Club Penguin Cheats

Friday, February 24, 2012

Club Penguin Coins For Change Message Reviewed By You!

In Club Penguin's last Reviewed By You, they asked us what we would like to say to the kids Coins for Change supports and Wysteria03 said:

Hi, I'm soo happy we raised enough coins to donate $2 million to various charities! This is my message... I'm soo happy we could help you. I'm also glad that me, my friends and penguins from around the world could help people like you to have safe places to rest, live and learn. The best Christmas present I had, was knowing that my coins would make someone else happy, that, I feel, was the best present of all! Giving IS better than receiving! We can change the lives of others by our actions, and Coins for Change is a way to do it.

In other news, with Rockhopper's Quest going on now, Club Penguin wants to know what your favorite part of the Quest is so far?

Remember, if your Review is chosen, you will get 10,000 coins! Woot!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter Puffle Launch - Disney


Anonymous said...

Yo Mimo777 how you doing?
Can You Add me im 9enguinguide Thanks and goodbye :)

Anonymous said...

Yo Mimo777 im one of your BIGGEST FANS!! My name on CP is 9enguinguide.
Please Add me :) Ill really appreciate it.
Thanks and Goodbye :)

Anonymous said...

yoo mimo i am your grandest fan!please add me to your friend list!i apreciate this my name in club penguin is mario060 please add me

Angel52911 said...

My Favourite part was discovering all the different places, collecting different things and finding the free costumes at the end. i lso like being able to do a club penguin field opp on the quest as it made me even more determined to get there...
i had soooooo much fun thanks for giving us this opportunity to do this... Luv u MIMO777

Daisy said...

I ran into Rockhopper yesterday. Without meaning to! -Pinkbelly14-

Anonymous said...

I really liked rockhoppers quest. My favourite part was discovering the hall of the viking lords. Sooo creepy.
I knew it existed from the secrets section of the cp times when it was describing secret entrances. Was a bit disappointed cos I thought you might have to look a bit harder for it. I love my free armour even though I look supa weird in it! Lol

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