Club Penguin Time Issue #328 is here! Get your fashion on now!
Aunt Arctic giving fashion advice and unique style? I think NOT! ;-)
Welp, Rookie admitted it was all his fault the island tipped and is now thanking everyone for their help!
He says it's not like anything SUPER bad happened! So I guess a certain missing Polar Bear shouldn't be an issue?
Aunt Arctic giving fashion advice and unique style? I think NOT! ;-)
Penguin Style Special Dances:
Don't you love how all the "Secrets" in the Club Penguin Times are not really secrets? Everyone really knows this stuff... don't they?
But, did you know this upcoming stuff?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Yeah, evrybody already knows da secrets!
I like Rookie. I don't think he works for Herbert at all! He's my best friend XD
i agree anonymous
the vikings that time forgot?
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