Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Got Paid by Club Penguin! (not yet)

The Club Penguin Newspaper had a cheat that shows you what the paycheck will look like if you are a Club Penguin Tour Guide or a Secret Agent. Here it is. Thanks to everyone who sent me this cheat.

I've checked my mail and still no paycheck! Sup wit dat? Did you get yours?!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


space boy said...

i havet got it ether whats up?

Taekwondo101 said...

i wonder how much coins are in it

Taekwondo101 said...

this site rocks

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ByakuganHyuuga360 said...

Woah that is soo cool! But hot do you get the cheat?

Wii Wii Wii1 said...


Fadoodle 1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
manuronaldo9 said...

I havn't either AND IM A MEMBER i also know where the blue dragon coustume is... go to the gift shop then click on the catolouge then go to page 5 then look at the stairs and on the left there will be a dragon shadow click on it and it cost 1000 coins

Anonymous said...
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Fishy Boy2 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Clakix said...


Ciha said...

It seems Club Penguin is kinda late, so... Just wait ;)

jimbo3003 said...

still haven't got mine! wats up with cp being so slow these days

Anonymous said...

i have be payed

Anonymous said...

oh man hope its not late like the toboggan

yoshhi456 said...

space boy said...

i havet got it ether whats up?

maybe a bug we don't know yet

yoshhi456 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Hello mimo! U rock man! There is a new one of those starting screens in CP! It's about Ninjas!

Keep up!

Anonymous said...

space boy said...
i havet got it ether whats up?
Me either. Maybe CP has got a bug or something...

~Leish7(CPG Mod)

Gflounder11 said...

Im about to check

Amp40 said...

I wonna get paid!! But aleast for once the catalogs out on time!! Thanks for the cheats and tip mimo!

lil mock 11 said...

space boy said...
i havet got it ether whats up?
Its some kida thing where mimo has u figure it out. :^) I didn't figure it out yet either. :^/
~Lil mock 11(CPG mod)~

Anonymous said...

me neither!!! is there something wrong?

Augustinas said...

i'm too. :O

Black Ops Hunter said...

me nither. idk whats up...

RadioGirl said...

Thats sucks! I realy wanted to get payed! I wanna buy a ferrari! Jk!


Naruto fan20 (CPG Mod In Training) said...

Is it me or anyone else but I can't see Mimo pictures!!! I' am happy that he got to take pictures again but I can't see them! Can someone help me?

- Naruto fan20

Anji619 said...

I havent got mine yet =[

Anonymous said...

there is a new opening screen on CP! It is sensei and a Ninja!

I pod1346 said...

its a late item they are doing it all the time!

Anonymous said...


froggt(wants to be a mod)

Sophi Jr said...

I don't like the new catalog.... I wanted more modern stuff! Lol

Yendor 56 said...

Nope didnt get mine either!

Vasa12345 said...

Yeah! Me either! Club Penguin must have a lazy checkwriter! LOL!


Anonymous said...

wait do you know how much we get and no paycheck for me yet either... :(

Leggofmyeggo said...

They are probably just fixin some glitches.

Anonymous said...

I haven't gotten one.

peterpenquin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Donut Man 5 said...

Hay! i didn't get it eather!!

Sorrelpaw said...

Nada! D: Makes me sad.

Pryma said...
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Usnavyseal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

thats so kool! lolz

metttex said...

Anonymous said...

I haven't gotten one.
dont worry i will come
mettex (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

COOL! I can get paid for helping others!

E said...

i didnt get it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am both a tour guide and an agent and i didnt get one either but we might might need to do a mission first or take another tour

Anonymous said...

I got it

Anonymous said...

I know I have not got it yet either. Wat up with that?!!?

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

space boy said...
i havet got it ether whats up?
dear space boy
maybe cps tryna fix some glitch or summin :)

saavy (CPG Mod)

Sophie.B. said...

aclen08 said...
Woah that is soo cool! But hot do you get the cheat?

if you run your mouse over the words "penguins get paid!" a picture of the check will come up.

Lolgabbyrock said...

I haven't got it ethier but i can wait i got a lot of money.


Happywagon (CPG Mod) said...

Carley said...
wait do you know how much we get and no paycheck for me yet either... :(

We do not know. I am assuming either 100 or 500 coins. per job. So if you do both jobs thats 1,0000 coins a month.

Happywagon (CPG Mod)

Harry 1303 said...

Wonder whats up ith the paiment?

Zxz192 said...

Harry 1303 said...
Wonder whats up ith the paiment?

Zxz192 said...
We will probably get paid later, they might be fixing bugs

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Zxz192 said...

Carley said...
wait do you know how much we get and no paycheck for me yet either... :(

Zxz192 said...
It is 250 coins per job so thats 500 coins if your both. And we will get paid soon so dont worry

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Adam the king said...
i wonder how much coins are in it
dear adam the king
well if ur a spy agent only then u will get 250 and if ur both u will get 250 from being an agent and 250 for being a tour guide so that equals to 500 so if ur both u will get 500 coins lol :)

saavy (CPG Mod)

Zxz192 said...

aclen08 said...
Woah that is soo cool! But hot do you get the cheat?

Zxz192 said...
Hover your mouse over where it says penguins get paid in the events section and it will come up

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Naruto fan20 (CPG Mod In Training) said...
Is it me or anyone else but I can't see Mimo pictures!!! I' am happy that he got to take pictures again but I can't see them! Can someone help me?
Naruto fan20
dear naruto fan20
well try deleting ur browsing history.

saavy (CPG Mod)

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Harry 1303 said...
Wonder whats up ith the paiment?
dear harry 1303
well i gess cp are tryna fix some bugs.

saavy (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

i havent got it ether wats up

sallisoo (cpg mod) said...

Carley said...
wait do you know how much we get and no paycheck for me yet either... :(

We do not know. I am assuming either 100 or 500 coins. per job. So if you do both jobs thats 1,0000 coins a month.

Happywagon (CPG Mod)
NO HAPPYWAGON wrong its 250 coins per month not 500 i wish! -sallisoo cpg mod

Anonymous said...

i know why we didntt get them! we get them at the end of may not the begining.

Zxz192 said...

Anonymous said...
i know why we didntt get them! we get them at the end of may not the begining.

Zxz192 said...
Actually CP said we get them at the start of May, not the end. Check the CP newspaper events section to see for yourself

Anonymous said...

i think it gives you the pay check the day you started the job like say
i started tour guides may 5 two years ago...just a theory



18890p said...

i havent got one ether

callum said...

we should get paid now

Sophi Jr said...

aclen08 said...
Woah that is soo cool! But hot do you get the cheat?
1. Open the newspaper
2. Go to the events section
3. Mouse over the words that say "Penguins get paid!"
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)

Sophi Jr said...

Adam the king said...
i wonder how much coins are in it
On the mini-preview, it says "250 coins have been added to your inventory" so probably 250 per month. :D
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)

Sophi Jr said...

manuronaldo9 said...
I havn't either AND IM A MEMBER i also know where the blue dragon coustume is... go to the gift shop then click on the catolouge then go to page 5 then look at the stairs and on the left there will be a dragon shadow click on it and it cost 1000 coins
Thanks for the tip, but Mimo already posted about this :)
Sophi Jr

Anonymous said...

yay i got get 350 coins for each job

Sophi Jr said...

Clakix said...
I know :( Everyone else on CP didn't get their paycheck either, so we'll have to wait and see!
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)

Sophi Jr said...

Clakix said...
I know :( Everyone else on CP didn't get their paycheck either, so we'll have to wait and see!
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)

Sophi Jr said...

Naruto fan20 (CPG Mod In Training) said...
Is it me or anyone else but I can't see Mimo pictures!!! I' am happy that he got to take pictures again but I can't see them! Can someone help me?

- Naruto fan20
Yeah, this happens to me too.... So idk... :(
Sophi Jr

Sophi Jr said...

Anonymous said...
me neither!!! is there something wrong?
Probably either they're out late with it or it's a bug.
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)

Sophi Jr said...

Carley said...
wait do you know how much we get and no paycheck for me yet either... :(
On the preview, it says "250 coins have been added to your account" so that many per I think month. :D
Sophi Jr (CPG MOD)

Sophi Jr said...

The birds are chirping, my kitties (Moose and oatmeal.. don't ask :P) are looking out the window and meowing at some bird, and a penguin named Sophi Jr is waddling around club penguin, while her owner is typing a comment on CPG! Her owner should go outside! O:
Sophi Jr

TDIbridgettefan said...

haha noo i didn't get mine either! cp ur so cheap! lol

Anonymous said...

me eather I have been wating but i got nothing.

Anonymous said...

I got my coins! I got 500 coins.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know why we haven't recieved our pay checks because usually anything thats not a pin or catologue comes out at 12 PST and its 1.00 PST and I don't think anyone has recieved theirs yet???

Anonymous said...

I'm not too sure but i think i can read "250" so i'm assuming we'll be getting 250 coins. As i said i'm not too sure.

Anonymous said...

guys u have to work to get the paycheck:Either give tour to someone or report someone if there being bad or do a mission!

Mu Mu said...

i don,t no about u but my start up screen is all fuzzy and not in the good way

futerflash2 said...

i know u wont believe me but i got my mail but they paid me 0 coins i dont know know why but i think i did that coin cheat so i got million coins thats why cause every time i play a game in cp i get 0 coins cause i have million thats why!

Padguindude7 said...

I got mine.

pink said...

hummmmm strange i havent been paied eather

Anonymous said...

i finished every mission sooo i will prbly get lotz of coins


mcpickle47 said...

hey mimo i got found out that they fliped the gary background

Anonymous said...

I haven't got it either

Faith said...

Yay i got paid!!! 250 coins for each job ;(

Zxz192 said...

Anonymous said...
i finished every mission sooo i will prbly get lotz of coins

Zxz192 said...
Actually all agents will get paid the same amount of coins

Speliers100 said...

mimo777 check your penguin mail on club penguin i got my paycheck idk how about you!!

Anonymous said...

I just found out that Gary's Background changed. He is on the other side and signature is on top. P.S. Name on CP is Micah Icah

jimbo3003 said...

mimo go to clubpenguin "whats new" and it says dat we will get payed 2day but they are squashin some bugs first! keep lookin

Mystery100 said...


Zxz192 said...

Yay I got paid!

Daddey said...

space boy said...
i havet got it ether whats up?

No one has Got it yet that i no of except Tboyman every one will get it soon they are still fixing some bugs it probely would say get paid and you could press it more than once i guess that could be a glitch that there fixing. Hope This Helped :-).

~Daddey(Cpg Mod

Daddey said...

Carley said...
wait do you know how much we get and no paycheck for me yet either... :(

We Will/have get/gotton 250 coins per job. Hope This Helped.:-)

~Daddey(Cpg Mod)

E said...

Adam the king said...
i wonder how much coins are in it
25o coins

-Fluffygood CPG MOD

yoshhi456 said...

Anonymous said...

i finished every mission sooo i will prbly get lotz of coins


actually evry secret agent and tour guide gets the same amount of money

yoshhi456 (CPG MOD)

yoshhi456 said...

jimbo3003 said...

mimo go to clubpenguin "whats new" and it says dat we will get payed 2day but they are squashin some bugs first! keep lookin


mimo already knew that but thanks for trying

yoshhi456 (CPG MOD)

yoshhi456 said...

Harry 1303 said...

Wonder whats up ith the paiment?


they are probably just fixing some bugs

yoshhi456 (cpg mod)

keirei CPG MOD said...

Adam the king said...
i wonder how much coins are in it
There are 250 coins in the check.
Hope this helps!
keirei CPG MOD
(mimo i was the first to tell u i saw it on the day the news came out!)

Keirei CPG MOD said...

aclen08 said...
Woah that is soo cool! But hot do you get the cheat?
Its not a cheat! You just scroll your mouse over the words "PAYCHECK!!)
Keirei CPG MOD

Anonymous said...

space boy said.
i havet got it ether whats up?
i got mine so i think you just have to wait or sign back in to another server or something. patience is key (:


agentcrusher said...

space boy said...

i havet got it ether whats up?
I was thinking the same thing until i read the whats new. They said they're still squashing a few bugs in the system. But when they're done, it'll be the penguin via mail!

Agentcrusher (CPG MOD)

yo yomimo! said...

ok i think i have them. here it goes (gulp): 1 theres no stool in the shack
2 the shell is not by the lifegurad tower
3 no handle on innertube.
4 there is no tree by the stairs
5 theres is no snow on the tree
6 theres no swirl on the log.
7 only 2 points on shack not three.
8theres no string on the floor board
9 theres no backround trees.
and lastly
10 the binocular lenses are white not blue
there they r bye mimo!

Anonymous said...

1:the chair in the surf shop
2:in the tree there is a green lump
3:the sea shell next to the chair
4:the string connected to the mat
5:in the backround
6:on the top of the shaq
7:in the red surfboard
8:in the floaty
9:the binoculors
10:no handle on innertube

Anonymous said...

aclen08 said...
Woah that is soo cool! But hot do you get the cheat?

Simple just put your mouse over penguins get payed. Hope This Helped Planejerle18 (CPG Mod In Training)

Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

yo yomimo! said...
ok i think i have them. here it goes (gulp): 1 theres no stool in the shack
2 the shell is not by the lifegurad tower
3 no handle on innertube.
4 there is no tree by the stairs
5 theres is no snow on the tree
6 theres no swirl on the log.
7 only 2 points on shack not three.
8theres no string on the floor board
9 theres no backround trees.
and lastly
10 the binocular lenses are white not blue
there they r bye mimo!
haha i think you posted this comment onto the wrong post. next time when mimo has a contest like this, comment on the post with the comment so then it's not so hard to find.

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
I just found out that Gary's Background changed. He is on the other side and signature is on top. P.S. Name on CP is Micah Icah
I remember seeing this and thinking it was quite odd. Good idea to have commented on mimos site to tell him. to bad he didn't post it though :(

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

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