Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mimo Tracker Rules, A New Party, Carl Cheats and Other Sweet Stuff!

Ok, remember if you are not posting about where Rockhopper is. I will not post your comment. Let's keep The Mimo Tracker Comments about where Rockhopper is ONLY. Cool? If you want to post about other things, post it here. ;-)

Tomorrow, we will be having a party here. I will be giving the time, server, room and other instructions there. So check there later today for more info.

Also, I will be having a Club Penguin Clue Party soon too!

If you haven't heard by now, Carl The Hamster is giving away a one year free membership to Club Penguin. But Carl is kinda Tricky. You can read about him here.

ZoeZoe has been working on here very own project. She will be posting about it later today here.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


CleverAqua64 said...

Thats cool! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me

Spike Heaton (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...

i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me


All you do is keep track of the comments

Spike Heaton*CPG MOD

Stickie408(CPH President) said...

Anonymous said...

i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me
It's easy, just look at the comments and people would tell you were he is!


rockhopper at snowforts, snowbank

~Stickie408(CPG MOD)

Lil mock 11 said...

Cool. mimo BTW i subscribed 2 u on your youtube account if u keep looking youll eventually lilmock11,
Thats me!

LIBBY said...

very cool mimo i found your site

Anonymous said...

ok thats great


Anonymous said...

gurlperson said...
im new to this so please comment on this post and tell me about

HEllo gurlperson and welcome to CLub Penguin Gang. CLub PEnguin Gang is a website rune by Mimo777 (the club penguin god) He posts daily cheats to help you when you are playing. Sometimes, he holds parties so you can meet him and other fun stuff. SO welcome to the CLub PEnguin Gang

-Glenwing1 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me

Mimo's world famous rockhopper tracker enables you to find rockhopper. Check back on the latest comments to see where other penguins recently saw rockhopper.
Hope that helped!\

Waddle On!-

Justadude said...

i found carls secret site yay!!!


Fftara said...

umm, mimo you just gave away where your secret site is!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo you rock! do you know whats up with the plants rock hopper brought. they kind of stink!

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

aw i wish the party was on cp lol but i cant wait till zoe zoes project :)


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me
dear anonymous
well its a comment tracher. all u gotta do is click on were it says comments and look at the latest comment that has been posted :)

saavy (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

found carls secret site yay!!!


Good Job
Try to keep it a secret! :P

-Glenwing1 (CPG MOd

Anonymous said...

what is carls seceret site if u awnser let it be the site

Anonymous said...

oh no i will be at church and then my gramas house so i can't come to ur party!

Tycoon101 said...

Anonymous said...
i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me
this is how you use it-

if another person (other than you) finds where rockhopper is, they post a comment where in club penguin he is, and what server. u take that info, and just go there. pay attention to the time tho!

Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

Zxz192 said...

Anonymous said...
i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me

Zxz192 said...
Just comment where rockhopper is if you see him. And look at what other people say to find him

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Zxz192 said...

Anonymous said...
what is carls seceret site if u awnser let it be the site

Zxz192 said...
Nobody can tell you because it is a secret. But if you keep solving the clues on mimos secret site you might find carls secret site

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Random Matthew722 said...

Anonymous said...
i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me


Simple :-)
Keep track of each time somone says where Rockhopper is.

If u need an example, here :-):

Rockhopper, Iceberg on server Blizzard!

Now u can track Rockhopper ;-)

Rock on!! :P

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
what is carls seceret site if u awnser let it be the site
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ well i wont say carls secret site cuz im not allowed 2 but look at mimos secret site CAREFULLY and look at the clues... hope u find carls secret site!;-)

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Fluffy22196 said...

Awesome I bet everyone wants to win a year membership! What if people donated memberships to you Mimo! That would be insane!

Lego Forest said...

Hi mimo I was going to tell u something that might make more people come to your website.Its a chat all websites have a chat and this very unique site needs one.Also do you have a email so I could chat with you.

~Lego Forest~

Mimo rocks Mimo rocks yay

Anonymous said...

Mimo go on chobots! Mimo city at the rope!

Anonymous said...

how do you become an agent on chobots?

ace234444 (cpg mod) said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo go on chobots! Mimo city at the rope!
Hey mimo this comment was from me.
~ace234444 (cpg mod)~
oh by the way on chobots im mockme! were haveing fun now thanx mimo!

ace234444 (cpg mod) said...

Dear mimo,
Thanx so much for coming to chobots after i left that comment. That means alot. zoezoe, 9china9, and dexdude added me. Thanx again!
~ace234444 (cpg mod)~
P.S maybe when can do it again someday!

Keirei said...

Anonymous said...

what is carls seceret site if u awnser let it be the site
Try clicking on the CLICK HERE links.
It will help you.

Or just search something familiar..
hint hint

Keirei CPG MOD

Anonymous said...

mimo!!! i found carls site!!! ha i sent it!!!! HA HA HA!!!

Zxz192 said...

Anonymous said...
how do you become an agent on chobots?

Zxz192 said...
You have to play chobots a lot, be nice to people, help people and report bad chobots

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Fifi Anonymous said...

here's how you use the tracker, Spike Heaton.
you look at the comments people will leave in comments where they saw RockHopper! they say what server and where. hope this helps! ~Bubbles21997

Gamer12356 said...

This is going to be thweet, lol.

Later CPG!

Gamer12356 (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
what is carls seceret site if u awnser let it be the site

well if we told u it wouldnt be right now would it? of course not, lol. cuz then it wouldnt be a secret, lol. if u find out carls clues on mimos secret site, u will find his site!

Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

Anonymous said...
i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me
just look at the comments go to the last one and if it says rockhopper snow forts deep freeze and it was posted not long ago go there and if u find him say

wii wii wii1(cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

rockhopper is at blizzard and at the pizza parlor

Club Penguin said...


Anonymous said...

white out on migrator!

snuffleluvagus said...

How to use mimos tracker
First click on the comments on the Mimo Tracker Blog then look at the comments. Penguins are always posting where rockhopper is

Snuffleluvagus CPG MOD

Anonymous said...

how do you win the membership from carl?

Anonymous said...

you should have a quickie party for ur thousand post.

Anonymous said...

i found his sight but were is the info on the party?
please awnser

Fluffy22196 (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
how do you win the membership from carl?
You have to follow the clues Carl leaves on his secret site. Good Luck!

Keirei CPG MOD said...

Anonymous said...

how do you win the membership from carl?
You have to figure that out!
We can't tell you here!
So, go to mimo's secret site and it will help u!

-Keirei CPG MOD

Keirei CPG MOD said...

Anonymous said...

i found his sight but were is the info on the party?
please awnser
Well, as I said b4, u hafta figure it out!
I'll give you a hint!
Go to the secret site (mimo's)
and dat will give you clues~

Tennisbaseball said...

Sreyas said...
found carls secret site yay!!!


Good Job
Try to keep it a secret! :P

-Glenwing1 (CPG MOd
dont put cpg mod after your name unless you are answering a question.

Bb Polo745

Anonymous said...

you are the best mimo but its too bad when ever i come to your party or to rockhopper cadence garry or the band the server is always full and if i get to the server then the room is full.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

what is carls seceret site if u awnser let it be the site


Carl's secret site is a secret so shhh. I'm sorry but nobody is aloud to tell you. Try using your noggin to look at Mimo's secret site for clues. Lol. Good luck!


Anonymous said...

umm mimo?
did you realize that you gave away your secret site?



Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
what is carls seceret site if u awnser let it be the site
Mimo can't tell you where carls secret site is. you have to follow the clues and solve the puzzles to find his site.
like me! I just found carls site today after looking for such a long time.
But when you find it, you can't tell anyone where it is.

CPG mod in training

Anonymous said...

gurlperson said...
im new to this so please comment on this post and tell me about
CPG is a website that is full of club penguin cheats, glitches, and hints. It is run by a teenage boy named mimo. (pronounced mee-mo)
He also posts funny little piontless things.
Mimo loves to throw partys and make puzzles.
I hope that this helped!

CPG mod in training

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me
Really this is no 'use'. all you have to do is look at the comments which should say a server, then a place like:
Rockhopper on mittens, ship hold.

look at the very last comment, and rockhopper should be there.

now, if you see rockhopper, you should post a comment saying where he is.

hope this helped!

CPG mod in training

Anonymous said...

Justadude said...
i found carls secret site yay!!!

Now you have to keep it a secret!

good job!


Anonymous said...

Lego Forest said...
Hi mimo I was going to tell u something that might make more people come to your website.Its a chat all websites have a chat and this very unique site needs one.Also do you have a email so I could chat with you.

~Lego Forest~

Mimo rocks Mimo rocks yay
Mimo mainly only uses his email for contests and such.
He might not give it to you because he might not want you to share it to other people.

CPG mod in training

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
rockhopper is at blizzard and at the pizza parlor
You should probably put this on the mimo tracker, not here.

CPG mod in training

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
how do you win the membership from carl?
You have to follow the clues Carl leaves on his secret site. Good Luck!
who's site? Carls or mimos?


lillian413 said...

Anonymous said...
how do you win the membership from carl?
You have to follow the clues Carl leaves on his secret site. Good Luck!
who's site? Carls or mimos?


mimos secret site. you can find it by THIS TEXT HAS BEEN DEEMED TOP SECRET AND VITAL TO THE SECRET SECRET SITE SOCIETY IT IS NOW INACCESIBLE and its that easy. hoped this helped!

Anonymous said...

You guys if someone has already answered someone's question you don't have to answer it too unless it's wrong. Just saying.

Fluffy22196 (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
how do you win the membership from carl?
You have to follow the clues Carl leaves on his secret site. Good Luck!
who's site? Carls or mimos?
Mimos secret site.

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo! what server are you always in? That nobody (i think) can see u?

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

:0 The secret site has been revealed....

Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me
easy! just look at the latest comment that says rockhopper latest location. heres an example its not true:
rockhopper at the server yeti at the iceberg. hope u find rockhopper!

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
how do you become an agent on chobots?
You just be on chobots for a long time, be nice to people and report bad people.

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
how do you win the membership from carl?
You have to follow the clues Carl leaves on his secret site. Good Luck!
who's site? Carls or mimos?

Carls site! carls site is ------- so go to it and figure out the clues on it!

Juh76t (CPG Mod)

Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
i found his sight but were is the info on the party?
please awnser
well we dont know but it will come later!:)

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

Lego Forest said...
Hi mimo I was going to tell u something that might make more people come to your website.Its a chat all websites have a chat and this very unique site needs one.Also do you have a email so I could chat with you.

~Lego Forest~

Mimo rocks Mimo rocks yay
well, mimo used to have mimo chat that used to be on his secret site. hope it comes back! o and mimo only uses his e-mail for like contests. Hope this helps!

Juh76t (CPG Mod)

Jgirlx4x said...

Mimo, Please make your partys on CLUB PENGUIN.NOT CHOBOTS

DaPrankstar said...

Anonymous said...
i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me

It is very simple! Just read the newest comments that people leave and people will say where Rockhopper is! When you know where he is, leave a comment!!!

Hope this helps!
Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)

DaPrankstar said...

gurlperson said...
im new to this so please comment on this post and tell me about

Welcome! I think you will enjoy coming to this site!! It is a cheat site for Club Penguin and sometimes Planet Cazmo run by Mimo777 and his family! Mimo is very quick to post the newest things and has loads of contests for memberships and parties!!

Hope this helps!
Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)

DaPrankstar said...

Fluffy22196 said...
Awesome I bet everyone wants to win a year membership! What if people donated memberships to you Mimo! That would be insane!

Lol but not members! Well they might want one if their membership is running out soon.

Yours Waddling

DaPrankstar said...

Anonymous said...
how do you win the membership from carl?

Carl is leaving clues that you have to work out to win the Membership!!

Hope this helps!
Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)

Mewbra123 said...


Your Secret site isnt so secret anymore.... Lol!!!

Lucylu212 said...

Anonymous said...

i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me
To use the tracker keep track of the comments andf if there has been one posted recently for example 2 minutes ago go to which server and which room the person said

Lucylu212 said...

Justadude said...
i found carls secret site yay!!!


Same its awesome the thing with the numbers is hard but i found the message in it .


Yoyo1400 said...

hey mimo
My school Has a idol
And i Entred And im in the grand final
Want to hear my song
"hes Orange"
"hes got a birdy on his shoulder"
"hes got green glasses"
Do you like mimo
Crowd:Yea We like mimo
Do u like his webiste
Crowd:Yea We Like his website
Do do do cant wait to get another Post.
"He Gets famous penguins"
"on the Run"
"But not rockhopper"
"But i think he is"
Chrous 2x
Dont forget to visit hes site...
The end
My blogger isent working
So i had to use name.

Anonymous said...

i cant rearlly figger out how you do your tracker please tell me

Musawinx1 said...

Anonymous said...
hey mimo you rock! do you know whats up with the plants rock hopper brought. they kind of stink!

Yeah, I think they do too.Mine isnt even growing! How lame!

Musawinx1 CPG Mod in training

Penguin Rocker said...


What you're doing is revealing your secret site to everyone! :( The site won't be a secret anymore.

Rock On!
Penguin Rocker

Lensca 23057 CPG MOD said...

Anonymous said...

i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me

just leave a comment about rh's server, place, etc

Biscuit0105 said...

Wait so where are the comment tracker thingy-ma-bobs?!?

Lensca 23057 CPG MOD said...

Anonymous said...
how do you win the membership from carl?

just look carl's clue, but first, u must find carl's site :]

meringuepeng said...


Lensca 23057 CPG MOD said...

lillian413 said...

Anonymous said...
how do you win the membership from carl?
You have to follow the clues Carl leaves on his secret site. Good Luck!
who's site? Carls or mimos?


of course CARL'S SITE :]

Praveen said...

Mimo you just told out Carls secret website
ajju10000 (cpg mod)

Zxz192 said...

Anonymous said...
how do you win the membership from carl?

Zxz192 said...
Solve the clues on carls secret site. If you cant find carls site solve the clues on mimos secret site to find it

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Zxz192 said...

Lego Forest said...
Hi mimo I was going to tell u something that might make more people come to your website.Its a chat all websites have a chat and this very unique site needs one.Also do you have a email so I could chat with you.
~Lego Forest~
Mimo rocks Mimo rocks yay

Zxz192 said...
Mimo used to have mimochat on his secret site but it has gone now. And his email is but he won't reply to your emails

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Ben826 said...

Anonymous said...
i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me
Dear Anonymous,
The tracker works like this: Say someone finds Rockhopper. That person would leave a comment here saying the Room and the Server where he is! To see that comment, click on the "Newest" button and scroll all the way down. For example, this would be a comment: Rockhopper is at Snowbank at the Pizza Parlor! You would see that comment and go there! Hopefully, Rockhopper will still be there. Hope this helped!

~Ben826 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

where are the clues for finding mimo's and carl's secret site ??

Hedgehog 14 said...

Does anyone ever miss the old Club Penguin?! Back then, there were lots of fun glitches and cheats. It wasnt all high tech with all the members only stuff, and u didnt have to buy things to "enhance" your game. I know that I really miss that Club Penguin. There werent gazillions of servers to choose from, so you could always hang with your buddys. The clothing catalogs were the coolest thing since sliced bread. There werent wigs either. Tipping the iceberg was a common pastime, and now barely anyone will help u. The HQ also only had about 4 missions. I sure do miss the old CP...

Ameilia said...


I saw rochhopper on a french sever

Anonymous said...

HEY MIMO! This is the penguin jobluester I am goin to help u find rh! Thanks u rock!

GERMLESS said...

wow u gave away ur secret site GASP!!!!!!!!!

Coonspaintin (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...

i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me

All you have to do is just keep watching this page for peoples comments on where Rockhopper is!

Lfc Mad 2007 said...

Mimo, i have an amazing idea what all that "salad" is doing on RH's ship! This message is long but plz read as it will be worthwhile. ok, at the end of the very last mission, "waddle sqaud" i think it is, G finds some seeds that Herbet dropped. I think that he has planted them on RH's ship to try to maybe capture Yarr or something because Herbet does say he wants to do something to our beloved puffles!
Thats my idea. I know it was long and im sorry for that, i just wanted to get my views across.

flab147 said...

Anonymous said...

i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me
JUS KEEP TRACK (oops caps lock)of the comments that pplz post and look at the latest oen and then you no

Flab147(CPG Mod)

Zxz192 said...

Anonymous said...
where are the clues for finding mimo's and carl's secret site ??

Zxz192 said...
There aren't any clues to find mimos secret site but the clues to find carls secret site are on mimos secret site

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

qwerty1435 said...

hey mimo, your secret site isnt very secret anymore

Zxz192 said...

meringuepeng said...

Zxz192 said...
I think he ment to so more people could solve the clues to carls secret site

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Zxz192 said...

Biscuit0105 said...
Wait so where are the comment tracker thingy-ma-bobs?!?

Zxz192 said...
The comment tracker is below this post. It is called the world famous comment tracker

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Zxz192 said...

Anonymous said...
i cant rearlly figger out how you do your tracker please tell me

Zxz192 said...
Comment where rockhopper is if you find him (like what server and room) and read other comments to see where he is so you can find him

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Happywagon said...

hey. Wii Wii 1 found a cool new glitch. When you go idle after 10 minutes, press tab and then you can still type in the text box and hit enter and it will still show up as you saying something.


Sophi Jr said...

Anonymous said...
i can't figure out how 2 use your tracker, mimo!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me
It's really easy :P
All you do is look at the most recent comment that says they found rockhopper and go to where they say he is!
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)

flab147 said...

Anonymous said...

what is carls seceret site if u awnser let it be the site
the site is (drum roll) CANT TELL YOU lol look at mimos secret site and den try find out the clues in any of the clues

Flab147(CPG Mod)

flab147 said...

hey mimo wen r u makin mods if its soon please make me and da prankstar mods because pranky is doing good and i think i am aswell


fox cheese said...

hi mimo this is fox cheese and i wanted to tell u that they put boxes of plants next to the light house i think rh is trying to green anyways plz give credit

flab147 said...

mimo i made a poem
I wanna be a mod
i wanna be one soon
if i dont be a mod
i will jump of the moon
i am acting wierd
and i think i know that
if i dont be a mod
i am gonna eat some cowpat


Unknown said...

i know the secret site of carl the hamster! awesomeness!

Anonymous said...

MIMO! its an emergency! i tried to follow you on twitter but it took me to this other person named MiMo and he said bad words! I know you would never say bad words so could you give us ur real URL on twitter?

-Fluff 458

Anonymous said...

I do not think it is a Mission. We just had one.

brendanduffy said...

mimo i am a big fan but i really want to see you plz tell me were we can meet and what time plz answer back and i cant figure out were the parties are.Mimo if you answer back your the best.

Mimo Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DaPrankstar said...

flab147 said...
hey mimo wen r u makin mods if its soon please make me and da prankstar mods because pranky is doing good and i think i am aswell


Awww thanks :) Lol I have been called prank, daprank, daprankster and dap but never pranky before lol!!!

Yours Waddling

lena7 the 3-yr-old peng said...

I FOUND CARLS SITE!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!

Sk8t3rdude26 said...

I dont no where he is

Anonymous said...

i met rockhopper and i also did for my two other friends. which btw i met him 2 min after i met him on one penguin! ;) just sayin

Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
i met rockhopper and i also did for my two other friends. which btw i met him 2 min after i met him on one penguin! ;) just sayin
last time i found Gary at the penguin play awards, as soon as i found him, i got his background, switched penguins got his background, switched penguins, got his background, and switched my final penguin. I was upset though because that was the last time i saw gary at the penguin play awards, and i didnt get to see what fun stuff he had to say. I learned my lesson. Next time don't be so greedy.

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

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