Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mimo Regular Party & Quickee Party this week!

Ok so I usually don't give out any notive for my Quickee Party but I'm letting you know now. We will be having a Club Penguin Quickee Party sometime early this week! I will give out more hints on my Twitter so make sure to follow me!

I also promized I would have a party when I got 4,000 followers on Twitter! We are very close! So watch for that. Right now I have 3,940 followers! WOOT!

I will be having a major party this week too. I'll let you know more on that this week as well. It will be a new kinda thing. ;-)

Thanks for all the Get Well Soon cards, flowers and stuff you have send for Carl the Hamster. He is recovering nicely. He sends his thanks to all of you! He was been eating ice cream and donuts everyday sign the accident. I will post the whole hamster story about Wednesday or so. Sniff. ;-)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


Anonymous said...

i hope carl is ok-hqo35

Ace234444 (cpg mod) said...

I hope you get well soon Carl! Ans for all those who have not followed mimo on twitter i encoarge you to do so. The quicker this happens the quicker we can hang with mimo at his party!
~ace234444 (cpg mod)~

Tycoon101 said...

Anonymous said...

i hope carl is ok-hqo35
he will be.... mimo says hes recovering! aww i can see a little cast on carl....
Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

Tycoon101 said...

yeah!!!! this time i can actually (hopefully) go to your partay!!!! WOOT WOOT!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
:D :D

Tycoon101 said...

Ace234444 (cpg mod) said...

I hope you get well soon Carl! Ans for all those who have not followed mimo on twitter i encoarge you to do so. The quicker this happens the quicker we can hang with mimo at his party!
~ace234444 (cpg mod)~
bye the way Ace234444, you only put (CPG MOD) if you are answering a question.


Anonymous said...

party,party,party 2 partys mayb be soon and the other may or may not be soon well get well soon carl and may the force be with you all!

Super Something said...

Mimo i am on twitter right now are you there?your the best mimo!

tell carl i wish him good luck(if you can tell him!)

cant wait for the quickee party!
im going to try my best!

and also im going to tell all my friends to follow you on twitter!

oh and i have a question that i need a mod to answer.

i know this is a dumb question,
but how do you make those bunny things?

hope some one can answer this!

-Super Something

Anonymous said...


Super Something said...

Ace234444 (cpg mod) said...

hope you get well soon Carl! Ans for all those who have not followed mimo on twitter i encoarge you to do so. The quicker this happens the quicker we can hang with mimo at his party!
~ace234444 (cpg mod)~

ace234444, you only put cpg mod only if your ANSWERING.

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...



Fishandfries (The Weird warped out Wookie) said...

HE WAS SO YOUNG! Oh wait. He didn't die. Sorry. But is it true that his body broke off in the accident and you could see a very skinny bones rip cage? I dunno. I'm a hippee hobo. JK. I'm a tripped out teen! Only i'm not a teen, and I'm not tripped out. Anyways, hope the little hamster dude gets better. When you fix your web thingy I wanna see him! It would be so cute! WARPED OUT WEIRDO! Hmmm. It just doesn't catch on. Anyway, heres a cast for your web thingy since carl got in the way. Bad carl! He bit the wires! LOL. TRADE CARDS AT MY WEBSITE!

Sophi Jr said...

Party!! ;D

Fishandfries (CPG Mod) WICKED WEIRDO! said...

By bunny things you mean getting bunny ears for a free item? If yes you had to finish the scavenger hunt. If not I have no clue. Also this was an answer for Super Something. WICKED WARPED WEIRDO WOOKIE OUT! Hmmm. Ya. I'M A WICKED WEIRDO! DOY! Looooooooool! TRADE CARDS AT MY WEBSITE! More spacificly, CLUB PENGUIN TRADING CARDS!

Anonymous said...

poor carl sniff...
y is he eating donuts and ice cream?
he should eat good food like pizza and hamburger.

Juh76t said...

get well soon carl he must be hurt bad :( cry...
BOO YAH! another party!

Keep Rockin

Fishandfries (CPG MOD) said...

Dear Ace234444,

Everyones right, you only put (CPG MOD) when you answer a question OR congratulate someone. But you are giving advice. Hmmm. I guess it's not against the rules. Good Luck for you!

(The Wicked Weirdo)

Anonymous said...

oh and i have a question that i need a mod to answer.

i know this is a dumb question,
but how do you make those bunny things?

hope some one can answer this!

-Super Something


u need to know how to make bunnies.
well my cat just cut some up I can send u thoes 2.

Metaljet CPG MOD

Dex Dude said...

YAY CARL IS FINE! Lolz I can't wait till the quickee! Three parties! Wow.....

-Dex Dude

Anonymous said...

Awww Hope he feels better! O o O o DONUTS!!

Gamer12356 said...

Yay Many parties, hope i dont miss them. Also, poor Carl. Wait, I WANT DONUTS AND ICE CREAM! NO FAIR! lol

Later CPG!

Anonymous said...


get well soon Carl!!

Anonymous said...

lol poor carl...


sonic11325(mod in training) said...

That is so wicked! By the way whos lraC ehT retsmaH?

Tessa754 said...

ummmm who is Carl?????

Tycoon101 said...

Anonymous said....
welcome! :D

Pjmgpablo said...

Hey whos Carl? I have been looking trough posts but I didnt find anything

Anonymous said...

Did carl break something? Does he have an e-mail? Please let me know! p.s. theres a new puffle furniture catolog cp never mentioned!

Anonymous said...


Coolrockpop8 said...

Carl how could you~!!!111!!11!!11


Coolrockpop8 said...

Twitter! A party that never came out but we know it will come soon! Only 60 more or 40 I forget (3960 = 40 | 3940 = 60) So close!!! Will you tell when, Day, Time, Year, Month, Centoury, Decade, Milanum, where, server, place, building or spot? Plz cause it's very specail and I was helping and following you so I should deserve it... too!


Coolrockpop8 said...


Coolrockpop8 said...


Coolrockpop8 said...

Yes! But you better but the party you had before when you switched it to mimo ietem on planet cazmo. But yes! This week!!!


Coolrockpop8 said...

Great stuff going on!

Anonymous said...

3,957 Followers now!!!!

Mryomama C P Guide said...

Tessa754 said...
ummmm who is Carl?????
carl is mimos hamster that was stuck in mimos camera thing!
mryomama(cpg mod) is to lazy to say wanna be so now im just saying cpg mod!

Mryomama C P Guide said...

That is so wicked! By the way whos lraC ehT retsmaH?
lrac eht retsmah is mimos hamsert that got stuck in mimos web camer thing!!

mryomama (cpg mod)

Mewbra123 said...

I didnt quite get that last sentence


Anonymous said...


viper4548 said...

43 more left!


coolio too said...

hi mimo i decided to follow you on twitter

Get better Carl!!

Confupenguen (CPG Mod) said...

Super Something said...
Mimo i am on twitter right now are you there?your the best mimo!

tell carl i wish him good luck(if you can tell him!)

cant wait for the quickee party!
im going to try my best!

and also im going to tell all my friends to follow you on twitter!

oh and i have a question that i need a mod to answer.

i know this is a dumb question,
but how do you make those bunny things?

hope some one can answer this!

-Super Something

O, wait i justed remembered that we could get bunny ears just a bit ago in clupbneguin for easter, but if i am right about your question, sorry, but you can't get them anymore because the scavenger is over now.
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)

Confupenguen (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
poor carl sniff...
y is he eating donuts and ice cream?
he should eat good food like pizza and hamburger.

lol, he SHOULD be eating hamster food, but i know mimo is taking good care of him(hopefully guys) lol
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)

Confupenguen (CPG Mod) said...

Tessa754 said...
ummmm who is Carl?????

He his Mimo's hamster who recently got stuck in a computer thing, but is now ok , says mimo! yaeaaaa
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)

Confupenguen (CPG Mod) said...

Pjmgpablo said...
Hey whos Carl? I have been looking trough posts but I didnt find anything

Lol, this is the 3rd time i've answered a question like this, but its ok, he is mimo's pet hamster named carl, he recentlly got stuck in a computer device, is safe now and is getting better:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)

Confupenguen (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
Did carl break something? Does he have an e-mail? Please let me know! p.s. theres a new puffle furniture catolog cp never mentioned!

I think he might have broke whatever he got stuck in, and no hamsters don't have emails(lol) and yes, if your talking about the catalog with the GREEN furniture instead of the red, he has posted that allready, your a little late:D
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)

Confupenguen said...

mimo, plzzzzzzzzz don't have the party on Tuesday, plzzzzz because i have a track meet(which are usually on thursdays):( and i really don't want to miss the party, so plz don't make it on Tuesday. OOOO and guess what, i placed in my last track meet, in the 100 meter dash! Yeaaa i wish i could race you mimo that would be awesome, but anyways ya:D
remember the name

rockhoper849 said...

I hope you don't throw up anymore carl.:*(

pipplepapple said...

haha, wish my luck to carl! u rock!

ps. you are just as random as I am!!!!!!! :)

Adonica said...

Party on the iceberg

Anonymous said...

who is carl? im very slow. is he a hamster?

Kranendonk said...

I Imagine Carl would have alot of Viruses now. Poor Thing :(

Anonymous said...

Who's Carl the hamster? Is he Mimo's pet?

Mrpengiewin said...

OK good he is ok then!


Mrpengiewin said...

Anonymous said...
who is carl? im very slow. is he a hamster?

Yes Carl is Mimo's hamster who supposedly got caught in Mimo's computer and is the reason Mimo can't post any pics.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Mrpengiewin said...

coolio too said...
hi mimo i decided to follow you on twitter

Get better Carl!!

YAY one more closer to a party! Thank you!

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Gamer12356 (CPG Mod) said...

Tessa754 said...
ummmm who is Carl?????

Pjmgpablo said...
Hey whos Carl? I have been looking trough posts but I didnt find anything

Anonymous said...
who is carl? im very slow. is he a hamster?

lol im answering three questions that r all related. Carl is apparantly mimo's hampster. he got stuck in his webcam and is covered in get well cards, flower petals, melted ice cream, and donuts! Lucky hampster... lol

Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

Mrpengiewin said...

Anonymous said...

that is mean...after all it is just a joke!

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Mrpengiewin said...

Pjmgpablo said...
Hey whos Carl? I have been looking trough posts but I didnt find anything

Carl is Mimo's hamster who got stuck in the picture taking thingy in Mimo's computer I am surprised that you didn't find anything about him because there has been a lot in the last few posts.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Mrpengiewin said...

Tessa754 said...
ummmm who is Carl?????

Mimo's hamster who broke the picture taking/posting device on Mimo's computer.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Mrpengiewin said...

sonic11325(mod in training) said...
That is so wicked! By the way whos lraC ehT retsmaH?

That is Carl the Hamster just spelled backwards and Carl is Mimo's hamster who broke the picture taking thingy on Mimo's computer.

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

GRACIella11 said...

how are people sending Carl stuff? ur a very secretive penguin so i wonder how they got ur adress....... GET WELL CARL!!!!!! ☀♡☀♧

Mrpengiewin said...

Anonymous said...
poor carl sniff...
y is he eating donuts and ice cream?
he should eat good food like pizza and hamburger.

Don't forget the healthy Red Bull and Trix!

Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

Mrpengiewin said...

Super Something said...
Mimo i am on twitter right now are you there?your the best mimo!

tell carl i wish him good luck(if you can tell him!)

cant wait for the quickee party!
im going to try my best!

and also im going to tell all my friends to follow you on twitter!

oh and i have a question that i need a mod to answer.

i know this is a dumb question,
but how do you make those bunny things?

hope some one can answer this!

-Super Something

Bunny things? IDK what you are even talking about please clarify!


Keirei CPG MOD said...

Super Something said...
Mimo i am on twitter right now are you there?your the best mimo!

tell carl i wish him good luck(if you can tell him!)

cant wait for the quickee party!
im going to try my best!

and also im going to tell all my friends to follow you on twitter!

oh and i have a question that i need a mod to answer.

i know this is a dumb question,
but how do you make those bunny things?

hope some one can answer this!

-Super Something
What are "those bunny things"?
Do you mean..The bunny ears you can get for easter every year after completing the scavenger hunt?
If not, let me know.
Keirei CPG MOD

Keirei CPG MOD said...

Anonymous said...
Did carl break something? Does he have an e-mail? Please let me know! p.s. theres a new puffle furniture catolog cp never mentioned!
Uh..idk about the email..i think he doesn't wanna talk to anyone.
And.. they already mentioned the ouffle catalog like a month ago
Keirei CPG MOD

Keirei said...

Confupenguen said...
mimo, plzzzzzzzzz don't have the party on Tuesday, plzzzzz because i have a track meet(which are usually on thursdays):( and i really don't want to miss the party, so plz don't make it on Tuesday. OOOO and guess what, i placed in my last track meet, in the 100 meter dash! Yeaaa i wish i could race you mimo that would be awesome, but anyways ya:D
remember the name
YAY!!! Congrats~! Which place did u get??

keirei CPG MOD said...

Anonymous said...
who is carl? im very slow. is he a hamster?
Yes, Carl is mimo's pet hamster. He got stuck in mimo's computer thingy. And, its okay if you're slow. Alot of people are. (trust me i know :) And. you can always look back and see what has happened by clicking older posts at the bottom of the page
Keirei CPG MOD

Royalfluffy CPG Mod said...

Anonymous said...
who is carl? im very slow. is he a hamster?

Carl is the hamster that gets stuck in mimo's webcam so he can't take pictures. He isn't feeling well.

Anonymous said...

plz get Carl to a vet asap.
i can't bare the thought of a dead hamster. get well soon Carl!

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

Luv u Carl XD

A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...

WOOKIE COOKIES!!!! Hey it's almost May the 4th, Star Wars day, May the fourth be with you ;-)

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

i made a poem for carl
Carl is an awesome hampster
A dougnut had chocolate icing on it
Red is his favourite colour lol
Lots of get well cards from wii

i hope u like it lol



Anonymous said...

hi this will ber a v cool perty

Stickers303 said...

CPG why couldnt you do this last week? Australians go back to school now becuase school holidays are over! ANd when we come home its 10pm your time ;-( Please for the 99999999999999999999999999999 time please have a party for Kiwi,Wii,Leaish,Bubbles,Shimbo and other auzzies! We really get sad when we come home from a hard day from school and see you have QPS! And we are tired of wakin up at 3am to go to your major partys!


yoshhi456 said...

Tessa754 said...
ummmm who is Carl?????

carl is mimos hamster who is stuck in mimos computer

yoshhi456 (CPG MOD)

Anonymous said...

Er, Mimo! Doughnuts and ice cream can kill your hamster! Dont feed him those! And I have a flat computer not a big one. Cool, though!

Lensca 23057 CPG MOD said...

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...


lol ! a PATY ! * party !

Lensca 23057 CPG MOD said...

Anonymous said...
i hope carl is ok-hqo35

he will be ok !

Lensca 23057 CPG MOD said...

Anonymous said...
who is carl? im very slow. is he a hamster?

yeah ! carl is mimo`s cute hampster !

Lensca 23057 CPG MOD said...

Tycoon101 said...
Ace234444 (cpg mod) said...

I hope you get well soon Carl! Ans for all those who have not followed mimo on twitter i encoarge you to do so. The quicker this happens the quicker we can hang with mimo at his party!
~ace234444 (cpg mod)~
bye the way Ace234444, you only put (CPG MOD) if you are answering a question.



Hey tycoon! dont you read ace`s comment carefully ? ace said he was answer a question for people that not followed mimo on twitter !

Lensca 23057 CPG MOD said...

Super Something said...
Mimo i am on twitter right now are you there?your the best mimo!

tell carl i wish him good luck(if you can tell him!)

cant wait for the quickee party!
im going to try my best!

and also im going to tell all my friends to follow you on twitter!

oh and i have a question that i need a mod to answer.

i know this is a dumb question,
but how do you make those bunny things?

hope some one can answer this!

-Super Something

uh oh, i dont get it ! :)

Daddey said...

Anonymous said...
who is carl? im very slow. is he a hamster?

Yes Carl is a hamster :D Hope This Helped :-)

~Daddey(Cpg Mod)

Daddey said...

Stickers303 said...
CPG why couldnt you do this last week? Australians go back to school now becuase school holidays are over! ANd when we come home its 10pm your time ;-( Please for the 99999999999999999999999999999 time please have a party for Kiwi,Wii,Leaish,Bubbles,Shimbo and other auzzies! We really get sad when we come home from a hard day from school and see you have QPS! And we are tired of wakin up at 3am to go to your major partys!


Mimo would love to do that he trys his best to make it so all of you can come but it just doesnt work out so he probaly coulnt hes a busy person and i bethe has to go to the libary or some where so ALL the cpg members can be online. so thats as best i can do :D. Hope This Helped :-)
(And i wish they did this last week to because my vaction has just ended.)

~Daddey(Cpg Mod)

Anonymous said...

Get well Carl!
From Uncle Clever

CleverAqua64(CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
i hope carl is ok-hqo35
Carl will be fine! Mimo said he is doing better and recovering!

CleverAqua64(CPG MOD) said...

sonic11325(mod in training) said...
That is so wicked! By the way whos lraC ehT retsmaH?
Hi Sonic! I have 2 things for you today.

1. Mimo does not like when people put(Mod in training) BUT if you want to do it you can.

2. lraC ehT retsmaH ( Carl The Hamster ) is a "bug" in Mimo's computer.

Hope this helped!

Anonymous said...

Poem for Carl:
Carl The Hamster

Carl the Hamster was very young when the
Accident Happend, he got stuck in a camera
Right? So now all we can say is
Let Carl get well soon!!


Anonymous said...

I hope Carl is o.k.

sophie said...


rockhoper849 said...

I just finished the first question of my packet only 65 more questions to go(moan) well it is a math packet ok it took 5 min to do this question so 65times5=325 more minutes of that or almost five and a half ours. I've still got four days.

rockhoper849 said...

p.s. hope you get well soon carl.

Darkpuma said...

hmm you rock my sock mimo and you just give me a hard shock!!!
Nice poet lolz! Keep up the good work anywayz!!!

Justadude said...

hey mimo I cant wait for the parties. Btw does any of them have to do with the american idol top uhh was it 5? Idk im so sad anoop is gone. idk who im rooting for now

Anonymous said...

i am not allowed to get a twitter guys so if anyone knows somthing please let me know


27ht said...

wicked thanks mimo

27ht said...

i hav a fiend in my school carl

boblopumpkin said...

cool dude

Zxz192 said...

Pjmgpablo said...
Hey whos Carl? I have been looking trough posts but I didnt find anything

Zxz192 said...
Lol im not sure if you were looking hard enough because mimo has mentioned carl being stuck in his computer in a few posts. Thats why he didn't have pictures of the new pin

Hope this helped!
Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

sprocket07 said...

sighs poor carl... my hamster sirius is doing pretty well because we bought him some new hamster treats and now hes like too happy. see ya later ALLIGATOR!!!!!!

sprocket07 said...

by the way for those of you who think hamsters need casts dont be so sure of that cause i read a book that says hamster are so small they cant have casts put on them they just have to live with a weird leg but they should still be able to walk well... see ya later ALLIGATOR!!!!!!

Mitz03 said...

I hope Carl's feeling better! lolz can't wait for the parties- am gonna try to get there this time lolz never been to one :(


piggyboy said...

Hope carl gets better
And you've got just over 4,000followers!

Anonymous said...

Wat happend to the hapster i dont get it !

Fuzzy47 said...

Mimo,Mimo, Mimo!!! This morning(Monday, April 27th) I was looking on your Twitter and I saw that you had 4,002 followers! Congratulations! I can't wait fot the party!

Anonymous said...

who is carl??

moscow14 said...

Mimo just reached 4,000 folowers!!!

Darkpuma said...

Hmm cool! Can't wait!

Dr Jam said...

mimo u missed out a cheat go on the igloo upgrade book and click on all the words "candy" in it you will then get the gingerbread house!

please give credit to me

Dr Jam said...

mimo uv got 4003 comments woot!!!!!

Anonymous said...

4004 followers on twitter!!!!!! check it out! sniff sniff. i smell time for party.

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

OMG MIMOu finally have 4,000 followers!! well u got 4,004 :O
wow well done u!! i feel a quickee come up now XD


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
i am not allowed to get a twitter guys so if anyone knows somthing please let me know
dear anonymous
well i aint got twitter ither but u can go on mimos by clicking that link on the left side. u can look at it weneva u want! mimos finally reached 4,000 followers! :)

saavy (CPG Mod)

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

ok this is just freeky! u had 4,000 followers n now u got 4,006! lool its getting higher n higher! wowza!


Krystal 2000 said...

enough twitter followers right now!!!

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

o yea aint sed this yet get well soon carl :) dont worry :)


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
who is carl??
dear anonymous
well carl is mimos hamster, he got stuck in the web thingy thats y mimo cant post any pics of the pin n about the rock hopper thingy. :)

saavy (CPG Mod)

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
Wat happend to the hapster i dont get it !
dear anonymous
well mimo sed the hamster got stuck in the web thingy but he also sed he will tell us the whole storuy agen once he sorts his web thingy out.

saavy (CPG Mod)

Zxz192 said...

Dr Jam said...
mimo u missed out a cheat go on the igloo upgrade book and click on all the words "candy" in it you will then get the gingerbread house!
please give credit to me

Zxz192 said...
That cheat has been out a while and mimo posted about it when it first came out

Anonymous said...

can i come - bobo10355

Anonymous said...

Aww tell carl this from me:

To Carl,


Love ??? XXX
PS Hamsters are like one of the two coolest animals EVA!

Music&Me said...

This isn't fair! I don't have a Twitter Account and my grandma won't let me make my own account!

purplepoogy (cpg mod) said...

Tessa754 said...
ummmm who is Carl?????
Hey its purplepoogy! carl the hamste is mimo's hamster.

peace out! ~purplepoogy (cpg mod)

purplepoogy said...

Pjmgpablo said...
Hey whos Carl? I have been looking trough posts but I didnt find anything
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey its purplepoogy! so u dont know who carl the hamster is? carl is mimo's hamster
peace out! -purpelpoogy (cpg mod)

diego292 said...

awesome mimo check your twitter on past 4,000 it was 4,037 awesome can we do the party now plz????? if you do thank you so much :D

Vicentepena9 said...

Mimo you have 4,037 followers.I just checked. :-)`

Waddle5197 said...

Wow Mimo ! This is officially the best week ever . I`m SO excited because of the parties ! And that my b-day is this Friday . Yay ! ( P.S. I hope Carl gets better )

Cena Girl827 said...

Tessa754 said...
ummmm who is Carl?????

Mimo's pet hamester!
Hope this helped

Cena Girl827 (CPG Mod)

beezabillion said...

u do have 4000+ followers dude yeah! partee

Tboyman said...

Tessa754 said...
ummmm who is Carl?????
Carl is Mimo's hamster from Easter!

-Tboyman(CPG MOD)

Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

Girlsenselover123 said...
This isn't fair! I don't have a Twitter Account and my grandma won't let me make my own account!
You don't need a twitter account to see Mimo's twitter. You can see his twitter posts from his secret site. It's pretty sweet. If you know his secret site check it out, it's on the right side of the screen.

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

Privacy Policy © copyright Mimo & 3130 Studio 2007-2012.