Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, May 7, 2009

2009 Club Penguin Medieval Party Free Items Cheats!

Go to the Lighthouse to get the newest free item, the Wizard Hat!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


Anonymous said...

mimo theres this catalog in the gift shop just for the party
chrismas joy

Anonymous said...

Can you put a hint how to finish the Knight Maze

Thanks Mimo ur soo cool

Stickers303 said...

Whoo sweet!


Anonymous said...

ah man!! old item!

Anonymous said...

Yo Mimo, the wizard hat was on last year's medival party too!

Anonymous said...

i think it's cool that finally the pin is sort of hidden; you have to scroll your mouse over something so that you can get the pin. Its pretty thweet.


Niknik Sport said...

Hey mimo there r new jokes for the party. they r sweet!

Niknik Sport

Anonymous said...

what hte party as ok,

but i have already ogt the free item,but can you send the knights quest cheats


Niknik Sport said...

also if u put the ghost costume on and the flashlight and wave or dance u glow!

Niknik Sport

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Can you put a hint how to finish the Knight Maze

Thanks Mimo ur soo cool

Here's the directions to finish the maze:
down; left; down; right; right; up.

Go in that order in those directions, and when you get to the end, you have a whole golden knight's armor costume! If you gather along the way, you have a golden shield, a golden helmet, and golden armor! Pretty cool, eh?


Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

To everyone who wanted the maze cheats, you got your wishes and mimo just put the cheats up.

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

Penguin Rocker said...


There's a medieval catalogue. Its pretty cool. I bought everything that was sold there. the catalogue's in the gift shop.

Rock On!
Penguin Rocker

Partypink2 said...

Oh they had the same item last year:(

PeRfEcT said...

:@:@ old item for non-members... at the end of party... can have new item ... like magic hat last year...last day she appear

Anonymous said...

Look at Gift Shop! New catalog for this party!

Anonymous said...

Old item! Boo hoo!

Random Matthew722 said...

Too bad I already have the wizard hat :P


Anonymous said...

Man, an OLD ITEM!!

cowtail5 said...

I wish they had a new item, cp has brought back the shamrock hat, the wizard hat, the pink bunny ears, and the ghost costume.

Sklooperis said...

Anonymous said...
ah man!! old item!

Yeah I know it is a pain for us old penguins to get the same items constantly, but the new players need to get them eventually ;D

Here to Help
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Sklooperis said...

Anonymous said...
i think it's cool that finally the pin is sort of hidden; you have to scroll your mouse over something so that you can get the pin. Its pretty thweet.


Yeah, that is cool. They did the same ezact thing at last years medieval party to get the pin, except last year the pin was an anvil :D

Here to Help!
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

It's not new. It was there last year. . . IN THE SAME SPOT! ALMOST EVERYTHING IS THE SAME!!!

Anonymous said...

thats not a new hat. i already had that one from a while ago and it said you already have this item :(

Anonymous said...

it aint new

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

awwwwwwwwww another rare item back?? y clubpenguin its not fair that we non members get the old items n members get new 1s :(:(:(


SilverAtom (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
Can you put a hint how to finish the Knight Maze

Thanks Mimo ur soo cool
The cheats are up and posted by mimo now, check it out. ;-)

Anonymous said...

hey ppl!
the medieval party is soooo cool!!! but i feel bad for the non-members cus theres only one free item and its an old one.
at the end of the knights maze its sooo cool!!!! :D :D

Anonymous said...

its an old item i had it!

man! wat is happing with club penguin??


Anonymous said...

the wizard hat is not a new free item I had it from the first CP party.
That was the free item
sence im 973 days old and all.


sallisoo said...

Anonymous said...Can you put a hint how to finish the Knight Maze

Thanks Mimo ur soo cool
mimo already did check it out.

Mcblugi said...

no... its not a new free item. its from the '06 halloween party! come on cp! give us some real free items please!

Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
the wizard hat is not a new free item I had it from the first CP party.
That was the free item
sence im 973 days old and all.

It was also a free item at last years medevial party.

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

LittleLainey said...

Oh come on, this is old!

I hope there's another free item for non-members.

Light Claw said...


ledgend 10 said...

Anonymous said...
hey ppl!
the medieval party is soooo cool!!! but i feel bad for the non-members cus theres only one free item and its an old one.
at the end of the knights maze its sooo cool!!!! :D :D

Ledgend10(cpg mod)
you probaly havnt been on club penguin for a year then cus last years party was the same the only different thing is the quest

Gamer12356 (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
Can you put a hint how to finish the Knight Maze

Thanks Mimo ur soo cool

Here's the directions to finish the maze of knightlyness, lol:
down, left, down, right, right, up.
then, u go to the place to get the knight armor, pretty cool. and ur welcome, lol

Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

Gamer12356 (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
its an old item i had it!

man! wat is happing with club penguin??


well like most old pengs, we must be angered at all the items that r being repeated, and we cant take it. but hey! CP said that we gotta let the new little children pengies come in and get the items, lol.

Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

Slider94 said...

it is ANOTHER OLD ITEM! GRR I already Have it!

Anonymous said...

didnt we have that The other party - purple2768

Random Matthew722 said...

Anonymous said...
didnt we have that The other party - purple2768


The Quest is new, but the Mirror on the Mountain is old, so is the wizard hat. Lol :P

Rock on!! :-)

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

Random Matthew722 said...

Light Claw said...


Don't tell ppl to vote for u guys!
It isn't right! U must try hard and never give up, the more u try, the more u will succeed :-)
Also, if u think that u r doing a gd job, and ur confident, y post this? (Happywagon told me this once, looong story, lol! So credit goes to Happy, thx dude)

Rock on!! :-)

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Awww..... I was hoping for a NEW free item not the "wizard hat" again!!!!!!! D:<

Ben826 said...

cowtail5 said...
I wish they had a new item, cp has brought back the shamrock hat, the wizard hat, the pink bunny ears, and the ghost costume.
But for some penguins it's a good thing because if they weren't a penguin on cp last year they can buy it this year! Hope this helped!

~Ben826 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

hi mimo-
theres also a new costume ctalogue at the stage. thanks for all ur help. u rock

Biggest Mimo Fan Ever said...

ry but the wizard hat isn't new it was there last year. sorry again.

~Biggest Mimo Fan Ever

whatev. said...

Irts an old item. isn't it? i have that on the last years medieval party.

Random Matthew722 said...

whatev. said...
Irts an old item. isn't it? i have that on the last years medieval party.


Yeah, it is, it even came out the first cp party!!

Rock on!! :-)

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

Vicentepena9 said...

mimo that is not the newest free item ive had that free item since last year

Drummerch14 said...

they alreay had the wizards hat last year. its not new. sorry mimo. i hate the medivel partayy. its almost excatly like last year. :[

Tboyman said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Can you put a hint how to finish the Knight Maze

Thanks Mimo ur soo cool
Mimo did but here are the directions from the start of the maze: Down, Left, Down, Right, Right, and Up! There u should be finished and reach the magical golden suit!

-Tboyman(CPG MOD)

Tboyman said...

whatev. said...
Irts an old item. isn't it? i have that on the last years medieval party.
Yeah, sadly it is. I wish they gave new-items to nons (non-members)

-Tboyman(CPG MOD)

Tboyman said...

Anonymous said...

i think it's cool that finally the pin is sort of hidden; you have to scroll your mouse over something so that you can get the pin. Its pretty thweet.

Yeah, it's kinda hidden, but it says Pin Maker 3000 right on there to make it a little obvious!

-Tboyman(CPG MOD)

Tboyman said...

Anonymous said...

its an old item i had it!

man! wat is happing with club penguin??

lotz-a-ppl think it's bcuz of disney, but I'm not sure.

-Tboyman(CPG MOD)

Tycoon101 said...

are you serious? i have that hat already! :(

cooly763(CPG MOD} said...

Sklooperis said...
Anonymous said...
ah man!! old item!

Yeah I know it is a pain for us old penguins to get the same items constantly, but the new players need to get them eventually ;D

Here to Help
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
I think they should have an old item and a new item every year!
this way it can be for old members and new members!
hope this helps
-cooly763(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

they had that last year!!

Mrpengiewin said...

awww... that was one of my favorite old items that not many people have but now a lot of people have and that also means no free item for me... :(


Mrpengiewin said...

Anonymous said...
Awww..... I was hoping for a NEW free item not the "wizard hat" again!!!!!!! D:<

I know it was one of my favorite items that not many people had but now a lot of people will have it.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

The wizard hat isn't new i've had it for 3 years!!!

Anonymous said...

The Wizard Hat was an old item dude its an old item! D:

kiwi121 said...

kiwi121(CPG MOD) Here's the directions to finish the maze:
down; left; down; right; right; up.

Go in that order in those directions, and when you get to the end, you have a whole golden knight's armor costume! If you gather along the way, you have a golden shield, a golden helmet, and golden armor! Pretty cool,
Anonymous said...
Can you put a hint how to finish the Knight Maze

Thanks Mimo ur soo cool

fizzpop09 (cpg mod)) said...

i like the wizard hat because i havent been on club penguin that long but it is a really old item

Anonymous said...

I already had it awhile ago!

Rach902 said...

at the forest there is a tree fort it is sweet there is like a latter that u go up

-Rach902 awsome cp obssier

(i LOVE cp more than anything)

Fire8877 said...

Anonymous said...
Can you put a hint how to finish the Knight Maze

Thanks Mimo ur soo cool
Well, if you look at the arrows, the direction you go is the one that is lighting up!

Fire8877 (CPG Mod)

Fire8877 said...

i think it's cool that finally the pin is sort of hidden; you have to scroll your mouse over something so that you can get the pin. Its pretty thweet.

Yeah, it's kinda hidden, but it says Pin Maker 3000 right on there to make it a little obvious!

-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Last year it was the ANVIL maker 3000. it was the anvil pin.....

Fire8877 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

hey mimo! do you know in the gift shops lower right there is a scroll. click on the scroll then a medieval catalog comes. it is only there for the medieval party!

†-Ä race said...

the hat has been given lasat year. so sad :(

Somelikeme said...

The hat is old!! :(

Anonymous said...

i think there sweet cheats thanks mimo. waddle on soury6:)

Anonymous said...

newest what! that was the free item in the same place last year

SilverAtom (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
hey mimo! do you know in the gift shops lower right there is a scroll. click on the scroll then a medieval catalog comes. it is only there for the medieval party!
Thanks for telling us, but mimo has that posted, but keep looking for things, and don't give up! ;-)

Anonymous said...

hey ppl!
if you go to the becon there is a fire insted of the big bulb. if you clik on the pile of wood next to it the fire get bigger. :D ;D

Anonymous said...

i have the hat, how old is ur penguin?

cazmo dude138(CPGMOD) said...

the posting is sweet!

Anonymous said...

i think im gonna quit club penguin alway the same items and everything is for members thats lame!!!!.

Penguin Rocker(CPG MOD) said...


Light Claw said...
¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬By the way, if you want to make it to the mods, you better start answering Qs now, before its too late.

Rock The Quest!
Penguin Rocker(CPG MOD)

Penguin Rocker(CPG MOD) said...


Vicentepena9 said...
mimo that is not the newest free item ive had that free item since last year
There you see, so many people had gotten the wizard hat from last year, but spare a thought for those who got it since the first CP party, like me. So if CP did not release the hat last year, you people wouldn't have it. Spare a thought for the newbies. They need to get it. :)Remember when CP said that if you miss something, it will come back other than pins and Anniversary items? So you can be proud of your pins!

Rock On!
Penguin Rocker(CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

That wizard hat was like the one of the only things I had from a long time ago and now everyone has it.. grr haha

Praveen said...

Hey Mimo777!

This is a old free item.

How old is you penguin?

ajju10000 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

ooo old item do you like snakes

Anonymous said...

Great, exactly the same free item as last year and most of the decorations are the same :(
I'm sick of Club Penguin trying to get rid of non members

Anonymous said...

You know the wizard hat, its not new cos i already have it. And i didn't get it from the 2009 medival party!

kiwi479 said...

thanks for the cheats.. arg i already got this item last year but somehow i lost it after the event =_= lame.. lol hope it stays.. most of this years event is kinda similar to last years no?

carpinc said...

cool and ur web site helped me an so plz can i be a member of ur website plz and u are so cool!

mmmmmm976 said...

carpinc said...

cool and ur web site helped me an so plz can i be a member of ur website plz and u are so cool!
ur already "part of his site" by being a mod... but if u mean like part of CPG as an admin... im purty sure that hes only using his fam (no offense mimo) tho im not completley sure...


Josh said...

cooly763(CPG MOD} said...

Sklooperis said...
Anonymous said...
ah man!! old item!

Yeah I know it is a pain for us old penguins to get the same items constantly, but the new players need to get them eventually ;D

Here to Help
Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
I think they should have an old item and a new item every year!
this way it can be for old members and new members!
hope this helps
-cooly763(CPG MOD)
ya i agree


Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

carpinc said...
cool and ur web site helped me an so plz can i be a member of ur website plz and u are so cool!
The closest you can get to being a "member" of Mimos site, is a Mimo Moderator. Which requires alot of work and question answering.

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

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