Club Penguin Cheats

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Let's Get "Zebras Smell Funny" Played On Radio Disney!

Thanks to all of you who really like my new song "Zebras Smell Funny!"

I had an idea I thought you could help me with. Let's send Radio Disney a bunch of requests for the song and get it played on the air! WOOT!

Do you listen to Radio Disney? Even if you don't. Please send a request!

If we get it played on air we will have a MASSIVE party! Whatdoyouthink?

Here is how you do it.

Click here to go to Raido Disney's request page.

Step 1. Once you get there, click on "Can't find my song/artist..." button.

Step 2. At the bottom of the page, put this, Mimo, "Zebras Smell Funny" in the blank "Enter Song and Artist."

Step 3. Click the "Submit" button.

You're done!

Once you send your request, post a comment and let us know! Remember, if Zebras Smell Funny gets played WE WILL PARTY HARD on Club Penguin!

Link to this post on your web site! Tell everyone! Oh, and if you here Zebras Smell Funny on Radio Disney, let me know!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


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OriginGarrett said...

I'll do it!

Etac14 said...

Sweet!! I requested your song!! I hope it gets played on radio disney!


roger8500 said...

i submitted

Anonymous said...

I did.

Anonymous said...

AWESOME! I am going to go submit it! I hope it gets played!


Super Something said...

mimo do you go on club penguin everyday?i going on right now,but in a new window so i will still be on your site.

-Super Something

Anonymous said...

I requested your song! I said my name was kiwi but thats my nickname! lol

IluvEdward4evr! said...

The deed is done. :P joking. I did it, though.

Anonymous said...

i did it and dedicated it to Carl the Hamester! LOL XD Just KIDIN! I did it to MIMO!YOU ROCK!

Pengifender said...

i voted for you Mimo


Anonymous said...

james 1

Spike Heaton said...

I submited

Anonymous said...

i voted

Anonymous said...

i voted yea

Anonymous said...

I requested it! Lets comment and put how many requests people have done.I'm the third person to request it so:


Digital Boy

Tommy S. said...

I requested your song!

himskater12 said...

i did i hope it works

Blake313 said...

Awesome I just requested it I hope it gets played!!!

Anonymous said...

I just submitted so i hope we here it!
~Zake Bros2

Unknown said...

Cool Beans
I just did it and I hope it gets on the radio. I think it will with all you mimo power!

Ben826 said...

Mimo! If your song gets played on Radio Disney, you will be so famous! Not just on Club Penguin, but in real life! If only you could show us your face...

Glamaroo said...

Sweet! I just requested the song :] I hope it gets played so I can (finally) go to one of your parties!

Anonymous said...

I Even Dedicated it to u and CPG!!



lovegold4k said...

So cool!I did it!I submitted it!

penguinjunkie said...

i hope your song gets played on radio Disney i just requested the song

Anonymous said...

i did it

Anonymous said...

ok no prob ill help
i hope it works
bye mimo

Saladcream said...

Cool Beans!
I did it though I've never actually heard of Radio Disney! Hahaha! I don't particularly like Disney actually.... Bad me!
See ya, Mimz!

Anonymous said...

i did it

himskater12 said...

hey mimo can u add me in your blogroll

Anonymous said...

I wanna try to get Mimo Groove on there!!! C'mon Mimo! Mimo Groove is waaay better than Zebras Smell Funny!!

Zxz192 said...

I will do it but please PLEASE have the party at an earlier time on Club Penguin. It wouldn't be fair if people from other countries helped you out and you didn't have the party at a good time for them

Anonymous said...

I requested it because i have never heard it so i hope i hear it!

Zxz192 said...

Super Something said...
mimo do you go on club penguin everyday?i going on right now,but in a new window so i will still be on your site.
-Super Something

Zxz192 said...
Yes mimo probably goes on CP every day

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

i did it
and awsome idea mimo!
zebras smell funny is one of my favorite songs

Anonymous said...

I recomended you mimo! You rock on!
~ Double Mvp HUGE FAN

DaPrankstar said...

I'll request your song Mimo! With all the fans you have, You will probably get it on there!

Yours Waddling

TheLosercorns said...

I requested it!
I really hope that they play it!

DaPrankstar said...

Ben826 said...
Mimo! If your song gets played on Radio Disney, you will be so famous! Not just on Club Penguin, but in real life! If only you could show us your face...

Sorry Mimo can't show his face because he is a mystery! Anyway, if he did, he has sooo many fans that at least one of them will know him in real life or see him one day, and he would never have peace!

Yours Waddling
Daprankstar (CPG MOD)

P.S. I put (CPG MOD) because you were kinda hinting at a question weren't you!

Anonymous said...

I just did it.

My name is Andrey on it. (real name + ukraine name)

Anonymous said...

i'm bigaf and i sent one too!

Anonymous said...

ok mimo i will do it!!!

Mrpengiewin said...

Party Hardy!


Mrpengiewin said...

penguinjunkie said...
i hope your song gets played on radio Disney i just requested the song

I hope it does too and they will probably start wondering who Mimo is because he suddenly got a lot of requests!

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Mrpengiewin said...

Anonymous said...
I recomended you mimo! You rock on!
~ Double Mvp HUGE FAN

I am glad you like Mimo! At this rate Mimo might get 500 requests!

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

davidrock13 said...

i did it

Anonymous said...

i did it for you mimo!

davidrock13 said...

ill do it done

Anonymous said...


Mrpengiewin said...

GO Mimo we will get ZSF on the Radio!


Rachel said...

I did that, and I dedicated it you you, Mimo!

Anonymous said...

i submitted,Devreese

Drake said...

Awsome i think the whole world will know you and i requested your song too!! I Hope it get played live on radio disney!

Mole7 said...

I submitted!!


Bojab123 said...

I submitted and I hope it gets put on the air. I would laugh so hard if I heard it on the Radio. :D

Happywagon said...

looks at to do list
checks off the following
-do robot
-have party on clubpenguin
-mix nerd candy with oreos (YUCK!)
-request zebras smell funny on radio disney

Anonymous said...

i requested the song 7 times!

Mrpengiewin said...

davidrock13 said...
ill do it done

Awesome! Go Mimo!


Random Matthew722 said...

Anything for u Mimo :-)


P.S. , the site my name links to, i don't use... I use another site, 3jel97's blog... I'll post it on that :-)

Mrpengiewin said...

Saladcream said...
Cool Beans!
I did it though I've never actually heard of Radio Disney! Hahaha! I don't particularly like Disney actually.... Bad me!
See ya, Mimz!

It is ok to have your own opinions of things (unless you live in a Communist country in which case I am surprised you have a computer) ;) so go ahead and don't like them after all it is what you think that matters to you!

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

filp3134 said...

i did it

Anonymous said...

Sweet I did it

Lauren said...

Mimo i did it like 20 times!!!! i hope it gets played!!!!! if it does can you have like 10 parties so i can see you??
~Icyyyy ;)

Unknown said...

i submited it!

Anonymous said...

i did it ill tell other peeps on aim to do it thx

Zxz192 said...

himskater12 said...
hey mimo can u add me in your blogroll

Zxz192 said...
To have your blog put on his blogroll, first put this site on your blogroll. Then leave a comment with your site address and say this site is on your blogroll. He will look at your site and will put it on his blogroll. It can take a few days for mimo to put it on though

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Ab Lo said...

I did it!!!!!!! I hope the song gets played!!! Mimo rocks!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I did it! Go Mimo!

Anonymous said...

that would be totally AWESOME if got played on radio disney(and i have a feeling it will) :)

shiver-beautiful said...

i sis it

yellow426 said...

I requested the song. I hope I hear it.

Lals7555 said...

I did it

Leggofmyeggo said...

Ok, I did it!
You rock mimo!

Anonymous said...

i did it !!

Anonymous said...

i did it

EMILY said...


ktlovespeace CPG MOD said...

i requested your song!!! my friend said she heard it on radio disney!!!=]]]]

Anonymous said...

I did it. Your welcome. :)

Confupenguen (CPG Mod) said...

Super Something said...
mimo do you go on club penguin everyday?i going on right now,but in a new window so i will still be on your site.

-Super Something

Hey, i don't think mimo gets on everyday because he is buisy and likes to play a lot of other games too. He said that he doesn't get on that much on a post a while back too.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)

Confupenguen said...

Hey mimo! Thats an awesome idea! I did it for you, i hope your song gets played. If you get really popular, maybe they'll make like a commercial about you on that on disney channel game thing with those four kids. it would be cool
remember the name

sallisoo said...

i did mimo woo hoo party hard

Fire8877 said...

Mimo i did it like 20 times!!!! i hope it gets played!!!!! if it does can you have like 10 parties so i can see you??
~Icyyyy ;)
Well, he said "We'll party hard" which means only one party. That party will go on for AGES though.

Fire8877 (CPG Mod)

vittiled said...

i requested it too!

Anonymous said...

Ok, done! Hope they play it Mimo!


Donut Man 5 said...

I did it.

Gamer12356 said...

Matthew722 said...
Anything for u Mimo :-)


P.S. , the site my name links to, i don't use... I use another site, 3jel97's blog... I'll post it on that :-)

Yo Matthew, i did it for u, so dont worry, lol. anyways, i did it too, i put Gamer12356, lol. i said that mimos is cool, and he should keep rocking, lol.

Later CPG!

Anonymous said...

now i did it 26 times!

Hetina said...

lol i'd dove that!lol. I can't wait. I'm gonna b sad tho. The medival party is ending!

carpinc said...

i done it
its cool

Anonymous said...

I just bought that song on itunes
It rocks!!!!!
keep up the good work!

wmscrosscountryrunnner said...

I did it!

I also did a did a dedication to u, Mimo!


ghggh said...

i did it you rock!!!!!!!!!!

Tony said...

I requested it! Good Luck Mimo!

Anonymous said...

I said in the dedication "Mimo it is sad you are dead." Maybe Disney will show sympathy and play it. Are you really dead? Jakot

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

well i geuss thats cool waddle on soury6

Anonymous said...

Wow! You might get a sponsor from Disney! I definetly submitted! Like Walt Disney said: Dreams can come true if you're willing to work at them!


Anonymous said...

now i did it 53 times!

Anonymous said...

i did it! ooo i want it to play! this might be my first mimo party...i need the chance! ive nvr made it to any mimo partys!

Anonymous said...

I sent in a request.
I hope it gets aired!

~Peter Man 9

Anonymous said...

i did it!

Ross 46 said...

I SUBBMITED WOOW!!! LETS PARTY TIL WE'RE PURPLE!!!(SpongeBob Squarepants Movie!)

Anonymous said...

I already entered it for you mimo! My username on club penguin is Nascar2088

Anonymous said...

awesome requested and put it in my site mimo which something i dont do...
you rock!

Zxz192 said...

Anonymous said...
I said in the dedication "Mimo it is sad you are dead." Maybe Disney will show sympathy and play it. Are you really dead? Jakot

Zxz192 said...
Lol hey that is a really good idea! (if a bit depressing). Although I don't think they will believe you. But good idea, sympathy works alot ;)

Zxz192 said...

Mimo i did it like 20 times!!!! i hope it gets played!!!!! if it does can you have like 10 parties so i can see you??
~Icyyyy ;)

Zxz192 said...
Mimo will probably only have 1 party but maybe he will have more for people in different time zones

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Zxz192 said...

Hey mimo is there any way to listen to the song without listening to radio disney (if they put it on) or getting iTunes? I don't have an iPod or anything so I don't have iTunes and I don't even know how to listen to radio disney (I'm in the UK). So is there another way to hear it?

Burpy678 said...

i hope you get your song onto Radio Disney, then you can carry on with your top secret plan of world domination! um... i mean your plan of playing your song on radio disney ;-)

Thats Mama Luigi to you Mario!

Anonymous said...

I did it Mimo! Dude Your song is totally awesome!

Anonymous said...

I requested the song

Pengue2000 said...

I requested it 5 times

Anonymous said...



Fftara said...

I just posterd it two times.

Vanessa2466 said...

I submitted. :B
It's an awesome song!

wally3046 said...

I will!


jimbo3003 said...

i never heard of radio disney til now but i just requested ur song anyways. gud luck mimo

Anonymous said...

i just remembered something mimo is the best and i could have had a v8


480pie said...

I submitted one that said "Zebras Smell Funny"


animefan555 said...

im sooo gonna request the song!

Gem Shine said...

I requested it! I live in Australia so I can't really listen or know whqat it sounds like but I know it will be good! :)

kittirocks25 said...

i did it

Anonymous said...

I requested it

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Mimo i got ur bak i just requested it =]


Anonymous said...


Daddey said...

I did!

Tycoon101 said...

i did!!!! laterz


Lolgabbyrock said...

OMG That would rock!!!Totally did it and will do it again and again and again you get it!



Anonymous said...

I really hop your song gets played on Radio Disney! i submitted

-cool guy7414

dandooshe said...

i sent it and make an addtional comment as well

Anonymous said...

I did, and I had ALL the kids in my class do so. Including my friend on the other side of the world.
I hope it plays!

Mu Mu said...

i was just at ur party u left though boohoo ohhh well i got pictures

Tater Boy111 said...

I submitted!Cant wait for the party!

Tater Boy111 said...

I submitted!Cant wait for the party!

Anonymous said...

I loved that song!
Shame I couldn't buy it.
I requested it on Radio Disney for u!
You could be a HUGE star Mimo

Anonymous said...

awesome! I submitted. :-D YOU ROCK MIMO!

P.S. I used to be Obidankenobi on the comments but I forgot my Google password lol (Obidankenobi is my cp name too)


Anonymous said...

good idea! i requested it!

Anonymous said...

ok i will!

Anonymous said...

I DID IT AGAIN DUDE! But im from the UK so i cant listen to radio disney. But i have an ipod so i can listen to it on itunes


75piggy said...

i submitted 5 times!i hope it gets played!also,good luck to the ppl who r going to enter the iggy contest!

Anonymous said...

I dont know how to hear Radio Disney But I did request it,I m ur gratest Fan on Central America my penguin name is banchi500

your Greates Fan in Central America


Lizzi3697 said...

Can u plz tell us in advance wen ur goin to have a party on cp. Im missing all of them.

Sonic11325(mod in training) said...

YO MIMO OR ANYONE WHOSE READING THIS.MY BUDDY LIST SAYS 100/100 BUDDIES WHEN IT ONLY HAS 26!I dont know what happen? Ill try and figure out. PEACE!

Anonymous said...

I just did it!

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

done mimo :)


wally3046 said...

Lizzi3697 said...
Can u plz tell us in advance wen ur goin to have a party on cp. Im missing all of them.

there called quickee party because there well um quick and random

wally3046 (CPG MOD)

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

soz mimo i couldent make it 2 ur party cuz it was on chobots lol n i aint got chobots n so it would take me ages 2 creat an account lolz and becuz i was watching britains got talets! its wiked lool. :)


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

woot woot, i i dont think in the uk we have disney radio. hmmmm wonder y?


Fishandfries said...

I am listening for it RIGHT NOW! I even changed my igloo into a concert for the party! It is going to be SA WEET!

Fishandfries said...

I am listening for it RIGHT NOW! I even changed my igloo into a concert for the party! It is going to be SA WEET!

SilverAtom (CPG MOD) said...

Lizzi3697 said...
Can u plz tell us in advance wen ur goin to have a party on cp. Im missing all of them.
Mimo will post definately when this party comes, just keep checking his site for information about the party. ;-)

Anonymous said...

omg! i am going to do it a million times!

Anonymous said...

wow i requested your song mimo and if it gets played...I WILL ROCK ON CP JUST LIKE YOU!!

Fire8877 said...

What would you do if one of your songs off of the Decoding Mimo album gets on?


Anonymous said...

I just requested your song! I think it might go on, too!

Zxz192 said...

Lizzi3697 said...
Can u plz tell us in advance wen ur goin to have a party on cp. Im missing all of them.

Zxz192 said...
He wont tell us when he has a quickee party but if theres clues try to work them out and you will know when the party is

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

I just requested your song! I think it might go on, too!

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Lol sounds funny, we dont have Radio Disney in NZ but ill still request it

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Lizzi3697 said...
Can u plz tell us in advance wen ur goin to have a party on cp. Im missing all of them.
Hey i'm sure Mimo will tell us in advance where and when the party will be!

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Can anyone explain to me what Radio Disney is?

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Ok I just did it and I dedicated it to weirdness

yoshhi456 said...

Super Something said...

mimo do you go on club penguin everyday?i going on right now,but in a new window so i will still be on your site.

-Super Something
if you want to meet mimo you can't cuz he is to busy but sometimes you can find him

yoshhi456 (CPG MOD)

yoshhi456 said...

i voted


Keirei CPG MOD said...

Icyyyy said...
Mimo i did it like 20 times!!!! i hope it gets played!!!!! if it does can you have like 10 parties so i can see you??
~Icyyyy ;)
but idk if mio is gonna do 10 partiyz...cuz thats alot
try and catch one of them!
Keirei CPG MOD

Keirei CPG MOD said...

Anonymous said...
I DID IT AGAIN DUDE! But im from the UK so i cant listen to radio disney. But i have an ipod so i can listen to it on itunes

Thats too bad! But u can listen to itunes so thats fair!
Keirei CPG MOD

Anonymous said...

what kind of song is that? who sings it? did u sing it?

Victoria said...


Anonymous said...


liltaco1 said...

I just requested it a few times!
I hope it comes on!


E said...

i Voted! Glad i can help. Anything for you Mimo! (and all of CPG)


Anonymous said...

Lizzi3697 said...
Can u plz tell us in advance wen ur goin to have a party on cp. Im missing all of them.

Hey Lizzi3697,
Mimo777 doesn't usually tell people in advance because he won't be able to get in to the server and place but if he is giving about hints try to figure them out and you will be able to go to them!

Miaponygirl9 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

i requested it, and i dedicated it to all the zebras that wonder why the smell funnie. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I DID IT AGAIN DUDE! But im from the UK so i cant listen to radio disney. But i have an ipod so i can listen to it on itunes


Hey Obidankenobi,
You can listen to Radio Disney online and if you get XM or Sirius radio!

Miaponygirl9 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

I just did it!

From, Rasengan 9

Ben826 said...

Next time, can you have a QP on Club Penguin? I always miss your Club Penguin ones!

Anonymous said...


Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

Super Something said...
mimo do you go on club penguin everyday?i going on right now,but in a new window so i will still be on your site.

-Super Something
well yeah he does.

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

Saladcream said...
Cool Beans!
I did it though I've never actually heard of Radio Disney! Hahaha! I don't particularly like Disney actually.... Bad me!
See ya, Mimz!
lol! its really ok if u dont like disney, its ur opinion anyways lol. unless ur mama says to like it... jk. remember to request mimo's song!

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

Lizzi3697 said...
Can u plz tell us in advance wen ur goin to have a party on cp. Im missing all of them.
sorry, but when mimo has a party, he posts it for like 5 minutes then he edits it and says its over and posts the pix. just hope u get to a party and i really hope to see u at one! dont be sad if u miss some! i miss a LOT, so just try ur best!

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Juh76t (CPG MOD) said...

Zxz192 said...
himskater12 said...
hey mimo can u add me in your blogroll

Zxz192 said...
To have your blog put on his blogroll, first put this site on your blogroll. Then leave a comment with your site address and say this site is on your blogroll. He will look at your site and will put it on his blogroll. It can take a few days for mimo to put it on though

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
zxz mimo said u cant put any websites in the comments just put it on the unlimited links link.
hope this helped!

Juh76t (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

dude this is so cool i will do it!!!!!

Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...



Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

I am gonna do this right now!


Mewbra123 said...

I can't listen to it!!!


I can't even find the 30 second one!!!


Andu78 said...

I just sent my request. Are u gonna tell us where and what time and date of the party.


TheAimee said...

I requested it! Yay! I hope it plays soon!

Anonymous said...

mimo you might become a famose singer!

Anonymous said...

i submitted

Gamer12356 said...

Dude, thx to ur fans, there is a VERY HIGH CHANCE that it will show, i told them that its pronouced mee-mo, lol. just so they dont mispronounce ur name ;)

Later CPG!

Gamer12356 (CPG Mod) said...

Lizzi3697 said...
Can u plz tell us in advance wen ur goin to have a party on cp. Im missing all of them.

well that wouldnt work, cuz it might not show on radio disney! besides, if we all went there, mimo would even be able to get there! and we all go to see mimo! so, if mimo isnt there, we all pleave the room, and then when mimo comes in, its a barren land, lol. (i know, pleave, its like my word, lol)

Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

Reabla said...

I did it hope it gets played soooooo BAD

Michael said...

i did it

dinosrule said...

i did it

Anonymous said...

Cool! I did it. Hope it gets on Radio Disney. By the way, your song sounds AWESOME!


ByakuganHyuuga360 said...

I sent the request! I actually don't know what Radio Disney is ^_^

Anonymous said...

I did it!

Wow! I feel good!
Da da da da da da da!
I knew that I wouldn't liiiie!
So good! Da da! So good! Da da! I knew that I've got yooou! Da da da da! Yoow!

virelasj9991 said...

that song better be played its a cool song

oh mimo can u make another free member ship contest

Agcub!111! said...

Mimo! I just did it!

I really hope it get on Radio Disney!

Waddle On! To "Zebras Smell Funny!"

EYRE said...

I requested it. I just hope it got played in Radio Disney cuz I don't have it!

Anonymous said...

Mimo the song is on radio disney right now it sounds AWESOME

Happywagon said...

Mewbra123 said...
I can't listen to it!!!


I can't even find the 30 second one!!!

it is not on the radio disney list yet. you have to follow the steps in this post if you want to see it on radio disney.

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