Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Club Penguin Dubstep Puffle On The Island!

As you all may know Club Penguin has been getting ready for the Make Your Mark: Ultimate Jam Party comming July 19! And everyone is getting the into the vibe of the party. Including Puffles!

Every 10 minutes you will hear dubstep music and the dubstep puffle will float by with some balloons!

I have seen it at the Dock and the Ski Hill! Sweet!

Oh and did you notice that the Book Room never changed back! 

Are you exited for the party? And do you like the new book room?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


Pantherxx12 said...

Hey Mimo777! I just saw you on clubpenguin! haha, my username is Pantherxx12, thsnks for accepting my friend request buddy, and can we hang out on cp some time

Sjheerts said...

i just saw you on club penguin at server thermal!!! i am Sjheerts

Anonymous said...

I'm sooooo. Excited for the party. My outfit is sorted

I love the new bookroom but I miss the old one


Cpyder said...

I love the new book room. Many people including me suggested they keep the book room's new layout. But I do wish they'd put the books back.

Turk Ois said...

I like the new press room. I was hoping they would leave it.
You can still read, but now there is something more to do.
Although, I kind of wish they had taken out the wanted poster.

Yap95 said...

Hey did you notice that every so often, if there's enough people, the sky changes at the town.

Anonymous said...

I love the book room!

Anonymous said...

Old book room was better. CP needs to stop changing all the oldest and best rooms!

- Cheseeeee2

P.S. Do you like the new bookroom Mimo?

Julia3771 said...

I actually prefer the old Book Room... It was brighter and stuff, but watzever.

Anonymous said...

i LOVE the new book room!!! its soooooo AWSOME!! i hope it stays like that for ever!

Anonymous said...

i want the old book room back!
i actually had it all my cp life!!!

Anonymous said...

i bet everyone here has had the ordinary book room for a few years... and dubstep puffle is cool

Anonymous said...

club penguin is really boring and you guys r like what 12 or something and you still go on this.

plz post this

Tigercube said...

There is a dubstep puffle at the beach too! And for some reason it's raining at the iceburg

savanna789 said...

No, I miss the old book room!
Why does CP change Everything!

cheezlovermw said...

we should've seen it coming, they removed the paint by letters books a few weeks back.. now all the books are gone... *CRIES*

Anonymous said...

Doesn't look like a Book room at all. Looks like some place that makes newspapers or perhaps an office... O.o;

Anonymous said...

mimo what do you look like?

Mnbvrulez said...

i love the new bookroom.

Anonymous said...

Mimmo im the underground mining cave there is epic music.

From Maisymitsy

Unknown said...

Mimo, how I tell you something about something in CP

Turk Ois said...

Dubstep puffle showed up at the beach today, so that makes three places.

Trainpower10 said...

CP said that the Book Room had a "makeover." I miss the old one, CP was part of my childhood...

Anonymous said...

The old book room was much better. Everything, what I love in cp will gone. :( And how did they will decorate it for the Anniversary parties? :(

Anonymous said...


Turk Ois said...

The books aren't gone, I just went and checked.
They are over to the far left by the main desk.
I read one to see.
They still work.

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