Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Club Penguin Viking Opera!

Club Penguin finally announced the name of the new play. It is "The Haunting of the Viking Opera":

The play is described as a mystery with a twist. It looks pretty smoove, don't ya think?

Check back here tomorrow for all the Medieval Party cheats and the new pin!

Oh yeah, "What's different" answers posted later today.

Also, check my secret site for on update on Carl the Hampster. ;-)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


Anonymous said...

That is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mimo!

Anonymous said...

That will be a cool play, Stickers will love it!
(Opera:Play::Stickers:Opera House)

Opera House in Auzzie!

Anonymous said...

Hmm the haunting... Maybe the Viking Helmets chase the Opera Singers and the ghost is the villian in the story!

Dex Dude said...

Yeah, this is tottally weird. I knew it would be about Vikings since the beggining, but not a ghost! Lolz weird...

~Dex Dude~

sallisoo said...

ha i was VERY close!

Giveback88 said...

Well its very interesting thats all i can say. lol

Anonymous said...

What SECRET site? I'm freaking out! I don't know the SECRET site!

Anonymous said...

i wonder whats the next pin.

E said...

That is very cool. I knew it was about vikings! I am looking forward to it tomorrow.


flab147 said...

cool play i will probably like it


Anonymous said...



Fishy Boy2 said...

I am really scared! I don't like ghosts!

~Fishy Boy2 CPG mod~

Tennisbaseball said...

CleverAqua64's Club Penguin Site said...
Hmm the haunting... Maybe the Viking Helmets chase the Opera Singers and the ghost is the villian in the story!

lol good guess.

Bb Polo745

Tennisbaseball said...

im looking forward to this play.

Bb Polo745

Fuirist said...

it's going to be cool

Tennisbaseball said...

Mid Evil party on friday,yay!

Bb Polo745

Rocy775 Club Boss said...

Wow!!! How do you get to your secret site i am such a fan

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

nice mimo thanks 4 the update lol :)


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

mimo im confused on wat carl is tryna say, i no wat it says but i dont get it?


flab147 said...

Clubpenguin fan club said...

Wow!!! How do you get to your secret site i am such a fan
sorry dude i cant tell you thats why its a SECRET site not a normal site soz.i would tell you if mimo let me

Flab147(CPG Mod)

flab147 said...

Anonymous said...

What SECRET site? I'm freaking out! I don't know the SECRET site!
mimo has a secret site that i cant tell anyone the name of it becuz its secret soz

Flab147(CPG Mod)

Zxz192 said...

Anonymous said...
What SECRET site? I'm freaking out! I don't know the SECRET site!

Zxz192 said...
Hey, dont worry if you cant find it. Try looking on google if you cant find it

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

CJ0Q said...

Anonymous said...
What SECRET site? I'm freaking out! I don't know the SECRET site!
Mimo has a secret site but i cant tell u wat it is u hav 2 find it u could try googling 'mimos secret site'

~CJ0Q (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

i want to find out what happend to the hampster! but i cant find the secret site! oh well. but anywayz i cant wait for the costumes!!

jimbo3003 said...

lol! cool lay! nice idea. :)

Anonymous said...

hey mimo heres an idea! how about you tell us where the secret site is and then change it a little while after! so then some of us that we cant find it can see it and then you can hide it again! you'll porb say no but oh well!

Anonymous said...

The play looks like it might parody Phantom of the Opera a bit(Which is a great play and movie. I'd recommend either to anyone.) BTW, you rock Mimo!

cowtail5 cpg mod said...

That is so cool! I can not wait!
Cowtail5 cpg mod

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What SECRET site? I'm freaking out! I don't know the SECRET site!

Hey Anonymous,
Secret site is secret so nobody can tell but if you keep looking you will find it!

Miaponygirl9 (CPG MOD)

Youg3 (cpg mod) said...

100% emmy here said.....

I want to find out what happened to the hamster! But i cnat find the secret site! oh well.but anywayz i cant wait for the costumes!!!
The hamster story is very weird anyway HAppy hunting! (for mimos secret site)

Geny said...

wow that is my kind of play lol
Mimo u roc


pingwana9 said...

o cool i wonder if there will be a viking puffle in the script!

wally3046 said...

Anonymous said...
i wonder whats the next pin.

Probaly some type of shinyand expinsive rock but thats just my guess.


Lovebirds211 said...

wow it sounds like "The Phantom of the Opera", only CP style!!

Alex Maria said...

to anonymous: u ask about the secret site?? mimo has a secret site but i don't know if mimo would want u to know coz its a secret

-Penguina46 (CPG) OR I WANT TO BE A MOD PLZ.

Sophi Jr said...

Sounds AWESOME! :3

Sophi Jr said...

Anonymous said...
What SECRET site? I'm freaking out! I don't know the SECRET site!
;] There is a secret site that Mimo has made. It's link is on CPG ;D
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)

Random Matthew722 said...

100% Emmy here said...
hey mimo heres an idea! how about you tell us where the secret site is and then change it a little while after! so then some of us that we cant find it can see it and then you can hide it again! you'll porb say no but oh well!


We'll, i don't think Mimo wud do that and it wudn't be fair for everyone, but maybe he will post the Carl story here after a while.
U never know, so don't give up hope, lol! :P

Rock on!! :D

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

CleverAqua64's Club Penguin Site said...

Hmm the haunting... Maybe the Viking Helmets chase the Opera Singers and the ghost is the villian in the story!
hey wow thats cool and funny and pretty cleaver just to say. soury6 (CPG MOD)

Sophi Jr said...

Actually, I'll just do whatever I wanna do :P But that will be one of emm ;]

Gamer12356 said...

lol this isnt as weird as u mimo! but still weird, lol. im still going to love it anyways.

Later CPG!

Spike Heaton (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...

What SECRET site? I'm freaking out! I don't know the SECRET site!


Now it wouldn't be a secret if we told you

Spike Heaton*CPG MOD

Spike Heaton (CPG MOD) said...

100% Emmy here said...

hey mimo heres an idea! how about you tell us where the secret site is and then change it a little while after! so then some of us that we cant find it can see it and then you can hide it again! you'll porb say no but oh well!


It it kinda hard to keep on hiding the website i don't think you can change the name of a website

Spike Heaton*CPG MOD

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

Clubpenguin fan club said...
Wow!!! How do you get to your secret site i am such a fan
well yea we cant tell but keep trying its pretty simple in the end

wii wii wii1(cpg mod)

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

hi mimo its saavy
u no the gary background?
well it gary use 2 be facing in the left sode but now garys on the right side lol
thats good cuz my pin always cloverd his head! lool. :)


Nigiri294 said...

Saavy (CPG MOD) said:

Wow!!! How do you get to your secret site i am such a fan


Lol, I dunno either.

Nigiri294 (CPG Mod)

SilverAtom (CPG MOD) said...

Clubpenguin fan club said...
Wow!!! How do you get to your secret site i am such a fan
Well, Mimo probably doesn't want me to say his secret sight right now, but if you try to find it, you probably will. ;-)

ace234444 (cpg mod) said...

pingwana9 said...
o cool i wonder if there will be a viking puffle in the script!

Dear pingwana9,
Cool i dea but the yellow puffle at the sage will probly be wearing a viking helment!
Ace234444 (cpg mod)

ace234444 (cpg mod) said...

Clubpenguin fan club said...
Wow!!! How do you get to your secret site i am such a fan

Dear Clubpenguin fan club,
I am a fan of mimo's site to it help lots of penguins on a regular basis! I'm with all the others who can not find mimo's secert site. But sure as the sky is blue that site must be pretty awesome! Keep trying and so will i. You never know mimo might leave us some more clues about the secert site.
Ace234444 (cpg mod)

wally3046 said...

Nigiri294 said...
Saavy (CPG MOD) said:

Wow!!! How do you get to your secret site i am such a fan


Lol, I dunno either.

Nigiri294 (CPG Mod)

google it or check his twitter thats all i can say for now.;-)

wally3046 (CPG MOD)

Tboyman said...

Anonymous said...

What SECRET site? I'm freaking out! I don't know the SECRET site!
Mimo has a secret site, there is a link hidden on this very site or maybe on his twitter, or something, look around.


Sophi Jr (HAI!) said...

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
hi mimo its saavy
u no the gary background?
well it gary use 2 be facing in the left sode but now garys on the right side lol
thats good cuz my pin always cloverd his head! lool. :)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~SOPHI JR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
WHOA.! Weird....!

Random Matthew722 said...

Hey Mimo, i don't know how, but wen u meet Rockhopper in Disney World, u somehow get another Rockhopper bakground, sry I don't have a pic, but im just letting u know :P


Random Matthew722 said...

Anonymous said...
i wonder whats the next pin.


I bet it will be smt about the Midevil Party, I wud think the pin wud be a shield or smt, lol! :P

Rock on!!

-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

ace234444 (cpg mod) said...

I would like to Congradulate all the new mods like cowtail5, matthew722, and wally3046! They must be working verry hard and i hope soon ill join them as a cpg mod!
Ace234444 (cpg mod)

wally3046 said...

Hey dexdude, happywagon you know tboyman? Im his bu. you?


Tycoon101 said...

Anonymous said...
What SECRET site? I'm freaking out! I don't know the SECRET site!
its ok! yoga breath! anyway, its just a site that does extra posts. its not as important as this site. besides, you will figure out someway ;)
Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

Tycoon101 said...

Clubpenguin fan club said...

Wow!!! How do you get to your secret site i am such a fan
it wouldnt be secret if he told ya...
Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Please feed me my name is Emerald.

E said...

Anonymous said...

What SECRET site? I'm freaking out! I don't know the SECRET site!
Calm down. Sorry but we cant tell you what the secret site is or it wont be a secret. *try google*

-Fluffygood CPG MOD

E said...

Clubpenguin fan club said...

Wow!!! How do you get to your secret site i am such a fan
In one of his Mimo videaos it gives a hint. *try google*

-Fluffygood CPG MOD

Tycoon101 said...

it stinks! i have to penguins, one is a member and the other ones a nonmember. now they are both nonmembers!! :( but its okay i guess.... i wish tho that it wasnt now, cuz i wanted to get clothes from the partay! :(

Anonymous said...

hi mimo i cant wait for it o and sorry i forgot my password know im stuck i don't know how to get my pass back


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
i wonder whats the next pin.
I'm betting that the pin will be a viking helmet.


Yeti said...

wow this is going to be WAY wicked!

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo, i have a riddele for you!
anyone can answer!
just do what you would do if you were ganna answer a gpg mod question
ok here it goes!

A Red house is made of red bricks
A Blue house is made of blue bricks
A Yellow house is made of yellow bricks
What is the Green house mad of?

Have fun trying to answer!
i'll make more soon!
peace out! Slyer521

CleverAqua64(CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...

What SECRET site? I'm freaking out! I don't know the SECRET site!
That's the thing, it is SECRET. Look around, find clues. You'll find it!! Good Luck!

CleverAqua64(CPG MOD) said...

Clubpenguin fan club said...

Wow!!! How do you get to your secret site i am such a fan
I am sorry, but the site IS secret. I cannot tell. BUT. You can find it just like I did. Look for clues and SEARCH around. Good Luck!

Mombo Lo said...

This will be awsome!

CleverAqua64(CPG MOD) said...

cowtail5 cpg mod said...

That is so cool! I can not wait!
Cowtail5 cpg mod
Hi Cowtail5. I know you ARE a Mod and are new at Modding, so I wanted to tell you something. You Only put CPG MOD when you are answering a question. Like I am now! You did not have a Q, but I gave you advice, and you can to that too!

Keirei CPG MOD said...

Anonymous said...
i wonder whats the next pin.
It is probably related to the play.
Check tomorrow for more deets!
Keirei CPG MOD

Keirei CPG MOD said...

Anonymous said...
Hey mimo, i have a riddele for you!
anyone can answer!
just do what you would do if you were ganna answer a gpg mod question
ok here it goes!

A Red house is made of red bricks
A Blue house is made of blue bricks
A Yellow house is made of yellow bricks
What is the Green house mad of?

Have fun trying to answer!
i'll make more soon!
peace out! Slyer521
I KNOW I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!
A green house is made of GLASS!!
bcuz ya know greenhouse effects!!

Keirei CPG MOD


Anonymous said...
What SECRET site? I'm freaking out! I don't know the SECRET site!
Mimo has his own "secret site."
sum (like meh) know where it is!
try asking where it is on some places hint hint!
Keirei CPG MOD

Jiggly22 said...


Keirei said...

Gamer12356 said...
lol this isnt as weird as u mimo! but still weird, lol. im still going to love it anyways.

Later CPG!
This play IS NOT AT ALL AS WIRED AS MIMO!!! u can also think that mimo is wired cuz of the mods ;>)

Keirei CPG MOD

Anonymous said...

can you post the wenners already plz

Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
What SECRET site? I'm freaking out! I don't know the SECRET site!

He has had one for a while now, and most everyone knows about it. I wish i could tell you what it was but i get in trouble lol! Well good luck findin it.
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)

Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD) said...

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
mimo im confused on wat carl is tryna say, i no wat it says but i dont get it?

Well, just put the clues together and you should figure it out soon enough:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)

Confupenguen (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
What SECRET site? I'm freaking out! I don't know the SECRET site!

Well, its really not that hard to find, a hint i will give you is to just search it on google:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)

Confupenguen (CPG Mod) said...

Clubpenguin fan club said...
Wow!!! How do you get to your secret site i am such a fan

Like i said on a different answer, search it on google to try to find your answer:D thats why it's secret lol not everybody knows it.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)

Confupenguen (CPG Mod) said...

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
mimo im confused on wat carl is tryna say, i no wat it says but i dont get it?


if you actually know what it says, it isn't actually a clue to his site, its just giving us a statement.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)

Wacky Flip8 said...

Clubpenguin fan club said...
Wow!!! How do you get to your secret site i am such a fan


Good thing you asked HOW. Try it on google!

~Wacky Flip8 (CPG Mod)~

Anonymous said...

Mimo y do U like Red Bulls so much
I mean there ok.
I had the normal Red Bulls, the cola Red Bull, Rock Star, and
I got to

1. Monster

2. Red Bull Cola

3.Rock Star

4. Normal Red Bull

Wat Im saying is



Wacky Flip8 (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
Hey mimo, i have a riddele for you!
anyone can answer!
just do what you would do if you were ganna answer a gpg mod question
ok here it goes!

A Red house is made of red bricks
A Blue house is made of blue bricks
A Yellow house is made of yellow bricks
What is the Green house mad of?

Have fun trying to answer!
i'll make more soon!
peace out! Slyer521


Lol, nice riddle. I say it's glass. See, I know that one. LOLZ!

~Wacky Flip8 (CPG Mod)~

Anonymous said...

I am really scared! I don't like ghosts!

~Fishy Boy2 CPG mod~


Metaljet (CPG MOD)

As we all know ghosts and monsters aint real.

Tycoon101 said...

Anonymous said...
i wonder whats the next pin.
it probably has something to do with the play! just a guess!
Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

Tycoon101 said...

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo, i have a riddele for you!
anyone can answer!
just do what you would do if you were ganna answer a gpg mod question
ok here it goes!

A Red house is made of red bricks
A Blue house is made of blue bricks
A Yellow house is made of yellow bricks
What is the Green house mad of?

Have fun trying to answer!
i'll make more soon!
peace out! Slyer521
i have heard that one before. isn't the answer plants?
Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

Tycoon101 said...

wally3046 said...

Hey dexdude, happywagon you know tboyman? Im his bu. you?

whats a bu?

Anonymous said...

hey mimo heres an idea! how about you tell us where the secret site is and then change it a little while after! so then some of us that we cant find it can see it and then you can hide it again! you'll porb say no but oh well!


Metaljet (CPG MOD)

It is not that easy to make a web site I first thought that till
well I started makeing one.
I found out web site are just
Numbers Letters and symbols.
So he cant re hide his secret site again well ya he can but how would he tell a small amout of ppl?

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo, i have a riddele for you!
anyone can answer!
just do what you would do if you were ganna answer a gpg mod question
ok here it goes!

A Red house is made of red bricks
A Blue house is made of blue bricks
A Yellow house is made of yellow bricks
What is the Green house mad of?

Have fun trying to answer!
i'll make more soon!
peace out! Slyer521



I Gess Green Bricks or puke I dont get it.

Coconutnes said...

Mimo how do you know if your comment is check? Coconutnes-Trying to be a CPG MOD

Juh76 said...

Anonymous said...
i wonder whats the next pin.
well it could be a viking helmet! lol last year was an anvil! LOL.

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

DaPrankstar said...

Anonymous said...
Hey mimo, i have a riddele for you!
anyone can answer!
just do what you would do if you were ganna answer a gpg mod question
ok here it goes!

A Red house is made of red bricks
A Blue house is made of blue bricks
A Yellow house is made of yellow bricks
What is the Green house mad of?

Have fun trying to answer!
i'll make more soon!
peace out! Slyer521


Ooh ooh I know I know!! A green house is made of glass!! :D Nice riddle anyway.

Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)

Nigiri294 said...

wally3046 said:

Nigiri294 said...
Saavy (CPG MOD) said:

Wow!!! How do you get to your secret site i am such a fan


Lol, I dunno either.

Nigiri294 (CPG Mod)

google it or check his twitter thats all i can say for now.;-)

wally3046 (CPG MOD)


Whoops, I read the question wrong sorry!!

Nigiri294 (CPG Mod)

Nigiri294 said...

Coconutnes said:

Mimo how do you know if your comment is check? Coconutnes-Trying to be a CPG MOD


He reads absolutely every comment so he'll know if it's checked.

Nigiri294 (CPG Mod)

Nigiri294 said...

anonymous said:

can you post the wenners already plz


Mimo is really really busy so it might take a while. Or long time.

Nigiri294 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo, i have a riddele for you!
anyone can answer!
just do what you would do if you were ganna answer a gpg mod question
ok here it goes!

A Red house is made of red bricks
A Blue house is made of blue bricks
A Yellow house is made of yellow bricks
What is the Green house mad of?

Have fun trying to answer!
i'll make more soon!
peace out! Slyer521


Shadow man 50,



Anonymous said...

Hey heres a funny story I made up.

and carl was gone :(

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH. ok, mimo, the PARTY JUST BEGAN. the free item is in the lighthouse on the table. It's a Wizard hat!! :-) On the Ski Hill there's a fortune telling mirror. :-(. I don't like fortune tellers... it's too weird. (weird, in a very old dictionary, means skilled in witchcraft! lolz.)


Anonymous said...

so cool soury6

Anonymous said...

Cool! Is it like Phantom of the Opera?- Paws Kitty

SilverAtom (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
Cool! Is it like Phantom of the Opera?- Paws Kitty
Well, I thought this play rocked, and you can check it out now! ;-)

Smiles Today said...

Awesome! I knew there was a red and blue viking helmet, but I had no idea there was a gold one. Thanks again. Your one in a million and my favorite cheat website.

When are you going to have your next Mimo Quikee party? Ive never been to one. I really want to go to one soon.

Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

Smiles Today said...
Awesome! I knew there was a red and blue viking helmet, but I had no idea there was a gold one. Thanks again. Your one in a million and my favorite cheat website.

When are you going to have your next Mimo Quikee party? Ive never been to one. I really want to go to one soon.
Mimo can't tell you when he's going to have a quickee party. Quickee parties just happen whenever mimo wants them to. So he can't tell people. Just check his site often and as soon as he posts about it, go to the location he tells you to. also following mimo on twitter usually helps.

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
OH MY GOSH. ok, mimo, the PARTY JUST BEGAN. the free item is in the lighthouse on the table. It's a Wizard hat!! :-) On the Ski Hill there's a fortune telling mirror. :-(. I don't like fortune tellers... it's too weird. (weird, in a very old dictionary, means skilled in witchcraft! lolz.)

I'm sure mimo already knew about the party, but thanks anyways.

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

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