Mimo Webosaurs PAR-TAY!
Ok, so I hope you are ready for the big Mimo party in Webosaurs
THIS Saturday.
All youz penguins have been waddling over since my last post and we are getting amped to ROCK!
Remember anyone that comes gets special edition RARE Mimo item! But it's still a secret what that item is. It is sweet I can tell you that.
THIS Saturday, July 18th at:
1:00 PM Eastern Time
12:00 PM Central Time
11:00 AM Mountain Time
10:00 AM Pacific Time
If you haven't been to Webosaurs yet you need to get on over and check
it out! They have very cool games and the pretty sweet graphics. You might find yourself ducking out of the party to get a game of Sand Surfing or Demolition Derby in.
Buckland’s Peak
BUT! In order to get to Buckland's Peak you need to find all the scrolls that are hidden. And when you find one you can watch a cool video too.
Tons of great usernames still available! Go get a good one now!
So click here now and get signed up. Then go find all the scrolls. Then let's party Saturday!
After you register, come back here and post your new Webosaurs username! BTW, I'm Mimo! ;-)
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
1 – 200 of 211 Newer› Newest»I can't wait for your party Mimo. I will go to your party. My name is Chekmatter on Webosaurs.
Cant wait!
Anonymous said...
I can't wait for your party Mimo. I will go to your party. My name is Chekmatter on Webosaurs
Cool name.
Awesome!!!!!!!!! I haven't found the scrolls yet but ill be there! My name is Mellyb on Webosaurs.
sweet. My name to let everyone know, is crazy wagon.
Awesome! My username is Miko and btw im not copying ur name by replacing the m with a k! they are the first four letters in my name!
hey, mimo, there are even more scrolls, after you unlock the bucklands peak
i cant wait! my name is lilac on webosaurs
my name is nanasnickers
Oh yeah! Lets Partay! My t-rex is called Morty.
Oh and I got all the scrolls. Cool videos!
can you add me at the party mimo? My name is Cheiky!
Mimo777 your full of surprizes, your awesome! My "Webosaur" is Dripdrip, because that's my penguin name.
Usually I WOULD, but I'm not going to sign up for something I won't play again this time.
My username is "Quest" but I might not come to the party because I'm going camping this weekend.
Im Ghostrider
Happywagon said...
sweet. My name to let everyone know, is crazy wagon.
lol! nWhat are you on Chobots SadWagon!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
sorry dude cant come 2 da party my account wont login :-/
I Want to go to the party but I Can´t, thats the only way to get the mimo item?
I'm excited and my name is BlinkBomb
yay! thanks for telling us where its going to be before-hand so that i could unlock the stage before the party :]
my username is chesee.
I am trying to get an account on Webosaurs. But no usernames I put in are Valid. But I'll keep trying for the party !
Cool Mimo
I haven't found the scrolls yet but I will try to be there
I might not be able to bc I'm in the hospital and the computer room closes around that time but anyways my username is " IROCKS" . :)
i need an account!i can't sighn up for websuarus
Im kyroid on webesaurs [Im always Kyroid]
Hey!! Does pacific time mean the time in NEW ZEALAND? ok my name is Chocobunny, see you there!! (i hope)
Hey mimo
just wanted to know what time would that be in Australia?
Also my webosaurs name is BUD
My name on webosaurs is Wimpykid
Ps.I know its a pretty stupid name
hey mimo I have 3 parties on saturday first its my 10,000 hits party, then your party then the big CPGA 50,000 hits party. Busy weekend huh? lol
mimo and everyone else, remember my username is Zisme. Z is me in one word lol
hey mimo,
i so cant wait for this awesome party ive already sighned up thanks for teaching me the game.. cya there.. Waddle On
-Lil Maney
cool i will be there!my webosaurs name is snakegirl
Hey I made an acount i will be at the party
Mikosubaka said...
Awesome! My username is Miko and btw im not copying ur name by replacing the m with a k! they are the first four letters in my name!
at least you can go to mimos party not like me, poor me... mabe i can persuade my mom to let me in! BTW KEWL NAME!!!
Mine is Eachares!!! I cant wait to cum to your par-tay
i hav only 13 scrolls! :D
Hey just signed up my name is DINGUS on Webosaurs. :-)
My name is "moondigger"
My name is Tippy in webosaurs
hi mimo i signed up my username is : kdotfusion :)
Mimo u comfused me since you live in america and I live in New Zealand (Next to Australia) It would be Sunday here where I am so yay for once Mimo I get to partay with u ;)
1i1 pingy
my one is called guysor
Can't wait Mimo my username on it is "bigpinkthing" because the dinosaur i picked i pink....i cant find the scroll for the peak...
My Webosaurs name is Vults
I can't wait!!
My name is ROSEY on webosaurs
Hey mimo, on ninja progress we can see ADD NEW CARDS button! Check this out!
All the servers are dinosaur time periods! LOL!
by the way on webosaurs my name is aclen
my name is trubber
Mines chinny
my name is Puckket
Hey Mimo!I'll be at your party as trudster!This is my way of celebrating my seventh day as a webosaurian
LOL everyime i tryyed to get a username it said it was invalid.
So now my username is Yummy xD
I'm Nikitiki! I think it is a cool name.
my ame is Liamo but what time will it be in the UK?/ please anwser
My name is Buckminster :-)
lol my username is yoyoyop
-Athletico96 (different username, huh)
Cool! If ur looking for me, my name is Typhlosion.
Pokemon name! :D Lol.
my name is carnivour
Im hedgehog,but i havent found any scrolls yett!
Darn it! That's my birthday :( I'll be out of town. I would go...But i can't :'(
im hipdip on webosaurs and FLYBOY is one of my buddies!!!!!:-)my CP name is hipdip77.
On the new newspaper in CP they are letting us vote for a NEW COLOR! the choices are: Aqua, lavender, and Maroon! i thing we should vote for Aqua!
It wouldn't let me put cooly so my username on it is drooly!
Do you half to pay to play webosaurs?
My name is Skeet on webosaurs my name is floppy563 on club penguin also ;)Ill be there!!!!!
MY web name is Hoover.
I am a pterry
i got an account ill be there my name is tuxetothe it wouldnt let me put the 3! =(
Anonymous said...
Do you half to pay to play webosaurs?
Zxz192 said...
No you can play it for free
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
my ame is Liamo but what time will it be in the UK?/ please anwser
Zxz192 said...
Im from the UK too and it will be at 6pm UK time
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Do you half to pay to play webosaurs?
To be a member, you have to pay, but if ur a non-member, it's free! :D
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Hey Mimo! I am not going to be icycool on Webosaurs. Instead i am... COOOOOOL! TA DA! u like it?
Awesome my names Winston lol
My name is buddyred how many scrolls are there anyway?!
I am IANSTER! Can u plz be my friend when the partay comes? plz plz plz!!!!
My name is HitachiinTwins 'cuz they rockk... I'll try to come!
i might come to that but maybe if i have some spare time lol.
Anonymous said...
Do you half to pay to play webosaurs?
dear anonymous
no, u don't have to play websaurs lol its just another game that u could party on like club penguin :) so you don't have to register if you don't want to.
saavy (CPG Mod)
My name is Chonchi8856 on CP, and there will be a second color vote! Maroon, Aqua (that one will win probably,) or Lavender, who lost to Lime Green in 2005. Lets all vote for Maroon!
Hey Mimo! My webosaurs name is Vamsi and Im friends with all the moderators! icant wait to be your friend! Pease accept the invite!
my name is plain and simple, goofy
thats it
you're friend goofy73
hiya anonymous! you said
my ame is Liamo but what time will it be in the UK?/ please anwser
6PM have fun at the webosaurs party!
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
Hey mimo,
sorry i cant come to your party on webosaurs but i'll tell you my name on webosaurs anyway.
I'm called MoogleBoy :)
Thanks mimo!
P.S You Rock!!
Cool! My name is "mimopartyguest" lol!
Everyone I broke the record for Dance Party on Webosaurs! I'm now #1 on the score list!!! See if you can beat my high score on the list.
Mellyb10 on cp
Mellybten on webosaurs
yes I finally got all the scrolls so I am ready to party my name in webosaurs is different than clubpenguin
- kirby 246
Anonymous said...
My name on webosaurs is Wimpykid
Ps.I know its a pretty stupid name
That isn't a lame or stupid name at all! It's actually quite awesome. It reminds me of the hilarious books, Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Sweet Name.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
wow mimo it looks like u r going to have a big first ever mi mo websaurs party! sweeeet :)
LILW Is My Name
OMG a Rare Mimo Item! I can't wait to finally meet you! I'll be there!
My name is Luis on webosaurs.
See ya there!
:( I can't come I'd do anything to come but I have to go to strawberry farm :( wish you have fun
Guys mimo's warning a few days ago is serious i know this has nothing to do with webosauros but something happened to me today.
I said that there was a club at my iggy (nothing bad as going on there) Then i went in my iggy and a random girl said the owner of this iggy has been banned. I said why and then an orange bo popped up saying there was an error. I logged off then tried to log back in and it said you have been banned for 24 hours. I know it's not much but i might have been hacked. When i get back on cp i am changing my password and also watching EVERYTHING i say and do.
Penguin please take this as a warning. Oh and i did email club penguin and ask them to please tell me why i got banned but they have not emailed me back yet.
-cooly763 :(
Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...
Anonymous said...
My name on webosaurs is Wimpykid
Ps.I know its a pretty stupid name
That isn't a lame or stupid name at all! It's actually quite awesome. It reminds me of the hilarious books, Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Sweet Name.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Lol1 i love those books!! They were HILARIOUS!!! :P
Especially that the brother's band was called Loaded Diaper, LOL!
Anonymous said...
I Want to go to the party but I Can´t, thats the only way to get the mimo item?
Yeah, and his other parties. Sorry dude.
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Do you half to pay to play webosaurs?
You can play for free. If u wanna be a member, u have to pay tho. It's like Clubpenguin.
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
I Want to go to the party but I Can´t, thats the only way to get the mimo item?
Zxz192 said...
yeah the only way that you can get it is if you show up
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
My dinosaur is:
can't wait!
IANSTER709 said...
I am IANSTER! Can u plz be my friend when the partay comes? plz plz plz!!!!
Zxz192 said...
Mimo will probably add u at the party on Webosaurs because he has just started playing so he will have lots of buddy spaces
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
toontownfinatic said...
My name is buddyred how many scrolls are there anyway?!
Zxz192 said...
I think you need to find about 7 scrolls to unlock the room where mimo will be having the party
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
my name is Zisme. It is that because it says "z is me" in one word lol. Z is me. so look out for me
Dear Mimo,
I really wish that I can come to the party but Webosaurs messed up my computer (we fixed it) but now i cant go on. :'(
-Cjcdogs (CPG MOD)
Mimo I already knew about webosuars before you posted about it LOL. My webosaur name is Diana it's not my real name just that my cousin wanted it like that so yeah. LOL.
hey i made a webasuars acc my name is Terminer. lol they wouldnt let me have the name i wanted. I CANT WAIT FOR THE PARTY
Random Matthew722 said...
Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...
Anonymous said...
My name on webosaurs is Wimpykid
Ps.I know its a pretty stupid name
That isn't a lame or stupid name at all! It's actually quite awesome. It reminds me of the hilarious books, Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Sweet Name.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Lol1 i love those books!! They were HILARIOUS!!! :P
Especially that the brother's band was called Loaded Diaper, LOL!
Its a cool name and those books are awesome! I'm jealous of your name! Mine is Mellybten.
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
On Webosaurus my name is Cpfunkeys.Im a pterodactyl. I got all scrolls not just to get into bucklands peak. Cant wait till the party.
My name on webosaurs is kj_
looking forward to the party, i saw you on webosaurs once before you told people on this site :)
Anonymous said....
I Want to go to the party but I Can´t, thats the only way to get the mimo item?
Unfortinatly,Yes sorry that you cant go to the party
Youg3 (CPG Mod)
hi mimo my name on webossaurs is chiochio
Hey my name is killar
I know "CPfunkeys" is a stupid name for a dino...
Anonymous said...
I Want to go to the party but I Can´t, thats the only way to get the mimo item?
I think so.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
My name on webosaurs is Wimpykid
Ps.I know its a pretty stupid name
That is a cool name it isnt stupid.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
hey mimo! im commenting from peru! how wootastic is that? yes i know very lol anyways i made one too (naw duh lol) and i named mine cpgamer lol all the other gamers were taken...so...i tried cpgamer and it worked! lol im gonna try to make the party. since im in peru, its the same time as mountain time lol but i live in eastern lol but for now... im a mountainian lol
Later CPG!
Anonymous said...
I Want to go to the party but I Can´t, thats the only way to get the mimo item?
im afraid so my friend... feel sorry fo u man... hope u can try to make it next time though
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Tboyman said...
Happywagon said...
sweet. My name to let everyone know, is crazy wagon.
lol! nWhat are you on Chobots SadWagon!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
actually his chobots name is happywagon. just happywagon lol
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Chocobunny said...
Hey!! Does pacific time mean the time in NEW ZEALAND? ok my name is Chocobunny, see you there!! (i hope)
well pacific time just means the time in places like california nevada u get the idea lol but i believe the time for u is 5 PM, so dont worry! well unless u gotta do something at that time lol hope u have phun lol
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
my ame is Liamo but what time will it be in the UK?/ please answer
chill out bro! i believe the time for u is 6 PM so maybe u ill make it, maybe u wont lol
Later CPG!
Gamer13256 (CPG Mod)
Vamsi said...
Hey Mimo! My webosaurs name is Vamsi and Im friends with all the moderators! icant wait to be your friend! Pease accept the invite!
weird im not ur friend on anything lol AND IM A MOD lol
weirdness 0.o
Later CPG!
Anonymous said...
I Want to go to the party but I Can´t, thats the only way to get the mimo item?
The only way to get is to come.
Coolz! My name is Juh on webosaurs.
Chocobunny said...
Hey!! Does pacific time mean the time in NEW ZEALAND? ok my name is Chocobunny, see you there!! (i hope)
No, Pacific Time means the west coast of USA.
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
I need to go to that party! I bet it's gonna be awesome. My name is Shiny on Webosaurs.
Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...
Anonymous said...
My name on webosaurs is Wimpykid
Ps.I know its a pretty stupid name
That isn't a lame or stupid name at all! It's actually quite awesome. It reminds me of the hilarious books, Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Sweet Name.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Oh i remember that book! Its so funny! Remember the time in swimming class when the guy goes to the bathroom and wraps himself in toilet paper not to get hypothermia? LOL!
Bud said...
Hey mimo
just wanted to know what time would that be in Australia?
Also my webosaurs name is BUD
Well, it depends what part of Australia do you live in. East, West, or Center. Just google time zone map and look at the time zones and figure out the time for you.
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Do you half to pay to play webosaurs?
Nope! It's free! :D Unless you want membership, THEN you have to pay.
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
I Want to go to the party but I Can´t, thats the only way to get the mimo item?
Yea, unfortunatly. Srry dude.
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
my ame is Liamo but what time will it be in the UK?/ please anwser
It's going to be 6 PM in the UK! Hope you can make it!
Juh76t (CPG Mod)
Chocobunny said...
Hey!! Does pacific time mean the time in NEW ZEALAND? ok my name is Chocobunny, see you there!! (i hope)
No it means a time in america sorry.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD) said...
Random Matthew722 said...
Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...
Anonymous said...
My name on webosaurs is Wimpykid
Ps.I know its a pretty stupid name
That isn't a lame or stupid name at all! It's actually quite awesome. It reminds me of the hilarious books, Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Sweet Name.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Lol1 i love those books!! They were HILARIOUS!!! :P
Especially that the brother's band was called Loaded Diaper, LOL!
Its a cool name and those books are awesome! I'm jealous of your name! Mine is Mellybten.
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
I never read one i know they are good i had a chance in my class but i didnt i wanted to read the new one cuz my friend read it and showed me a part it was hilarious.P.S Since i had a broken wrist i had to go to the office every reccess and both my friends used to get mad when i said witch one is going to the office they both wanted to go but only 1 and approve it sorry its long.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
3jel97(CPG MOD)
My username is LockG
they wouldnt allow Galileo YU
Awesomeness. Hopefully I'll be there.
And the name is Smokie.
my name on webosaurs is WWEKid
cool! my webosaurs username is Edulinaro
my name is aprahcot on webosaurous
I'm back! FINALLY!! I've been at a summer camp! I'll fill you in later. i might not go to the party... oh well. :P lol. anyway, i was just about to ask you about that whole "face in the ds" thing when i read part II of your questions! phew! you know... i saw a video with a kid that looked JUST like the mystery face :/ anyway... Keep on Wadell-ing!
I have been on Webosaurs for a while now. I have all the scrolls! (lucky me) And my username is Violinist. Try to add me please!
My name is SpyKyle! Mimo is awesome!Go Club penguin Gang!
cant wait for the party my names sorax
My name is Raptore. Like raptor, but with an e!
Just like my penguin, my name is EricE
3jel97(CPG Mod) said...
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD) said...
Random Matthew722 said...
Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...
Anonymous said...
My name on webosaurs is Wimpykid
Ps.I know its a pretty stupid name
That isn't a lame or stupid name at all! It's actually quite awesome. It reminds me of the hilarious books, Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Sweet Name.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Lol1 i love those books!! They were HILARIOUS!!! :P
Especially that the brother's band was called Loaded Diaper, LOL!
Its a cool name and those books are awesome! I'm jealous of your name! Mine is Mellybten.
Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)
I never read one i know they are good i had a chance in my class but i didnt i wanted to read the new one cuz my friend read it and showed me a part it was hilarious.P.S Since i had a broken wrist i had to go to the office every reccess and both my friends used to get mad when i said witch one is going to the office they both wanted to go but only 1 and approve it sorry its long.
3jel97(CPG MOD)
3jel97(CPG MOD)
LOL! HUGE COMMENT! I love those books, i have read them all!
Wow first timer! LOL I'm your 1fan!!!!!!!!!!! Love your site!!!!!
Hey poeplez! i havnt wrote in a while now. i was just scrolling and exploring mimo's site and i went way back on the site where mimo had the create mimo contest. i saw my entry. good memories, but on mine my name was spelled wrong. srry i kept bothering u about that mimo........ anyway, i think i should start becoming a mod. it wont be easy.... ill wait till mimo's next topic to start. what color r u guyz picking for new penguin color? i like the color lavender, but i think maroon would look better with our cloths. what do u think?
lol i cant create an account it always says invalid username :P
My username is TUOGeX, lol
Bud said...
Hey mimo
just wanted to know what time would that be in Australia?
Also my webosaurs name is BUD
Its going to be around 1 in the morning. Looks like a late night tonight
Mellyb10 said...
Awesome!!!!!!!!! I haven't found the scrolls yet but ill be there! My name is Mellyb on Webosaurs.
Keep on looking dude hope you make the party.
13leejj1 said...
can you add me at the party mimo? My name is Cheiky!
Mimo may not be able to buddy many people but will have a rare mimo item with him.
Anonymous said...
On the new newspaper in CP they are letting us vote for a NEW COLOR! the choices are: Aqua, lavender, and Maroon! i thing we should vote for Aqua!
Mimo just posted about that.
when is Mimo gonna answer the rest of the questions?
I can't wait!
hey mimo!
Im lovin webasaurs right now,hope u are too!
scince this website is awesome(and u) i named my webasaur mimorocksmysocks
my name is ccnenee on evrything i get on lol i just like it haha
mimo i cannot attend because july 18th is my birthday!!
mimo you rock! and my user name is spinn.
i saw you mimo in webosaurs your wearing bone armor i was carl_simon
im going to meet u mimo! Cant wait! My name is ther_ock on Webosaurs!
My name on webosaurs is ROSEY.
Please can you tell me what time it will be in Asia.
my name is mewcat! i like cats alot
My name on this is clubpengu! YES!
i my webosaurs username is jaggrie
wally3046 said...
sorry dude cant come 2 da party my account wont login :-/
I cant get the confirmation email through. if it does though ill deffo be there, my nickname is IgnitePower. BTW I hate the site I just joined for the party lol
Hey mimo I'm pentin/Modbeta
i can't wait!my name on webosaurs is isac.i love webosaurs!
i can't wait for the PARTY! my username is tricxie10
Webosaurs rocks! My username is Fizzifull.
Cant Wait!!! Im Quidditch
Mine is Dragosaur
I'll be there my username is Orcbama on Webosaurs. I love Webosaurs
remember me im pepperz on webosaurs i broke my arm remember? il try to come plz plz add me in a big fan! my bro is typing this since my arm is broken : (
mines shaun
my name is na
Can you have a party that suits Australia time zones? that would be nice coz all your parties are usually at around midnight to 4 am in the morning! so just making a suggestion for you guys at cpg! oh and i got a question...
will you reveal your identity to australians since we will barely see you anyways, i know its unfair for you nonaussies but you other guys get to go to parties... sorry its so long but I'm really well, 'fed up' with you guys at cpg now!
I'll be there my username on webosaurs is tulips.
I cant wait!
OMG Mimo Party on Webosaurs! I can't wait. I am Cheosaurus and I am so excited!!!!!!!1
What is that time in GMT time?
you are not there
my name is cj0q
im chloeamber1 on club penguin and chloeamber on webosaurs!!!!! IM AT YOUR PARTY
my name is Trubber.
My username is Mattrocks123!!!
I'll see u at the partay!!!
Webosaurs is cool! I can't wait for the party, my webosaurs name is Zarensmith.
my name on webosaurs is smarje
my name on webosaurs is smarje
mimo come now
Mimo My name is shredder on webosaurs an I think its awsum! Wat time is the time in CP time?
I'm BuizelX
mimo thanks for the cheats i love them my name is LEBRON
Cool Mimo! I won't miss it!
WEBOSAUR NAME: Blastoise (Squirtle's 3rd evolution! POKEMON RULE!)
My name on Webosaurs is:
see ya at the big party!!!
Hey mimo do u think u can come 30 mins before the party should start cause i leave to go play golf right when the party starts. Please i want the special item.
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