Here are the hidden items cheats in the new Club Penguin Snow and Sports Catalog.
Step 1. Click on the Map in the lower left.
Step 2. Click on "Ski Village."
Step 3. Go into the Winter Sports Shop.
Step 4. Now click on the catalog in the lower right.
Here's how to find the new hidden Green soccer jersey. Hey last time they hid a GREEN baseball jersey. Wierdness.
Step 5. Click to the 1st page.
Step 6. Click on the soccer ball at the top of the page.
Just one cheat? That's not neat. It stinks like...
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Didn't I tell you about that
never mind
thanks for giving me credit on the dojo card thing
You rock Mimo! yeah your site rocks it's the best one yet
hahaha "just one cheat? thats not neat. it stinks like feet." :D isnt that amazing?
Hello wandgfan22 here, i would like to tell you about a glitch. In the snow ad sports catalog if you try to buy green flippers it comes up with this item is unavailable.
sweet mimo! love da sport cstalogue!!!
Thanks for the awesome cheats!
Hello Nikolaki8 here. Just If u didn't Know but is u click on the green Flippers it says "This Item is unavailable. Just To Let u know.
mimo glitch if ;u want the green flippers it says there univable
mimo the catalog is faulty the treadmill is like 400 coins and not available it was like 1500 coins last time
and the exersize bike
mimo ill tell u all teh items in the cat that r not available
green flippers biscut tube exersize bike treadmill and the bench
mimo click on green flippers and it says item currently not available and you have to log off and back in again!
is there any new backgrounds in the sport catalog?
Why can't i log into club penguin? When i go to the play sign is missing and when i go, it takes forever to load and it is still loading now.
wandgfan22 said...
Hello wandgfan22 here, i would like to tell you about a glitch. In the snow ad sports catalog if you try to buy green flippers it comes up with this item is unavailable.
May 28, 2009 10:31 PM
Dear Wandgfan22,
It is not a glitch.Its a regular thing on the day the catalog is realeased.You would know this if you have
checked the old catalogs .
Hope That Solves some problems
!~Farmer Rich~!
lol i found a rondom glitch in the catalouge!
go to the furniture part and click on the bench buy option. it was say the option is not availble yet and will freeze!
Mimo, Did you knbow that when you buy that red ring thing in the sports catalog it comes up with Item Unavaible.
- Specter Ben
Hey mimo! On club penguin play page, you could see Adventure Party! It saying ''Explorers Wanted''...
i cant belive there's only one cheat club penguin have dived under water this time
Just one cheat? That's not neat. It stinks like... umm.. meat? meat was the first thing that popped in my mind.. i guess i was hungwy.. -pikt
if you click on any of the sports equipment besize the nets for football if your english or soccer nets if your in the usa it says unavaible
Hello wandgfan22 here, i would like to tell you about a glitch. In the snow ad sports catalog if you try to buy green flippers it comes up with this item is unavailable.
good 1 it works 2
flossyrosen (hopefully becoming a)mod
Mimo! when i try to buy green flippers it says:this item is not avalible. what is that about?
Yea some items are unnavailable!!
Yours Waddling
If there is a new server called chilly wigwam then I told cp to make it! I can't believe i might own a server!
theres another glitch...when you try to buy the bench, red rube thingy and the treadmill it says the item is currently unavailable. :(
-imnumberfour(my club penguin penguin)
p.s.check out my dojo igloo!:P
If you wear the life jacket you can swim!
there is a new screen when you load up cp
Mimo! For me, when you buy the Green Flippers, Bench and The exercise thing, it says "Item Not Available" and it logs you off the server!
woah! new opening scrren on the log in! it says explorers wanted june 12 16!!
mimo ther is new music in ur iggy and theres a new starter screen 4 cp :)
there is a glitch if u try to buy the exercise bike, inner tube or bench it says its unavailable.
it stinks like feet!!!!
or it could be beats!
theres also new music for iggys
~yo skizzilz
hey mimo there also some new music.
why did you say red ball cap? LOL!
-Waddle Dee77 (just a person commenting on your website)
happysmiles said...
hahaha "just one cheat? thats not neat. it stinks like feet." :D isnt that amazing?
He he! those are probably my feet lol!
wandgfan22 said...
Hello wandgfan22 here, i would like to tell you about a glitch. In the snow ad sports catalog if you try to buy green flippers it comes up with this item is unavailable.
Mimo probably knows that, but he will post it later becuzhe wouldn't stay up all night fixing it, he is in America so he goes to bed when Club penguin time is late.
-Tboyman(CPG MOMOD_)
Icee freeze3 said...
Didn't I tell you about that
never mind
thanks for giving me credit on the dojo card thing
He may have already known that and was popsting that post.
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
u rcok mimo!!!!!!!
cpg moderator
and the biscuit tube
mimo glich when u buy the green flippers for scuba diving it says "Item Not Available" and u have to log off hurry they will fix it!!!
hey mimo
check out the club penguin screen when you first sign in.
it says "explorers wanted. june 12-16"
isint it soo cool
ps can some one help me find rockhoper
cuteypie11 (club penguin name)
hey mimo check out the dojo when u go to sensi its got new pics for wat u want and stuff check it out
Wii Wiii Wii1
mimo ill tell u all teh items in the cat that r not available
green flippers biscut tube exersize bike treadmill and the bench
It does the same except for the greenflippers? I think its becasue I already have them. You should write about it in your blogs.
Anonymous said...
Mimo! when i try to buy green flippers it says:this item is not avalible. what is that about?
Zxz192 said...
Yeah its happening with most of the sports furniture items too. CP will fix it soon hopefully
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
just one cheat, that's not neat, it stinks like Disney!
It stinks like cheesefreak lol
smudge x
Im really annoyed!My membership just got expired so now I dont get to buy stuff!
Chicken58 said...
Im really annoyed!My membership just got expired so now I dont get to buy stuff!
Don't worry! Mimo's pet, Carl, is having a contest (lol) And the winner gets a 1 year free membership!
U got a chance, so don't give up ;-)
Rock on!! :-)
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
The Quaz said...
Why can't i log into club penguin? When i go to the play sign is missing and when i go, it takes forever to load and it is still loading now.
Hmm... weird. Either there's a glitch, so just wait and maybe somehow it will just work again.
Also, it could be that u didn't install Java.
Hope Clubpenguin will work again! :-)
Rock on!! :D
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Mimo! when i try to buy green flippers it says:this item is not avalible. what is that about?
Yeah, i know! It happened before though, so im sure Clubpenguin will fix it A.S.A.P. :-)
Rock on!!
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
uhh i didnt mean that i meant
The Quaz said...
Why can't i log into club penguin? When i go to the play sign is missing and when i go, it takes forever to load and it is still loading now.
well sometimes it does that try a different server
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
Mimo! when i try to buy green flippers it says:this item is not avalible. what is that about?
sometimes when the catalog has just come out it might have a few mistakes or glitchs so cp will fix it soon
tjricklefs said...
Wii Wiii Wii1
mimo ill tell u all teh items in the cat that r not available
green flippers biscut tube exersize bike treadmill and the bench
It does the same except for the greenflippers? I think its becasue I already have them. You should write about it in your blogs.
lol i did
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
I cant win against the sensei how do you beat him ? I Need help please .
Also the progress thing really helps .
Lucylu212 said...
I cant win against the sensei how do you beat him ? I Need help please .
Also the progress thing really helps .
To beat Sensei, you have to be a black belt. If you lose, don't worry. U just have to keep battling him. But remember, YOU HAVE TO BE A BLACK BELT! Lol :P
Rock on!! :-)
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
thanks for the cheats mimo
Soccerbro22 (CPG Mod)
Pingu2x said...
is there any new backgrounds in the sport catalog?
Mo, they are alll the same, all the time. TheY are sport ones too!
-=-Tboyman(CPG MOD_
The Quaz said...
Why can't i log into club penguin? When i go to the play sign is missing and when i go, it takes forever to load and it is still loading now.
May 28, 2009 11:49 PM
I think ur Comp is slow or having an error.
-=-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Chicken58 said...
Im really annoyed!My membership just got expired so now I dont get to buy stuff!
Me too! Don't worry, Carl is having a 1 year Membership Contest!
-=-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Everyone who is interested! I am having s quick pirate party at the pizza parlor on vanilla. Everyone is welcome (people might want to wear pirate stuff ;) ) It will be from now until 7:30 PST We might move rooms or even servers. So be on the lookout! I will post here if this happens. P.S. You rock Mimo!
Mimo, There's something new i found!
Idk if this is new or not, lol, but U know wen u look on the map to go to other igloos? We'll, now the names are in order instead of any place! Now it's easier to find people on the chart!
If this is new, it wud be kool to get credit, but I don't really care if i do or not :P
Lucylu212 said...
I cant win against the sensei how do you beat him ? I Need help please .
Also the progress thing really helps .
Well first you have to be a black belt and then keep on trying to beat him! He will become a normal player once you play him like 4 times. it took me 7 times to beat him!:)
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
Chicken58 said...
Im really annoyed!My membership just got expired so now I dont get to buy stuff!
Dont worry! Theres still a 1 year membership you can win from our old pal Carl...
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
Mimo! when i try to buy green flippers it says:this item is not avalible. what is that about?
Club Penguin will fix that glitch soon!Same thing with the treadmill, inner tube, excersise bike and the bench. Weird!
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
mimo whats up with carl? is he still actin' werid?
everyone the glitches dont work for me :( . but i think i know why i cleared my cache you should try too.If dont know how clubpenguin has it in help
Mimo I have a glitch. On your Spy Phone, it still says pitch instead of ice rink to teleport.
-Cub107(CPG Mod)
i carnt belive that there is only won cheat in the catalog:(
just one cheat thats not neat it stinks just like moldy meat lol
whoa! ijust danced wit my puffle and soccer ball at town and map and news flickered.the map said plapa and news said dioria!?
Anonymous said...
whoa! ijust danced wit my puffle and soccer ball at town and map and news flickered.the map said plapa and news said dioria!?
Woh, thats crazy!!! If im right, those are all spanish words! :-O
I gotta try that out, lol ;-)
Rock on!! :D
-Matthew722 (CPG MOD)
Haha I mean c'mon 1 cheat! That seriously stinks!
By the way Mimo, Club Penguin totally ain't working for me. I am completely relying on SWF Links to check out on the new updates. Hope this error gets fixed soon!
Anonymous said...
whoa! ijust danced wit my puffle and soccer ball at town and map and news flickered.the map said plapa and news said dioria!?
:O Weird! I think Club Penguin should make us kick soccer balls while walking our puffles instead!LOL:p Try contacting Club Penguin about it.:)
Juh76t (CPG MOD)
Hey everyone! I'm having another pirate party today.
Server:Snow Board
Time:9:00-9:30 A.M. Club penguin time
Place:Ice Burg
Server:Snowy River
Time:9:30-10:00 A.M. Club penguin time
Place:Coffee Shop
Everyone is welcome! Wear something that has to do with pirates. And have fun. I will be accepting buddy requests.
ooooooooo mimo i like wat ur twitter says but i hope its late becuz tonite is the britains got talent final and i dont wanna miss it, but hope its on cp then ill be able 2 make it :)
LOL There is (or was, probally) a glitch in the snow and sports catolog. When you bought the furniture, it said "This is not available" lol
hey maybe a new team!!!
" Just one cheat? Thats not neat it stinks like moldy feet!
Lucylu212 said...
I cant win against the sensei how do you beat him ? I Need help please .
Also the progress thing really helps .
First you need a black Belt, thewn when you battle him a few times he will mess up oncce or twice, and that is your time to strike and finish him!
-Tboyman(cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
whoa! ijust danced wit my puffle and soccer ball at town and map and news flickered.the map said plapa and news said dioria!?
Ohh, that is a glitch, changind words to French. And your Puffle is a Hand item, so that may have triggered it!
-Tboyman(CPG MOPD_)
Anonymous said...
Mimo! when i try to buy green flippers it says:this item is not avalible. what is that about?
IT is a small Club Penguin Glitch, they will get it fixed right away!
-Tboyman(CPG MOD)
Awesome Mimo!
andydog23 said...
mimo whats up with carl? is he still actin' werid?
Yep, Carl is still being weird but at least now we know that he's giving seulc for a Membership!!
Hope this helps!
Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
hey maybe a new team!!!
That would be neat. At the penguin games 09 have red, blue, AND GREEN! I would love that (Green is my favorite color, which you can tell if you've ever seen me on CP)
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Screenhog67456 said...
LOL There is (or was, probally) a glitch in the snow and sports catolog. When you bought the furniture, it said "This is not available" lol
They must have fixed it pretty fast because by the time i got home from school to check it, there were no glitches in the catalog. Thanks for telling mimo, but i think mimo knows they fix things like that very fast now.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
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