Is there an
X-ray machine on Club Penguin?
Please, don't think I am
Mad. I just like
Club Penguin.
Please, if you see one
Tell me.
Zebras smell funny.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Mimo's Poem.
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats
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Nice poem!
no there isnt a x-ray machine.....
is this a poem to your party
sorry no xray machine yay 3rd comment i think wow good poem zebras do smell funny
that one was an easy one mimo...
Hi I love your poem! Its cool! I hope this is the third comment if not, poot!
awesome poem! Can u please tell us what to do on the hint?
awesome!! you website is the best ever!!!!!!!!!!
Me again your right zebras do smell funny well bye
7the comment nice poem
I must admit, your really clever :P
hello mimo if you are there please forgive me if you email me i want to meet you please email me and i want to mee you i am yes mad because i want to meet mimo777
poem is cool
Nice poem!No there isnt an x-ray machine.
mimo email me at
Way too easy... I figured it out the first 5 seconds. literally!!! Just read it over and over again and you will get it!!!! - Tamiflu
what does this mean but sweet poem
Is this one of the clues to your party if so someone plz tell that it is a cool. Or you can do it mimo please :-(
i figued it out it is a cool so cool. nice idea mimo
Aeriell87 cp name :-)
I know it.
Answer us. Is this a hint or not. I have seen you talk on this Blogger. Mimo MIMO! Please. ;) No seriously.
I don get really
- The Jay Dude
eazy as pie
Cool poem
are yew going to e-mail us the time.?
my clubpenguin is deheygirl123.
is it the time or the server??
wow mimo you are fast at printing your comebts oh yesh new glitch if you throw aton of snowballs at the water at the iceberg and walk away and come back half of them or more are gone.
Aeriell87 cp name
nice hint now i have all the clues!!!
Love ur peom Mimo777!!!!!! No offence though but wats with that peom for?
very clever mimo :l
Y did u post this? and i can read the hint and everythin i just cant figure out the time i got the date though.
wow mimo nice u are clever oh and mimorulz
Bravo Mimo!
very nice poem
It took me 2 times to read it but I got it!Cool!
Ok Mimo tell us! I this a hint or just a random poem?
ILL BE THERE!!!! I like your poem and sorry to tell you this but there is no copy machine on CP
CP name: Holyoakster2
Clever, Mimo!
I really really wanted to go but I don't think i'll be able to make it at that time. so much for my first mimo party:(
oh well i'll just wait for the next one :)
what i don't get it?
Nice mimo777! so many ppl are stumped on it! see u at the party!
Spectermycat on cp!
P.S. you probably shouldn't post comments with e-mail address in them. who knows what kind of people visit this site?
I figured it out in like 4 seconds !!!
I know what you mean to do so i think its pretty cool
PS I will SO be there !!!!!!!
Beebah258 (username)
Got it!I'll be there!This took me forever.I wish I could give everybody a hint, but I can't.
Mimo, nice poem!I am defently going to be at your party!I figured out every single party hint!
-The server
-The room
-The date
-And the time!
P.S I am so excited! Like i said in one of my commets i NEVER went to one of your partys!:)
P.S.S Thanks for the cheats and Glitches you find out for us! I come on here three times a day for cheats and other stuff!
Um? Right I think I got it! If not you probably won't see me at the party, but I am pretty sure I got it.....I think. I probably have just been TOASTED! Darn!
I don't think there would be a x-ray machine at cp. Funny joke!!:)
i got it its very easy
it wasnt yet right but clever i get it
Good Poem See ya there
nice one! i got it! you're so smart! =)
i got the time ill be there mimo i hope :)
ok mimo777 u really confused me wow ok i read that upside down thing the word is mimorulz and wat time is it omg wow ok so ur trying to tell us the time mkay o wow ok i am so freaking confused oh mimo777.....
can i be the cheat agent i am really good.
Nicest Guy 1
i saw one
about 2 years ago in dance club
it was there for holoweeeeen and they removed it later it also had energy bt maybe u ment the one which G has if u think then be a agent then in one of the missions therz an x-ray machine
by the way nice poem
AAAA What were trying to say dude
I just found something out about the homepage... The penguin above the PLAY icon changes clothes and accesories when you click on it.
Account CP name: cordovakim
hey i got a glitch
i can't search it on your website to see if u got it because your search box doesn't work
When you dance with a scarf
the scarf swings to the other side when you do the foot tapping move at the start of the dance and the left wave
nice one mimo!!! i know what its suppose to mean!!
zebras do smell funny....and great poem Mimo!
nice poem. no x rays. sorry. and mimo , i heard u throw awesome partys, so ill b there.
i don't get this either?
Umm mimo.. I don't know what your talking about.. but there are no x-rays in club penguin.. sorry :|
i dont understand
hey mimo the new pin is in the boiler room. please post oh by the way my name is Skye Blue18 (penguin name)
Great Poem, and i got the clue
Some of you guys figured it out.. but most of you didn't, I guess I am one of the few that did figure it out.. Butttt here it goes im going to fit in with everyone else :)
there... esacni uoy tndid wonk taht saw eht tsal tnih... hope you understood my last sentence...
Mimo777. I was looking at the poem. thinking "grr". I looked at what the other people had to say. I looked at it 6 more times. Then, my laptop fell off my lap. I went to grab it. And SAW IT! IT WAS A SIGN! MIMO I HAVE ALL THE HINTS! IT'LL BE MY FIRST MIMO PARTY! OH MIMO IF I KNEW WHO YOU WERE IN REAL LIFE I'D HUG YOU!
P.S. DONT give up people if you feel desperate! YOU CAN DO IT! IT TOOK ME 15MIN AND 16 SECONDS! And I'll go along with everyone else. Zebras DO smell funny!
~*~*~*~*~Kendreaa (cp name)~*~*~*~*~*~
now i get it
I figured it out!
OMG that will be late for me....
But anyway, I got all the clues and I am ready to PARTY!!!
I got it, but I had to first look at the other comments. Some people said they got the hint for the party, so I looked at the poem once more and got it. That's a real clever idea!
Budder Boy
oh that was easy
what does this poe mean? It's kinda random, don't you think?
haha good one mimo i got the hint in the poem!
See you then.
Oooooh! I know what time ur party is!!!! *:**!!!! oooooooooooo I cannot wait! :D
wow that was hard. nice.
Nice title... I dunno about the
X-rays but I think G's working on one.
yo mimorulz
Nice poem.
Very good, Mimo777. ;D
ohh.. I know why you wrote this poem! you are so smart mimo!
hey at the "server" where are you????
hey mimo! i couldnt figure out the hint in the poem but i read the hint about the day so uhhhhhhh mimorulz. why did we need to tell you about the well you know what i mean. AND HOW DO YOU TELL US THE TIME WHEN WE FIGURE OUT THE CODE???????????
you are so smart mimo!!!!!!!!!!!!
zebras do smell weird, theres no copying machine, and i figured out the hint and will be there!!!!!
P.S. hard lookers, dont give up!!! it took me about 20 minutes to figure it out.
WOW that was great. i figured out all the clues!! yayy see you there...if the room its in is not full when i get there...that would totally be awful!!!
Mimo we are in your party right now please join us.
OMG i got all the clues...i hope ill get there before the room is full! see you there hopefully. this is my first mimo so penguin name is icecube553! see ya!
Yes.I got it.Woohoo.See you at your party Mimo.
omgsh I am sooo dumb I just got it while I was searching your site for new cheats. Mimo you are sooo smart. I LOVE YOU MIMO!
Mimo where are you? some of theme say its on sunday because you didn't come is it the penguin times clock or the our clock?
its another hint right?
The party has just started!! We already have the room almost filled up!
You better come soon....
mimo your not going to be able to get in your party i went there at 8:25 am club penguin time and its already FULL! i cant beleive it! and when i got in there i couldnt even move it was going o slow!so mimo can u move your party to like the ice berg or some thing different? please! my club penguin name is dogboy355.
nice hint
youll have to hurry oh and the poem is a hint
OH!!!! i get it now Mimo!!!! Even tho the party isnt right now can you meet me on?? Snow Bank, pizza parlor!!! plz!!! ill be there!!!
~Indiansfan41 will be my penguin!!!
hey mimo is the party club penguin time or central pacific time? im worried i missed it..
please make a blog saying if it's central pacific time or club penguin time. i think i missed it
please mimo come to the iceberg because i didn't meet you and this is the first party that you had that i was here on this site! :(..
It's really not fair because cpt could be central pacific time OR club penguin time!!
That was a weird poem.
But it gave me an idea that you should have a Club Penguin Poem Contest!
omg i got the poem now that u posted it under ur party hilights lol im on ur buddy list and ive been 2 all ur partys this is the 1st 1 ive ever missed :-( MIMO U rock/ Fun clues and keep up the good work with ur site
CP name (Ace hfgh54f6)
hahahaha that was a good poem, i just figured it out, but i still was at ur party!!!! that was a very creative clue
i got it just 5 days late lol
That was the only hint I did not get. Darn! Oh well maybe next time
What peom are they all talking about? when is ur next party? i am SO there! you rule mimo!!!
OMG that was the best party ever!!!!! I practiced all day to get the mimo dance right!!! U ROCK MIMO777!!
hmmmmm capitals, btw the party was fun
wat do the last six letters mean
ha ha
the party clue says: SIX PM PSTZ,PSTZ stands for Penguin Standard Time Zone
lol random
that was random but at least it rhymed! cool poem! zebras do smell funny, but i think they smell rather bad than funny. but the poem was faunnyy
mimo is your song on itunes or is it only on itunes store
Great site! How can I subscribe to it?
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