hey I need some tips on making a blog, does anyone have any tips? Anyone?
WEll I have a blog, but I stopped working on it seeing as it got very little attention, but I have some tips. I would use wordpress to make the blog, it is easy to use. And also, it is cool to have pages about other things besides the happenings of Club Penguin,like on my site I had pages about the rumors of Club Penguin, and game tips, and a page on puffles and stuff like that. Heres my site if you want to use it as a reference:
Here to Help!
I cant wait for the post tomorrow! Mimo is the freakiest cool person ever! AND i cant wait to meet Sensei
Mimo post about Screenhog talks Sensei!
i think disney is making cp both better in some ways, and kind of strange in others lol.
yeah, disney is helping! ok, yeah there's less non-member stuff, but c'mon! new languages! better games, new rooms, and other stuff! and don't you dare say there's NOTHING for non-members! lessee... pins, backrounds, flags, blue and red puffles, free items at parties, anything you unlock with toys... that's a lot! again, disney's doing a great job!
Anonymous Freddamonkey said...
Disney made this game a thousand times worse. At least when it was independently owned and operated, the company wasn't constantly pressuring us into membership. Nowadays it seems we don't get anything. And come on, if they were going to give member exclusive free items, they should have just put it in the catalog.
well I can agree that club penguin might have changed Cp, but it hasn't RUINED it.
but, i keep noticing that when a party rolls around the free item is mostly a item from the same party a year ago but in a different color.
i mean, COME ON! show some creativity here and there!
but, I don't work for Disney so I can't change it at all.
Why did they have to come out with club penguin toys??!??!
now they spend ALL there money on the toys instead of the website!
kokorules (CPG Mod)
OoOoOoO is the freaky post the one with all da ideas??
no way! disney made club penguin not fun... thats why i barley play it anymore. I remember when disney didnt own it... those were the days...
Yea disney hasn't done any thing!
-Penguin 683- (CGP MOD)
i think cp for members is getting better but cp for nonmembers is getting worse! i think that Disney needs to keep nonmember cp fun! if cp isn't fun for nonmembers, less people will be interested and then not as many people will become members. They need to give members certain extra stuff, but still need to keep nonmembers interested!
CP was sooooo much fun b4 Disney came, but now its just...blah! It is like no fun for nonmembers now! i practically only go on during parties!
I think Disney did not make Club Penguin any different...I can't wait until Sensei comes!
And did you notice the new "Play Now" button? It is sweet.
I think disney made club penguin worse
To: hazooma2 and Anonymous, Disney has helped quite a bit. I mean, lots. Making stuff for us on CP may seem easy, but its not. It costs lots of money, and, you got to be a tech wiz. I mean a person who knows everything about computers and editing. So Disney shares the money they make, and does not do anything to interfere with CP or the Team. The Team uses their own ideas, and uses their money and Disney's shared money to make stuff happen. Disney might share their ideas too. But i don't know what they do.. I'm not Billybob, Rsnail, or Screenhog! ;P So you see, Disney has helped make stuff happen, and share their money so we can have fun. I mean, this is what Disney does, and it doesn't really involve opinions, but its sort of ur guys opinions and mine. Just saying what Disney has done! By the Way, Anonymous, Disney will make CP better in the future.
Anyway, I am a ninja but... here's the story. I was playing CP and my dad needed to turn off the internet. I had just gotten my ninja mask, He turned off the internet and I lost it. I had to log off. So, I went back on saw I lost my ninja mask and... almost cried. Now, when I remember now that it shows your cards and stuff... It says I'm a ninja but then it has the message on the door. So I can't get into the Hideout and my non-member is only at a blue belt. Not very close to red a red belt. So, yeah. I'm sad.
So I hope to be a CPG mod soon.
Coolblue132 said...
Hey, I have a question for all CPG MODS, "Is being a MOD fun or boring?"
I'm interested in trying to become one. I don't know if I will, but I just want to hear what you MODS have to say! ;)
its really awesome! one of the best things, lol. but its only boring when u have to search and search for questions. answering them is phun, and it all pays of in the end man!
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Coolblue132 said...
Hey, I have a question for all CPG MODS, "Is being a MOD fun or boring?"
I'm interested in trying to become one. I don't know if I will, but I just want to hear what you MODS have to say! ;)
well the fun part of being a mod is the being famosu part and people visiting ur blog and all but modding fun 2
wally3046 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
I'm not a ninja so the whole sensei thing is not cool for me. But my brother is so I can see it. I think it will be very great. Because of the great move that he will be teaching!
I think Disney made it a little too safe. Because you can't even say "love" so now people are saying "ove" just to say it! But they also changed a lot of things. Which is awesome!
Hey I need some tips on making a blog, does anyone have any tips? Anyone?
well i cant really say much, but u can post pictures, put polls, add some music if u want! a blog is to be loved and creative! so just work on a blog and dont give up!
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
wii wii wii1 said...
hey happy me and u are middle men lol i remember the day before the mod changes mimo said on his twitter gamer and happwagon are doing great to become cpg mods then i got really annoyed then i was on mimo chat and ppl were saying congrats wii im like what for i couldnt be botherd looking if i became then theyre like on a mod im like what mod a cpg mod?the theyre like yes then it was all to weird cuz mimo why didnt u mention my name?
oh yeah! *sigh* good times...good times... lol must feel great to be a super mod, being a little mod kind of tires me, lol. people are just passing me, but hey that means less compitition for BEST NORMAL RANKED CPG MOD AWARD! wait... there isnt an award? aww man! i organized a little spot near my computer to put the prize on! that not smart :-( lolz
Later CPG!
Look disney ruined CP ok?
hiya marquizi! you said
I can't wait until I become a CPG Mod! My Mod status from last time would be combined with my status right now! I'm almost there! :) :)
Woot! Woot!
i love your attitude! and i hope you the best at becoming a mod!
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
hiya looc! you said
Look disney ruined CP ok?
disney didnt ruin cp i mean cp was amazing at first and its good now too! everyone is just too busy complaining and not looking at the great thing clubpenguin is bringing us!
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
Stephanie said...
OMG! i saw this penguin wearing a rainbow tie-die shirt! where do i get one/ where can i find one?
You can get a Club Penguin toy series 3 at Toys R Us or the Disney Store. But I'd rather buy them cheaper at Toys R Us. Then the toy will come with a code. Enter the code in your computer and you'll access the Treasure Book #3. Go to the Exclusives page which is nearly at the end, Then POOF! You'll see a Tie-Die T-shirt.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Coolblue132 said...
Hey, I have a question for all CPG MODS, "Is being a MOD fun or boring?"
I'm interested in trying to become one. I don't know if I will, but I just want to hear what you MODS have to say! ;)
Hiya Coolblue132!Its actually really funto me cuz i feels good helping ppl.Hope you become one sometime soon!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)
Stitches5 said...
Umm...K!I'm gonna ask a Q!What happened to Mycatcartman?
He might be to busy in the moment. But I'm sure he will comment again!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Looc9 said...
Look disney ruined CP ok?
Club Penguin isn't ruined. In the old days it was great. They might've ran out of ides but they are doing the best they can to make Club Penguin better.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
ace234444 said...
well people are saying it is not fair for members to be getting all these secert rooms and stuff. But please dont forget us members have to pay to do this and some of this membership money goes to coin for change in december. so without penguins buying membership we would have most of this now and so us members desever some secert stuff. Do not get me wrong or get mad at meh plz i have been a nonmember too and it stinks not haveing clothes to wear but i kept going and now if my membership runs out i still have pretty cool outfit.
Yes,I agree!Non members just dont notice they get a lot:puffles,pins,backgrounds,free clothes,and many more!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)
Marquizi98 said...
Stitches5 said...
Umm...K!I'm gonna ask a Q!What happened to Mycatcartman?
He might be to busy in the moment. But I'm sure he will comment again!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Actually,Mycatcartmen is a girl and she has leukmia or however you spell it.I think she still goes on i guess...
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)
Hedgehog14 said...
OoOoOoO is the freaky post the one with all da ides??
Maybe...We'll resolve the freaky mystery tomorrow. :)
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
hazooma2 said...
umm i dont really think so!
Dear hazooma2,
Actually,Disney is HELPING cp by advertising,Disney brought in a whole lot of penguins for an example me!and disney helps Cp make money by producing toys,and memberships.Without Disney we wont have Cp toys!Hope this helped!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
just saying congrats to jel and snowflake for becoming CPG's newest mods! well done :)
Thx!You better start modding more so you might become a Mimo Mod!And i hope you get promoted next time!;)
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)
I bet the freak post is about Carl!!
Anonymous said...
Hey I need tips on making a blog, does anyone have any tips? Anyone?
Make Mods, Make Awesomeness posts, Discover rare cheats, Take pictures, and make great polls!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD) getting closer :)
Doopliss 677 said...
Mimo, I feel the EXACT OPPISITE way you feel. I'm sorry, but Disney has made me feel like I am not right at home on Club Penguin. They think of getting more and more money, more then they to keep Club Penguin. But about Sensei, I'm excited.
Actually,if Disney didnt think about money they wouldnt have CP!And some non members just dont no how many privileges they have!BTW,I wish you the best in finding Sensei!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)
Stephanie said...
OMG! i saw this penguin wearing a rainbow tie-die shirt! where do i get one/ where can i find one?
Dear Stephanie,
You can get it from the series three toys from toysrus.Go to the xclusive stuff page and you will see the tye dye shirt...and the really cute pink bunny!;)
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)
Hey everyone!What happened to Matthew722!I dont see him posting today!
-Fire F0ox
Anonymous said...
What is a freek post?Plzz answer!
We'll see the truth is revealed tomorrow. :)
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD) Almost
Awesome new rules mimo and post about screenhog talks to sensei.
- Hazooma2
Coolblue132 said...
Hey, I have a question for all CPG MODS, "Is being a MOD fun or boring?"
I'm interested in trying to become one. I don't know if I will, but I just want to hear what you MODS have to say! ;)
I like being a MOD but its taking forever for me to be promoted. Waddle on! :)
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
Happywagon said...
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
It is going to be outrageous probably. Waddle on! :)
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
Marquizi98 said...
I can't wait until I become a CPG Mod! My Mod status from last time would be combined with my status right now! I'm almost there! :) :)
Woot! Woot!
Me too. Ive been traing to become a mod for a long time, Waddle on! :)
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
You put senei Mimo777 lol did u mean to do that
It was just a typo. Waddle on! :)
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
Looc9 said...
Look disney ruined CP ok?
Im sure Disney is doing theyre best trying to come up with new awesome ideas for Culub Penguin. Just be patient. =)
Happywagon said...
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
when mimo says freaky it usualy means somthing unexpected or odd but it is mimo...
caromissouri (CPG MOD)
Stitches5 said...
Umm...K!Im gonna ask a Q!What happened to Mycatcartmen?
He may be busy and unfortunately can't comment lately. Hope that helps =)!
Hedgehog 14 said...
OoOoOoO is the freaky post the one with all da ideas??
No it will come sometime tomorrow. I cant wait!
Hedgehog 14 said...
OoOoOoO is the freaky post the one with all da ideas??
No it will come sometime tomorrow. I cant wait!
did anyone get their money ofr being a secret agent and a tour guide?....i didn't
if you get your box dimension in your igloo walk up to it and just bethore you go in press edit igloo then all around club penguin every ones names underneath them are gone
Music jam starts the 17th and clubpenguin has a new connect the dots thing
you're friend goofy73
Happywagon said...
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
i think its freaky and make you scream ! okay, lol :)
Lensca 23057
ace234444 said...
well people are saying it is not fair for members to be getting all these secert rooms and stuff. But please dont forget us members have to pay to do this and some of this membership money goes to coin for change in december. so without penguins buying membership we would have most of this now and so us members desever some secert stuff. Do not get me wrong or get mad at meh plz i have been a nonmember too and it stinks not haveing clothes to wear but i kept going and now if my membership runs out i still have pretty cool outfit.
im agree with that ! members are pay. but i think CP should give non-mems more stuff. bcus non-mems is more than members. and non-mems are making CP famous! if there are no non-members on clubpenguin .. WHAT IS CLUBPENGUIN RIGHT NOW ? they are nothing ! if we must PAY to enter club penguin.. im sure, clubpenguin is not famous more than today :)
Lensca 23057
Stitches5 said...
Umm...K!I'm gonna ask a Q!What happened to Mycatcartman?
who ?
ok i dont know this guy :)
oh well ! i think he/she is a mod ;)
maybe he/she is too busy for comment or mod-ing this time ! maybe he/she will back soon
Hey everyone i just wanted to say for people in other countries never had a chance to play cp and disney came and made it so they could I don't think cp would be were it is today if it wasn't for disney thats my opioin.
mimo ur spelling is wrong its sensei not senei
Cp keeps getting better and better, I notice that... but I also think that non-members should have some more items too even though I myself am a member.
Akbar2319 =)
PS: Mimo you sooo tottally rock!
Hey mimo!
Just to let u no. Australia can now get club penguin card jitsu traiding cards.
From waddle77886
Happywagon said...
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
very freaky i hope lol
Flab147(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
What is a freek post?Plzz answer!
its a post thats freaky and strange :)
Flab147(CPG Mod)
Random Matthew722 said...
Uh-oh. Wenever u say "freak post" it must mean weird and crazy and wayyy unexpected! Wander wat it is! ;-)
yeah thats exactly what mimo means
Flab147(CPG Mod)
Stephanie said...
OMG! i saw this penguin wearing a rainbow tie-die shirt! where do i get one/ where can i find one?
emm u get a series 3 coin code and then you click the coin code in corner type peng name and pass and then u type in coin code and then on the page with exlusives one of the pengs is wearing it :)
Flab147(CPG Mod)
Hedgehog 14 said...
OoOoOoO is the freaky post the one with all da ideas??
i think it is but im not 2 sure
Flab147(CPG Mod)
Looc9 said...
Look disney ruined CP ok?
no they didnt cp is better with disney(but not for non mem)but anywayz its fair with mems and non mems becuz us mems pay
Flab147(CPG Mod)
Stitches5 said...
Umm...K!I'm gonna ask a Q!What happened to Mycatcartman?
Something probably came up and now he quit or smt. Hopefully he'll come back! :-)
Have sum summer fun! ;-)
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)
coolblue said...
Hey, I have a question for all CPG MODS, "Is being a MOD fun or boring?"
I'm interested in trying to become one. I don't know if I will, but I just want to hear what you MODS have to say! ;)
It's pretty awesome because you feel... worthy. ;-)
Don't become a MOD for the fame tho, that's no fun! The fun is that ur helping others and Mimo!
And that's pretty fun! ;-)
Have sum summer fun! ;-)
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)
Hi all this Daddey And i am Quitting Cp .
Ill hAve A Par-tay l8r but bye forever! clubpenguin is just getting so boring
No!ever since Disney teamed up with club penguin,everything good has only been for members! and anything for non-members has been items already at older parties...
Mimo! The Clubpenguin Times say that the Music Jam is going to be here from July 17 - July 26!
Also, Sensei is coming tomorrow and so is a new catalog. Hope i get credit! :-D
mimo you never post my comments and mimo i got a new cheat on how to make ur puffles walk on walls you buy a split level igloo wait till all ur puffles are in the top then buy the small igloo and they will walk on walls!
Hey! Mimo something is new in Rocketsnails AKA Rsnail's blog...
Coolblue132 said...
Hey, I have a question for all CPG MODS, "Is being a MOD fun or boring?"
I'm interested in trying to become one. I don't know if I will, but I just want to hear what you MODS have to say! ;)
NO! I mean of course i'm not one :/. But i help people and that's modding. It might get a little boring though.
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
yeaa i think ur rite disney is sorta making it more better by adding more rooms n the ninja stuff :)
But Mimo just said that Club Penguin did everything!
Mimo... I'm not sure Disney bought CP in 2007... Besides you said Disney didn't make any changes to CP just toys so why do you say disney did that?
Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...
ace234444 said...
well people are saying it is not fair for members to be getting all these secert rooms and stuff. But please dont forget us members have to pay to do this and some of this membership money goes to coin for change in december. so without penguins buying membership we would have most of this now and so us members desever some secert stuff. Do not get me wrong or get mad at meh plz i have been a nonmember too and it stinks not haveing clothes to wear but i kept going and now if my membership runs out i still have pretty cool outfit.
Yes,I agree!Non members just dont notice they get a lot:puffles,pins,backgrounds,free clothes,and many more!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)
And Members should notice that non members who live in a large family can't always afford to buy membersips or all their sibling would have to get one or it wouldn't be fair
goofy73 said...
hiya looc! you said
Look disney ruined CP ok?
disney didnt ruin cp i mean cp was amazing at first and its good now too! everyone is just too busy complaining and not looking at the great thing clubpenguin is bringing us!
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
And don't forget all the products they want us to use our money on!
Music Jam is coming back! :D July 17-26
Over a week of party! :D
Stitches5 said...
Umm...K!Im gonna ask a Q!What happened to Mycatcartmen?
To tell you the truth, I've never heard of him. :P He probably just quit.
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Okay, that was majorly weird.
When I had caps lock on it was lowercase, and when I had it off, it was capitilized. xD
And I wanted to put a period and instead it gave me this : >
The other key you can get on the button (by pressing shift).
So in order to get the period I had to press shift and press the button.
It was all switched around.... Weird xD. It's back to normal now...
Awesome new rules. As long as i can still be a weirdo I'm Fine haha.
Anonymous said...
To: hazooma2 and Anonymous, Disney has helped quite a bit. I mean, lots. Making stuff for us on CP may seem easy, but its not. It costs lots of money, and, you got to be a tech wiz. I mean a person who knows everything about computers and editing. So Disney shares the money they make, and does not do anything to interfere with CP or the Team. The Team uses their own ideas, and uses their money and Disney's shared money to make stuff happen. Disney might share their ideas too. But i don't know what they do.. I'm not Billybob, Rsnail, or Screenhog! ;P So you see, Disney has helped make stuff happen, and share their money so we can have fun. I mean, this is what Disney does, and it doesn't really involve opinions, but its sort of ur guys opinions and mine. Just saying what Disney has done! By the Way, Anonymous, Disney will make CP better in the future.
Anyway, I am a ninja but... here's the story. I was playing CP and my dad needed to turn off the internet. I had just gotten my ninja mask, He turned off the internet and I lost it. I had to log off. So, I went back on saw I lost my ninja mask and... almost cried. Now, when I remember now that it shows your cards and stuff... It says I'm a ninja but then it has the message on the door. So I can't get into the Hideout and my non-member is only at a blue belt. Not very close to red a red belt. So, yeah. I'm sad.
So I hope to be a CPG mod soon.
First of all, good answer to those people's comments & second, try contacting CP about that glitch.... :]
Sophi Jr
P.S. Good Luck on becoming a mod!
Coolblue132 said...
Hey, I have a question for all CPG MODS, "Is being a MOD fun or boring?"
I'm interested in trying to become one. I don't know if I will, but I just want to hear what you MODS have to say! ;)
Personally I love being a CPG MOD because when you become one you really get to know other penguins really well. I know people like Goofy73, Matthew722, Tboyman, really REALLY well (Sorry if i didn't include your name in here, i wanted to keep it short) and before i became a MOD i never realized really that CPG is like one huge awesome community where everyone get's along and makes people laugh. It's a great expierience and you should definently try.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
wii wii wii1 said...
hey happy me and u are middle men lol i remember the day before the mod changes mimo said on his twitter gamer and happwagon are doing great to become cpg mods then i got really annoyed then i was on mimo chat and ppl were saying congrats wii im like what for i couldnt be botherd looking if i became then theyre like on a mod im like what mod a cpg mod?the theyre like yes then it was all to weird cuz mimo why didnt u mention my name?
Wow thanks for the awesome memories. I remember when i saw that on his twitter i (no joke) did a little dance and was so happy. And now I love Modding and thanks to Modding i know so many people who go on CPG really well. Also, just to let you know right now, the current Middle (wo)man is Sand Flipper. yea sand!
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Stephanie said...
OMG! i saw this penguin wearing a rainbow tie-die shirt! where do i get one/ where can i find one?
I really want one too.... But here's where you get it:
The Treasure Book- Series 3.
If you don't know how to get there, here's how:
1. Get a club penguin plush or mix n match toy from Toys R us or online at the disney shop.
2. Look at the code on the coin attached to it.
3. Go onto and find the button that says 'Unlock Items Online'
4. Pick the penguin you would like the treasure book to be on.
5. Enter the code
6. You can now pick out 2 items! The tye die shirt is one of them! (1 toy=2 items :D)
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Snowflakeooo said...
Being a MOD feels weird!I feel like im the youngest child in the family lol!Can i get some opinions about how other MODS felt when they became one?
I did a little dance and then I went on CPG and Modded like half a million comments haha. It's a great journey and Mine as a MOD is probably only half way finished.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
goofy73 said...
mimo i think juh and i should of been mods my opinion
Snowflakeooo said...
Being a MOD feels weird!I feel like im the youngest child in the family lol!Can i get some opinions about how other MODS felt when they became one?
I was so excited xD I was ready to scream Yay, but I didn't.... LOL
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
i dont think cp is getting better i think it is getting worse bcos there is 2 many member stuff now and i think it is a bit 2 obvious tht all they r doin is trying 2 make money
123meguy (penguin name)
Coolblue132 said...
Hey, I have a question for all CPG MODS, "Is being a MOD fun or boring?"
I'm interested in trying to become one. I don't know if I will, but I just want to hear what you MODS have to say! ;)
Zxz192 said...
Even though there is lots of hard work, it is kinda fun because everyone knows who u are and everyone likes u lol ;)
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Stephanie said...
OMG! i saw this penguin wearing a rainbow tie-die shirt! where do i get one/ where can i find one?
Zxz192 said...
Its in the Series 3 Treasure Book. You have to buy a CP toy from Toys R Us. When you get one, it comes with a coin code. Enter the coin code on the CP website and you can get that shirt!
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Hey guys, im gonna have a party! :D
On 7/3 at 3:00 CPTZ. Server Fjord at the snow forts.
Hope to see you there!
I will add anyone who wants to be added :D
I have news for you :D
There is new Sled Racing music~
BTW, if you already posted this on your blog somewhere else, then I'm sorry I'm out-dated! HAHA~
P.S. Yes. I have a blogger. But I'm not following you :P
Anonymous said...
You put senei Mimo777 lol did u mean to do that
Zxz192 said...
Nah I think mimo just did a spelling mistake there
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
What is a freek post?Plzz answer!
Zxz192 said...
I think it is a post thats freaky lol
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Snowflakeooo said...
Being a MOD feels weird!I feel like im the youngest child in the family lol!Can i get some opinions about how other MODS felt when they became one?
Zxz192 said...
When I first found out I was one, I was like really amazed and excited that it had finally happened lol. And it was nice when everyone was saying "well done zxz" and stuff lol
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Happywagon said...
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
Knowing mimo, it will be very weird.Remember the chocolate covered bacon on a stick? *sick* BLAUGH *THREW UP* i better rest...
Purple1509(CPG mod)
Anonymous said...
dude its augest 2007 um ur very wierd p.s. disney will not make cp better
Actully they kinda will ONLY because they are providing the money AND advertisment. Club penguin probably would have been bankrupt if it wasn't for disney.
-cooly763(CPG MOD)
Congrats to all new and promoted cpg mods!
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
Eeva said...
coolness! but i dont think disney is making cp better much... they sometimes think of money more....ehhhh no ofense. but speaking of sensei.... i cant wait!!!!!
Dear Eeva
hmmm it think ur alil right but i think their doing it all for the best of cp because if they would not really think of the money then they would be no cp anymore.
I agree saavy that is what I am trying to explain to all the ppl!
-cooly763(CPG MOD)
Thanks mods! Your responses really helped! ;-)
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
mimo have a twitter party! woot
I agree i am in the mood for a PARTAY!!
ace234444(cpg mod) said...
Random Matthew722 said...
Uh-oh. Wenever u say "freak post" it must mean weird and crazy and wayyy unexpected! Wander wat it is! ;-)
Hey Matther722
Usally when mimo says freak it gonna be wierd and unusally in every way.
ace234444(cpg mod)
Isn't Mimo already weird and unusual in every way?
-cooly763(CPG MOD)
ace234444 said...
Coolblue132 said...
Hey, I have a question for all CPG MODS, "Is being a MOD fun or boring?"
I'm interested in trying to become one. I don't know if I will, but I just want to hear what you MODS have to say! ;)
Yea same here i ahve been trying for while now havent got anywhere
anytips so maybe i get somewhere/
It is fun if you like helping ppl and answering questions! I haven't made it on the list (but i'm still trying) but even though i might never make it on the list i will still try and answer questions because its fun!
-cooly763(CPG MOD)
goofy73 said...
hiya hazooma! you said
umm i dont really think so!
Come on all! everybody thinks clubpenguin is doing horrible, you know how hard it is to make a great video game like this its take much of there time and everyone is expecting SOOOOOO MUCH i think we should give them a break and enjoy what we have of the game!
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
Ya they are trying their best really. Think about it. Not just anybody can go out and make a video game. Especially a good one like this. Plus they have to put LOADS of money into it so everyone just TRY to give them some slack.
-cooly763(CPG MOD)
hiya stiches5! you said
Umm...K!I'm gonna ask a Q!What happened to Mycatcartman?
Mimo threw a secret private party for mycatcartmen because she was told she had leukemia. mimo posted all about here and told her that her sister helped arrange the party, and mimo told us that mycatcartman would be ok!
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
Sklooperis said...
Hey I need some tips on making a blog, does anyone have any tips? Anyone?
WEll I have a blog, but I stopped working on it seeing as it got very little attention, but I have some tips. I would use wordpress to make the blog, it is easy to use. And also, it is cool to have pages about other things besides the happenings of Club Penguin,like on my site I had pages about the rumors of Club Penguin, and game tips, and a page on puffles and stuff like that. Heres my site if you want to use it as a reference:
Here to Help!
I looked at your site and i think it's kewl. You really should keep it going.
-cooly763(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
To: hazooma2 and Anonymous, Disney has helped quite a bit. I mean, lots. Making stuff for us on CP may seem easy, but its not. It costs lots of money, and, you got to be a tech wiz. I mean a person who knows everything about computers and editing. So Disney shares the money they make, and does not do anything to interfere with CP or the Team. The Team uses their own ideas, and uses their money and Disney's shared money to make stuff happen. Disney might share their ideas too. But i don't know what they do.. I'm not Billybob, Rsnail, or Screenhog! ;P So you see, Disney has helped make stuff happen, and share their money so we can have fun. I mean, this is what Disney does, and it doesn't really involve opinions, but its sort of ur guys opinions and mine. Just saying what Disney has done! By the Way, Anonymous, Disney will make CP better in the future.
Anyway, I am a ninja but... here's the story. I was playing CP and my dad needed to turn off the internet. I had just gotten my ninja mask, He turned off the internet and I lost it. I had to log off. So, I went back on saw I lost my ninja mask and... almost cried. Now, when I remember now that it shows your cards and stuff... It says I'm a ninja but then it has the message on the door. So I can't get into the Hideout and my non-member is only at a blue belt. Not very close to red a red belt. So, yeah. I'm sad.
So I hope to be a CPG mod soon.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Woah. That is a LONG post! LOLZ!
Anyway the same thing happened to me. Try beating the sensi again then the door should open. It worked for me!
hope this helps
-cooly763(CPG MOD)
Oh my gosh! I remember the camping stuff!
Happywagon said...
Hmmm how freak will the post be tomorow?
!kaerF yreV
Lol! Happy Backward's Day!
With Lots of Smiles :)
Anonymous said...
You put senei Mimo777 lol did u mean to do that
Hey Anonymous,
You never know. For all you know it could be a party clue but I don't think that. I think it might have been a spelling error.
With Lots of Smiles :),
Miaponygirl9 (CPG MOD)
Marquizi98 said...
I can't wait until I become a CPG Mod! My Mod status from last time would be combined with my status right now! I'm almost there! :) :)
Woot! Woot!
Hey Marquizi98,
I know you will become a CPG Mod very soon! You are a very good mod and I'm not just saying that! :)
With Lots of Smiles :)
Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...
ace234444 said...
well people are saying it is not fair for members to be getting all these secert rooms and stuff. But please dont forget us members have to pay to do this and some of this membership money goes to coin for change in december. so without penguins buying membership we would have most of this now and so us members desever some secert stuff. Do not get me wrong or get mad at meh plz i have been a nonmember too and it stinks not haveing clothes to wear but i kept going and now if my membership runs out i still have pretty cool outfit.
Yes,I agree!Non members just dont notice they get a lot:puffles,pins,backgrounds,free clothes,and many more!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)
thnx that mean alot u are doing awesome as a mod!
ace234444 (cpg mod)
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