Check out the Club Penguin July Featured Igloos!
Safety38947 said: "AWESOME!!! Listen my BFF, Julia565 has an epic iggy!! Hurry and look! She changes it a lot! It's gonna be a waterpark...I think! :)"
Joe202 said: "Those igloos are so cool. My favorite one was Nickadoo300s it was like an evil scientist lab. I think that next week my friend James3402 should be a featured igloo because he has an awesome camping igloo. I hang out there all the time. WADDLE ON CP".
Rockpaperose said: "Tedd75 has an amazing igloo!! Because he turned his igloo into music jam!! He had a dance floor, a band concert, a dressing room, and a recording studio!! My favorite part is the band concert because you can listen to music or play lots of different instruments!! Waddle on CP!!"
Cool iggys!
Have you ever had you igloo featured on the CP blog?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
hey mimo if you look in the telescope in the lighthouse there is a red sparkly thing in the distance
Mimo can you please look at my friends igloo her name is pengu6162
please look at her igloo it is like an orignal house!
We found place that there for rockhopper back in February 2012 (Luigi2708 CPG mod)
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