Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Club Penguin Fashion Show and FREE Items... NOT!

The first ever Club Penguin Fashion Show is here! You can check it out in the Gift Shop:

There's even a new Penguin Style Catalog so you can get your fashion on!

But, don't forget your hair and make up back stage!

The Club Penguin Fashion Show will be here until February 14th! Don't forget to keep an eye out for Cadence!

Okay, I like new things, but this is not even a Party! I'm sure all the girls love the Fashion Show, but isn't it kinda lame-o? I mean really, there is not even a FREE anything? Am I missing something? What's the point of this?

 - Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter


Anonymous said...

Yeah, sure gurls like this but i'm a girl. And i think there needs to be FREE stuff! Think this is kinda dumb. ={

Frosty Cool7 said...

I agree with ya mimo. If we had something like a sonic the hedgehog party (which is for boys and girls, mostly for boys) it would have been better! This is pointless, not only no free items, but it's for girls! don't know you have the shop argos in ur country, but in the UK club penguin is on the boys section while moshi monsters (another game) isn't! This should be swapped since we got this. It's a horror! I say we protest on abominable!

Anonymous said...

yep,this is the worst party I have ever seen on CP!

Anonymous said...

I'm a girl and a member and the only good thing about this 'party' is the new catalog- but that's not evan part of the party really. It's LAME.

That guy. said...

Mimo you really need to be greatfull. at least club penguin is doing 2 events in 1 month! partys arnt allways about free stuff. they are about enjoying your self and having fun! and your lucky it isnt only for members. club penguin didnt say it was a party anyway. so be thankfull bro.

4545devin said...

No offence to cp. . . but this party isn't enjoying to all members.

Kattelyn said...

I don't understand what the point of this "party" is either. And the underwater party is already gone?? :/

Trainpower10 said...

probably one of the most childish parties on the record

Bguy7 said...

I completely agree with mimo. Only one room, no free items, no fun extras, and only appeals to a very limited range of people. Defiently not the definition of a party. I hope they anounce a suprise party latter this month because february needs a REAL party


Anonymous said...

well the underwater party was kinda lame o to.

Anonymous said...

only thing i dont like is there r no free items but i LOVE the idea but the need to have the whole town decorated not just the gift shop111111

Anonymous said...

obviously this is the worst party while the second worst party is the stadium games and heres my reason: the free item was a miners helmet which was found in the underground

Sapphire said...

I'm a girl and although this idea could work, it's kinda lame. First off, it's waaayyyy too girly for any boys out there and while you might get a kick out of throwing one or two fashion competitions it will get boring after a while and I'm sure many non-members will have nothing to wear anyway, they should've made it into a game like in Fantage and given away a free item to get you started! Cuz it's not that hard to design only one free item and they are really getting slack on them (now there are only hats and old items). So honestly everyone is right to say this is lame and I totally agree. and MOJO2JO, yes, they aren't always about free stuff, but for many it is probably the reason they log on to check it out (ESPECIALLY if you are a non-member because otherwise you got nothing to wear and in parties very little to do cuz everything is members only now!), and this runway won't give you very long-lasting fun and enjoyment, it will barely last you 5 minutes, and that's only if you are a girl! Boys won't even bother!

Hk 209 said...

I'm a girl and I'm girly but I hate this I only like the catalog and it would have been about 10% more awesome if there was a free item :/

~ Hk 209

P.S club penguin is more of a boy game but girls still play
So don't say it's just for boys :/

Anonymous said...

hope this is the last time it happens since it was a waste of time

pennys56 said...

I agree with most of you- if it's a girls party there should at least be free items that would be appealing to boys!

Turk Ois said...

It isn't a party, it's just an extra for Valentines Day. February's party is going to be Rockhopper's Quest.
Seen lots of boys in the gift shop being security, personal agents, taking pictures and mopping up.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why everyone keeps saying "Only the girls like it", when we don't like it either!
I don't think it's actually supposed to be a party because we already had the underwater party. They probably just decided to chuck in something extra with the catalog.
I do agree though, even though it's not supposed to be a party, the could have at least put a free item or decorate a few more rooms, or have a game, because this event sucks and if they weren't going to add anything else, they shouldn't have bothered at all.

Anonymous said...

this is a party. we will be having another one but the main thing is that all partys hadd free items

Anonymous said...

I was happy when you said FREE items then you said not and u made me sad again D; Everything is for members!

Frosty Cool7 said...

That's it, i'm going out to ruin this party on abominable, now!

Plop75398 said...

im a non memb but i hav loadsa free items. i have a huge collection of hats! I would have liked to add to my collection but there was NO free item! The gift shop is full half da time so ppl r actually hosting other fashion shows in their igloos! the only good thing to come outta all this is dat i saw cadence but she wouldnt answer me when i asked her to marry me!!

jmr908 said...

@Frosty Cool7

First of all, Sonic is trademarked by Sega and if club penguin was to make a sonic party they would have to get Sega's permission or else they would get sued.
Second, I'm a boy and I absolutely love this "party". Club penguin is obviously showing love for the non-members which is kind of them.

So obviously you might not like it, but other boys & girls might.

Feathergreen said...

Definition of Fashion Show: A "party" where members walk on the runway showing off all of their expensive clothes to non-members to brag that they have a paid account, while the non-members don't, and to brainwash the members to show off so the non-members get get a membership and pay $7.95 a month, and if they do, they can end up like them.

Nice try, Club Penguin, but I know what you are up to. I figured out this definition because of these three reasons:

1. You guys placed it in the Gift Shop with the fact that the Gift Shop is a non-member hotspot because non-members go there to buy backgrounds and flags

2. There are no free items, so the non-members have to suffer from not getting anything from it. This proves that this isn't a party.

3. I am not certain of this, but there are more non-member girls than non-member boys, and the Fashion Show is targeted to member girls of Club Penguin, making non-member girls get a membership

Feathergreen (CPG Mod) said...

I don't understand what the point of this "party" is either. And the underwater party is already gone?? :/


Kattelyn, the point of this party is to make non-member girls get a membership. They want member girls to show off to non-member girls by making the member girls put on some really fancy clothing, and walk up and down the walkway. This is basically like an advertisement for memberships. I know the way they are hooking non-members and their plan: This is the plan:

1. Club Penguin placed it in the Gift Shop with the fact that the Gift Shop is a non-member hotspot because non-members go there to buy backgrounds and flags

2. There are no free items, so the non-members have to suffer from not getting anything from it. This proves that this isn't a party.

3. I am not certain of this, but there are more non-member girls than non-member boys, and the Fashion Show is targeted to member girls of Club Penguin, making non-member girls get a membership

I don't understand why the Underwater Expedition was over so early. That was basically a membership advertisement as well because of these three reasons:

1. They held the Dock Cleanup for everybody, and then people who clean the dock up get a background. This is basically slavery to non-members

2. The free item at the Beach was a Heavy Hat. It was shaped like an anvil, and anvils don't float. That means that you obviously can't swim with it on

3. It wasn't even an expedition for non-members. To do the actual expedition, you had to be a member while the non-members had to wait for them to return on the shore.

Anonymous said...

ill give you up to 25,000 coins for a member penguin just re-comment

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