Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, May 3, 2009

New Club Penguin Gang Mod Day - UPDATED!

Don't worry if you did not get added. We might have to add more in a couple days. Don't give up hope! Cool?

There have been so many new mods recently. I think we should pick a few new ones! But I need help. Please suggest in a comment some new mod that have been doing a good job recently and Mimo and CPG will have a meeting today.

Then later we will post the new mods!

Don't vote for your yourself. ;-) Also you can suggest to us promoting a current Mod to a higher rank too!

Click here to read the CPG Mod Rules.

Thanks for your help! Vote now by leaving a comment!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


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Anonymous said...

give leggoofmyeggo promotion to legendary mod


... said...

I found in some of the other comments that wally3046 was answering questions well and correctly and he has (cpg mod) next to his name. I recommend wally3046.


Mystery100 said...


windows888 said...

Nigiri294 is a really good mod and some of the mods havent been doing so well lately

diego292 said...

sigh ill never be a mod and its my cpg dream i know you wont accept this be cause its not on the rules to beg being a cpg mod...

Anonymous said...

I think Bb Polo745 should be a mod.


Anonymous said...

Wally3046 has been doing a good job i think he should be a mod.


Mikes Mic said...

I think A Kiwi Boy should be promoted. He has always helped me out, plus him and I shared an interest in each others CP Cheats sites (both inspired off yours Mimo!) Please give A Kiwi Boy a promotion!

Anonymous said...

I found in some of the other comments that wally3046 was answering questions well and correctly and he has (cpg mod) next to his name. I recommend wally3046.

I agree with floppyj10! Wally3046 all the way!

Anonymous said...

i think jimbo3003 has done gud in da last while. watch out 4 him. he deserves a slot

Anonymous said...

I think Sand Flipper, Dex Dude, Sophi Jr, and Happywagon should be promoted they are always answering questions.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I found in some of the other comments that wally3046 was answering questions well and correctly and he has (cpg mod) next to his name. I recommend wally3046.

I agree with floppyj10! Wally3046 all the way!



Random Matthew722 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Random Matthew722 said...

P.S. I agree that wally3046 wud be an awesome mod!


Anonymous said...

i would lovee to be a cpg mod mimo! im good at answering questions because my penguin is 820 days old! i know alot about club penguin, so if there are still spaces to be able to be a mod,id love to join!!! (:


Anonymous said...

leggoofmyeggo legendary mod!

savvy should be higher!

Anonymous said...

I remember that Matthew used to be in it, not he's starting to be a mod again haha!

So I vote for Matthew722 + wally3046

Penguin Name: Funfreeze

Anonymous said...

i think that wierdthomas should be a mod
he is answering every question nicely

Random Matthew722 said...

windows888 said...
Nigiri294 is a really good mod and some of the mods havent been doing so well lately


I have to admit, Nigiri294 has been doing gd, but u can't say th rest of the mods are doing bad, they're all trying their best, including me lol :P

Sophi Jr said...

i think wally3046 should become a mod as well as yosshi456

Dunnker said...

I think Leggoofmyeggo should get prometed.

Sophi Jr said...

I think zxz should be promoted

Random Matthew722 said...

Anonymous said...
i would lovee to be a cpg mod mimo! im good at answering questions because my penguin is 820 days old! i know alot about club penguin, so if there are still spaces to be able to be a mod,id love to join!!! (:



Im sure u knw a lot, so u should try out! Anyone can be one, if u try ur best!:P

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

cowtail5 cpg mod said...

I think that u should put leggoofmyeggo to a legend mod! I also think that savvy and Dex Dude deserve higher ranks!
I cant wait to see if I got chosen!
Cowtail5 cpg mod

Sophi Jr said...

diego292 said...
sigh ill never be a mod and its my cpg dream i know you wont accept this be cause its not on the rules to beg being a cpg mod...
Hey! Don't give up! You'll get there one day! Just try really hard! :D
Sophi Jr

Anonymous said...

Diego292 said...
sigh ill never be a mod and its my cpg dream i know you wont accept this be cause its not on the rules to beg being a cpg mod...

Don't give up! Just remember answer as many questions as you can and be polite as you answer them! And Maybe, After a While, you could become a CPG MOD!
-Putty84 (CPG Mod)

Sophi Jr said...

Well, lol good luck to everyone ;)

Anonymous said...

Stickers303 should be a Legendary Mimo Mod! lol jk

I say Happywagon so go higher :D


Burpy678 said...

i think theyshould all be promoted if they have done more than ten answers in the past few days.

That's Mama Luigi to you, Mario!

Anonymous said...

I really think kofi 623 should be a mod. Check ot his sweet videos on youtube. Just type in kofi 623.

-sincerely acp is here

cowtail5 cpg mod said...

nannerz711- To be a cpg mod then you just have to be nice and answer questions, it does not matter how old ur penguin is!
Cowtail5 cpg mod
P.S. U should let wally3046 be a mod! He is really nice mimo!
Cowtail5 cpg mod

Donut Man 5 said...

I think "Wii Wii Wii1" should be promoted to super mod!
i also think saavy should become a LEGENDARY MOD


cowtail5 cpg mod said...

You guys all are great mimo fans! I hope that wally3046 gets added and Dexdude gos up! That would be a nice change!
Cowtail5 cpg mod

Matbolabc said...

I think you should promote Happywagon

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
i would lovee to be a cpg mod mimo! im good at answering questions because my penguin is 820 days old! i know alot about club penguin, so if there are still spaces to be able to be a mod,id love to join!!! (:


if you want to be a mod it takes a bout 3-5 weeks and you have to answer questions, be nice, give tips, and be helpfull. oh and put "CPG MOD" after you answer a question.

wally3046 (CPG MOD)

Kidomo said...

hey mods, do you think mimos heard of that new show from the dreators of office? parks and recreation? if he has, do think he wants to see it? lol!!!! ^.^

acp is here said...

you taut me to play planet cazmo and chobots. And i went to your last party. But i think i shpunt be a mod. I think either kofi 623 or G revelution should be a mod. I dont think im qualified

RedSoxGirl72 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rollingdog said...

he has helped me soooo much especially during the penguin play awards, thanks to him i found AA PB C and G now all thats left is Rockhopper!!!!!,

Thanks Zxz192,
Rollingdog (CP name)

pokemon8128 said...

Vote draflame , hes a good tour guide.


osage117 said...

sand flipper should really become a mimo mod, he is sooooo helpful! and roger8500 is really good too, he's not a mod though...

Gamer23 said...

well i think matthew and daddey r good choices, lol. They tried their hardest. Also, sand flipper would do good too! make her a mimo mod! lol and rats! I cant vote for myself... lol

Later CPG!

Donut Man 5 said...

I also think "Wally3046" is great! if anyone needs to become a CPG MOD it's him!


Gamer12356 said...

oops i said Gamer223 earlier, lol

My Bad! lol

Anonymous said...

u should promote stickers303 and im Qwazaz peace out! p.s. i think i saw u at the Ciara concert yester day!!!!

Random Matthew722 said...

acp is here said...
you taut me to play planet cazmo and chobots. And i went to your last party. But i think i shpunt be a mod. I think either kofi 623 or G revelution should be a mod. I dont think im qualified


Don't think that ;-) U just gotta train, i bet if u start now and work hard u'll be a mod by next month so don't give up! I once was gonna give up, then I thought, I'm being dum giving up cuz im not a mod in 1 month, so here I am again, trying to be a mod lol! Hopefully I will!

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

himskater12 said...

hey mimo wii wii wii1 should be promoted to super mod

Random Matthew722 said...

diego292 said...
sigh ill never be a mod and its my cpg dream i know you wont accept this be cause its not on the rules to beg being a cpg mod...


Ur right, don't beg, and i know how ur feeling, i felt that way.
Listen to me closely k lol?
I love being wacky and goofy, so I tried out being a Mod, then a month passed and nothing, so i got upset and quit, now im back trying to be a mod :D Because of this, I became gd friends with lots of mods, then i met others thanks to them. I know it will be hard to get threw u, but trust me, if u try, u will get it, its patience, u will get! :D U cud be as sweet as a 7-scoop chocolate icecream lol! (see wat I mean?)

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

wally3046 should be a mod. he rocks!


Random Matthew722 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gretaa821 said...

I think that guy Daprankstar deserves to be one coz he has been answering questions correctly


DaPrankstar said...

Hey I know I'm not allowed to vote for myself but I'm just saying that I think that I would make a brilliant mod coz I have looads of spare time and I amd buddies with most of the mods already.

Yours Waddling

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo, I have been waking around clubpenguin alot and i have been noticing that one penguin named Butter91 has been helping out. She has been giving money to the 'poor' and giving tours. And most important keeping clubpenguin save. PLease check here out.
- Waddle2684

Blue Sub 7 said...

Confupenguin Sand Flipper and A Kiwi Boy Should all be mimo mods

Spike Heaton (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...

i would lovee to be a cpg mod mimo! im good at answering questions because my penguin is 820 days old! i know alot about club penguin, so if there are still spaces to be able to be a mod,id love to join!!! (:



It would be very easy to be a MOD all you to do is
-Be nice to people they have feeling too ya know

- Have some phun you dont have to be serious all the time

- Amswer people question
- Give new MODS a congrats

Spike Heaton*CPG MOD

son1c14 said...

WALLY3046 IS AWSOME He's soooo cool! Put him as a mod!!

Anonymous said...

please give wii wii wii1 a promotion to super mod.I also want kiwi boy to be promoted.thx!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Waddle2684 Butter91 should be a Cpg mod.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
u should promote stickers303 and im Qwazaz peace out! p.s. i think i saw u at the Ciara concert yester day!!!!

stickers cant be promoted because hes as high up as you can get! :)


Spike Heaton (CPG MOD) said...

Donut Man 5 said...

I think "Wii Wii Wii1" should be promoted to super mod!
i also think saavy should become a LEGENDARY MOD



I agree they both work their hardest hope they make it

Spike Heaton*CPG MOD

howat1 said...

sallisoo! get sallisoo! he is good! make him a mod

son1c14 said...

I think you would be good, but do ever answer questions or anything? I always try! Anyway, i'm sure you would be an awesome CPG mod!

boblopumpkin said...

zxz192 helped almost everybody he also helped me i want him to be a legendary mod

Anonymous said...

diego292 said...
sigh ill never be a mod and its my cpg dream i know you wont accept this be cause its not on the rules to beg being a cpg mod...
all you have to do is answer questions.
It isnt as hard as it seems.


Anonymous said...

Jetslc to Mimo Mod

Spike Heaton said...

I think Dex Dude and kiwi to be promoted they work really hard

Spike Heaton

Anonymous said...

I think Edancer should become a mod because she really is positeve and tries to make negitave things positive.

Anonymous said...

i think wii wii wii1 should become a super mod. he posts a lot of helpful comments and should become a super mod.

GO WII WII WII1!!!!!!!!

pawandclaw5 (CPG mod wanna be)

PS its gonna happen eventually, why not now?

Edancer said...

Dear Anonymous,
Thank you so much for voting for me! But i don't have to become one. I just want to help Mimo777!!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hi Mimo, I have been waking around clubpenguin alot and i have been noticing that one penguin named Butter91 has been helping out. She has been giving money to the 'poor' and giving tours. And most important keeping clubpenguin save. PLease check here out.
- Waddle2684

what he means is people that answer questions on his website not CP. oh ya and you cant actually give away coins.

wally3046 (CPG MOD)

GGabriella said...

I think Kookle910 should be it! He is cool with blogging and stuff! Please pick him!

Spike Heaton (CPG MOD) said...

diego292 said...

sigh ill never be a mod and its my cpg dream i know you wont accept this be cause its not on the rules to beg being a cpg mod...


Yes, begging won't help but you can become a CPG MOD by answer people question hey maybe you will be a Mimo MOD with stickers303

Spike Heaton*CPG MOD

Anonymous said...

DaPrankstar said...
Hey I know I'm not allowed to vote for myself but I'm just saying that I think that I would make a brilliant mod coz I have looads of spare time and I amd buddies with most of the mods already.

Yours Waddling
on the post mimo said not to vote for yourself, because you should get others opinions if you have been doing the job. just keep answering questions. and im sure people will and have voted for you.

-tootsieluv, cpg mod in training

Spike Heaton (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo, I have been waking around clubpenguin alot and i have been noticing that one penguin named Butter91 has been helping out. She has been giving money to the 'poor' and giving tours. And most important keeping clubpenguin save. PLease check here out.
- Waddle2684

When you say "poor" do you mean Coins for Change and you have to work on CPG not CP to be a CPG MOD :)

Spike Heaton*CPG MOD

Spike Heaton (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo, I have been waking around clubpenguin alot and i have been noticing that one penguin named Butter91 has been helping out. She has been giving money to the 'poor' and giving tours. And most important keeping clubpenguin save. PLease check here out.
- Waddle2684

When you say "poor" do you mean Coins for Change and you have to work on CPG not CP to be a CPG MOD :)

Spike Heaton*CPG MOD

Anonymous said...

i think rhyspompey22 should be a cpg mod because he is really great and always awensers questions that anyone asks from 21 flubber.

Maxiemill said...

I think coolblueryder is amazing and he should be new mod
he goes on Mimo chat a lot and stuff
he really wants to be one

Spike Heaton (CPG MOD) said...

Rollingdog said...

he has helped me soooo much especially during the penguin play awards, thanks to him i found AA PB C and G now all thats left is Rockhopper!!!!!,

Thanks Zxz192,
Rollingdog (CP name)

Yes, Zxz has been giveing some great tips lately Zxz might just be a Legendary MOD Good Luck!

Spike Heaton*CPG MOD

coby15 said...

i think a Kiwi Boy should be promoted

coby15(cpg mod in training)

derek said...

himskater12 should be a mod because he works hard

Anonymous said...

Slushies368 :]

filp3134 said...

add savy for higher ranks
dexdude to

Anonymous said...

stickers 303

Sand Flipper said...

I havnt been modding much recently so i don't deserve to move up, but I have been a mod for so long. What do you think?

Sand Flipper


Anonymous said...

I honestly have to say, that i dont know who to vote for! They are all doing such a good job! But i guess one I feel has been standing out is Saavy. She is the one I've seen answer many of questions correct and politly. But im not trying to put anyone down.
also, i want to be a cpg mod, and thats why i have been trying my hardest to answer questions. but i could wait another day. Saavy for sure derserves to be promoted.


Nathaliez said...

i rekon dat wally3046 should be made a mod coz ive found dat he was answering lots of questions correctly and he has (cpg mod) next 2 his name.

Sand Flipper said...

diego292 said...
sigh ill never be a mod and its my cpg dream i know you wont accept this be cause its not on the rules to beg being a cpg mod...

Just keep trying, you'll get there!

Sand Flipper


Anonymous said...

mamamia12347 should be a mod

Nathaliez said...

A Kiwi Boy should definitly be promoted.

(go kiwis!)

Spike Heaton (CPG MOD) said...

acp is here said...

you taut me to play planet cazmo and chobots. And i went to your last party. But i think i shpunt be a mod. I think either kofi 623 or G revelution should be a mod. I dont think im qualified


Every body can be a CPG MOD by doing this
-Be nice to people they have feeling too ya know

- Have some phun you dont have to be serious everyday

- Amswer people question

- Give new MODS a congrats
_ The longer you on the list the faster you move up

Spike Heaton*CPG MOD

Spike Heaton (CPG MOD) said...

Maxiemill said...

I think coolblueryder is amazing and he should be new mod
he goes on Mimo chat a lot and stuff
he really wants to be one

Then he would be a Mimo Chat MOD not CPG MOD

Sand Flipper said...

Blue Sub 7 said...
Confupenguin Sand Flipper and A Kiwi Boy Should all be mimo mods

Thanks! You just made my day, knowing someone is thinking about me :D

Sand Flipper


Anonymous said...

I think that you should give a kiwi boy a promotion because he always answers a question when i look at the comments

Keirei CPGMOD said...

diego292 said...
sigh ill never be a mod and its my cpg dream i know you wont accept this be cause its not on the rules to beg being a cpg mod...
Well,no worries! To become a CPG MOD, you answer questions ppl are asking. Just try again! I know you can do it!

Tess Tror said...

i think leggoofmyeggo and stickers303 and sophi jr should all be promoted!

I would say everyone else cuz there all doing at great job but that would take a while!

Club Penguin said...

Survivor91 To Mimo Mod

Anonymous said...

i think Slyer521 has been doing a pretty good job! he should at least get to be a regular mod!

joey the 1st said...

Man well its time ti be a good sport i pick saavy!

Tghyh said...

I heard that saavy is really good
so i pick saavy

65656u said...

Hey. I've never posted a comment but i saw that Fire8877 was doing a pretty good job of answering questions!

nutalli said...

I have seen no1 saiz answering a lot of answers. He should be one! a kiwy boy should go up higher. Stickers303 hasn't been working hard :(.


Tess Tror said...

sigh ill never be a mod and its my cpg dream i know you wont accept this be cause its not on the rules to beg being a cpg mod...
Don't worry I want to be one too!
Just keep trying and don't give up!

Spike Heaton said...

I going to have chocolate milk.

Spike Heaton

Keirei said...

i actually think saavy should be promoted. As a fan of saavy, saavy is so nice and answers SOO Many questions. i also wnat to be a mod, but i think ppl who r already on the list should be promoted bcuz they have done so much for this site.

Anonymous said...

wally3046 should be a mod or make saavy a higher rank saavy is a nice person..

Tess Tror said...

Hi Mimo, I have been waking around clubpenguin alot and i have been noticing that one penguin named Butter91 has been helping out. She has been giving money to the 'poor' and giving tours. And most important keeping clubpenguin save. PLease check here out.
- Waddle2684
Wow that is really nice of her!!!!!!

IANSTER709 cpg mod. said...

I recommend wally3046 because he was answering questions correctly. He is very good at helping people.

Fire8877 said...

This is Fire8877. I think these ppl should be mods
-A kiwi boy (promoted)
-Wii Wii Wii1 (promoted)

I talked to other penguins and these ppl think i should be one
-Link and Ace

coolkid808 said...

that wii wii wii1 should be a super mod

Millywily said...

diego292 said...
sigh ill never be a mod and its my cpg dream i know you wont accept this be cause its not on the rules to beg being a cpg mod...

Don't be negative! ;-)
You can do it, I limit myself, try to do 3-6 moderations a day! thats what i try to do! :D

~Cya, Milly CPG Mod

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

ok i think zxz should be promoted n confu n leggo,
i want walley to be the newest mod with coolblurdy(soz 4 spelling name wrong), daddey, bp polo, andd 3jel, :)


Anonymous said...

Mimo I now you said don't like vote for yourself or pick yourself but I've been trying so hard to become a Mod, and I also think that my friend Dex Dude deserves a higher rank.

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Mystery100 said...
dear Mystery100
hey! thanks for saying that :) i really appreciated that comment :)


Millywily said...

I would love to nominate Mrpengiewin for a higher position. He does mod: it is just there are so many comments that his is at the bottom of the list!! :D


Zxz192 said...

Ok so first off thanks to everyone who thinks I should be promoted, its nice for u to say it! Ok I think Saavy, Dex Dude and Sophi Jr should be promoted and I think Marquizi98 and Coolbluerydr should be added to the list because they do a lot of answering questions and stuff and I think they would make good mods ;)

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

cowtail5 cpg mod said...
I think that u should put leggoofmyeggo to a legend mod! I also think that savvy and Dex Dude deserve higher ranks!
I cant wait to see if I got chosen!
Cowtail5 cpg mod
dear cowtail5 cpg mod
thanks cow tail for sharing 2 us on what u think :)


Anonymous said...

i think colster98 or Colr54 shouldgetto be a mod he helped Me ALOT!!!!!

HEis also very nice too.

Anonymous said...

i think Confupenguen should be promoted

Hedgehog 14 said...

i think wii wii 1 should be a mimo mod!!!!

Spike Heaton said...

Ok of anybody has voted for me thank you i know i have not been working my hardest on week days i cant answer question or get on my computer because i have a teacher who gives lots of homework congrats to whoever going to be a CPG MOD

Spike Heaton

Naruto6168 (CPG Mod) said...

Stickers303 is sooooo awsome I say she should be a SUPER MIMO MOD!!!


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Jayjay1411 said...
Mimo I now you said don't like vote for yourself or pick yourself but I've been trying so hard to become a Mod, and I also think that my friend Dex Dude deserves a higher rank.
dear jayjay1411
hi dude!, i understand wat ur saying about u working hard and well dont 4 that, and it would take some time for ppl 2 become mods but just dont give up becuz its ur time 2 shine! :)


Abendanio said...

I promote coolbluerydr because he has been nice and has answered a few of my questions

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

filp3134 said...
add savy for higher ranks
dexdude to
dear flip3134
thanks for voting 4 me :) just saying this... if uu wanna be a mod, dont give up n its not too late :)


Tommyo3000 said...

matthew 722 seems to be doing pretty good

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

hi mimo its saavy
just saying thanks 4 making me a mod in the 1st place, it really shows how ppl are n stuff n that they would not wanna do anyfing 2 hunt anybody, so im posting this comment 4 u! thanks mimo :)


Janthran said...


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

thanks 2 all the ppl who voted 4 me :)
and im saying this 2 every 1, NEVER give up, keep on trying 2 achieve ur goal and u will soon achieve it :)


animefan555 said...

From what i think...
wally3046 should be a mod & saavy should get to a higher rank.

Anonymous said...

Flab147 has been doing a great job but i dont know why he stopped for a while


Gallooo said...

leggoofmyeggo should be promoted. cause he's cool.

Anonymous said...

I vote for matthew772 should be a mod. I also like georgey524

flab147 said...

i think zxz192 and leggofmyeggo should be higher and saavy should be a mimo mod hes soooo good


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

hi mimo its saavy
on cp theres a new post about the disney rh thing n theres a pic aswell :)


flab147 said...

i havnt been modding because i had a virus so i dont deserve to be a CPG mod :( i hope people vote me


Drake said...

diego292 says:

sigh ill never be a mod and its my cpg dream i know you wont accept this be cause its not on the rules to beg being a cpg mod...

You dont know if you will become a mod or not you must work hard and be fair and help others to become one!!!

hazooma2(cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

i think you should give leggoofmyeggo a promotion to legendary mod

Fire8877 said...

Anonymous said...
Hi Mimo, I have been waking around clubpenguin alot and i have been noticing that one penguin named Butter91 has been helping out. She has been giving money to the 'poor' and giving tours. And most important keeping clubpenguin save. PLease check here out.
- Waddle2684

what he means is people that answer questions on his website not CP. oh ya and you cant actually give away coins.

wally3046 (CPG MOD)
You can for Coins For Change!


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

flab147 said...
i havnt been modding because i had a virus so i dont deserve to be a CPG mod :( i hope people vote me
dear flab147
who sed u dont deserve it? i think u do cuz its not ur fault u got a virus n all, so cheer up dude turn that frown up side down :)


Spike Heaton (CPG MOD) said...

flab147 said...

i havnt been modding because i had a virus so i dont deserve to be a CPG mod :( i hope people vote me



Don't give nobody voted for me but these are just suggestion Mimo vote is what counts and CPG

Spike Heaton*CPG MOD

Tennisbaseball said...

i think that Happywagon should be moved up also Wii Wii Wii1 should get promoted. Saavy should move up, dex dude should move same with Zxz192 and Mr pengiewin. I think Coolbluerydr should be added same with Matthew722 and myself.

Bb Polo745

Anonymous said...

you should give confupengu a promotion to legendary mod he deserves it

Hetina said...

I reccomend leggoofmyeggo to mimo mod! He answers soooo many questions! He rocks!

Anonymous said...

i think tuggy4 shood he/she is alwayas answering question even tho she/he doesnt say cpg mod after her/his name, she is awsome and he/she tought me a cheat ill use forever


Wacky Flip8 (CPG Mod in Training) said...

Hmmm...Saavy has been doing good has A Kiwi Boy...they should be promoted.

Anonymous said...

I saw that Matthew722, walley3046, and RedSoxGirl72 were answering questions in the last Post.

mimo rox said...

I think bd20 is good, they reply loads and maybe cpg should do with a british mod.

johnny said...

bd20 sounds good.

flab147 said...

Naruto6168 (CPG Mod) said...

Stickers303 is sooooo awsome I say she should be a SUPER MIMO MOD!!!

LOL a super mimo mod funny joke.mimo isnt making them but nice idea

Flab147(CPG mod)

plopzzz said...

bd20 sounds like a good mod...

MEEEEE said...


mimo all time #1 said...

cp wave sounds good.
But bd20 its excellent too!
Which one???

bluedude619 said...

i believe that beana 101 and snowangelgal should be a new mod because they helped me alot on the secret site they also made some comments when i could not find some pins and famous penguins to help me and keep me confident to keep on looking i really think they should be a new mod!
- bluedude619

#1 fan said...

bd20 is a good choice. they answer loads!!!
savvy sounds good tho...

Ajk 89 said...

one more thing i know i will not become a mod since i havent been on but congrats to who ever wins

flab147 said...

diego292 said...

sigh ill never be a mod and its my cpg dream i know you wont accept this be cause its not on the rules to beg being a cpg mod...
its my dream too but never give up because u will become 1 if you keep working.ive been trying for nerly 2 months now and i havnt gave up

Flab147(CPG Mod)

Dex Dude said...

Awesome! I really would love a higher rank!

~Dex Dude~

Happywagon said...

Thank you for the people who have voted for me. I think Saavy should be upgraded to legendary Mod, and Matthew722 should become a Mod. He does an excellent job.


himskater12 said...

bd20 sounds like a good mod...


yup it does i hope he is a good mod

himskater12(CPG mod)

Dex Dude said...

Diego292 said...
sigh ill never be a mod and its my cpg dream i know you wont accept this be cause its not on the rules to beg being a cpg mod...
Awww! Come one don't give up! Give it a shot! I know you can do it!

~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)

Dex Dude said...

Lolz yay I found one vote for me....

~Dex Dude~

Ajk 89 said...

o and one more (ya i am a little cra-z for all the votes for pplz) it is Matthew722

thanx Ajk 89

RedSoxGirl72 said...

Happywagon and yoshhi456 should be promoted.


Anonymous said...

tuxetothe3 he rocks dude rlly!

flab147 said...

Anonymous said...

i would lovee to be a cpg mod mimo! im good at answering questions because my penguin is 820 days old! i know alot about club penguin, so if there are still spaces to be able to be a mod,id love to join!!! (:

dear nannerz you hav to try your hardest to be a CPG Mod insted of asking or els it wont work hope this helped

Flab147(CPG Mod)

Dex Dude said...

JayJay1411 said...
Mimo I now you said don't like vote for yourself or pick yourself but I've been trying so hard to become a Mod, and I also think that my friend Dex Dude deserves a higher rank.
Aww thanks Jay! That's two votes for me! Awesome! You rock!

~Dex Dude~

juniejuiorn said...

Anonymous said...
give leggoofmyeggo promotion to legendary mod

ya know i think your right:)

Anonymous said...

i think survivor91 should be a mimo mod. CAN there be more than one mimo mod? cause if so, hes the perfect guy....
Pinkrosie909 ps i LOVE ur site and stay funny!

Dex Dude said...

I really think Happywagon should get a higher rank and Gamer. It's pretty hard having to answer a lot of these awesome questions!

~Dex Dude~

flab147 said...

Jayjay1411 said...
Mimo I now you said don't like vote for yourself or pick yourself but I've been trying so hard to become a Mod, and I also think that my friend Dex Dude deserves a higher rank.
dont give up keep working and i agree dex dude should get higher and saavy well higher and leggofmyeggo and confupenguen are really good aswell

Flab147(CPG Mod)

juniejunior said...

diego292 said...
sigh ill never be a mod and its my cpg dream i know you wont accept this be cause its not on the rules to beg being a cpg mod...

dont be discouraged you can do it!:)

Chicken58 said...

Wally3046 should get prompoted he has been answering lots of questions.

Dex Dude said...

Filp3134 said...
add savy for higher ranks
dexdude to
Thanks! You rock! I love all of the CPG Peoples! YOU GUYS ROCK!

~Dex Dude~

Dex Dude said...

You should definately give ranks to some of the CPG Mods that have been trying for a while! I still remember becoming a CPG Mod after one of your parties. That was one of the best moments of my life.... :^)

~Dex Dude~

flab147 said...

Dex Dude (CPG MOD) said...

Filp3134 said...
add savy for higher ranks
dexdude to
Thanks! You rock! I love all of the CPG Peoples! YOU GUYS ROCK!

~Dex Dude~
dex dude u should really become a super mod because your doing really really good

Flab147(CPG Mod)

Wacky Flip8 said...

Of course when I'm answering questions

Matbolabc said...

Happywagon should be promoted!

Dex Dude said...

Anonymous said...
i think survivor91 should be a mimo mod. CAN there be more than one mimo mod? cause if so, hes the perfect guy....
Pinkrosie909 ps i LOVE ur site and stay funny!
Yes! If someone works really hard, there CAN be two Mimo mods. And of course, who WOULDN'T want to be a Mimo Mod? Lolz!

~Dex Dude~ (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks all of you for voting for me i have like ten votes so thanks again!


Dex Dude said...

Dex Dude (CPG MOD) said...
Flab147 said...
Filp3134 said...
add savy for higher ranks
dexdude to
Thanks! You rock! I love all of the CPG Peoples! YOU GUYS ROCK!

~Dex Dude~
dex dude u should really become a super mod because your doing really really good

Flab147(CPG Mod)
Lolz thanks so much! You rock!

~Dex Dude~

Global Penguin said...

I think Sand flipper is doing awesome! Please make her/him a Mimo Mod. I would gratly appreciate that and Sand Flipper will to.

flab147 said...

mimo when will you be picking the CPG it tomorow or something


flab147 said...

Wacky Flip8 said...

Of course when I'm answering questions
of course what when your answering questions lolz

Flab147(CPG Mod)

flab147 said...

acp is here said...

you taut me to play planet cazmo and chobots. And i went to your last party. But i think i shpunt be a mod. I think either kofi 623 or G revelution should be a mod. I dont think im qualified
dont giv up acp is here you might if we vote

Flab147(CPG Mod)

flab147 said...

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

hi mimo its saavy
just saying thanks 4 making me a mod in the 1st place, it really shows how ppl are n stuff n that they would not wanna do anyfing 2 hunt anybody, so im posting this comment 4 u! thanks mimo :)

saavy you should be higher in the mod list and thanks saavy for helping me in alot of stuff wich i cant remember all of them rock on

Flab147(CPG Mod)

flab147 said...

Global Penguin said...

I think Sand flipper is doing awesome! Please make her/him a Mimo Mod. I would gratly appreciate that and Sand Flipper will to.
sand flipper is a girl and i agree shes doing really good

Flab147(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Jayjay1411 said;
Mimo I now you said don't like vote for yourself or pick yourself but I've been trying so hard to become a Mod, and I also think that my friend Dex Dude deserves a higher rank.
jayjay, dont worry about not getting picked to be a mod! just try your best to answer other people's questions, and people will start to notice that you are helping alot!(:


flab147 said...

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks all of you for voting for me i have like ten votes so thanks again!

now u hav 11 wally3046 because i vote u lolz

Flab147(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

diego292 said...
sigh ill never be a mod and its my cpg dream i know you wont accept this be cause its not on the rules to beg being a cpg mod...
Diego! dont give up! if you want to follow your dream of being a cpg mod, then my advice is to get out there and answer questions that others have! mimo will totally notice that you are doing a great job and promote you! good luck!!
~nannerz711 (:

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks all of you for voting for me i have like ten votes so thanks again!

now u hav 11 wally3046 because i vote u lolz

Flab147(CPG Mod)

hey guys, i hate to break it to ya, but even though you might be voting for one another, i think the master vote goes to mimo, so no matter how many other ppl vote for you, its all up to mimo! good luck guys! (:


Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo! I actually agree with Waddle2684. i have seen Butter91 walking around helping. You should add her the the CPG.
- Sprinkles889

himskater12 said...

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks all of you for voting for me i have like ten votes so thanks again!

now u hav 11 wally3046 because i vote u lolz

Flab147(CPG Mod)


now you have 12 wally3046 because im voting for you

himskater12(CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

Ajk 89 says...
one more thing i know i will not become a mod since i havent been on but congrats to who ever wins!
Ajk- dont be sad because you dont think that anyone is voting for you! if you follow the guidelines to becoming a mod, mimo will deff. notice and you will get promoted! (:


Anonymous said...

umm do you just anser Qs

mikey322 said...

Can I be a mod????

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

wow this post is gonna have alot of comments lol


Krystal 2000 said...

i think saavy has been really good at keeping up the good work, unlike me. Urgh..... i'll tell ya about that later.....

Fire8877 said...

Stickers should be a part of the CPG he's doing so good.


Anonymous said...

I saw some great posts from Metaljet helping outher people out Metaljet should be the new CPG MOD


Anonymous said...

I like kyroid and wally3046.
They help alot with questions

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