Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Mimo Club Penguin Contest! Random Mimo!

It's been uber long since we've had a REALLY warped Mimo contest! This will be a good one!

Here we go.

Make a Mimo777 penguin out of anything random!

Remember WAAAAY back we had a make Mimo contest out of food? If you missed it click here to check it out. It was EPIC!

So let's to that again only this time YOU CAN MAKE A MIMO OUT OF ANYTHING!

For example make a Mimo out of paperclips, duct tape or even soap or dirt!


1. You must make Mimo out of something totally random!
2. Take a picture of your Mimo.
3. Email your picture to
4. Name your email "CREATE RANDOM MIMO CONTEST!"
5. Tell us what your Mimo is made of.
7. Mimo and CPG will post the several of best most CREATIVE ones and let you HELP us pick the big winner!

But it will be fun! Give it a try! Be creative! Be weird!

I also need a good prize for the winners. Any ideas?!

Here is the first REALLY good entry!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter


mario30206 said...

i think the prize should be a free six month membership,or a free coin code.

Pups2003 said...

2 PUFFLE HAT TOYS! And a secret party

Pups2003 said...

Nvm not the puffle hat idea. Maybe a secret mimo halloween party... and while the party is on u will add the winners!

Anonymous said...

i know a cp plush toy or a epic party with mimo

curly 9 said...

The prize should be on of the new puffles with the hats.

Anonymous said...

A coin code, definately. If not, a membership.

filipa1926 said...

I think there should be codes of books there, as a subscriber or a few days


The Penguin Spy said...

A free coin code.

Baceface27 said...

Puffle toys!


York313 said...

A party with MIMO777 and free coin code for 2 items

Thanks Mimo


Anonymous said...

one month membership!

Slip Duck

mario30206 said...

guys how would mimo give the winner a club penguin plush toy?

Sophie8804 said...

What about a month free membership? It's only a prize doesn't mean it has to be worth something?

IMPORTANT QUESTION: when are these due?

Anonymous said...

When is club penguin anniversity this year

dio said...

A puffle hat toy of their choice!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo please can you put on a party that is no contest plus show it on UK time so people like me in the UK will know! Plus your prize for the comp could be.. hmmm.. I know!
A Ps3 slim for the winner and a PSP Vita for the runner up! LOL i'm just kidding! It could be a chance to meet mimo and be his buddy!

Frosty Cool7 (cp name)

Anonymous said...

hey mimo!
PLEASE can you do a sonic the hedgehog contest where you have to draw sonic on paint since it is a challenge and paint is a hard drawring program! Plus I think that sonic is awesome! If you did not know, a new sonic game is coming out next month for the PS3, Xbox 360 and the 3DS! There will be loads of winners and each of them will attend at your party plus the best winners will recive a 1 month membership so they can dress up like a sonic character! Also if the picture is too big, you can just put on a link so when the people click it they will see the picture!
You can also draw the classic sonic and modern sonic all together!

Also, If you listen to my idea and announce it give all the credit to Frosty Cool7, my club penguin name.(also, if you can, put me on your party list since I made the idea and i'm really sorry for the long comment!)

Josen said...

can you sewa mimo? I may be a boy, but its the only thing i can think of, and my grandma taught me.

Stub990 (CPG MOD) said...

mario30206, Mimo777 cant afford to spend 40 bucks on a 6 month membership for us. That is a waste of money.The prize will be probably adding Mimo to your buddy list,1 toy code,and being posted on the blog.

Cooldude995 said...

a 1-month membership(to buy puffle hats/ for a party) and a code or two

Safa said...

free six month membership

kipper1 said...

I think you should put a 2 free coin codes or a membership!
Kipper 1

Anonymous said...

Free membership

If you already are a member you can't win so that way the non members can get a chance to try being a member I have wanted to be a member for ever.

Thanks alot

Whitefrost11 said...

Hahaha I actually remember that content! MAN, that was so long ago! I was so little back then. I miss those days :(

Anonymous said...

braging rights because mimmo isn't made of money

Caty222 said...

Two toy codes- free of course -and 10000 coins. Note: we need the toy codes usable for the treasure book!!!

Aosc2 said...

1month membership... membership is getting expensive!!

Anonymous said...

Free Membership

100 years membership play clubpenguin and make 100 accounts and the 100th penguin is the penguin with the 100 year membership

Stub990 (CPG MOD) said...

Anoynomous, its not fair to leave people with memberships already out! whoever wins the contest shall proabaly get 1 month membership,mimo777s friendship,and posted on blog. Whoever wins,wins.

Stub990 (CPG MOD) said...

mario30206, yes mimo would give a club penguin plush toy! great idea!

Anonymous said...

Stub990 (CPG MOD) said...

mario30206, yes mimo would give a club penguin plush toy! great idea!
How would he because we don't know where the others live and we can't tell!

Ethan80561 (First CPG MOD Post!)

Braceface27 said...

Anonymous said...
hey mimo please can you put on a party that is no contest plus show it on UK time so people like me in the UK will know! Plus your prize for the comp could be.. hmmm.. I know!
A Ps3 slim for the winner and a PSP Vita for the runner up! LOL i'm just kidding! It could be a chance to meet mimo and be his buddy!

Frosty Cool7 (cp name)
Sorry, Mimo doesnt do these. When he has a party, just convert the time he says to your time.

Hint: Mimo always used CP Time (or Eastern Time)

~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)

Ethan80561 (CPG MOD) said...

I Think maybe umm, mimo adding you and having a SECERET party!

Stub990 (CPG MOD) said...

Anonomous? 100 year membership is over 500 bucks. soo uh no. good try though!

Stub990 (CPG MOD) said...

Anonomous, thank you for the idea of sonic the hedgehog! i will take that into consideration.

M@rio said...

Um... something nice like umm a MIMO777 shirt or like metting Mimo in real life!!

Pups2003 said...

when does this end???I havent started yet :(

Anonymous said...

******* *******
***** *****
*** ***
* *
star thingie

Anonymous said...

Can you do a contest where people have to say what they think the sega dreamcast 2 will be like? They can draw it and in the email show the features!

Anonymous said...

hey Stub 900 (CP MOD)

do you even know mimo or are you going to just email him or somehow make him know? Also it is the one who posted the sonic comp idea.

Frosty Cool7

Anonymous said...

A Mimo a party and the grand winners igloo

ethan80561 said...

Surely not a coin code! I just got one for SERIES 9! (Will the Ladybird penguin work for series 9?).

ethan80561 said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Free membership

If you already are a member you can't win so that way the non members can get a chance to try being a member I have wanted to be a member for ever.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not a membership because you need to let members win like me because I really want to enter! DON'T BE MEAN!!!!!

~Ethan80561 hates being CPG Mod

jessdog said...

hey mimo, i think that the 7 winners should have a coin code each which accesses a really cool treasue book!

Aki ;) said...

I remember the food contest, too.... I wasn't in it, but I remember you posting it. This makes me sad now. I can't believe how young I was :O

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