Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rockhopper Is Coming to Club Penguin Again!

The only real news this week is that Rockhopper will be coming to Club Penguin sometime this month! Woot!

That's pretty cool, but what we really need now, is a new mission! Who's with me? Club Penguin Gang makes some Killer Mission smart Cheats Guides! Check them out! ;-)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


Anonymous said...

Yeah thats cool!! But we DO need a new mission!!!

Bcreamsoda said...

I'm totally with you dude! We definately need a new mission! It's been way too long!


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Rockhopper!!!!! And yes, im with you on the mission. By the way Mimo, i think theres a glitch in the newspaper. When you see it in the corner, it says news, right? Well, i saw it flashing from NEWS to DIARIO. Check it out.
You rock! ~Bonky Beak

Anonymous said...

thay have not made a new misson in FOREVER!!!!!!

cooly763 said...

I think we need a new mission!

Pipplepapple said...

yeah, they REALLY need to make a new mission!

Awesome Pen7 said...

YEAH new missions would rock

Anonymous said...

10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?

sallisoo said...

lol mimo new glitch they do not have the newspaper pic yet for the better igloos catalog lol

lllove97 said...

Mimo i agree they should have one that is about the mystery of the orang puffle and you do the mission and get an ornage puffle!!

Lauren said...

im with you!! lol P.S. i think i know the Carl thing! its a FREE 6 MONTH MEMBErshIP

Anonymous said...

We should get a new mission we didn't do a mission in months!!

Unknown said...

i agree! we need a new mission!

Anonymous said...

I'am with you buddy! we certainly need a new mission!

Anonymous said...

yea we neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed a new mision realy i maked ol the misions wait a second i have an idea hmmmmmmmmmmmm... we ol can go to blg and in the coments whe can say we want a new mision realy

Myia3000 said...

Can someone tell me why im not on the CPG mods list at all? >(

Anonymous said...

Im totally with you, it's been so long since we've had a new mission.

Tycoon101 said...

we do need one!!!!!!!!

Pengifender said...

Yeah new mission and yea rockhoppers coming hopefully with a new item

Anonymous said...

im with you on the mission thing mimo. in fact 2 weeks ago i sent clubpenguin an email 2 weeks ago about it but i still have not got a reply!

Tommy94029 said...

I'm with you!

Nishranth Club Penguin Fan said...

We all need at least 1 new mission i am with you MIMO
And i am Happy That Rockhopper is on his way our island

Zxz192 said...

Myia3000 said...
Can someone tell me why im not on the CPG mods list at all? >(

Zxz192 said...
I can try. Maybe its because you haven't tried hard enough. It takes a LOT of work and a LOT of patience so keep trying

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

OMGCP said...

im with you!!!

Burpy678 said...

I am so with you Mimo!

Chicken58 said...

Cool!I just got my club penguin toy I ordered(I have to order it or go to Aberdeen)Have I told u i live in Scotland?yeah,anyway It was brand new and no code :|

B-man said...

Dude! Im ALWAYS with ya

jimbo3003 said...


Unknown said...


E said...

Myia3000 said...
Can someone tell me why im not on the CPG mods list at all? >(
Because you have to answer alot of question.
Its hard.

-Fluffygood (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

We really need a new mission! I so want to catch Herbert!

Anonymous said...

Cool! Yeah,we do need a new mission!
Wonder why they won't give us a new mission? I really don't know but anyway byez!

DaPrankstar said...

I hope Rockhopper brings back the pirate boots!

Yours Waddling

DaPrankstar said...

Anonymous said...
10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?

Okayyy, Here's why:
1. Hopping on rocks can be dangerous.
2. He is called Rockhopper after a type of penguin called Rockhopper penguins (look it up!)
3. Why hop on rocks?!?!

Hope this helped!
Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)

DaPrankstar said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

woot woot rock hopper lol, hopefully he will bring the rockhopper and bambadee background with them lol :) and oOoO new mission lol, we aint had a mission in a while now lol. :)


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?
dear anonymous
LOL! rock hopper dont hop on rocks lol, its just his name lol, theres probably a hidden story behinde his name.

saavy (CPG Mod)

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Myia3000 said...
Can someone tell me why im not on the CPG mods list at all? >(
dear myia3000
well its maybe because u might not have done something right, or u might have not been answering questions. but dont loose hope and dont give up, follow ur dream, keep on working hard and u will be on the list soon :)

saavy (CPG Mod)

flab147 said...

sorry i havnt posted in a while mimo my old computer broke so i had to get a new one im rely sorry


Drake said...

Myia3000 said...
Can someone tell me why im not on the CPG mods list at all? >(

If you want to be a cpg mod u need to answer comments and then mimo will choose some mods then if u r a mod and u aint answering comments mimo will remove u from the list like what he did to racerxbooi!

hazooma2(cpg mod)

oisin1001 said...

i hove so, but not likely! check the telespcoe tomoro ive just got a feeling...

Anonymous said...

I agree that a new mission would be nice...

DigitalMonke said...

MIMO!!! I am fully with you all the way! I have sent countless number of emails asking when there is going to be another mission but they never email me back :(. I think all your supporters should email aswell, then billybob might get his A into G if you know what I mean ;) LOL.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?


Well, Rockhopper is a name of a penguin. People make fun of his name by saying things such as the thing you said. People just have fun with the name. Hope that helps!

Itamaries on youtube.

Anonymous said...


-Naruto Fan20(CPG Mod In Training) said...

We serially need a new mission, I played all of them at least 5 times!

-Naruto Fan20(CPG Mod In Training)

Naruto Fan20 ( CPG Mod in Training ) said...

flab147 said...

sorry i havnt posted in a while mimo my old computer broke so i had to get a new one im rely sorry

Don't worry Mimo will understand

-Naruto Fan20(CPG Mod)

480pie said...

We NEED a mission, NOW!

Mystery100 said...

What I think is, when Rockhopper comes, he'll give out the new exclusive background form Disney. That's what I've seen people VLogging about, and what I think, and hope, will happen.

Ben826 said...

Anonymous said...
10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?
Good question! The name "Rockhopper" comes form a real life species of penguin called the Rockhopper Penguin! And let me tell you, the Rockhopper Penguin really does "hop" on rocks!

~Ben826 (CPG Mod)

Random Matthew722 said...

Sweet! Hopefully he'll bring new items this time :P


Random Matthew722 said...

Myia3000 said...
Can someone tell me why im not on the CPG mods list at all? >(


Bcz u have to answer questions, respond on comments and congratz ppl. Lol, u will do great if u try :-)
And Always put ur Penguin Name and (CPG MOD) next to it at the bottom.

Rock on!! :D

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

Random Matthew722 said...

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
Anonymous said...
10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?
dear anonymous
LOL! rock hopper dont hop on rocks lol, its just his name lol, theres probably a hidden story behinde his name.

saavy (CPG Mod)


There is! I had a penguin Project in my school and it turns out that there's a penguin called the Rockhopper penguin, but I'm not sure y he's a pirate, lol :P
And Lol! Rockhopper doesn't hop on rocks! :P

Rock on!!

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Thats awesome! I totally agree on a new mission!!!!!

Anonymous said...

10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?


Metaljet (CPG MOD)

A Rockhopper is the name of a type of penguin.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?
dear anonymous
LOL! rock hopper dont hop on rocks lol, its just his name lol, theres probably a hidden story behinde his name.

saavy (CPG Mod)


Metaljet (CPG MOD)

Rockhopper is a name of a type of penguin there is no hidden story about his name.

Anonymous said...

im with ya mimo!

Gamer12356 (CPG Mod) said...

Myia3000 said...
Can someone tell me why im not on the CPG mods list at all? >(

well u must have not answered questions, so answer questions to gain ur CPG Mod badge! lol then get ur better rank badges, lol.

Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

Gamer12356 (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?

well rockhopper is a name of a penguin species, lol. and penguins cant hop very well, lol, and hopping on rocks isnt that fun, ive tried, lol.

Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

Fadoodle 1 said...

the HQ is sooo boring without new missions.

Idea!: they should make a new mission every month! (kinda like the newspaper!)

Doopliss 677 said...

Yeah, you're right Mimo. I've been thinking about for the past weeks.

Anonymous said...

We DO need a new mission
Im totally with you!


Anonymous said...

This is going to be so cool. We TOTTLY need a new mission!

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

Anonymous said...
10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?
they probably named it rockhopper cuz of the rockhopper penguin

wii wii wii1(cpg mod)

yoshhi456 said...

yep we need a new mission and its about time rockhopper


Anonymous said...

10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?

Good question! Accutally, Rockhopper is a type of penguin. They just thought it would be a good name for a pirate penguin. lol!
CPG MOD icecubegirl6

Anonymous said...

We need a new mission its been forever!!!

Brianna said...

Yes!! We do need a new mission. I check back there every now and then and i always have an empty mission list. No ready mission. SO YES MAKE NEW MISSIONS CLUB PENGUIN!!!!

Anonymous said...

i know i hav 2 agree wit u we do need a new mision it bette b soon

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the exact same thing when i first came to your site! we do need a new mission!

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

hi mimo its saavy
theres like a glitch on penguins wen u like loog in
there will be alteast 1 penguin that will stay on a place and move their elbows! lol i no its weired but its true, they seay that there pc froze, so there penguin looks like its mooving left and right on the spot, hope im not confusing u.


Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?
he doesnt. he rocks on hopping! LOLZ!! idk why them call em that, probably cuz he likes hopping on his ship saying poop deck:)

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Sophi Jr said...

Yes, we neeeeed a mission!! Badly. Ok, you should make a mission. idk how. it'll be FUNNNNNNNN! Hmmm maybe you could like give hints to the next clue and then you have to figure out something... and idk :P

Anonymous said...


Sophi Jr said...

Anonymous said...
10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?
LOLOLOLOLOLOL! He should. Here, I'll e-mail CP ideas :D
Sophi Jr

Anonymous said...

I agree. We seriously need a new mission sometime soon.

Naruto Fan20 (CPG Mod in Training) said...

Myia3000 said...
Can someone tell me why im not on the CPG mods list at all? >(

1. it could be that your not putting you penguin name and then (CPG Mod) after it

2. You might not be answering a lot of peoples questions

If u follow this, u will be one the Mods list in no time

- Naruto Fan20 (CPG Mod in Training)

E said...

10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?
First of all, rockhopper is just a name. Second of all its just strange if you see Rockhopper hopping on rocks while there is a crowd that can hop. Thats all i got.

-Fluffygood (CPG MOD)

E said...

flab147 said...

sorry i havnt posted in a while mimo my old computer broke so i had to get a new one im rely sorry
People make mistakes so you dont have to worry.

-Fluffygood (CPG MOD)

SilverAtom (CPG MOD) said...

Myia3000 said...
Can someone tell me why im not on the CPG mods list at all? >(
Because you have to work to be a CPG mod. You must answer questions like I am doing now. Then, if have been answering for awhile, you will most likely be added. ;-)

Anonymous said...

We totally need a new mission, secret missions are the best part of club penguin!

Anonymous said...

We need like 10 new missions in the time we've been waiting!!!!

Keirei said...

Anonymous said...
10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?
--------------------------- one can actually answer that question..unless you ask him yourself!
tRY (AND i will two)
Keirei CPG MOD

Anonymous said...

it is SO true! when was the last time that they had one?

Anonymous said...

im with u on that one mimo!!!

will you plz have a quickee party tonight

Digital Boy said...

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Rockhopper!!!!! And yes, im with you on the mission. By the way Mimo, i think theres a glitch in the newspaper. When you see it in the corner, it says news, right? Well, i saw it flashing from NEWS to DIARIO. Check it out.
You rock! ~Bonky Beak

Well sometimes the different languages get mixed up, making the word change.

LTR GTR said...

Defenetly dude. Your so right. We need a new mission ASAP!!! And BTW today is my birthday!!! yay me!

Digital Boy said...

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?
dear anonymous
LOL! rock hopper dont hop on rocks lol, its just his name lol, theres probably a hidden story behinde his name.

saavy (CPG Mod)

Actually no there isn't a hidden meaning Saavy.A rockhopper penguin is a species of penguin.They have cool yellow hairs on their head but they are not red with a beard.

-Sam-i-Am- said...

flab147 said...

sorry i havnt posted in a while mimo my old computer broke so i had to get a new one im rely sorry

Mimo will understand I hope. Enjoy being a CPG Mod!

~Wishing to be a CPG Mod~

Anonymous said...

oh i cant wait thats awesome

Anonymous said...

awesome .. cant wait

Anonymous said...

If you go to the ice rink and if you click where the banner is then you can be outside the ice rink.
Digibattler(CPG Mod)

Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

Myia3000 said...
Can someone tell me why im not on the CPG mods list at all? >(
probably cuz u havent answered a lot of questions. it takes a long time to be one, so dont give up! good luck on being a cpg mod!

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Nadsua said...

yaaaaaaay!!! I love Rockhopper!! He should come more often. I trying to find him every time, but also the cool free items he brings!! :)

Anonymous said...

True dat!We TOTALLY need a new mission!! But we also need rockhopper too.:]


CATLUVER said...


lovegold4k said...

Hye mimo fans! I got an idea! Let's post on the club penguin blog saying we really want a new mission!

Random Matthew722 said...

LTR GTR said...
Defenetly dude. Your so right. We need a new mission ASAP!!! And BTW today is my birthday!!! yay me!


Happy Borthday!

Rock on!!

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

Gamer12356 (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
it is SO true! when was the last time that they had one?

well it was on december 29, 2009, lol. so, that is a long time! 5 months! astonishing, lol

Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

Arakezi said...

lovegold4k said...
Hye mimo fans! I got an idea! Let's post on the club penguin blog saying we really want a new mission!

that is not a bad idea i mit do it myself

Arakezi said...

Keirei said...
Anonymous said...
10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?
--------------------------- one can actually answer that question..unless you ask him yourself!
tRY (AND i will two)
Keirei CPG MOD

Acually Rockhopper is a real penguin witch acually jumps on rocks:P Spread mimo cheer :3


Arakezi said...

Anonymous said...
im with u on that one mimo!!!

will you plz have a quickee party tonight

Im sorry because if he lets u have a party he has 2 let everyone have a party but i think soon he will have a party and try hard to get there. Have a goodday and spread mimo wierdness


Arakezi said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?
dear anonymous
LOL! rock hopper dont hop on rocks lol, its just his name lol, theres probably a hidden story behinde his name.

saavy (CPG Mod)


Metaljet (CPG MOD)

Rockhopper is a name of a type of penguin there is no hidden story about his name.

Rockhopper is a real penguin witch acually hopps on rocks :P spread mimo wierdness

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo, Im always checking out your site! Its awesome. But, today I saw that my buddy (who refused to answer my question) was wearing an item that i have never seen before!It was a necklace that didnt close all the way and had 2 blue beads on it! Do you know anything about this new item? I have been playing for a LONG time and I know that it couldnt have been an old item.

Nigiri294 said...

man we reli DO need a mission.


Nigiri294 said...

anonymous said:

10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?


Rockhopper is a type of penguin so CP probably named Rockhopper (the pirate one) under the actual penguin.

Nigiri294 (CPG Mod)

Nigiri294 said...

Myia300 said:

Can someone tell me why im not on the CPG mods list at all? >(


That means you still need to answer more questions.

Nigiri294 (CPG mod)

Nigiri294 said...

Fadoodle 1 said:

the HQ is sooo boring without new missions.

Idea!: they should make a new mission every month! (kinda like the newspaper!)


That's a great idea but it's kinda hard to make a mission every month... especially when there's already a party every month.

Nigiri294 (CPG mod)

P.S The newspaper comes every WEEK

Nigiri294 said...

anonymous said:

it is SO true! when was the last time that they had one?


A really, really long time ago.

Nigiri294 (CPG mod)

Nigiri294 said...

LTR GTR said:

Defenetly dude. Your so right. We need a new mission ASAP!!! And BTW today is my birthday!!! yay me!


Really?! Yesterday was just MY birthday LOL. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Nigiri294 (CPG Mod)

DaPrankstar said...

Anonymous said...
it is SO true! when was the last time that they had one?

The last Mission was on December 29th 2008!

Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Sweet hopefully ill find him again

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

A new mission would be good.....

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Im starting to miss Herbert :(

Harry Wesly said...

Yeah im with you mimo i think we need a new mission

Anonymous said...

I've finished all of the missions, (using the last one's Club Penguin Gang cheats)
And then done them again, and again, and again.....
I helped my friend with all her missions...
and my sister...
I'm getting very bored!
I'm so glad your on my side!

Anonymous said...


Praveen said...

I agree mimo...

we need a mission.

I am bored as all missions are

taking like FOREEVER to come.

I with u Mimo777!

ajju10000 (cpg mod).

sonic11325(mod in training) said...

uh huh! im totally with ya on that Mimo!

Anonymous said...

mimo new igloo

Anonymous said...


Scruffy270398 said...

Rockhopper is a type of penguin and does really "hop" on rocks!

Anonymous said...

mimo my friend went to florida and got the code from rockhopper TTYL

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo!!
i think that rockhopper might be bringing rockhopper island to cp!!! cool!!! my cp username is memaggie by the way. :)

Tboyman said...

Anonymous said...
it is SO true! when was the last time that they had one?
The last time there was a mission was somewhere in December near January!I think!

-Tboyman(CPG MOD)

Tboyman said...

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Rockhopper!!!!! And yes, im with you on the mission. By the way Mimo, i think theres a glitch in the newspaper. When you see it in the corner, it says news, right? Well, i saw it flashing from NEWS to DIARIO. Check it out.
You rock! ~Bonky Beak
I think that is a glitch, and Diario is like News in French or another language!

-Tboyman(CPG MOD)

Tboyman said...

I'm with everybody On the New Mission! And to all askiing when the latest mission came out is came out in late December!

-Tboyman(CPG MOD)

Tboyman said...

Anonymous said...

10douwgs10 here....................
I got a question, why doesn't Rockhopper hop on rocks?
Rockhopper doesn't hop on rocks becuz he doesn't have a habit of it and he may be a larger peng and none of us pengs can jump too!

-Tboyman(CPG MOD)

Tboyman said...

Chicken58 said...

Cool!I just got my club penguin toy I ordered(I have to order it or go to Aberdeen)Have I told u i live in Scotland?yeah,anyway It was brand new and no code :|
Always look at the order forms, not all Toys have them, and Whoa you live in Scotland Mimo has fans Everywhere!

-Tboyman(CPG MOD)

Tboyman said...

LTR GTR said...
Defenetly dude. Your so right. We need a new mission ASAP!!! And BTW today is my birthday!!! yay me!
Happy Birthday!

-Tboyman(CPG MOD)

Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

Tboyman said...
I'm with everybody On the New Mission! And to all askiing when the latest mission came out is came out in late December!

-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Although it isn't a mission, i predict there will be one at the end of june. we need a new misson. also i hope it has to do with something that will affect clubpenguin soemhow (Like the avalanche, the earth quake, the crazy broken clock)

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

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