Hey all, Club Penguin chose a Medieval Ninja and posted a pic of her player card and gave her 5000 coins! Smoove! You can see her player cards here.
Also Club Penguin is going to have a Dojo Igloo contest on June 1st. You know what that means, don't ya? If you are not already a Ninja, you better get going to try to beat Sensei. (Although, you will also have to be a member to buy an iggy) Bummer!
How many of you penguins out there plan on decorating your Dojo igloo?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
on the beacon if u wait long enough the fire will go completly out
Thats soo cool Mimo. R u a ninja? I am and im also a member so i might decorate a dojo igloo. P.S I think u rock.
Hi this is ClubpenguinWorld002 I wish i were as famouos as u!:) well thanks this help!
Thanks mimo this really helped! I wonder how u became famous so fast!HMM i wonder so much!Ty again! :)
ive already started! ;)
I'm definitely going to decorate my igloo, and I hope I win!!
Wooh! Congratz to whoever she is, lol :P
I'll try to win the upcoming Dojo Contest, I love designing :-)
Rock on guyz!!
KOOL!!!!! Ima ninja! Sounds awesome. Smoove player card. U Rock Mimo!!! ~Bonky Beak: Remember the name~
P.S. Hey, can any1 tell me how to be a CPG Mod????
awesome Mimo I am excited
that is so cool good job to the winner of the 5,000 coins for being creative!
Oh man so sweet too bad I don't have a igloo because of my nonmemberness.
I do plan on doing that. AND WINNING! =D good luck to all
Awesome! I have a dojo igloo right now. I am planning for it to be exactly like the Ninja Hideout!
Anonymous said...
Thats soo cool Mimo. R u a ninja? I am and im also a member so i might decorate a dojo igloo. P.S I think u rock.
yes he is.
wally3046 (CPG MOD)
I got the carl message!
well i guess i would buy a dojo iggy just as long as the contest though!\
Etrizzy55 CP mod
ClubpenguinWorld002 said...
Thanks mimo this really helped! I wonder how u became famous so fast!HMM i wonder so much!Ty again! :)
We'll, Mimo didn't become famous 'Fast' and he didn't do it to become famous, he made his site almost in the begenning to help everyone :-) That's why he rocks, so y not try the same, the more the awesomer, lol :P
Rock on!!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
thweet lol good thing im a member lol i dont think ill buy the iggy though, im attached to my iggy, lol.
Later CPG!
Mimo thats soo cool. I wish I was famous like u, but I think u rock
P.S. The penguin that won the ninja contest is on my other penguins buddie list!! She is stoked about winning and is ur biggest fan.
Anonymous said...
Thats soo cool Mimo. R u a ninja? I am and im also a member so i might decorate a dojo igloo. P.S I think u rock.
Yup! He's a ninja alright, bu he said it took a while, i became a ninja like 2 weeks before him, lol! :P
Rock on!!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Thats soo cool Mimo. R u a ninja? I am and im also a member so i might decorate a dojo igloo. P.S I think u rock.
mimos a ninja, alright lol. and hes a member too, lol. mimos been a ninja for quite some time, lol.
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
oh credit to soccer8kid for pin
Wow mimo u became a ninja quite quickly, it took me 1 week!! Seriously! PS Will u enter the competition??
aclen08 said...
Awesome! I have a dojo igloo right now. I am planning for it to be exactly like the Ninja Hideout!
I'll look for it because it sounds awesome!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
o peg said...
on the beacon if u wait long enough the fire will go completly out
Yep then you have to put more wood on it!
Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)
Congragulations winnier looks gud on u
Mimo that is cool lol i hope you like wat me and rockhopper put on Arrr keep up the good work Mimo!
Mimo, I have a really zoomed in picture of rockhopper in the telescope on my site. You can use it if you want.
Arrr Mimo that is cool right what me and Mimo put up arrrrr keep up the good work Mimo!
Anonymous said...
Wow mimo u became a ninja quite quickly, it took me 1 week!! Seriously! PS Will u enter the competition??
well a week is not a lot it took me 2 months!!!:(
well i dont think mimo will enter the com because he tries to be a nonmember and became a member by a mistake in one of the contests
Dude show your face to the world!
Anonymous said...
KOOL!!!!! Ima ninja! Sounds awesome. Smoove player card. U Rock Mimo!!! ~Bonky Beak: Remember the name~
P.S. Hey, can any1 tell me how to be a CPG Mod????
ya sure! to be a cpg mod, u should answer questions. to do that, copy and paste the comment in the comment box and answer it! keep on doing it and youll be a mod! good luck!
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Thats soo cool Mimo. R u a ninja? I am and im also a member so i might decorate a dojo igloo. P.S I think u rock.
yeah, hes a ninja. and so am i:)
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
o peg said...
on the beacon if u wait long enough the fire will go completly out
yeah, it will. then put more wood on it:)
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Wow mimo u became a ninja quite quickly, it took me 1 week!! Seriously! PS Will u enter the competition??
well, hes a ninja, but idk if he will enter. probably not. but maybe i will:)
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
Hi guys,
I hope rockhopper comes soon!! At least before my membership expires!! Guys, I'm having a party, a sorta after the medieval party party, so its at polar bear, at 3 pm pst, at the dojo courtyard, on may 18. I hope you guys will be there!! My penguin name is Etac14. Btw, check out my site!!!!
Hey mimo sorry I haven't been visiting/commenting on your site lately. So I wrote a pledge:
I pledge my alleiance to mimo's site that I will go to it every day and comment atleast one on every post.
Anonymous said...
Wow mimo u became a ninja quite quickly, it took me 1 week!! Seriously! PS Will u enter the competition??
Mimo might enter the competition, but he will probably tell us later when the competition gets closer. ;-)
hi mimo im a member as well as a ninja on clubpenguin too!
im excited r u too?
Anonymous said...
KOOL!!!!! Ima ninja! Sounds awesome. Smoove player card. U Rock Mimo!!! ~Bonky Beak: Remember the name~
P.S. Hey, can any1 tell me how to be a CPG Mod????
wat better way than a CPG Mod himself, lol. well to become one, u have to answer questions CORRECTLY, be nice, and conglaturate contest winners, and conglats to that puffypower girl in getting those 5000 coins, lol.
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
Ben826 said...
Dude show your face to the world!
Mimo doesn't like to show his face to ppl and i agree with him. It kinda makes ppl feel different about u and its an invade of privacy if u show ur face too ppl u don't know in person, lol :P
Get wat im saying? :-)
Rock on!!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
It took me three days to become a ninja. Lol
Rockhopper is bringing decorations for the Sprig/Summer Party
Cool im going to for sure but I hope they judge mine before June 4 because my membership expires. Oh and I cant get any more membership.
hey mimo how do you take your pics in computers
wow mimo thats soooo cool sooo do u plan to be in the contest
Anonymous said...
hey mimo how do you take your pics in computers
well first off u have to download the screen shot thingy on you computer. to do that just search" free screen capture programs" and download one ok?
wally3046 (CPG MOD)
ill get started
Anonymous said...
Thats soo cool Mimo. R u a ninja? I am and im also a member so i might decorate a dojo igloo. P.S I think u rock.
Yes, Mimo is a Ninja
Spike Heaton*CPG MOD
how do you get the mimo item on chobots???
Mimo, how did you get famous? I would love to be famous. I can't make videos, how did you get so famius? :[
Anonymous said...
Thats soo cool Mimo. R u a ninja? I am and im also a member so i might decorate a dojo igloo. P.S I think u rock.
Yes Mimo is a Ninja.
Anonymous said...
hey mimo how do you take your pics in computers
You press Shift-Print Screen and the go on to paint a picture editing program and go 'Paste' or Ctrl-V then edit it.
waddle4mls said...
how do you get the mimo item on chobots???
go to the add on the side of his site and become a member from there.
wally3046 (CPG MOD)
Gaw, all these people keep saying THEY want to win. I hope YOU win, Mimo.
o peg said...
on the beacon if u wait long enough the fire will go completly out
o peg,
And if you click the logs the fire gets bigger!
Yours Waddling
Oh yea and her penguin name is Puffypower23.
Yours Waddling
Anonymous said...
KOOL!!!!! Ima ninja! Sounds awesome. Smoove player card. U Rock Mimo!!! ~Bonky Beak: Remember the name~
P.S. Hey, can any1 tell me how to be a CPG Mod????
Yes! I can tell you how to become a CPG Mod! All you have to do, is what I'm doing! When someone leaves a comment with a question in it, copy and paste (Crtl C and Crtl V or Apple Logo C and Apple Logo V if you have a mac) the whole comment and the name into the "Leave your comment" box. Then typ out a reply underneath and put (CPG MOD) after your name but only put (CPG MOD) if you are answering a question!!
Hope this helps!
Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)
Congrats to Puffypower23 for winning!
Yours Waddling
Anonymous said...
hey mimo how do you take your pics in computers
Okay, when the desired picture is on the screen, press the Prnt Scrn (Print Screen) button on your keyboard and then either paste (Crtl V) into paint if you want to edit it or paste into powerpoint where you can crop it, change the size, put words and shapes and pictures on it and save it! To save the picture in powerpoint, right click and go to Save as Picture. Now you can use that picture anywhere you want!
Hope this helps!
Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Mimo, how did you get famous? I would love to be famous. I can't make videos, how did you get so famius? :[
Well, there are lots of ways to get famous, and Mimo did most of them! When he started, he posted lots of secrets so people started to come and he started when there werent so many blogs about so more people came to his! He then had loads of partys! Other blogs don't have as many partys as Mimo does! When people came to the parties, people could meet him so they stayed on his site and when people saw him with a crowd they thought "Hey look, that guy is famous! Hmm I wonder how? I know! I'll type his name into Google and see what it comes up with!" And because his site was a website, not just a blog, all yo have to do is type Mimo777 into Google and this site is the first thing that comes up! There are many more reasons whey he has become so famous, but I fear this comment is getting a litlle too long!
Hope this helps!
Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)
P.S. Sorry about the long reply!!
waddle4mls said...
how do you get the mimo item on chobots???
To get the free Mimo item (Mimo blue cap and t-shirt) on Chobots, you need to create a new Chobots account on Mimo's chobots page by clicking the orange "Mimo Plays Chobots" picture on the right of Mimo's site. When the screen loads, click the "Become a Chobot" button to create a new account. When you log in, you will have the free Mimo item on your Chobot!
I know it kinda sucks that you have to create a new chobots account to get it but It's the only way!
Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
wow mimo thats soooo cool sooo do u plan to be in the contest
Well I do, but Mimo is not a member so he can't get the Dojo igloo so no he wont.
Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)
mimo.dude great site!but theres a new igloo you need to post on.its a tree house!its awesome!
Anonymous said...
Thats soo cool Mimo. R u a ninja? I am and im also a member so i might decorate a dojo igloo. P.S I think u rock.
yes mimo is a ninja and a member
yoshhi456 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
KOOL!!!!! Ima ninja! Sounds awesome. Smoove player card. U Rock Mimo!!! ~Bonky Beak: Remember the name~
P.S. Hey, can any1 tell me how to be a CPG Mod????
well all you have to do is congratulate contest winners answer peoples questions congratulate new mods and mods that have moved up a level
that's all
yoshhi456 (CPG MOD)
hey have you seen the new tree house iggy
My Membership expired!But I hopefully going to renew it today!I hope the Ninja - Medieval Thing is still going on.As A Non member I;m trying to wear the ninja outfit with some other medieval stuff!I plan on decorating my igloo!And Im sure that my friend han daynesty will too!He realy loves ninjas and he decorated his igloo as a dojo from the beggining!I too have great plans on how to do my igloo!
- Grozno Pate
im not doing the igloo contset it will mess up my igloo and mimo are u a ninja?
k9hi2(CPG Mod)
I dont even like the dojo igloo is is WAY too small! CP make nothin but small igloos now
Anonymous said...
hey mimo how do you take your pics in computers
Zxz192 said...
Press PrtSc on your keyboard and then paste somewhere like in paint
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Thats soo cool Mimo. R u a ninja? I am and im also a member so i might decorate a dojo igloo. P.S I think u rock.
Zxz192 said...
Yes mimo is a ninja. He doesnt wear the headband though
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Mimo, how did you get famous? I would love to be famous. I can't make videos, how did you get so famius? :[
Zxz192 said...
Videos dont really get you famous so dont worry. Mimo got famous by being nice to people and having contests for coin codes and stuff. And the site has been going on for about 2 years and it is on the first page of google
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
waddle4mls said...
how do you get the mimo item on chobots???
Zxz192 said...
Click on "mimo plays chobots" on the sidebar, and then make a new account. When the new account is made, log in on it and you will have it
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Hey mimo I looked on your secret site at what carl said but when I read it backwards it doesnt make any sense what to google. I googled it and it came up with nothing to do with carl. Did you make a spelling mistake or something?
Oh never mind mimo I get the carl thing!
Anonymous said...
Thats soo cool Mimo. R u a ninja? I am and im also a member so i might decorate a dojo igloo. P.S I think u rock.
Yeah. Mimo became a ninja a long time ago. He likes to just keep his igloo plain and him like that.
Hope this helped!
Fire8877 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Mimo, how did you get famous? I would love to be famous. I can't make videos, how did you get so famius? :[
Mimo i believe is so famous because when he started clubpenguin blogging he was one of the only ones who had a clubpenguin blog so that meant alot of people looked at his blog when looking for a clubpenguin blog.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
KOOL!!!!! Ima ninja! Sounds awesome. Smoove player card. U Rock Mimo!!! ~Bonky Beak: Remember the name~
P.S. Hey, can any1 tell me how to be a CPG Mod????
to become a CPG mod you must answer peoples questions that they post here.
to do that just copy and paste the comment and answwer it.
good luck!
S1d8pink (CPG mod) in training
well o peg might be right
Anonymous said...
hey mimo how do you take your pics in computers
Press PRINT SCREEN/SYSRQ when u think u see a picture u want to take. Then, go on Print and write CTRL-V , it should give u the picture u took :-)
Rock on!!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
cool lol
i told u this on ur other post, but i do nt think u saw it lol
I love you Mimo!
have mimo done all the missons?
Anonymous said...
KOOL!!!!! Ima ninja! Sounds awesome. Smoove player card. U Rock Mimo!!! ~Bonky Beak: Remember the name~
P.S. Hey, can any1 tell me how to be a CPG Mod????
Just work hard!
1. Go on the comments&&find a question
2. Copy the question and paste it in the comment box.
3. Answer the question!
4. When you have answered, put "(CPG MOD)" after your name!
Read more on the right side of this site, the yellow.
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Hey mimo&&CPG,
I don't want to sound upset or pushy, but could I be moved up to legendary mod? I've been working har (at least I think I have)! I'll be patient though :)
Sophi Jr
Hey, FYI I'm going to try and be a CPG Mod. U Rock Mimo!!! ~Bonky Beak: Remember the Name~
Anonymous said...
hey mimo how do you take your pics in computers
It's actually easy!
1. Go to the place you want to take a picture of
2. Press the "prt scr" button (prt scr stands for print screen)
3. Your picture should be copied. open paint (Found under 'accesories' on start)
4. Paste the picture (ctrl+v)
5. Save it
and you have it on ur computer!
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Mimo, how did you get famous? I would love to be famous. I can't make videos, how did you get so famius? :[
Well, he's just crazy, awesome, and has CP cheats RIGHT when they come out. So he's mainly known for is awesome cheats and how well he puts together his site. If you want to be famous, you don't have to make videos, you can make simple posts like Mimo!I hope dis helped.
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Hey mimo. Scince i like you album soooo much, i decided to make levels on fantastic contraption named after you songs! The most popular one is Mimo Groove.
Anonymous said...
Mimo, how did you get famous? I would love to be famous. I can't make videos, how did you get so famius? :[
Mimo became famous by helping people with his amazing website. You coulg go to blogger.com and create a cheats blog too. ;-)
Anonymous said...
Mimo, how did you get famous? I would love to be famous. I can't make videos, how did you get so famius? :[
well,just make a blog, be nice to ppl and do the best u can on ur blog and advertise it.that way youll be famous.
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
lego49471 said...
have mimo done all the missons?
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
lego49471 said...
have mimo done all the missons?
Zxz192 said...
Yes mimo has done all the missions. This is good because then he can help other people with his mission guides
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
im not doing the igloo contset it will mess up my igloo and mimo are u a ninja?
k9hi2(CPG Mod)
Zxz192 said...
Yes mimo is a ninja. And please don't put (CPG Mod) next to your name when your not answering a question
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Zxz192 said...
Hey mimo I looked on your secret site at what carl said but when I read it backwards it doesnt make any sense what to google. I googled it and it came up with nothing to do with carl. Did you make a spelling mistake or something?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey, try reading it more carefully! If Carl wrote it, well, I've noticed he can't spell real well, so probably wasn't Mimo. Read it backwards like with eluc, and try to understand the message.
~Bonky Beak CPG Mod in Training:Remember the Name~
Anonymous said...
wow mimo thats soooo cool sooo do u plan to be in the contest
Daprankstar said...
Well I do, but Mimo is not a member so he can't get the Dojo igloo so no he wont.
Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)
Zxz192 said...
Mimo probably wont enter because he doesnt like changing his igloo or his outfit. And actually mimo is a member daprankstar he became one by accident
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Zxz192 said...
Hey mimo I looked on your secret site at what carl said but when I read it backwards it doesnt make any sense what to google. I googled it and it came up with nothing to do with carl. Did you make a spelling mistake or something?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey, try reading it more carefully! If Carl wrote it, well, I've noticed he can't spell real well, so probably wasn't Mimo. Read it backwards like with eluc, and try to understand the message.
~Bonky Beak CPG Mod in Training:Remember the Name~
Zxz192 said...
Yeah as soon as I posted that comment I realised what the message was sayin lol. Probably shouldn't have put that comment, I should have looked at it harder.
DaPrankstar said...
Anonymous said...
wow mimo thats soooo cool sooo do u plan to be in the contest
Well I do, but Mimo is not a member so he can't get the Dojo igloo so no he wont.
Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD
mimo wont enter cuz he has to deal with other stuff. oh and daprankstar mimo is a member he became one on accident:) good luck on being a mod daprankstar!
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
im not doing the igloo contset it will mess up my igloo and mimo are u a ninja?
k9hi2(CPG Mod)
yeah mimo is a ninja and dont put(CPG MOD) after ur name unless ur answering a question ok? good luck on being a mod!
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
if youre throwing a quickee party tonight, pls anme it eurovision's night. its a big night for us all european people. eurovision's like american idol, but in a cooler 'european-way'! So a Eurovsision Party Night would be absoliutley awesome! :D
lego49471 said...
have mimo done all the missons?
Yep, he has a guide for every one of them. :D
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
they got a new wallpaper on club penguin!!!!!!!!!!! its medieval mimo
lego49471 said...
have mimo done all the missons?
Yes he has! Mimo has even put smart cheat gudes up for them!
Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)
Zxz192 said...
Hey mimo I looked on your secret site at what carl said but when I read it backwards it doesnt make any sense what to google. I googled it and it came up with nothing to do with carl. Did you make a spelling mistake or something?
No it's not a spelling mistake, read each word backwards, baut each word in order e.g. olleh edud = hello dude, read the backwards hello first!
Hope this helps!
Your Waddling Buddy
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
im not doing the igloo contset it will mess up my igloo and mimo are u a ninja?
k9hi2(CPG Mod)
Yes, Mimo is a Ninja and don't put CPG MOD unless you are answering a question!
Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)
There's a big ACP party on parka!!!! It's soo crazy!!! At the Snow Forts!! Too many ppl!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Twilight4729 (CPG MOD IN TRAINING)
Anonymos said:
Thats soo cool Mimo.R u a ninja? I am And im also a member so i might decorate a dojo igloo.P.S I think u rock.
Yes mimo became a ninja a few monthes ago.
Crocgater2(CPG MOD)
Hey Mimo! On the add for Club Penguin on MIniclip theres a penguin with some puffles and theres an ORANGE ONE!!!!!!What do you think this means?
Crocgater2 said...
Hey Mimo! On the add for Club Penguin on MIniclip theres a penguin with some puffles and theres an ORANGE ONE!!!!!!What do you think this means?
Thats pretty weird!
Probably their gonna make a new puffle soon. (porbably not now cuz they just made a new one)
Dear Anonymous,
Mimo is a ninja. I believe the 2nd or 3rd. Hope this helps!
i got so lucky. i played a game of cart surfer and it gave me 1,000,000 coins when i only got 1 point. i wonder if it was a glitch or what
Crocgater2 said...
Hey Mimo! On the add for Club Penguin on MIniclip theres a penguin with some puffles and theres an ORANGE ONE!!!!!!What do you think this means?
Hrmm, I can't find it but if it is real then that means that we will get an Orange Puffle next!! Lol so much for Zebra Puffles!!
Hope this helps!
Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)
Fishandfries CPG Mod said...
Dear Anonymous,
Mimo is a ninja. I believe the 2nd or 3rd. Hope this helps!
Uhhh when you answer a question, put it under the question like i am doing!!
Yours Waddling
Frst Cty Red said...
i got so lucky. i played a game of cart surfer and it gave me 1,000,000 coins when i only got 1 point. i wonder if it was a glitch or what
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cool Glitch!!!! I wish I could have done that!!! Sounds Awesome!!!! ~Bonky Beak CPG Mod in Training: Remember the Name~
i just beat sensi!!!!! oh yeah! ninja party at my igloo tonight!! more info soon!!! ninja's only!!!
Anonymous said...
hey mimo how do you take your pics in computers
You take a pic by:
1. Press Print/system require
2. go to paint Etc and Press Control V
Then save!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Thats soo cool Mimo. R u a ninja? I am and im also a member so i might decorate a dojo igloo. P.S I think u rock.
MImo is a ninja! YOU ROCK TOO!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Thats soo cool Mimo. R u a ninja? I am and im also a member so i might decorate a dojo igloo. P.S I think u rock.
All you have to do is: Be nice to Everyone, answer questions and put (Cpg mod) next to your name when you are answering Q's
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Mrpengiewin said...
that is so cool good job to the winner of the 5,000 coins for being creative!
Actually it is 25,000 Coins!
-TboymanA(CPG MOD)
Mrpengiewin said...
Oh man so sweet too bad I don't have a igloo because of my nonmemberness.
Me too! lol
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
wally3046 said...
I got the carl message!
Congratds Me too!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Crocgater2 said...
Hey Mimo! On the add for Club Penguin on MIniclip theres a penguin with some puffles and theres an ORANGE ONE!!!!!!What do you think this means?
Hmmm, hard one, is the color on your comp right? Or maybe it is in the making!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
im not doing the igloo contset it will mess up my igloo and mimo are u a ninja?
k9hi2(CPG Mod)
Mimo is a ninja, the 3rd in his family. And only put Cpg mod When your answering a Q like this.
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
lego49471 said...
have mimo done all the missons?
Yeah, Mimo has also put out a Smart Guide For it!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
wow mimo thats soooo cool sooo do u plan to be in the contest
He may!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
wow mimo thats soooo cool sooo do u plan to be in the contest
___________________________________i dont think he will because mimo doesnt change his igloo nor his player card looks often.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
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