Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Club Penguin Pin Cheat - CHOCOLATE BUNNY PIN!

Here is the new Club Penguin pin cheat!

I couldn't wait so I took a bite!

Here is how to find the new Club Penguin Pin.

Step 1. Go to The Forest.
Step 2. Go to the lower left of the screen.
Step 2. Now click on the that yummy Chocolate Bunny!



- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Listen to Mimo's music now at:
Mimo - Decoding Mimo


Bakery115 said...

Awesome! Thanks!

sandindian said...

I knew the Quest for the Golden Puffle would be there, it was in the last picture of the practicing egg pictures!


ByakuganHyuuga360 said...

That pin matches with my outfit!

Stickers303 said...

Im sick of Quest for golden Puffle!


Anonymous said...

thanks mimo now where are the eegs i need them plz now!

Madmatt9 (buddy of Survivor91) said...

when i logged on none of that was there so cool

Anonymous said...

yay thanks mimo

1i1 pingy

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks mimo!

Lynnzie5103 said...

The chocolate bunny pin is one of Club Penguin's awesome pin idea - don't you think so??

bunny said... might eat it

Anonymous said...

Cool! am not that happy about quest for the golden puffle though i have all catalog items

Lava22 said...

For like one minute it said Unidentified. But it like just came out!

Anonymous said...

go mimo go mimo
pleez be my buddy
ok on friday april 10th
pleeze go to the forest on
klondike at 8:00 p.m pst pleeeeeeze
my name is oh omi i am mostly the color pink with the pink bunny ears
yay first comment!!!

oh omi

Anonymous said...

Dear mimo777,

On thursday I tried to get the pin but it was not there. Also i tried to do the egg hunt like the others but it was not there ether HELP ME

please post

Minichippie said...

I LOVE THE NEW PIN! its so easterish c:


juz 312 said...

Cool. I am at the forest waiting forthe ne pin right now.

juz 312 said...

Cool.I am waiting for the pin to arrive right now.

*Juz 312*

Eliza Rose said...

MAKE A NEW ONE LIKE MINO777: Super Penguin Spy or 007 :PENGUIN SPY

bunny said...

the pin is chocolate bunny!!!!!!
mmmmmmmmm tasty....chocolaty.... my tummy.....mmmmmmmm...

Lensca 23057 said...

mimo you eat that bunny ! LOL

Lensca 23057 CPG MOD said...

Club Penguin Wave said...
Im sick of Quest for golden Puffle!


Me too, i voted for Penguin That Time Forgot !

Lensca 23057 CPG MOD said...

Lynnzie5103 said...
The chocolate bunny pin is one of Club Penguin's awesome pin idea - don't you think so??


Wii Wii Wii1 said...

mimo i accedently ate mine doh
i go crazy for chocolate

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

club penguin wave said...
Im sick of Quest for golden Puffle!

me to but i love running from the boulder cp should make new stuff

wii wii wii1(cpg mod)not really a question but i think it is

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

anonymous said...
go mimo go mimo
pleez be my buddy
ok on friday april 10th
pleeze go to the forest on
klondike at 8:00 p.m pst pleeeeeeze
my name is oh omi i am mostly the color pink with the pink bunny ears
yay first comment!!!

oh omi
1 mimo has a full list
2 mimo is to busy to meet you try and fugure out the partys clues
3 you dont know if your the first comment cuz mimo takes awile to post the comments

wii wii wii1(cpg mod)

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

hey lensca your commenting again ive never really seen you comment before

PR said...

Yay Mimo you rock! I like your cheats very much! Continue to post and I'll support you!

Mimo is COOL
Penguin ROCKER

Tdi penguin1 said...

i hate QFTGP its soo stupid!

Anonymous said...


Zephyr said...

Anonymous said...

go mimo go mimo
pleez be my buddy
ok on friday april 10th
pleeze go to the forest on
klondike at 8:00 p.m pst pleeeeeeze
my name is oh omi i am mostly the color pink with the pink bunny ears
yay first comment!!!

Sorry, Mimo cannot add or meet you in Club Penguin. It would be unfair.
If Mimo meets you in CP, everyone will be jealous and they might start
complaining and feel sad! You can meet him...which is why there are

Zephyr (CPG Mod)

Salty said...

Happy Easter Mimo777!


Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

This pin is pretty cool!


stuieman6000 said...

put the new lighthouse background on and the bunny pin and it looks like the bunny has super ray vision!

P.S. I have a pic of it but It wouldn't let me paste it here.

Lisa (bluieblue323) said...

yay! I love this pin!!


Kowalski said...

you will never take me- or my bunny- ALIVE
(I know im crazy LOL :D )

Waterrmelin said...

Whoever said they couldn't find the eggs for the easter egg hunt, Its easy! The easy way out is too look in every place and see if there is alot of ppl. But if you want to do it traditionally try putting your mouse over or clicking on stuff that look like they have an egg in them. Also remeber to try any on, off, up, down, left, right switches that you see! (big hint ;})

Waterrmelin (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

Ugh!!! NO Quest For The Golden Puffle has been at the stage 3 times!!!!!! Anyway thx for the pin mimo!

igloo22220 (cpg mod in traning)

woozle2 said...

The new bunny pin is so cool!
I loved the easter egg hunt, so cool

Anonymous said...

yay lol im getting cp on ds today som time :D

1i1 pingy

Puffles 25 said...

u ate the bunny!!!!! :'-( sniff sniff

Anonymous said...


Stickers303 said...

They ran out of bunny pins...And I ate mine! =(


Stickers303 said...

Mimo...Your turn to do the dishes. Are you gunna wash them in the shower this time?


Anonymous said...

Thank u soo much,What would i do without u? this is the best club penguin cheat site because u post daily, ive been to some sites where ther latest post was october28,2008!

once again, Fluff 458
P.S I wonder if we can eat da bunny? hmmm

Anonymous said...

Pss.Quest for the golden puffle is my fave play!

U rock,
Fluff 458

Adonica said...

HAHA!!! This is sooooo funny!

Anonymous said...

How did the bunny taste?
-Bryanjo99 (CPG MOD in training)

Happywagon (CPG Mod) said...

Club Penguin Wave said...
Mimo...Your turn to do the dishes. Are you gunna wash them in the shower this time?

___________________________________No stickers, he's using a hot tub this time. He likes to change it up again everytime he does the dishes. haha
Happywagon (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

you ate it!!!

Anonymous said...

The year before the green ears it was blue ears.

bunny said...

Hey mimo can i have some of ya bunny????

bunny said...

mimo u rock my socks off!!!!!!!


alyssa472 said...

Thanks!! Theses cheats ROCK!!!

Jsings (CPG Mod) said...

Cool! That pin is AWSOME! Isn't that where the balck Shovel pin used to be?

-Jsings (CPG Mod)

( \_/ )

Tatosmusic said...

Lol poor rabbit ears :P

Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

hi mimo its saavy
soz 4 not answering any questions lately
i just went camping for 4 days and got back 2day. :)so now ill strat from the bottom to top XD


Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

Anonymous said...
Dear mimo777,
On thursday I tried to get the pin but it was not there. Also i tried to do the egg hunt like the others but it was not there ether HELP ME
please post
dear anonymous
well it mite be later on and it might be cuz of were u live and if its out yet or not. :)

saavy (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Im sick of golden puffle

Pinny 354 said...

Dear mimo777,

On thursday I tried to get the pin but it was not there. Also i tried to do the egg hunt like the others but it was not there ether HELP ME

please post

The easter egg hunt had not started when you tried (on Thursday). I do not know why the pin wouldn't be there??

Pinny 354 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

they are always hidding the pins in the forest i think they should change were they hide them

Happywagon (CPG MOD) said...

Anonymous said...
they are always hidding the pins in the forest i think they should change were they hide them
They can't do that. The pin is hidden in a different room every 2 weeks, and can't be hidden in that room for about 10 weeks i believe. If not longer. Besides before the bunny pin, the last pin there was the blue snow shovel pin.

Happywagon (CPG MOD)

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