Well, Club Penguin has tallied the votes and background choice #3 is the winner! This will be the background for the Medieval Party that will be here May 8-17th.

Here is a sneak peek for the Medieval Party:

Looks like fun, but Club Penguin will be having another Member only part of the party. I think they will have member only things at all parties from now on. What do you think?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

yay first comment! i think that backround 1 was the winner, and the dragon thingy looks like the book case in the coffie shop dont you think? PS i love ur site mimo!
Cool mimo, I just wanned to tell you that your site rules!!
And yesterdey,luckyly I buy a membership card at wal-mart lol Im lucky
You JUST posted this. And it looks cool!!
Lol mimo I sent you an email to you about this about 10 minutes ago ;)
ok so i think 3 was winner 4 sho but the real reason im posting is that i logged on went to the plaza, and as soon as blue screen came up i pressed d. then when i got there EVERYONE WAS SPINNING!!!!!!!!!!!
idk if everyone but it weird must log off to stop no money cheats with it
james 1
i love you mimo
Dear Pinkrosie909,
It's the book case in the Book Room. Not coffee shop. Although the Book Room is in the coffee shop and it is considered the top floor of the Book Room. LOL!
Thanks! Last years party was awesome. I hope Club Penguin makes it fun like last year!
Of Course They will! thats like 40% of why becoming a member!
Club Penguin isn't doing enough for us non-members. :(
that is awesome mimo hop my mebership dousent run out
yay. looks like fun... i still wish that they wouldn't be sooooo focused on members, but it's okay, we still get to have a CP!
Hey Mimo! Your site is so cool. I think they will have members only parts at the parties from now on, but it is fair for them since they pay. Also, that looks like the book room in the coffee shop.
I luv you mimo
Mimo can you actually buddy someone this time at the party? Cause you ALWAYS have a full list.
But dont worry, i will be there!
Brainy517(penguin name)
omg! your amazing thanks for keeping us up to dates with club penguin!!
another member party? grr o well lol i hope theres a new free item for all members and non members. i cant wait!
kool this was my first cp party
Cool! they probally won't have member parts at well every party because they need nonmembers with more fun!!
Yeah. I think they'll have member only areas from now on during parties.
It's not fair!!
I think these member area's are fair becuase we pay for these privlages!
Anonymous said...
Mimo can you actually buddy someone this time at the party? Cause you ALWAYS have a full list.
But dont worry, i will be there!
Brainy517(penguin name)
Im sorry but Mimo cant delet...How would you feel if Mimo deleted you for someone else?
*Stickers303* - CPG Mod And Proud Of It!
I wonder what happened to RacerXboi and Pengun Powa!
wakanda said...
Yeah. I think they'll have member only areas from now on during parties.
It's not fair!!
dear wakanda
well thats exatly what i thought at first, but they do pay 4 it and i no u feel left out dont u? but dont worry us non-members can have fun just like the members do :D
saavy (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Mimo can you actually buddy someone this time at the party? Cause you ALWAYS have a full list.
But dont worry, i will be there!
Brainy517(penguin name)
No, mimo can't add any buddy because if he deleted someone, then they would be very mad at him. Also, the only way to add mimo is to become a mimo mod, and that takes at least 6 months.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
hey mimo love your site i think that there will be member only parts of the parties from nowon .
-kungfu man
Yay i got the 1 i wanted
member only things are just going to far
Club Penguin Wave said...
Anonymous said...
Mimo can you actually buddy someone this time at the party? Cause you ALWAYS have a full list.
But dont worry, i will be there!
Brainy517(penguin name)
Im sorry but Mimo cant delet...How would you feel if Mimo deleted you for someone else?
*Stickers303* - CPG Mod And Proud Of It!
the only way to get to be his buddy is to be a mimo mod so im hoping to become one im already a mod i wanna be a super mod
(dom gpc)1iiw iiw iiw
lol u can spell it the same backwards
Anonymous said...
Club Penguin isn't doing enough for us non-members. :(
I no but members do pay and if you read in one of mimos older post it says something about why club penguin is doing a lot for members. But a least we still get pins and some free items
yoshhi456 (CPG MOD)
omg i can't wait for the partay!!!! sounds pretty cool to me! hey mimo do you think they are going to have the middle ages iglloo contest again?
Swoot swoot! Me and my sister wanted that sooo bad!
-Vasa12345's sister
Wow, they REALLY want people to become members...
I think that for the medieval party, Club Penguin will have Sensei go around and give out backgrounds.
Club Penguin Wave said...
I think these member area's are fair becuase we pay for these privlages!
Zxz192 said...
Yeah sticks I agree. Club Penguin wouldn't exist if it wasn't for members so we deserve something in return.
Anonymous said...
Mimo can you actually buddy someone this time at the party? Cause you ALWAYS have a full list.
But dont worry, i will be there!
Brainy517(penguin name)
Zxz192 said...
Im sorry but mimo can't add anyone. If he added just 1 person it wouldnt be fair on everyone else. And it wouldnt be fair to delete people.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192(CPG Mod)
IM sad my membership runs out on may =(
you is so awesome!
P.S. please post!
you is awesome mimo. boo-yah
Can he buddy you at this time of the party? Well I'm not sure, but he might if he has an open space on his list, or if he just feels like deleting somebody. Hope this helped!
i dont like the member stuff but it is fair because members have to pay and they should get some more perks juskiewicz
yay that was my first/FAVORITE P~A~R~T~Y! Cant wait for it to come back
i hope members dont have more phun than non-members!
adelie 009/the jackal 9
thanks mimy
hope not i would like it if i was a member
i think that its prettay kool that the members have a special thing added to their awesomeness of the partay. I are sad tho cuz my membership mite end b4 that and so i wont get the koolio thing @ the partay that members get..... but i mite! hopefully...
Anonymous said...
omg i can't wait for the partay!!!! sounds pretty cool to me! hey mimo do you think they are going to have the middle ages iglloo contest again?
Zxz192 said...
Yes they will probably have that again. I hope I win ;)
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
Club Penguin Wave said...
I wonder what happened to RacerXboi and Pengun Powa!
Zxz192 said...
Yeah me too! Racer hasn't been on CP for a while and hasnt been answering comments and I think Pengwun Powa has quite because I haven't ever seen him comment.
wazup mimo! your site rocks! which of the three choices did you think should win? i thought number two. your site ROX OUT LOUD!
yay! i voted for number 3, so yay again!! lol
the medieval thing looks pretty cool. why does disney always do member only stuff? yea, im a member, but still, i was a non-member a month ago and i know how it feels. so yea.
mimo that is cool but whenever iu go on a server everybody is a member
I agree with stickers about the members areas being fair because we DO have to pay REAL money. Just saying.
Anonymous said...
wazup mimo! your site rocks! which of the three choices did you think should win? i thought number two. your site ROX OUT LOUD
Mimo picked number two.
wally3046(CPG mod in training)
Mimo I hope that the knew party is going to be better than the last medevil party. I love your website! know I need to know were I can find some questions that I can answer. I wanna become a mod.
yeah theres going to be a medival party cool
Club Penguin Wave said...
I wonder what happened to RacerXboi and Pengun Powa!
They probaly got grounded, dont have the time, or just quit altogether. Just sayin
wally3046 (CPG mod in training)
cool I voted for #3!!!! And the party starts on my birthday-May 8th!!!!
What team are you on plz answer im on the green midevil team.
(mimos probaly on orange... :(
Anonymous said...
wazup mimo! your site rocks! which of the three choices did you think should win? i thought number two. your site ROX OUT LOUD!
mimo picked number too also ok.
wally3046 (cpg omd in training)
t people teling people "mimo cant buddy anyone because his list is full, and if he deletes someone will get angry" HOW DO YOU KNOW!!!! for all you know he could have 10 open spaces! and most people would just want it for the picture so why doesent he just buddy them long enough to screen capture for the last buddy slots ? i would work if he has an open spot, so stop answering personal questions directed to people you dont know persanoly. please, it gets annoying. also i would suggest checking if the question has been awnsered before poting a reply( i know sometimes it hasnt been shown yet but this will lower the ammount) sorry for the long post. I READ DON QUIXOTE IN A WEEK!!!!
lol. the party ends right after my b-day
I hate member parties because I'm not a member so i feel left out.
Anonymous said...
wazup mimo! your site rocks! which of the three choices did you think should win? i thought number two. your site ROX OUT LOUD!
Mimo wanted choice # 2 to win because to him it was the most original, and i agreed with him.
Happywagon (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
omg i can't wait for the partay!!!! sounds pretty cool to me! hey mimo do you think they are going to have the middle ages iglloo contest again?
Probably yes... I will try to win.
Good lukk to everyone that tries to win!!
hope this helps
ieriek DOM CPG sdrawkcab eh eh mi os looc BACKWARDS
this sounds AWESOME! p.s. ur site rocks mimo!
-cool guy7414
Anonymous said...
wazup mimo! your site rocks! which of the three choices did you think should win? i thought number two. your site ROX OUT LOUD!
I think he wanted number 2 also
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Anonymous said...
What team are you on plz answer im on the green midevil team.
(mimos probaly on orange... :(
I think I remember he said he was on the blue team.
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Megipoo7 said...
Mimo I hope that the knew party is going to be better than the last medevil party. I love your website! know I need to know were I can find some questions that I can answer. I wanna become a mod.
You're looking right at em! Just answer the comments!
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
Sophi Jr said...
Anonymous said...
wazup mimo! your site rocks! which of the three choices did you think should win? i thought number two. your site ROX OUT LOUD!
I think he wanted number 2 also
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)
mimo did want numer two because it was the most original.
i keep forgeting to put "CPG MOD" after answering questions sorry.
im am now officially getting yelled at to go to bed. :)
i agree with the member thing. But it is probably they are getting hit with the economy, so they are promoting membership. idk for sure. cant wait for the party, though!
oh man my eyes hurt from looking at the screen so much i just cant help it your site is so cool.
Does anybody know if a new mission is coming soon?!? They haven't had one since Christmas!
Tycoon101 said...
a girly tom boy...
YEAH BABY! YEAHHHH!! dude you know the true meaning of Easter, man. All these people are sooo excited about the "Easter Bunny" and jelly beans and chocolate bunnies, that they don't look into the TRUE meaning, man. The true meaning is that Jesus has risen. Jesus gave his life for you, and placed your sins upon himself. ROCK ON< CHRISTIANS
Lol my puffle was just SITTING ON MY CHAIR IN MY IGLOO FOR REAL on Cp. He REALLY WAS. seriously, no kidding. What do you think, cpg fans?
Anonymous said...
i keep forgeting to put "CPG MOD" after answering questions sorry.
i dont really think he cares, just as long as your answering peoples' questions. I mean, think, Stickers very often doesn't put "COG MOD" beside his name. I often don't either. Don't worry about it if you forget, but, if you really want to put it beside your name, go ahead.
I have to say that it don't like that members get these parties. At the moment, with the time and money issues, i don't see it fair rich people (srry if u aren't rich but you do have money to keep buying member ships) Right now my family can't afford for me to keep on having a member ship. I just don't see it as fair because some people can't buy these memberships.
yeah CP will probalby do that.cp might even make it where u have to pay to play clubpenguin!
I mean, its a good way of selling more memberships and everything but its a little harsh on the non members...
ps you rock!
lol yeah i chose #3
I think your first sick for biting that poor bunnys ears of.:D
Second I think your right there are members only parts i don't like it, because first Club penguin was a nice place were members and non-members joined the party together now not anymore.:(
Megipoo7 said...
Mimo I hope that the knew party is going to be better than the last medevil party. I love your website! know I need to know were I can find some questions that I can answer. I wanna become a mod.
answer pplz questions in the comments like this
wii wii wii1(cpg mod)
The Picture looks like its in the book room! I know wwhen ur party is! BUt at what time? I cant seem to find it! PLease dont make it pass 9:00 in english time cuz I really want to meet you because i havent before! And i always get jelous of the people who do get to go!!! and Which server is it on? I dont know!! PLease tell me!
i really don't like the member parts of the parties cause CP should treat everyone the same. if they have member parties why cant they have non member parties?
Hi MiMo!
Its my first time to comment.
Mimo, why does clubpenguin always have member parties? why cant they make a non-member party. so that it would be fair for the non-members. please answer my question as soon as possible. Thank You!
- Jolibee Best -
Nice, I didn't exactly care which background it was. All I am happy about is that my birthday is in that party! (May 13th) Keep up the good work!
its so cool cannot wait for the member party i got a member badge a few weeks a go
i wish it didnt have to be a member party as well it was unfair enough that we couldnt take part in the Awards Ceremony.
Anonymous said...
wazup mimo! your site rocks! which of the three choices did you think should win? i thought number two. your site ROX OUT LOUD!
Zxz192 said...
I think Mimo said he wanted number #2 to win.
Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)
they might... nut i dont want them to. Pretty soon all non members will quit for these reasons:
-No more free stuff, except the repeating ones
-more parties for members only
-cant do anything
I likes Number 1!
Also that Rocketsnail thing is done...You can ask him a question and he will reply!
hello mimo777 i am looking forward to it but i wanna be famouse like you so plare but my penguin name it is nuwfall8
FINALLY!!!! i actually suggested tht idea to them too (im sure like 1 million other ppl did too but..lol) i was like' u should really put some more stuff 4 members only' except now i wish they wouldnt cuz im only a member for the next 10 DAYS!!!!!!! lol i gess it wil b fun....i like #1 a lot better tho----wut wil the prize be for members only? a sword??
could u come on club penguin my penguin name is danrockz95 and add me i think ur cool the server that i am on is: half pipe and meet me in the coffee shop (down stairs) i will be in there all day until 5.05 i will be on later tho so please come on club pengun before then
lol waiting for party clues lol
danrockz95 said...
could u come on club penguin my penguin name is danrockz95 and add me i think ur cool the server that i am on is: half pipe and meet me in the coffee shop (down stairs) i will be in there all day until 5.05 i will be on later tho so please come on club pengun before then
sorry mimo cant come on bacause if he did for just one person everyone else would get mad.
I think they will too :]
- Slushies368
Anonymous said...
Mimo can you actually buddy someone this time at the party? Cause you ALWAYS have a full list.
But dont worry, i will be there!
Brainy517(penguin name)
Mimo cannot buddy just anyone at just anytime. He puts up parties for people to meet him and see him!
If you become a Mimo Mod, He will meet you and add you! ;)
Zephyr (CPG Mod)
cool i cant wait to my first medeval party.
I like #3! I posted a comment here and I posted a comment at Club Penguin! WOO HOO!
Then I like #2 as 2nd
And BOO for #1
Anonymous said...
Hi MiMo!
Its my first time to comment.
Mimo, why does clubpenguin always have member parties? why cant they make a non-member party. so that it would be fair for the non-members. please answer my question as soon as possible. Thank You!
- Jolibee Best -
Well, Disney bought club penguin for a bunch of money, so they r trying to make it up by selling memberships. They took $30.00 from me, cuz i got a 6 month member ship in January, my first one, lol.
But when it runs out, im sure ill want another.
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)
gosh it feels like CP just doesnt care as much about non members these days
Anonymous said...
gosh it feels like CP just doesnt care as much about non members these days
I know that this is kinda rude for CP to do but... they do more for members (like me) because we pay REAL money. So its only fair that we get more privilages. Sorry
WANT A PARTY!!!!! (hope so)
where: beach
when 16 of april
what time: 11:30 penguin time
Who to look for: Red Fangs
Mimo u r great but what day is it
rok on
mimo this is great
This is where Mimo never haves his parties.
-Member only areas
-Ninja hideout
-Command room
-His igloo
Anonymous said:
they might... nut i dont want them to. Pretty soon all non members will quit for these reasons:
-No more free stuff, except the repeating ones
-more parties more members only
-cant do anything
I personally think that what Club Penguin is doing for members is fair. No, I'm not a member but members do deserve all of this. You know, members are paying.
Until then... Waddle On!
-Kidik (CPG Mod in training)
hey mimo can u help me get famous meet me at the dock at the server wool socks at 3:30 PST PLZZZZ!!
i don't like th idea of every party having a members only part!
we non members need to get our fun too. i hate the idea!
i hate Disney!
heeeeyy mimo[: i always go on ur website to find out the new cheats and hidden items onn clubpenguin[: and umm? i know u probably get this question ALOT but i was wondering can u meet me on clubpenguin on may 1st on the server parka at 5:00pm Thanks SOOOOOO MUChhh[: ily! and ur website.haha thanks againn<3
hey mimo777
plz!let me see your penguin!
my name:bart2892
Mimo ily!!!! ya i think that this site is soo very cool but its kinda sad for the pinguin with no membership ... they are not going to join the party.
- Helen
Mimo, are you sure that there'll be meber only items, because that will be to sad for me cos i love the free items that they give in paties, so can you please answer my question??
Yoshhi456 said-
Club Penguin isn't doing enough for us non-members. :(
So I as a member say this...
Well, maybe they should make a non-member section of each catalog, so you guys don't have to be like "-sigh- I love that shirt."
thats slack i rekon there should be able to be non members parties only and clothes for them
cool cheats
Anonymous said...
thats slack i rekon there should be able to be non members parties only and clothes for them
Us members in a way shared our party with you during the penguin play awards. You got to go in and get the cool background. Us members pay for stuff, so we should get clothes and parties. I think it's stretching it though to have member only parties. It would maek more sense if like only the members could get the free item. I feel so bad leaving out Non-members during member only parties.
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
Happywagon (CPG MOD)
hey mimo777 im sian ur cheats and hints are really useful
by the way my penguin name on cp is cutie0905sj so try to meet me on yeti
from Cutie0905sj
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