Some of you wanted me to post this so here it iz!
Now you can play Hide and Seek on a no chat server on Club Penguin! That's cool, I guess. ;-]
Does anybody play on No Chat Servers? Does anyone ever go to No Chat Servers? Just wondering. I think it would be hard to talk to ppl on that. What do you think? (Thanks, slinky59402 )
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Mimo Games Now!
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
yeah u cant say anythin on there. like u cant say "why r u wearin that?" and "what did i do this time?" lol
Sigh my twitter is gone forever.... how would you feel if you had all those followers and your closest friends now poof its all gone....
Sand Flipper
oh that's awesome, thanks Mimo!! i was actually playing hide and seek the other day, but it was hard without numbers to be able to count, looks like i can play now!
i never go on the no chat server thingys, i agree, they are too hard to talk on
For no chat severs, Ill go on them only if a rare penguin is around.
Party time!!!!
Server: Frozen!
Room: Night Club!
Time: 12:00 p.m. cpst!
Date: August 1!
Hosts: Mellyb10 and Racet2000
Hope to see Mods, Mimo fans, and who knows, maybe Mimo there! Thanks Racet for coming up with the idea for a party!
P.s. Comment if you can make it.
i dont its to hard to talk and stuff lolz
i never go on no chat servers, but hide n' seek is cool
Yea, I never go on Non-Chat servers but one friend does which makes me angry lol.
I agree. I like regular chat servers. those no chat servers make it hard to talk to each other. And I was wondering why people kept saying 10, 9, 8, 7 ect. No i know.
WOO HOO hide and seek!
I only go on normal chat servers, they're way better!
yeah mimo i totally agree. say mimo do you ride bikes?
Anonymous said...
yeah mimo i totally agree. say mimo do you ride bikes?
Probably. Thats what i think.
-Fluffygood (CPG MOD)
I never go on no chat servers.
you should make it your poll sometime
well i dont have chat so thats pretty cool that we have hide and seek now
i only go on regular chat servers. It's much easier to chat on those! They ARE good for smaller kids, tho.
Anonymous said...
yeah mimo i totally agree. say mimo do you ride bikes?
I don't know. He rides skatebords though. He made an ollie on youtube.
-Penguin 683- (CPG MOD)
That's pretty awesome mimo.
Well, i went to another camp, that's why i haven't been posting stuff for a few days.
At this camp i had a blast. And when i say a blast, i mean a BLAST. We played Gustapo, if any of u have ever heard of that game. It's where there's two "gustapos" or one or whatev, and teams try to get to the gustapo and reach the other team's base or whatever. You can play it many different ways, but in the one that i played we had a bunch of small groups trying to reach their team leader, without the gustapo shining their flashlight on you and sayin', "hey, i see you, yeah, you with the green shirt and jeans." We played in the dark. It was a blast, but my best friend got hurt. It was her first time playing and being at camp, so yuppers.
P.S. i still like cheese, peeps. heh heh.
Im uploading my contest enrty on YT. Im humming it. I used some stuff from ZZSS but I gave credit at the end ;-)
Nah I never use safe chat.
cool i like reg chat servers
i want to see you
my acount is tydut
I really only like regular chat servers. But I guess a lot of people must like no chat servers, because Club Penguin recently added, like, 10 more. ;-)
Alex said...
i want to see you
my acount is tydut
You can only meet Mimo at partys. It wouldnt be fair to everyone else if he met someone personally!
~Racet2000~ Cpg Mod
Cool i like reg chat servers and can you add me mimo im your biggest fan! my penguin name is well zero429.
Anonymous said...
yeah mimo i totally agree. say mimo do you ride bikes?
Dear Anonymous,
Wow! Thats a pretty random question! And I'm guessing the answer is yes, since I've never meet a person who has never rode a bike!
~Frostylittle (CPG MOD)
i like regular chat servers but i understand why they have no chat servers for like younger kids and peoplez who aren't allowed to really chat to peoplez :)
I think safe chat servers totally wrecks the idea of Club Penguin. I mean if you have really over protective parents then I don't blame you. But I just never get on them cause it limits alot of stuff.
mimo that would be hard to talk to people... but once i was logging on and a no chat server was full!
anywayz, you missed my birthday party today 8( it was the best but i invited you, why couldnt you come??, we had food and games and a dance party and someone sang to me! -swettie422
Party at my igloo Akram 2010 server Parka
Sand Flipper said...
Sigh my twitter is gone forever.... how would you feel if you had all those followers and your closest friends now poof its all gone....
Sand Flipper
Im sorry. You must of had lots of followers. Was it hacked?
Mellyb10 said...
Party time!!!!
Server: Frozen!
Room: Night Club!
Time: 12:00 p.m. cpst!
Date: August 1!
Hosts: Mellyb10 and Racet2000
Hope to see Mods, Mimo fans, and who knows, maybe Mimo there! Thanks Racet for coming up with the idea for a party!
P.s. Comment if you can make it.
Your welcome! I think I can make it. Just keep the party in the night club till I get there. Then we might move to my igloo and create a band. Melly, have room on your buddy list for me like I have for you. See you tomorrow,
~Racet2000~ Cpg Mod
Anonymous said...
yeah mimo i totally agree. say mimo do you ride bikes?
Of course! According to his Secret Site he rides skateboards and Bikes!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Party time!!!!
Server: Frozen!
Room: Night Club!
Mellyb10 said...
Time: 12:00 p.m. cpst!
Date: August 1!
Hosts: Mellyb10 and Racet2000
Hope to see Mods, Mimo fans, and who knows, maybe Mimo there! Thanks Racet for coming up with the idea for a party!
I would, but that's 3 AM for me!!
P.s. Comment if you can make it.
thats awsome! are there numbers on there? i dont get why we cant type in numbers do u ?
me and my sis play hide n seek on cp but we always cheat and i mess up cuz i keep the volume up lol :)
i agree but some kids that are little the no chat server is good for them
today i saw some penguins saying 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1! then i said how did u do that then they disappered and now i feel silly :-/
i never go on the non chats, its to hard to talk to my buddies
I dont think it is hard to talk because clubpenguin puts almost any subject
-kirby 246
MIMO you changed ur background
Anonymous said...
mimo that would be hard to talk to people... but once i was logging on and a no chat server was full!
anywayz, you missed my birthday party today 8( it was the best but i invited you, why couldnt you come??, we had food and games and a dance party and someone sang to me! -swettie422
Dear Annoymous,
Mimo was probably busy to come, but it did sound like phun!
~Frostylittle (CPG MOD)
I think safe chat servers totally wrecks the idea of Club Penguin. I mean if you have really over protective parents then I don't blame you. But I just never get on them cause it limits alot of stuff.
So true. I mean I don't wanna offend people that use them I just think they're for younger kids. One of my bff's on cp called this dude a bad word. Starts with an "A". Don't think I should say it.
Anonymous said...
mimo that would be hard to talk to people... but once i was logging on and a no chat server was full!
anywayz, you missed my birthday party today 8( it was the best but i invited you, why couldnt you come??, we had food and games and a dance party and someone sang to me! -swettie422
I'm sorry but Mimo can't come because if he did, he would have to attend every CPG Fan's party. I hope you had an awesome time!
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
i only go on their when im searchin for famous penguins like rockhopper, cadence, etc...
Anonymous said...
thats awsome! are there numbers on there? i dont get why we cant type in numbers do u ?
This is because penguins were giving out their age and tell their address. Club Penguin decided to put and end to this.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Cool! By the way, didn't you notice there's a Collector's Edition of Elite Penguin Force? It comes with an EPF stylus, the different looking certificate code, a card to give you 2500 more coins on Club Penguin, and the cool looking cover. Just five bucks more then the original. If you pre-order, then you save the five bucks and spend it as if you buy that same game again, but it has more special stuff!Go post it on your blog so everyone knows (if you want to at least)!
Cooliosis1 (A.K.A Coolio because everyone calls me that)
hey mimo i wanted to say that i get on ur website first everyday i love ur website U ROCK!!!!!
I don't think I ever really go on no chat servers. But I used safe chat for a REALLY REALLY long time! It was pretty hard to talk with it too. I'm soooooo glad I figured out how to change chatting modes.
Anonymous said...
Cool! By the way, didn't you notice there's a Collector's Edition of Elite Penguin Force? It comes with an EPF stylus, the different looking certificate code, a card to give you 2500 more coins on Club Penguin, and the cool looking cover. Just five bucks more then the original. If you pre-order, then you save the five bucks and spend it as if you buy that same game again, but it has more special stuff!Go post it on your blog so everyone knows (if you want to at least)!
Cooliosis1 (A.K.A Coolio because everyone calls me that)
That's awesome! Thanks for the advertise I think! I'm to save up money and buy it!
Mellyb10 said...
Party time!!!!
Server: Frozen!
Room: Night Club!
Time: 12:00 p.m. cpst!
Date: August 1!
Hosts: Mellyb10 and Racet2000
Hope to see Mods, Mimo fans, and who knows, maybe Mimo there! Thanks Racet for coming up with the idea for a party!
P.s. Comment if you can make it.
Your welcome! I think I can make it. Just keep the party in the night club till I get there. Then we might move to my igloo and create a band. Melly, have room on your buddy list for me like I have for you. See you tomorrow,
~Racet2000~ Cpg Mod
Sure thing Racet! I'll open my igloo also in case we decide to move to it, and don't worry I'll keep it in Night Club till u get there.
Im uploading my vid to utube mimo its weird and random lol but anywayz theres not many entrys i searched mimo song contest only about 5 6 7 videos
Mellyb10 said...
Party time!!!!
Server: Frozen!
Room: Night Club!
Time: 12:00 p.m. cpst!
Date: August 1!
Hosts: Mellyb10 and Racet2000
Hope to see Mods, Mimo fans, and who knows, maybe Mimo there! Thanks Racet for coming up with the idea for a party!
P.s. Comment if you can make it.
yea i would really like to come and add u guys but tomrow ive got my footy premirship and i dont really wanna wake up at 5:00 am
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
Anonymous said...
yeah mimo i totally agree. say mimo do you ride bikes?
maybe he does like skateboarding tho
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
zero429 said...
Cool i like reg chat servers and can you add me mimo im your biggest fan! my penguin name is well zero429.
sorry but mimo cant just add u maybe win a contest to get added be a mimo mod or maybe just maybe mimo might have an adding party
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
Anonymous said...
I think safe chat servers totally wrecks the idea of Club Penguin. I mean if you have really over protective parents then I don't blame you. But I just never get on them cause it limits alot of stuff.
yea i know cp is really a chat room but for little kids like 5,6,7,8 year olds who arent good spellers or dont know how to type good go around playing games and stuff and there probably safe chat so thats why they have them but for older ppl like 10,11,12,13,14 year old ppl like it as us a chatroom
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
Anonymous said...
thats awsome! are there numbers on there? i dont get why we cant type in numbers do u ?
ur 100% right man i think the same way
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
Also congrats to Marquizi on becomig a cpg mod
Almost uploaded mimo ill tell u the link in a sec
i guess its fun....except they'll find you any where unless their not a ninja or a secret agent...pritty borring i guess.
Fluffygood said...
Anonymous said...
yeah mimo i totally agree. say mimo do you ride bikes?
Most likely.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Thanks mimo!:)
yea i would really like to come and add u guys but tomrow ive got my footy premirship and i dont really wanna wake up at 5:00 am
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
Oh, I'm sorry Wii Wii Wii1. We might have another party in a few days and i'll try to make it at a later time. Sorry.
Wow nice job savvy for becomeing a mimo mod!
ten seconds on club penguin goes realy fast lol
u met rockhopper last time he was here mimo?
Sand Flipper said...
Sigh my twitter is gone forever.... how would you feel if you had all those followers and your closest friends now poof its all gone....
Sand Flipper
Anonymous said...
yeah mimo i totally agree. say mimo do you ride bikes?
i dont think he rides a bike but for sure he rides a skateboard he even made a utube video about it!
Arakezi (CPG MOD)
zero429 said...
Cool i like reg chat servers and can you add me mimo im your biggest fan! my penguin name is well zero429.
im sorry but mimo cant add EVERYONE because it wont be fair beside you may not be his biggest fan... you never know.....
Arakezi(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
thats awsome! are there numbers on there? i dont get why we cant type in numbers do u ?
because some poeple find ways to cuss on cp without getting banned
Anonymous said...
u met rockhopper last time he was here mimo?
Yes he did! He met him by looking at his Famous Penguin Comment Tracker.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
zero429 said...
Cool i like reg chat servers and can you add me mimo im your biggest fan! my penguin name is well zero429.
Their is one way to add him. You can become a Mimo Mod which takes a whole lot of work and dedication.
But his list his probably full.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
thats awsome! are there numbers on there? i dont get why we cant type in numbers do u ?
No there is absolutely not. This is because people found out ways to swear, give out their address, or their age.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Hey elfears11762, how do you pronounce ur name? is it like el fears, or elf ears, or what?
Just wonderin'! Elf ears would be a pretty rad name, and so would el fears...
Or is it just a jumbled elfears?
Think about it if you go a no chat sever you will get some peace and quite for once. As no one can say "mimo, add me please".
Smile =)
Anonymous said...
u met rockhopper last time he was here mimo?
Mimo has never met Rockhopper.
This really Awesome! I already know this; but thanks for your help, Mimo! Also; ''10, 9, 8, 7,...'' is really interesting! Finally; I do NOT go on No chat servers; it makes me anxious! :D
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Club Penguin sent everyone this month's paychecks! Check it out!
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
I never go on no chat servers.
you should make it your poll sometime
This is an awesome idea! :D
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
zero429 said...
Cool i like reg chat servers and can you add me mimo im your biggest fan! my penguin name is well zero429.
Sorry but Mimo can NOT everyone; but if you want to be added, try to be a MIMO MOD! So Mimo can add you... But being MIMO MOD is NOT so easy :D...
=> Safa153 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
thats awsome! are there numbers on there? i dont get why we cant type in numbers do u ?
Zxz192 said...
We cant type numbers because then people can tell other people their phone numbers
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
zero429 said...
Cool i like reg chat servers and can you add me mimo im your biggest fan! my penguin name is well zero429.
Zxz192 said...
Mimo cant add you because its not fair on everyone else
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
yeah mimo i totally agree. say mimo do you ride bikes?
Zxz192 said...
Im not sure if mimo rides bikes but I think he prefers skateboards
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
u met rockhopper last time he was here mimo?
Zxz192 said...
Im not sure if he met him last time he was here but he has DEFINATELY met him before
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
i dont its to hard to talk and stuff lolz
Same, in all of my Club Penguin life I have only been on a safe chat server once!!!I HATE THE SAFE CHAT...THEY SO BROING!!!
Kkkkkk123 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
u met rockhopper last time he was here mimo?
Ur right cause if u look on the picture he has his salad background, i didn't get to meet him, but i met him the time before that!!
Kkkkkk123 (CPG MOD)
Wii Wii Wii1 said...
Mellyb10 said...
Party time!!!!
Server: Frozen!
Room: Night Club!
Time: 12:00 p.m. cpst!
Date: August 1!
Hosts: Mellyb10 and Racet2000
Hope to see Mods, Mimo fans, and who knows, maybe Mimo there! Thanks Racet for coming up with the idea for a party!
P.s. Comment if you can make it.
yea i would really like to come and add u guys but tomrow ive got my footy premirship and i dont really wanna wake up at 5:00 am
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
Its okay! We will have another party soon.
~Racet2000~ Cpg Mod
Mellyb10 said...
Mellyb10 said...
Party time!!!!
Server: Frozen!
Room: Night Club!
Time: 12:00 p.m. cpst!
Date: August 1!
Hosts: Mellyb10 and Racet2000
Hope to see Mods, Mimo fans, and who knows, maybe Mimo there! Thanks Racet for coming up with the idea for a party!
P.s. Comment if you can make it.
Your welcome! I think I can make it. Just keep the party in the night club till I get there. Then we might move to my igloo and create a band. Melly, have room on your buddy list for me like I have for you. See you tomorrow,
~Racet2000~ Cpg Mod
Sure thing Racet! I'll open my igloo also in case we decide to move to it, and don't worry I'll keep it in Night Club till u get there.
anywayz, you missed my birthday party today 8( it was the best but i invited you, why couldnt you come??, we had food and games and a dance party and someone sang to me! -swettie422
Sorry Mimo couldn't come - he usually is very busy on his blog, twitter, secret site and probably loads more!
- Lollpop5465
Anonymous said...
yeah mimo i totally agree. say mimo do you ride bikes?
I know he rides skateboards so I wouldn't be surprised :D
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
thats awsome! are there numbers on there? i dont get why we cant type in numbers do u ?
You can countdown from 10 to one! You cant type numbers because people would say thei age, address ect. and it was to dangerous
Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
thats awsome! are there numbers on there? i dont get why we cant type in numbers do u ?
u cant type numbers coz u might try to give out phone numbers and stuff if u make a really good friend or somthing (even though im sure u wouldnt do that)
hope this helped
frangipani42(cpg mod)
Wait you found Rockhopper?!
@SandFlipper Why is your twitter account gone?
I'm pretty sure the reason we can't type numbers anymore is because people could give out numberes and addresses. Hope I helped! ;-)
I'm pretty sure the reason we can't type numbers anymore is because people could give out numberes and addresses. Hope I helped! ;-)
I never go on no chat servers.
And I don`t really play hide-and-seek :/
Party time!!!!
Server: Frozen!
Room: Night Club!
Time: 12:00 p.m. cpst!
Date: August 1!
Hosts: Mellyb10 and Racet2000
Hope to see Mods, Mimo fans, and who knows, maybe Mimo there! Thanks Racet for coming up with the idea for a party!
Awesome! I won`t forget about this party! (I`ll have to log in now to be able to get a spot before the server fills up lol)
No, it's full!
Oh yeah! I made it into Froze with 5 bars!
~Dizzy97 (will be there!)
yea i would really like to come and add u guys but tomrow ive got my footy premirship and i dont really wanna wake up at 5:00 am
wii wii wii1(cpg ledgendary mod)
It`s at 5:00 PM aka supper time x)
not in the morning x)
~Dizzy97 (CPG mod)
Same, in all of my Club Penguin life I have only been on a safe chat server once!!!I HATE THE SAFE CHAT...THEY SO BROING!!!
Kkkkkk123 (CPG MOD)
One time I went on one by accident and thought my computer was messing up because there was no box to type in. lol
I saw something in the pic, you changed your back ground! AHHHHH! How could you!!!!!!
i always go to chat servers and never go to no chat servers.
Cold Tongue said...
@SandFlipper Why is your twitter account gone?
A hacker probably got into her account and made it vanish.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
I don't go on non-chat servers I agree it is very hard to talk to people.
- Lollypop5465
Hey guys do you know how long it mainly takes to be a Mod??
- Lollypop5465
Zxz192 said...
yeah u cant say anythin on there. like u cant say "why r u wearin that?" and "what did i do this time?" lol
Hey Zxz192,
I know! You can't even say "Zebra's smell funny!" lol!
Lollypop5465 said...
Hey guys do you know how long it mainly takes to be a Mod??
- Lollypop5465
It takes 4-6 months to become a moderator only if you're good. If you stop once in while it will take quite a long time.
Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)
Yeahh no chat servers are BORING.Atleast you can still do it on chat servers.But yeah i was wondering y some ppl why doing 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 i was like how r u doing that lol
Lollypop5465 said...
Hey guys do you know how long it mainly takes to be a Mod??
- Lollypop5465
There really is not time limit. I became one in two weeks. You just have to work extremely hard at it Until Mod Updates. Good luck!
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Club Penguin Guy said...
I saw something in the pic, you changed your back ground! AHHHHH! How could you!!!!!!
Haha sorry, but Mimo changes his background now every once in a while. Sometimes change is really good :)
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Mimo, I think we should have a party which is safe chat. :D
Hey mimo. You may know this but if you buy the picket fence and you editing your igloo, press down button and see what happens. Wicked.
hiya mimo, i also realized that they got rid of the time. it used to have from 12:00 - 11:00 on activities but they took it down. please post something about that and please give me credit :)
- Miley2119
Safe chat servers totally wreck the idea of club penguin. They separate the servers by age instead... I guess. What if younger kids get on regular chat without telling their parents? What if the little kids didn't tell their parents the could've agreed to safe chat when they first made their account?
i have an party plz do attend
Server:winter land
when:10:00am-9:00pm london timing!!!
Ultimate Safe Chat servers stink so I barely ever go on them. They are really boring.
well it depends on if you want to talk! :D
Whazap101 said...
Hey mimo. You may know this but if you buy the picket fence and you editing your igloo, press down button and see what happens. Wicked.
Mimo cant buy the fence and see wat happens because hes not a member but maybe 9china9 or another cpg member can see
frangipani42(cpg mod)
Hi C.P.G!
Yes, I agree with you, it would defiantly be hard to chat on those servers.
See ya soon! - Waffles 0403
gr8....btw mimo nice pin!
Safe chat servers totally wreck the idea of club penguin. They separate the servers by age instead... I guess. What if younger kids get on regular chat without telling their parents? What if the little kids didn't tell their parents the could've agreed to safe chat when they first made their account?
That's what I did. What's a "little kid"? because I made my account regular chat as soon as I made my account.
But I was eight back then so i wasn`t a "little kid"
Mimo cant buy the fence and see wat happens because hes not a member but maybe 9china9 or another cpg member can see
frangipani42(cpg mod)
Yes, Mimo /is/ a member. His membership expired and then he bought a new one.
~Dizzy97 (CPG mod)
gr8....btw mimo nice pin!
Mimo didn`t make the pin owo
Even though he is awesome he doesn`t have the power to do that
how do u get the free item on chobots
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