That whole Club Penguin Marvel party got me to thinking. If you could chose one MOVIE that CP would make a party of. What would it be?
Like how about a Twilight party?
Team Jacob Or team Edward?
Chose your side...
Or what about Napoleon Dynamite?

Are you voting for Pedro?
Or a Star Wars theme?
Yoda does kinda look like a penguin.
So what do you think Club Penguin should make a movie of?
Let me know!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

i like the starwars idea
Diary of a WImpy Kid! Club Penguin would become Black and White!
I allready talked with cp team and there will be a star festival including all sf movies.
What happened with card-jitsu snow???!!!
star warsss
Twilight would be a great choice! :) I Love Twilight Saga. ☺
star wars
star wars
star wars
star wars
The Hunger Games! Each place becomes one of the Districts with the exception of the town for Capitol and Snow forts and stadium for the Arena
Team Edward!
Your Mom: Deep penetration
man, twilight sucks
if cp make a movie about twilight i will destroy my pc
better star wars
yoda items-> great
laser sword-> great
hunger games
Um... Star Wars. I think they could get really creative with a Star Wars Party.
d.c with like the new batman movie comin out
I vote for maybe a Star Wars theme. I Would like to be dressed up as Anakin fighting Obi-Wan Kenobi. It would just RUIN Club Penguin if there was a Twilight Party. Or maybe perhaps a video game party like the Legend of Zelda...
Disney Villians VS. Disney Heroes
Paranormal Activity 2!
This is good idea
Those movies are for kids older than us in Club Penguin.
How about something kids are actually allowed to watch like MONSTERS INC or BUGS LIFE or CARS? Or they could flood parts of the island again and do FINDING NEMO.
Star Wars
harry potter all the way.
but it belongs to warner bros :(
And there are no more HP movies coming out to promote
but still i think it would be cool
Vampire party.
I comment again. The Force will choose the side of Light,Star Wars,over the Dark Side,The Gothic Horror and Teen Romance of Twilight.
The Hunger Games, of course.
Batman & he dc awesumness.
harry potter.that would be awesome
Dream on people - like Lucas would really sell Disney any rights to Star Wars.
It would have to be a Disney/Pixar movie, or something they own.
star wars
i agree with anonymous of Hunger Games. It is the best movie and books ever made,produced and written
Waddleon cp
They will only make a party of Disney movies such as cinderella. Not crap like starwars or anything.
Hey Pnksmoothie4 here
I say a Harry Potter party and we could make a Hogwarts and the dark forest and Hargrid's Hut and all the stuff.
Im a BIG BIG fan of Harry Potter!!
ice age four(4) is the best
star wars! i would like to see lightsabers and darth vader costume!
HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't like the idea of film adaptations. It's really not original. Stupid idea.
the lorax
the dictator hahahahah
Star Wars! I like that idea!
How about The Dark Knight?
Harry Potter of course!
I think Club Penguin should make a Hunger Games party! I love the books and the movie was great and it would be fun to have a party about it.
has to be disney! Duh
Harry Potter all the way!!!
Star Wars would be cool too though...
lord of the rings
hey mimo,
I think it should be star wars because yoda kind of looks like a penguin and they can put a laser sword for a hand item for all penguins.
amaanpat, cp moderator
Breaking Dawn Part 2! People could dress up as werewolves or bloodsuckers! It'd be EPIC! Especially since the movie will be coming out in November and let's be honest, part 1 of Breaking Dawn was AMAZING! and that's coming from someone who hated how they made Twilight.
twilight omgz id die i heart vampz forevz!
Star Wars all the way. Also Star Wars would make the most sense because Disney has some licence agreement with Lucasfilm
Citrus Peal said...
Those movies are for kids older than us in Club Penguin.
How about something kids are actually allowed to watch like MONSTERS INC or BUGS LIFE or CARS? Or they could flood parts of the island again and do FINDING NEMO.
July 23, 2012 3:15 PM
The Avengers movie mas rated pg-13 and most Star Wars movies are only rated pg. -Dylnsprse
Harry Potter or Monsters Inc. If there was a Twi-crap party, someone would have to kill me.
how about no movie party? I bet CP paid you to carry out this survey because they have got so commercial now.
- Ex Club Penguin player
Club penguin is making P&F Party next summetr
star wars
Honestly, I don't think Club Penguin should create a movie party. I liked it a lot better when they just made their own, original parties, with their own, original ideas. These partnership parties... ick.
Citrus Peal said...
Those movies are for kids older than us in Club Penguin.
How about something kids are actually allowed to watch like MONSTERS INC or BUGS LIFE or CARS? Or they could flood parts of the island again and do FINDING NEMO.
July 23, 2012 3:15 PM ._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._
The Avengers movie mas rated pg-13 and most Star Wars movies are only rated pg. -Dylnsprse
July 24, 2012 11:15 AM
Like I said, TOO OLD -
Club Penguin is not made for you teenagers.
It's for us LITTLE kids.
Teenagers have lots of places to go play, we don't have very many.
Ooh, Star Wars would be nice & other movies would be also good too. ^^ but I gotta say "no" to Twilight (not hating on it) just not a big fan of it that's all, otherwise I don't like it. >.>
The Hobbit!!
The Hunger Games! :D
Men in Black!!! Oh Yeah
star wars
Doctor Who :D
I like the hunger games Idea, but it's not child-friendly xD
People are saying Hunger Games but reall that is not appropriate AT ALL, its about teenagers KILLING each other!? why are people so obsessed? its horrible! yeah so definitly not the Hunger Games no offence. i think star wars would be EPIC
The Saw Trilogy.....TROLOLOL
HUNGER GAMES!!!!!!!!!!
twilight, team edward :----)
Harry potter the real adventure
star trek would be cool especially the clothes and items.
K, I really hate Twilight, but I like the idea of having vampires on CP.
Hunger games Kill other Penguins or Star Wars penguins get lightsabers for a new game!
Harry Potter obviously,If cp dose a twillight party i will jump off a cliff (only kidding but i wont be happy) i mean the hunger games wouldnt be that bad but i have to say there are 7 year olds playing cp so no....I say No to starwars cause the new starwars sucks the old ones were cool thow.
GO HARRY POTTER!!!Cmon all vote for harry potter!!
D. None of the above. Those movies all suck.
they should do halo
The Hunger Games Club Penguin Goes To Teams..... Team Peeta Or Team Gale
Lego theme would be amazing!
Star Wars!!!!!!!! Or even maybe Harry Potter!!!!!!!
Both would be awesome!!! But Star Wars makes more fence cause Disney has license aggreament with Lucasfilm.
star wars it is it wud be fair for the girls cos they r girls in star wars
twilight so I dont see people with wings for a vampire
-------- ----------
hunger games~~~ the penguins could divide into districts according to their color <3
I want CP to make a party of Twilight, but leave out all the inappropriate stuff! XD
I vote for team Edward! That is all
Oh and btw ppls, I think your supposed to choose only the ones they picked which is the twilight saga, Napoleon dynamite, and star wars! They didnt say transformers or diary of a wimpy kid o anything else!!!
I would love it if cp had the muppets!!!!!!!!!!
HUNGER GAMES lol funny if they did that buy made it for kid friendly like no killing just eliminations kind of
OOH I was thinking
Any of the ICE AGE movies would be good because there's all sorts of animals in them and tasks that we could do.
Or the ROBIN HOOD Disney made that's all animals.
I'd love Hunger games, but it's just not practical.
Twilight sucks.
Citrus peal is right. Club penguin is just for little kids.
Star wars! Many kids love star wars, right?
Also, they're selling Disney/Star Wars crossover figurines in Disneyland (Donald as a stormtrooper, Stitch as Yoda, Mickey as a jedi...), and they even had an entirely Star Wars based attraction there, so why the heck not?
BTW, twilight is an AWFUL idea, and it's actually rather well known on the internet for being terrible, so it would pretty much ruin CP's reputation completely.
If you want to be a vampire or a werewolf, wait for halloween.
Definetly the Hunger Games!!It would be epic!!
Definetly the Hunger Games!!! It would be AWESOMENESS!!!
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