Everyone calls Club Penguin Igloos, "Iggies" But I call them "Loos"! Sweet huh?!
Yeah there is new Loo music. No Big Woop, huh?

I like the Summer Song? Youz?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
i like summer music its rly cool
weird post
puff. ragtime rocks and i remember flipper stomper from the music jam!
i like the coconut because it reminds me of Hawaii :)
well, ima nonmember so whatever.:( but i luv the "loo". You're awsome mimo!
i like it too but my fav is the song from the water party i think i like it cause the first water party was happening when i joined P.S. cant wait for it this summer
it is all so kewl
thanx mimo
I Like The Summer Song Too.
I LOVE flipper stomper! Go music jam! Though water kongo seems familier...
oh luck-ee! i wish my computer has sound! i want to listen to the songs!
I like puffle ragtime. It is a cool song!
i like the summer music too! its like your chilling out or your just playing a music
puffle ragtime is the BEST!!!
i wouldnt count as one song as cool or not, lol. they are all awesome though, lol.
Later CPG!
I like the Flipper Stomper from the music jam! It's sooooo cool!
Mix Maestro is my fav :-)
HAHA! Mimo in England loo means toilet!!!
I love the summer music! I don't like 'Loos' as much..sorry mimo
I LOVE Flipper Stomper!
dont know. i am a nonmember- can i try it?
i like puffle ragtime and flipper stomper. i have puffle ragtime in my loo and my sister has flipper stomper in hers!
(oh uh by the way mimi 'loo' means bathroom when you go to britain. they call bathrooms loos. no offense. just thought you should know.)
Anonymous said...
I LOVE flipper stomper! Go music jam! Though water kongo seems familier...
I think that its a previous igloo music but i think water konga was something else but the name chaged
- Hail260 (CPGMod in traning)
i like catchin' waves theme
Do you no what 'loo' really is? You're weird.
puffel ragtime listen i am
loo means bathroom by the way.
loos mean bathroom is britain
oooooooh yeah sooooo creativre
hey... I wouldn't call them loo's... In Europe BATHROOMS are called loo's. Just warning ya!
P.S. Oh I guess other people have been saying that.
Kirky 10 said... I think the mix mastro is from the dj3k wat do u think mimo?
Olovio said...
HAHA! Mimo in England loo means toilet!!!
Lol.....Nice Mimo....LOL!
~Dex Dude~
aclen08 said...
Do you no what 'loo' really is? You're weird.
Toilet.... :^[) (Cracks up!)
~Dex Dude~
I like the mix maestro it reminds me of my first party the "music Jam".
Anonymous said...
my favorite tune is the noir noises, but it goes great with my igloo (grey igloo, black puffles and stuff on one side, white puffles and white sutff on the other side)
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
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