Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Did Sensei Fail Coming To Club Penguin This Time?

So according to our poll over 67% of penguins NEVER FOUND HIM! Now that's just sad don't you think?

Tell me if I'm wrong here, but I don't think Rockhopper is this hard to find for these reasons:

1. Rockhopper stays longer than Sensei did. A LOT longer!
2. Sensei only stays in one room so all the Ninja hideouts are FULL all the time.
3. This is a Ninja only thing!
4. Sensei talks weirder than Rockhopper ( I needed another one ;-)

But, it might not be Sensei's fault or even Club Penguin's fault. Like I said before it could just be that there are too many ppl on this weekend.

So what do you think?! I for one am not every happy because I never found him.

So who's better, Rockhopper or Sensei?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


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Anonymous said...

Rockhopper is WAY better than Sensei because I found RH 2 times and Sensei none. Everytime I am at the nina hideout, the ppl say "SENSEI IS IN THERE" so i tried for 20 mins and when i finally got in, he wasn't even there! WAHHH!!


Random Matthew722 said...

Sensei... Trust me, wen Sensei comes back on a day that isn't too popular, EVERYONE will love him, lol! ;-)


Edward said...

neither i like the penguin band

Anonymous said...

I had a really had a hard time finding Rockhopper but on the first day I saw Sensei on the firsst day. How was it hard to find Sensei?

Anonymous said...

I agree Phicto
because i tried all day to find sensei.



Anonymous said...

i never found either of them but you never needed to find rockhopper for anything special he would give you. If Sensei is teaching that new move????

Happywagon said...

well rockhopper usually stays longer and he doesn't come on holiday weekends, so it's easier to find him, and it isn't extremely crowded and impossible to find him so mimo, you tell me which is better? lol. I saw him (amazingly) 24 times.


wally3046 said...

Rockhopper definately because i always find him...


Rustycrab (I was lazy to use my Blogger) said...

Totally RH.

Anonymous said...

Actually it is not all Sensei's fault. It is actually half the other penguins fault. They like to stay there till Sensei leaves! And they lie too. But Sensei could of moved from the Hideout to the Courtyard to the Dojo! So, it is half Sensei's fault and Half the other ninja penguins.

adelie 009 said...

i got his background without meeting him!

Manafred said...

The day I saw your post, Mimo, I was all, "WOW! COOL! Sensei!" but after a few seconds, I said to myself that I'd never find him. So I went on Club Penguin anyways, and on that server, he was there!

I was in the Ninja Hideout because all the ninjas call me "Sensei Manafred" So it was a complete coincidence! Anyway, YOU ROCK MIMO!

Unknown said...

rockhoppers better because you can find him quick

Gamer12356 said...

ugh well i just came backfrom da beach mimo lol missed a lot this weekend, but on the bright side i dont have to worry about summer school, cuz im smart lol

Later CPG!

Kyroid said...

Sensei Schoolz you all!
I found him 3 times and my home computer is broking, im using my work one!

Anonymous said...

Both,because Rockhopper is very friendly and Sensei is very cool.I think is Club Penguin's faul that we didn't saw Sensei.


cooly763(CPG MOD) said...

adelie 009 said...
i got his background without meeting him!
How because i think that is impossible?
-cooly763(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

I haven't found ANY famous penguins so far and I am like 800 days old or something. I think it's not fair 'cause whenever I try to go in somewhere it says it's full but then members just walk rite pass me. I think it's time clubpenguin do something for the non-members.

cooly763 said...

I think club penguin should have let sensei stay at least another few days.

Marquizi98 said...

Anonymous said...
I had a really had a hard time findinf Rockhopper but on the first day I saw Sensei on the firsst day. How was it hard to find Sensei?
Well for others it was hard to get into the Dojo Courtyard and access the Dojo. It's pretty complicated.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

Marquizi98 said...

adelie 009 said...
i got his background without meeting him!
I'm confuzzled. I think it's not possible to get a background without meeting Sensei. Maybe your computer was glitched.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

Tonks12345 said...

I had a really had a hard time finding Rockhopper but on the first day I saw Sensei on the firsst day. How was it hard to find Sensei?
Guess its the luck of the draw. I found him when the room wasnt that crowded. So I guess if you really didnt try you meet him, if you tried super hard you never found him.

-Tonks12345 (CPG MOD)

Tonks12345 said...

i never found either of them but you never needed to find rockhopper for anything special he would give you. If Sensei is teaching that new move????
The new move was suppose to be the new wrist band thing for your ninja suit. Kinda lame I think, but at least its better than nothing. Im sorry about that! :[

-Tonks12345 (CPG MOD)

Marquizi98 said...

Anonymous said...
i never found either of them but you never needed to find rockhopper for anything special he would give you. If Sensei is teaching that new move????
Ok if you guys haven't met Sensei and this is the last day I'll tell you what is the new move. It contains the Cloud Bracers.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

Jiggly22 said...

I like Sensei a little more, BUT THEY ARE BOTH AWESOME! I found both Sensei & Rockhopper so I like them both.

Trainz Railz said...

I am soooooo upset!! I never met him because I would get on the server(s) he was on and get to the dojo courtyard because it was full. I emailed CP about 10 times asking to make him stay longer or make the rooms bigger. Hopefully he comes back soon with the same BG.

Anonymous said...

adelie 009 said...
i got his background without meeting him!
How because i think that is impossible?
-cooly763(CPG MOD)
I did this to and met him on my own there is a website were you put your username and password Of CP ( no it dosent band you or take your penguin. I changed my password anyways by the way) Once you do this It will say you found the new pin ( even though its the backround) Hit yes and log in to cp and you will have it. Hope that helps cooly CPG Mod ;)
- Shadow0super

Jjaem said...

I beg to differ I think there both famous so yeah there both pretty cool.

Sjr17 said...

Anonymous said:
i never found either of them but you never needed to find rockhopper for anything special he would give you. If Sensei is teaching that new move????
I met sensei and he gave me a backround likje Rockhopper.

Sjr17(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Sensei teaches the same new move in the new catalog except you cant see his eyes...... yeah. And he waits till the end so thats why ppl stay so long cuz all he does is go i will teach you the new move and wait 10 minutes of doing this the whole time :/ Then he will do the move and he then shows you spots to hide in the ninja hide out.

jonnyyyyy88 said...

Rockhopper is better even dough i found him. it's just not fair for those that are not ninjas. and for some of the people it is hard just getting in the dojo courtjard.

jonnyyyyy88 said...

oh cooly763 it is possible getting his background without meeting him. with penguin storm (srry if i am advertising) but he as to come back and put the code

Nazard said...

Sensei is Santa! LOL...ROFL!

Sanjam said...

I like BOT of them! :-D I can't Compare between any CP celeb. THEY ALL are my favorite!!

Drake said...

Anonymous said...
I agree Phicto
because i tried all day to find sensei.




ITs easy to find him i found him more than 5 times i hope you find him when he comes again! ;-)

- Hazooma2 (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

I feel like CP gives an unfair advantage to non-members. CP makes it alot harder for them to get into a busy room (I think they have different limits on the number of members/non-members in a certain room). I remember a couple times walking outside the hideout and seening many non-members trying to get in, but i walked in no-problem. I guess this must of happened with rockhopper to.

Unknown said...

Don't feel bad Mimo! i never met him either! and my fried met him. she says he does talk funny!!!!!!!! lol Mimo don't give up! you'l find him someday jsu like me!!! good luck 2 you!!

waddle on mimo!!

PS. Zebras DO smell Funny!

Unknown said...

RH is awsom, he tells stories and sensei just gives ninjas advise 2 be honest. BORING my friend said so



Anonymous said...

I saw Sensei and got his background.Still I think Rockhopper is better even though I never met him.

Waddle2011 said...

Rockhopper is a lot cooler than Sensei is! I don't hardly like Sensei.

Anonymous said...

rockhopper better and cooler

-happy me 545-

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

well rockhopper is for a week most ppl would have already found him as with sensei one room nobody everw found him be4 3 days big difference

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

Anonymous said...
Rockhopper is WAY better than Sensei because I found RH 2 times and Sensei none. Everytime I am at the nina hideout, the ppl say "SENSEI IS IN THERE" so i tried for 20 mins and when i finally got in, he wasn't even there! WAHHH!!

if he was in there why did u keep doing it for 20 minutes cuz of course he was gone

wii wii wii1(cpg super mod)

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

Anonymous said...
i never found either of them but you never needed to find rockhopper for anything special he would give you. If Sensei is teaching that new move????
lol hes not why it was so crowded cuz nobody had ever found him before

wii wii wii1(cpg super mod)

loingreen13 said...

I've never met rockhopper so im not sure. but i did want to say that i did meet sensei and u didnt miss out on much. he just taught us that new move that u can buy.

Anonymous said...

Rockhopper is better in my opinion, however since he comes so much, he should have a different background each time!! That'd be sweet!

I couldn't find Sensei =[ BOO!!! hopefully he will come back

Acplaya12_LilTj0304 said...

I think sensei is way better than Rockhopper cause when i met him he actually spoke to me and also spoke to everyone and answered questions. All you got to do is be patient thats all. I mean he is a sensei which means you have to be patient and stuff.

Majoras Link said...

Actually it is not all Sensei's fault. It is actually half the other penguins fault. They like to stay there till Sensei leaves! And they lie too. But Sensei could of moved from the Hideout to the Courtyard to the Dojo! So, it is half Sensei's fault and Half the other ninja penguins.
Thats what I mean. :( They just stay and don't let the other penguins get a go...

Joanna7777 said...

Sensei...Rockhopper IDK..But I met them both 8th Times!

ByakuganHyuuga360 said...

I found Sensei, I think I like Rockhopper better because you don't have to be something to meet him, and he stays longer and stuff.

Bd20 said...

I've found RH loads of times

So I thought it would be a change to find sensi, but everytime I go on a server EVERYONE is blocking the doorway!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you did not find Sensei. I found out if you search the servers with three bars you can find him all the time. He NEVER goes on servers that are full. I found him for a lot of people. I thought you had already seen him or I would of helped you too. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

i found rockhopper and sensei sensei is cool trust me the only way you can find sensei is to wait in a server all day till he comes in the hideout thats how i find him hope this helps for next time he visits

if you want to see me in club penguin my name is josh36748 i am wearing his background and im a member. gl x

Blueperino33 said...

Neither I choose Penguin Band,Aunt Arctic and Gary...



Anonymous said...

Rockhopper.He barely comes but when he does come he stays for ages so heaps of people can find him..

I havnt meet Rockhopper or sensei.Its noo use

Zxz192 said...

adelie 009 said...
i got his background without meeting him!

Zxz192 said...
yeah correct me if I'm wrong, but I saw people with the background before Sensei was going around CP and Matthew722 said they used Penguin Storm... Does that mean you used penguin storm too?

Zxz192 said...

I think Rockhopper was easier to find. It took me AGES to meet Sensei and I got pretty mad on Twitter (Matthew722 will kno what I'm talkin about) but I kept trying and eventually I found him on Tuxedo. I met Sensei 5 times this weekend

Zxz192 said...

but this is similar to the first week of the Penguin Play Awards. You had to be a member to get backstage and Aunt Arctic always stayed Backstage so Backstage was pretty full everywhere. Just like Sensei stayed in one room and it was always full. And Senseis background might be rare for a little while since not that many people met him.

Anonymous said...

me too! i met him too but this is a secret! im not telling ya how to get his background without meeting him! I feel shame with u and i wish i could help you find sensei, but no luck turned out.

Praveen said...

I found Rockopper once when he was
hopping on some rocks
I also found and now i have his sweet background
Mimo do you know that in the start up screen there is a ninja shadow on the boat.
My penguin name is ajju10000.

Praveen said...

adelie 009 said...
i got his background without meeting him!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I know how you did this
You have a trainer!
Penguins listen you can use trainers to get rare items only when they are in Club Penguin.
Ajju10000(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Well I don't care about sensei nor Rockhopper... all I care about is BBQ doughnuts mmmmmmm

=) Akbar2319

Cool 06 Man (CPG MOD IN TRAINING) said...

adelie 009 said...
i got his background without meeting him!
How because i think that is impossible?
-cooly763(CPG MOD)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
SHE/HE used penguin storm 7 beta 1/2
-cool 06 man(CPG MOD IN TRAINING)

Anonymous said...

I found sensei in the last few hours :P I like Sensei and Rockhopper equally.But Sensei would go WAAAAY better then Rockhopper in a taco.

-Plungy49 (Club Penguin Name)

Anonymous said...

Rockhopper, He is always on when he is in Club Penguin. I met him so many times. Sensei is only in one room (sadly)

Tomichael said...

DUH! ROCKHOPPER! He is way cooler! He has a ship, a puffle, brings us cool things, lets us play on his ship, and much more. Rockhopper all the way!!


Anonymous said...

I found sensei i have his bacground im not lying

but i have different accout on cp

Anonymous said...

Rockhopper is T-totally better. He scatters across the island. Sensei stayed in 1 room. I think half the problem is penguins who have seen sensei stayed in there blocking space.

Unknown said...

Rockhopper is easier

muecat said...

I waited for sensei along time in snow angle and when he came i didnt see him
why i dont know
the room was full and i just saw some penguins say hi sensei
im so upset on club penguin why they didnt let me see sensei?

Captan Hop said...

Umm.Well i found sensei four times. But it took me about 10 minutes ttying to get into the courtyard, and the hideout.

PS. I Like ROCKHOPPER wayy BETTER then Sensei

Firestar9003 said...

Rockhopper is way better then sensei. First I found Rockhopper 5 times and i found sensei none. JUST BECAUSE THE ROOM IS FULL THING!

ivanlokey said...

hey mimo! i found a cool glitch! wear the cloud thingy and wear another clothes that has an action, wave and do the action! see what happens! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Luckily I managed to see him!Sorry for all the penguins who didn't see him but there willbe other days probably.And it is not sensei's fault you just didn't have any luck.

Stargeseeker said...

Man I'm mad that I didn't meet him it's like I wanna protest! Therefore Rockhoppper is way cooler

Anonymous said...

Rockhopper is soooo much better i found him 3 TIMES!!! and i didnt see sensei once.


Anonymous said...

RH cause i never found Sensei and i really wanted to!!!

lollieboy said...

Rockhopper for sure, i found him like 4 times last time, i only found sensai ONCE! P.S you rock mimo!

Random Matthew722 said...

cooly763(CPG MOD) said...
adelie 009 said...
i got his background without meeting him!
How because i think that is impossible?
-cooly763(CPG MOD)


He used something called Penguin Storm. I advice u not to use it, u can get banned forever...

Have sum summer fun! ;-)
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)

Agent Pen43 said...

Mimo You're a Ninja right?

Club Penguin said...

Mimo Your Better Then Them Both :)

kokorules said...


but doesn't rock hopper only go on his ship?
or am I wrong, because I Always saw him on his boat.
but sensei, It was to hard.

Because the ninja hideout was already full way before he comes!!

Anna 131 said...

Rockhopper brings more items.Rockhopper rules!!!!!
~Anna 131

magafireball said...

Rockhopper is wayyyyyyyyy better =)

Gekko426 said...

You should appreciate that Snrsi even made an apperance!! Geez!!!

Sklooperis said...

rockhopper is a lot cooler than sensei

Anonymous said...

i found rockhopper twice and sensei once. i say rockhopper is better because its soo much easier to find him. but i like cadence the best.

Donut Man 5 said...

a hard one I think they are even. I just voted sensie in the poll because he was loosing. : )

Anonymous said...

Rockhopper! because Rockhopper was so much easier to find and he gave us stuff.

Donut Man 5 said...

Oh.... and mimo peeps always have there ups and downs... so can't always find sensei or RH or other freaks in CP

Anonymous said...

umm hello i found sensei i got his autograph and rockhopper is much better than sensei!

kavnik1 said...

well, i never found either of them, but Rockhopper is better!

3jel97 said...

Happywagon said...
well rockhopper usually stays longer and he doesn't come on holiday weekends, so it's easier to find him, and it isn't extremely crowded and impossible to find him so mimo, you tell me which is better? lol. I saw him (amazingly) 24 times.

Rockhopper stands out cuz of his hat rockhopper is better.
3jel97(CPG MOD)

kate said...

lol nice pic!!!! iv'e only found cadence and rockhopper

aMazInDud70 said...

Rockhopper is better without a doubt, I would of loved to meet Sensei but like many people unfortunantly I didn't. I met Rockhopper twice..IN ONE DAY, I mean come one that day was awesome.

Unknown said...

i think rockhopper is way better than sensi because he stays longer and he is easier to find

Pokemon7brad said...

Rockhopper i met him on an almost empty server...
I was the only one there

Tghyh said...

No affece Mimo but i used a sensei trackerthat was not yours and it worked and i found sensei!

Frst Cty Red said...

the only reason club penguin made sensei hard to find, was so his background would be very exclusive. i was one of the lucky ones who found him.

Anonymous said...

Rockhopper! BTW, I met Sensei!

Frostylittle said...

adelie 009 said...
i got his background without meeting him!
cooly763(CPG MOD) said...
How because i think that is impossible?
-cooly763(CPG MOD)
Dear Cooly763,
There are a lot of different ways to get something on club penguin that seems impossible. Maybe he or she hacked, or maybe it was just some glitch club penguin was having. Either way, if you want to have a care free, fun time on club penguin play fair!
-Frostylittle(CPG Mod)

Kiogre said...

I think both are cool.
But it´s not Sensei fault at all, the other penguins wanted him to come to them, but you have to search for him, he will not only come to you!


Anonymous said...

rockhopper is so easy i aint seen sensei once i seen rockhopper 4 times

John Read said...


Dc000 said...

I found Rockhopper 5 (or more I last count) but anyway I found Sensei! one time! I have his background! :)


Anonymous said...

We should ALL complain to cp. Then maybe they will make it easier to find Sensei and he might stay longer!
Please make a post about it and we could make some sort of potition.

- Skyrocet123

Anonymous said...

rockhopper is cool and a lot more easy to find! but i like sensei for one reason......HE IS NINJA MASTER!

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

i think rockhoppers just about better than sensei cuz sensei only stays in 1 place and rockhopper moves all over da island :)


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
I had a really had a hard time finding Rockhopper but on the first day I saw Sensei on the firsst day. How was it hard to find Sensei?
dear anonymous
well done, your very lucky 2 meet him, its very hard for non members especially to get into a room but member can get into any room so that might be why and that sensei stays in 1 room only.

saavy (CPG Mod)

Qjx2b said...

I think they are both the cool because they both give you a background and they both get crowded and they are very alike. I met both of them so I do agree that rockhopper is better to hang out with.

Qjx2b said...

I think they are both the cool because they both give you a background and they both get crowded and they are very alike. I met both of them so I do agree that rockhopper is better to hang out with.

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
i never found either of them but you never needed to find rockhopper for anything special he would give you. If Sensei is teaching that new move????
dear anonymous
the new move was the cloud wave braces in the ninja catalog, it came out wen sensei arrived. :)

saavy (CPG Mod)

Dc000 said...

I found Rockhopper 5 times (or more times I lost count) I found Sensei! and got his background! I found Ant Artic! and got her background! I found the Club Penguin Band! and got their background! I found Candence and ... you guessed it I got her background! later ~Dc000~

paul said...

I think sensi is eaiser to find because u can only find him in one room. With rockhopper he is in almost any room. and thats pretty hard. so for sensi i found him i just styaed in a server nd waited for an hour. then he came. For rockhopper it might take him a while because he has to go in every single room. So i think sensi is eaiser to find.

Rhys Grabany said...

Ive Found RH 7 times! and sensei once!

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

cooly763(CPG MOD) said...
adelie 009 said...
i got his background without meeting him!
How because i think that is impossible?
-cooly763(CPG MOD)
dear coolyy763
its easy,he could have been in the room and could not see him, so i gess he clicked on his buddy list and clicked on the middle icon(which tells u whos in that room) and clicked on senseis pic and got it! :)

saavy (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

well, i personally have never found either. so i cant say.
But i havent been giving up, just trying harder.


katmicah said...

Sensei is better than Rockhopper, because he is really nice! I found RH a lot but Sensei twice from the three days he was visiting! Sensei stays in the room for about 25 minutes or 30. Rockhopper leaves quicker. And actually, Sensei mostly went to the servers that involved snow or for everyone who didnt find sensei, ever looked at servers involving snow, fire, and water??

Craft123456 said...

well, in 14 months of playing CP. I only found Rockhopper. Cause you know, he stays longer and you goes to diffrent places, not staying in a compact room full of ninjas(lol). I'm a ninja, and I never saw him. :)
I don't really care anywayz, all I care about in CP is trying not to get banned. :)

Random Matthew722 said...

I had a really had a hard time finding Rockhopper but on the first day I saw Sensei on the firsst day. How was it hard to find Sensei?


I guess it's because he came when it was a popular weekend with Canada Day and Independance Day...
Also, it's his 1st time, so everyone wants to meet him.

Have sum summer fun! ;-)
-Matthew722 (CPG Mod)

Stephanie said...

Rockhopper is better. I kept looking here for where Sensei is, but when i exited the server to go to that server, the ninja hideout was full. And when i tried to go back to the server i was at, that hideout was full. it took me for ever to get inside. Plus, people sent you post cards when you were in the hideout so that you can come out so that they can come in!

Lightbluebat said...

I agree with u mimo all of the reasons exsept #4 it was tourture to find him and i still didn't find him

Anonymous said...

Sensei is better. He is fun to be around like Rockhopper, but RH is too ARRR! Lol

Idk Sensei was new for a change. Rockhopper is better because he is in more than one room and he has a free item ALL the time

So really they are equal.

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

did u hear that sensei waled on the wall in the hideout lol


goofy73 said...

SENSEI! i think sensei is better because he actually says your name and does activities with you! hes awesome! he does ninja moves for you, IT AWESOME! he didnt stay awhile but he was great! good luck to everyone who didnt find him of finding him next time ;)

you're friend goofy73

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

whne it comes to meeting a famous penguin on cp never give up and keep on trying, like wne the 1st day sensei came i was tryna find him for 4 hours then i bumped into zxz and said im upset and i cant do it then he said dont give up, then i still tried and as i was going to leave and have my dinner i checked 1 last server and gess who i saw, SENSEI himself! :) so dont give up and keep on trying no matter how long it takes :)


goofy73 said...

hiya rhysg9! you said

Ive Found RH 7 times! and sensei once!

LOL i met rockhopper 2 times and sensei 3 times

you're friend goofy73

goofy73 said...

hiya anoymous! you said

I had a really had a hard time findinf Rockhopper but on the first day I saw Sensei on the firsst day. How was it hard to find Sensei?

wel some people had a tough time meeting sensei, you have to be lucky sometimes to be where he appears, ao its hard for some people, although it may not of been hard for you, like me i never find rock hopper, in more than 2 1/2 years I have met rockhopper i think 2 times! lol maybe 3 or 4.

you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

Lpr 90000 said...

Rockhopper is easier!

Anonymous said...

adelie 009 said...
i got his background without meeting him!
How because i think that is impossible?
-cooly763(CPG MOD)
Well there are these sites that let you get them. You just put your username and password in. i did not try it but i saw it.

-Legoman098(CPG wannabe)

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! my comments are at the bottom lol


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

lol mimo arent u gonna psot the pics of some party that u had yesterday, not that i came to it, hope ur having a cp quickee party soon cuz im dying for 1 lol


goofy73 said...

lol saavy me too

you're friend goofy73

Random Matthew722 said...

Zxz192 said...
I think Rockhopper was easier to find. It took me AGES to meet Sensei and I got pretty mad on Twitter (Matthew722 will kno what I'm talkin about) but I kept trying and eventually I found him on Tuxedo. I met Sensei 5 times this weekend


Lol, yeah! You started saying Sensei probably doesn't exist! LOL! Not to be mean, but that made me laugh! :P
Atleast we finally found him tho! :D


Juh76 said...

Anonymous said...
i never found either of them but you never needed to find rockhopper for anything special he would give you. If Sensei is teaching that new move????
Well the new move is u have to wear the ninja costume and mask and the cloud bracers then wave. Thing is its only for members:(

Juh76t (CPG Mod)

Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

Tghyh said...
No affece Mimo but i used a sensei trackerthat was not yours and it worked and i found sensei!
Mimo never said other peopels trackers didn't work. He just said his worked. Also, next time try not to use the words "No Offense" Mimo doesn't like it when those words are used. Good job on finding sensei though.

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

You're totally right, Mimo.

Sensai Stinks!
Rockhopper Rules!!

Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
I found sensei in the last few hours :P I like Sensei and Rockhopper equally.But Sensei would go WAAAAY better then Rockhopper in a taco.

-Plungy49 (Club Penguin Name)
Yes, BUT Rockhopper doesnt taste as good as sensei in a burrito chicken snack wrap.

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

Tntneopets said...

kokorules said...

but doesn't rock hopper only go on his ship?
or am I wrong, because I Always saw him on his boat.
but sensei, It was to hard.

Because the ninja hideout was already full way before he comes!!

No, I have found him on his ship one out of the three times I saw him.



Juh76 said...

Agent Pen43 said...
Mimo You're a Ninja right?
Yup he's a ninja!

Juh76t (CPG Mod)

Juh76 said...

Anonymous said...
I had a really had a hard time finding Rockhopper but on the first day I saw Sensei on the firsst day. How was it hard to find Sensei?
Well, first he was only here for 3 days. Second this was his first time to meet him, so everyone was going crazy to get his background. Third, The rooms were always full and there was the 4th of july and stuff.

Juh76t (CPG Mod)

Unknown said...

rockhopper is better because sensei you can only see if you are a ninja. I am not i ninja and so i like rockhopper better.

(have not meet eiether)

Anonymous said...

Rockhopper-he comes alot more often and is easyer to find and has a free item and boat when he come.

Anonymous said...

rockhopper because i saw him but sensei was harder

Anonymous said...

i actually found Sensei... it wasn't too hard. i just used the technique that i use for RH and everyone else: jump onto different servers that aren't full and try my luck. i do think it was a little unfair to a LOT of people, though, because A) you only had 2 days to find Sensei B) Sensei doesn't stay that long in the room C) it was a ninjas only event...
just a fail, not yet an epic fail.


kannailea63 said...

i know he was on and i couldnt
get in the ninja hideout
i never found anybody
not rockhopper or anyone else:(

esquiggle said...

Even though some people found it hard to find either Sensei or Rockhopper, I found both. I like Rockhopper better tho; he brings free items! Also, you can find Sensei any time in the dojo training aspiring Ninjas! ;)

Lard Beak said...

I think RH is better because he's easyer to find and he stays for longer. I have met Cadence and Rockhopper:)

moyo said...

i like thhe penguin band

Mumble5197 said...

i think rockhopper is way better!

Anonymous said...

I aggree all the way with your points. Although I did manage to meet him at the last minute, phew, but I feel so sorry for others who didn't get to meet him.

3jel97 said...

Tghyh said...
No affece Mimo but i used a sensei trackerthat was not yours and it worked and i found sensei!
well lucky u found sensei i did too but thats no offense to him cuz u didnt use his so his wasnt bad.
3jel97(CPG MOD)

3jel97 said...

Trainz Railz said...
I am soooooo upset!! I never met him because I would get on the server(s) he was on and get to the dojo courtyard because it was full. I emailed CP about 10 times asking to make him stay longer or make the rooms bigger. Hopefully he comes back soon with the same BG.
Idk if he will come back cuz Aunt Arctic hasn't came back yet.
3jel97(CPG MOD)

3jel97 said...

lollieboy said...
Rockhopper for sure, i found him like 4 times last time, i only found sensai ONCE! P.S you rock mimo!
3jel97(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

I think he is easeier to find than rockhopper I found him twice and rockhopper once

jonnas fan2 said...

Sensei's wway better because rock hopper is all over the island and hard to find. Sensei is just in one place the whole time, the ninja hideout.

Unknown said...

like i said rockhopper is much easier to find but some ppl disagree I CAN PROVE THAT ROCKHOPPER IS BETTER BEACAUE THE SERVES THAT ARE NEVER FULL ARE FULL WHEN HE COME

Anonymous said...

sensei comes up with these games that are fun to play and is always going to be in the ninja hideout and easy to find
rockhopper can be in one out of twenty (estimating) rooms and could leave before you get to the certain room

Connor said...

i met sensei but rockhopper is better

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

im bored lol


Sir Pengu 2 said...

sensei wwas so hard to find because of the rooms being full. if ur a member cant u get more ppl in a room. Club penguins favouring members again

Anonymous said...

music jams coming anyway so get ready for club penguin band!

Anonymous said...

Rockhopper's better. Your right mimo. Sensei stayed for like 2 days. :D

That's not enough for most of us. Also, Sensei might not come back until november or next year. :(

3jel97 said...

Sir Pengu 2 said...
sensei wwas so hard to find because of the rooms being full. if ur a member cant u get more ppl in a room. Club penguins favouring members again
I got lucky i was on this chat not even searching for sensei they were like hes on ice land i got in and i got his backround he was there.
3jel97(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...


james 1

3jel97 said...

Agent Pen43 said...
Mimo You're a Ninja right?
yes he is.
3jel97(CPG MOD)

Meme12121 said...

I did however find Sensei, but it took mostly all day to find him and only for a background. But however, I think its much easier to find Rockhopper due to him not going on the weekends, so you can take your time instead of having to rush in the room in order to get a sight of him.


vampiregirl015 said...

i was in the dojo waiting to be able to go into the ninja hidout for like 10- minutes and when i got in he wasn't there.barley any ppl found him it wasn't fair :( >:(

Butter91 said...



Anonymous said...

This so stinks! there was WAYYY too many ppl trying to get into the ninja hideout at the same time and i didn't even meet him!!! What a disappointment this was for me :(


Snowflakeooo said...

This is to everyone!Dont be mad at Sensei just cuz you cant find him!Its not HIS fault he stayed only for three days!(Its 3 days cuz Friday,Sat.,Sun.)And Both of them rock!Don't be mean to Sensei!Sensei is what made us ninjas!

Snowflakeooo said...

I dont wnna sound like im ragging,but i met sensei in like minutes cuz this penguin said sensei was at summit and sensei was actually there!

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
Rockhopper is WAY better than Sensei because I found RH 2 times and Sensei none. Everytime I am at the nina hideout, the ppl say "SENSEI IS IN THERE" so i tried for 20 mins and when i finally got in, he wasn't even there! WAHHH!!


Don't blame Sensei just cuz you couldnt find him.And its not Sensei's fault!Its OUR fault cuz some of us stayed in the room too long.And when is say its our fault,i mean ALL cp players.At least the ones who wanted to stay in there and wont leave.;)
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

omg rockhopper is awesome! i like him SO much more


Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
I had a really had a hard time finding Rockhopper but on the first day I saw Sensei on the firsst day. How was it hard to find Sensei?

Dear Anonymous,
Same here!I met S on the first day too.Some ppl thought it was hard finding Sensei cuz they couldn't find him and there were crowds of penguins trying to get in.Hope this helped!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

cooly763(CPG MOD) said...
adelie 009 said...
i got his background without meeting him!
How because i think that is impossible?
-cooly763(CPG MOD)

Dear Cooly763,
Actually,its possible!You couldve went to the buddy list thing,clicked the facethats blank with only eyes,and find sensei on it.And Sensei couldve left when Adelie clicked it.
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)

Valdier25612 said...

lol,i found him like 4 times in a day! xD but i'm not really a big fan of him. i think rockhopper's better! ;)

Anonymous said...

hey mimo, i emailed club penguin a sensei related question and they mentioned that sensei will be visiting penguins in the hideout about every month or so! So that means penguins who didnt meet him get a second chance.

Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
hey mimo, i emailed club penguin a sensei related question and they mentioned that sensei will be visiting penguins in the hideout about every month or so! So that means penguins who didnt meet him get a second chance.

Thats great!Thanks for emailing them!But,if he came out every month and i think everyone might meet him.Thats great!Thanks again!
-Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Plus. Rockhopper can be found anywhere.


Anonymous said...

Of curse RH is way cooler than Sensei because each time he come he have a ship with him which has a least a free stuff and the game and new items.

Tym man said...

Of course RH is better but the problem is I didnt find RH an Sensei Either!

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I never met Sensei either. Rockhopper is WAY better. I saw RH i think 2 times and never got in in time to see sensei. I've met the Penguin Band I think twice, and Cadance one time. So every famous penguin besides Sensei and Aunt Arctic rock!

Zozogur, fo shizzle said...

SENSEI is better. I have NEVER found Rockhopper in my two years of CPing. I found Sensei in my fifth server try! Plus, everyone knows the Sensei is wicked cool. :>D

BackoffNOW said...

RH he is way easier to find than Sensei

Fire F0ox said...

now ppl like RH better cuz he gives free stuff from his

bas said...

rockhopper. bcos hes always at the beach

Snowflakeooo said...

Awww!Can ppl stop insulting poor Sensei!Its no his fault!What if someone said that about you huh?:(
Poor poor Sensei.Sensei and Rockhopper rock!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rockhopper is way easier to find cos I've seen him about 5 times.
Although finding Sensi would be pretty awesome! Which I didn't {8-(

Anonymous said...

If Sensei were to go to the dojo and possibly the courtyard, as well as the hideout, and also over more than a couple of days, then more people may have found him as the rooms may not have been full all the time.

I had given up hope of finding him at all and just chanced on him on a server that wasn't too busy.

Rockhopper is a lot easier to find because he goes into several different rooms and stays on each server for longer.

My favourite though is Gary :-)

Yniasha said...

I met Sensei but I never met Rockhopper.Let's say Rockhopper.Sensei was only good luck because I found a tracker and the room wasn't fool....

iceman4899 said...

rockhopper is better, but sensei is more powerful. The thing is is Rockhopper has been here at least twenty times and sensei has only been here once. So it isn't worth saying I never saw sensei but I saw rockhopper a ton.

Krs100 said...

I think Rockhopper is better than Sensei, RH stays longer on CP (as in days) and stays longer on servers.

Agent Pen43 said...

Rockhopper!!! He's WAAAAAYYYYYYY Better!! :D Rockhopper is a LOT funnier. He plays awesome games like Racing across CP with Yarr, and tell hilarious stories!! :D He also gives you a free item whether you find him or not!! :)

Shmecherul said...

Hi! I think sensei is better than Rockhopper! I met sensei! I think is is cool! But what is your opinion mimo?

Anonymous said...

I found Rockhopper twice and found Sensei 3 times. I dont think it was hard to find Sensei.


Elektrik Fox said...

Hey, Mimo!
You are probably the best blogger around.

I think you should make a cheats website for chobots and planet cazmo... LOL! That would be great!!

Annette 10 said...

I think that Rockhopper is cooler because he makes regular visits to Club Penguin and the newspaper always reports when he's coming.
I found Sensei, but he was really hard to find.

Mileyfanlove (CP Name) said...

I didn't find Sensei. For all those reasons. Another reason could be that there isn't enough! I guess that is the way it is.
I kinda like them both for different reasons. I like Sensei because he has more to offer all the time. But I like Rockhopper because he is easier to find and though he isn't always there, the things he brings are fun.
I think that maybe next time will be better. I mean this is his first visit and with the way this one went, there will surley be more times to try. U never know...he might start making visits as frequent as Rockhopper....

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